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Posted: 12/8/2001 9:15:46 PM EDT
For me it's a tie.

1) There was the Husband and wife team who worked at the local 24hour restaraunt. He cooked, she washed dishes. They shared a pair of false teeth and took turns eating. No sh*t, they didn't brush before switching.

2) Then there was the half wit adult son who lived with his half wit mother. They kept a pig in the house. I'm not talking about a charming little Arnold Ziffle pig here. I mean a big filthy 200lbs+ hog that lived in a room on the main floor. I've seen week old corpses that sat in 100 degree plus houses in the summer time that smelled better than their home.
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 12:17:30 AM EDT
My Ex-Wife  [argue]
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 1:25:02 AM EDT
Just about every heroin addict here in Seattle.

Gotta love them abscesses!  Some of them are like Lepers...
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 6:48:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 6:59:43 AM EDT
Just read this thread with my morning cup of coffee and breakfast... yuk.  Guess we won't be eating pork for awhile either.  [;)]
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 8:39:54 AM EDT
Just about every heroin addict here in Seattle.

Gotta love them abscesses!  Some of them are like Lepers...
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I had the “privilege” of seeing some of the finer residents of Seattle a few years ago during some DRE training.  One troll (he really was fund under a bridge) was happy to show off the massive gooey, oozing abscesses on his legs.  Aren’t junkies grand!  
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 8:54:28 AM EDT
For me it's kind of hard to choose, but I think i'll go with Mr. Morris.  280 lb 43 yoa w/m, found in his car in a supermarket parking lot, with a Rottwieler puppy, a can of Crisco, and his pants around his ankles. Crisco on the dog and his privates as well as the 9mm Glock between the seats. Wife shows up during booking, is an even better example of a nightmare. She does not want to bail out hubby, she wants to bail out the dog. Threw a screaming fit when I told her no.
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 10:59:48 AM EDT
Guess the wife hasn't been "taking care" of her hubby, huh?

Did she ask for the can of Crisco back as well?
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 12:09:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 12:16:07 PM EDT
Old woman who is very stubborn, finally had to be hospitalized.  Shit and pissed in buckets around the house, toilet would not flush, FULL of old shit, no shower.  Old piss smells like ammonia, really old piss and shit smells worse.  Like someone observed, sometimes bodies smell better, even after awhile.
Art in KY.
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gkkk [puke]
seen that one here...in West Terre Haute.  I've got a fairly strong stomach but -
and my friends thought I was odd for having a protective mask in the trunk.  Who was smiling that day? [:0]
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 2:49:35 PM EDT
West Terre Haute huh?  You are only about 45 min. from me QuietShootr.  Drop me a line sometime.  As far as most disgusting person, we recently had a large (very large) inmate who couldnt get out of bed.  He also couldnt wipe himself.  If that wasnt sick enough, his bedsores would start rotting and full of puss, and had to be drained and cleaned on a regular basis.  Thank God he transfered to another joint. Gack.
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 3:51:01 PM EDT
Heroin addicts in Amsterdam.
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 8:33:11 PM EDT
I guess this is still considered a person.....

2 months ago, I had a 3 month old DOA, she sat through June, July and August before some concerned neighbor finally realized that there were thousands and thousands of flies covering the inside of the windows.  I mean, it looked like drapes.  Piles of dead flies everywhere.

There was nothing left but a bag of bones.  When the ME peeled her off the carpet, her ribs all fell out, made a sound kinda like a kids xylophone.  clink clinkle clinkity clink.  First time in 5 years that I almost lost my lunch.  I said ALMOST.

Amazing how no family members thought to check up on her.  They lived 5 minutes away.
Link Posted: 12/9/2001 10:49:53 PM EDT
Maggot Man.....Responded to a susp circ call behind a grocery store, found an old station wagon, transient inside. Questioned him, noticed his socks moving...asked him to remove and his foot was covered in maggots....he'd have lost the foot if it wasn't for those critters.

Same as Hunduh there, DOA for a few months in the hot summer sun, pressure built up in the house due to locked doors and sealed windows...once the front door opened pressure in the house was changed thus exploding the body....pretty nasty.

Another nasty scene..odd really, shotgun suicide......body propped up on the footboard of the bed, victim lost the top portion of his head. While doing the initial investigation, the body moved and slight breathing could be heard....the FD responded  and a PM decided that a little touch on the shoulder should convince the guy he was dead...sure enough, once the PM placed his hand on the shoulder, he expired.
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 4:16:52 AM EDT
oh..I'm not in West Terre Haute...did an internship with the prosecutor's office in that jurisdiction some years back.  For those of you who don't know, West T could also be known as Aintry...

Link Posted: 12/10/2001 4:31:30 AM EDT
DOA call with a male that had been dead for several days.  He had no running water in the house and no air conditioning.  He never took his trash out and it was piled up from floor to roof in the living room.  The only spot that was clear in the living room was his computer and all his kiddie porn.  Since he had no running water he decided to urinate in two liter bottles that were full and all throught out the house.  The carpet was soaked with urine.  The toilets, bathtubs, and plastic recycling containers were all full of poo poo.  Of course he had to die naked on the floor too.  The body car gets there and wants us to help move him since he's a big guy.  We say, "HELL NO," that's your job!!!

Link Posted: 12/10/2001 4:34:20 AM EDT
A 400+ lbs. individual who, due to his weight and other infirmities, was confined to a wheelchair.  One morning he decided to get up and walk a bit wearing nothing but a pair of boxers.  He apparently made a step or two before falling and caving in his skull on the corner of the coffee table.  His bowels and bladder promptly let go.  When we arrived he was deader than hell in a lake of urine, feces, and blood.  He'd had time for the digestive tract to bloat up some, so when the mortician's boys moved him onto a rubber stretcher he released a blast of gas and additional fecal matter.  Having spent a few years in the funeral industry myself, the sight of even a messy stiff doesn't bother me, but the stench on this occasion was unreal.  
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 4:51:31 AM EDT
Come to think of it...I worked a case with an investigator on a guy who had $10,000 in 1-900-SPANKIT calls in a single month and an apartment full of kiddie porn...

$10,000?  At $5 a minute that's almost 48 hours of bologna-bopping.  OUCH!

Link Posted: 12/10/2001 5:14:21 AM EDT
The most disgusting live individual I ever ran across was a sex offender.  Among his transgressions, he repeatedly molested his deaf and retarded sister.  When he grew bored with that, he started renting her out to his friends.  A real gem of a guy, to be sure.
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 6:11:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 6:27:24 AM EDT
I call it the island of Dr. Moreau. Had to do a welfare check on a w/m that was disabled and started building a house in the mountains, very desolate. I arrive, no running water, no electricity, the house is in the dry, but no floor covering, sheet rock, etc. This person has been taken care of by his girlfriend and living in his own shit for 6 months. There were thousands(yes) of empty beer cans and vodka bottles. His total intake was vodka, sardines and phenabarbitol. There are 3 legged dogs, a goose with an ass that takes a 45 degree right turn, (wonder how that happened), a pot bellied pig with one eye living inside. While there he shits himself and she reaches in bare handed and wipes the shit off and flings on the floor. She felt like she cleaned him up! She was a prep cook at a local restaurant! EMS initially refused to take him in as they said he was not in danger of dying. A call to the Chancery Judge changed their minds.
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 7:01:54 AM EDT
All these stories make me glad that I chase tail lights for a living.  You guys can keep your private property crap.  My hat is off to all who have to deal with that stuff.  

Other than the dead bodies that sit in rest areas in their vehicles for days on end, the grossest thing I came across was out of a stolen car.  A teen from TN stole step-dads car and we were fortunate enough to find her.  She had no money and no change of clothes.  During her travels "that" time of month rolled around. After she saturated her blue jeans she just took them off.  When we got her the entire bucket seat was totally saturated. [shock] Talk about heavy flowage.  That's an odor that is stuck in my nose forever.

Anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die has to be evil!   [}:D]
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 7:10:38 AM EDT
Al Gore came through our lab while campaigning.
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 7:12:05 AM EDT
Old homeless lady decides to take a walk one dark night on the elevated portion of the FDR Highway(east side of Manhattan). There is no place to walk on that highway!!! She was hit by a minivan at approx. 60 mph. She was blasted off the highway landing headfirst(head exploded..skull fragments, brain matter and tissue everywhere) 60 feet below and about 150 feet away onto South Street. She continued to skid, grinding her lifeless body down South Street for about 40 more yards. I had the pleasure of attmpting to identify the body (after I threw-up, of course!)
There wasn't much left but a mangled-bloody mess under the sheet. Well that's the most disgusting person I met (so far)
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 8:19:28 AM EDT
Simple solution to the Heroin addict problem.

It requires a few law changes, which must be done first, in the name of public health.

Seed the supply with a couple doses of 100x strength stuff for every 100 doses of the regular stuff on the street. Deliberately package and distribute it EXACTLY like the regular stuff. Publicize it widely.

Forbid medics from providing respiratory support or Narcan to patients found with the needle still in the arm...

Problem solved. Hundreds / thousands of potential new addicts scared off and thus saved.  Those beyond hope pass in a very quiet, peaceful way and cease to be a profound burden on society

Secondary benefit.. Osama and his cronies suddenly have ZERO income; Afghanistan becomes receptive to capitalist economic reform....

ps - fat men found with Crisco and a puppy...that is why the word euthanasia exists...
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 11:49:41 AM EDT
Old homeless lady decides to take a walk one dark night on the elevated portion of the FDR Highway(east side of Manhattan). There is no place to walk on that highway!!! She was hit by a minivan at approx. 60 mph. She was blasted off the highway landing headfirst(head exploded..skull fragments, brain matter and tissue everywhere) 60 feet below and about 150 feet away onto South Street. She continued to skid, grinding her lifeless body down South Street for about 40 more yards. I had the pleasure of attmpting to identify the body (after I threw-up, of course!)
There wasn't much left but a mangled-bloody mess under the sheet. Well that's the most disgusting person I met (so far)
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You threw up...you wussy!!!!![:D][:D]
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 8:30:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2001 8:42:46 PM EDT
Has anyone ever seen Al Gore eat?
Link Posted: 12/14/2001 9:08:35 PM EDT
-Personal worst was an inmate at my previous agency. He was shot and didn't take care of wounds afterward. Eventually lost his legs/hips and had a colostomy. When pissed he would throw his colostomy bag/contents at anybody that tried to deal with him.

-Related by a local city officer- She answered an accident involving a pedestrian and a car. Seems the guy just walked right into traffic on the interstate. When hit, he flipped and the car's roof struck him at about the hairline. Contents of the skull went into the passenger compartment. When EMS arrived they found a female passenger spitting something and covered in what they thought was vomit. Well, it wasn't vomit.
Link Posted: 12/15/2001 4:22:56 PM EDT
I was just thinking Al Gore when I came to Kindstranger's post.  Sorry it had to happen to you too.
Link Posted: 12/15/2001 4:59:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2001 6:58:24 AM EDT
Just about every criminal defense lawyer I have ever met!!  Talk about real POS's. (of course I have not needed one yet)
Link Posted: 12/17/2001 12:08:07 AM EDT
Okay, here's the equasion, you do the math:

Meth Tweeker (suffering from unkept knife wound and the usual sores)+Collostomy Bag/High Risk Warrant Service...

It went somthing like this:  "Police department", {blam goes the door}, goes the grenade, "Police, get down get down, get down!"  The fight is on and (POP) goes the bag...

Didn't puke 'cause I was too busy laughing under my breath, while thanking god I was clearing the other room while the pig pile ensewed with this guy.

Link Posted: 12/19/2001 1:52:17 PM EDT
[2 months ago, I had a 3 month old DOA, she sat through June, July and August before some concerned neighbor finally realized that there were thousands and thousands of flies covering the inside of the windows.

I had that same call once. We had a lot of rookies then so we called them to come over one by one and said "This body's pretty bad but it has on jewelry and we have to get it off before we remove her. You're the new guy so it's your job." They would go in and come running back out. For a lot of them it was their first stinker.
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