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Posted: 5/16/2023 12:39:53 PM EDT
Have a question.....and a rant.  Long story short I was a cop for about 17 years, got rear ended by a tow truck while parked on the freeway in 2018.  Had a pretty severe TBI, neck fractures, and a partially dissected carotid artery.  Eventually took a medical retirement at age 42 after work comp doc said I couldn't return.  Anyway, at that time (2020) MN said those on a duty disability could return to work in a non public safety position, and if the combination of your pension and new employment exceeded 125% of what a current employee in your former position makes they take 1 dollar for every 3 dollars over that amount.  The 125% figure was decided on back in the 90's to account for loss of overtime, lost promotional opportunities, and since a disability pension will not rise over the years.  I think that was more than fair, and I have since started working for the state in a desk job.  As of now I'm a little over the 125% mark and pay a roughly $3500 penalty back to the retirement fund.  I, along with all the other duty disabled folks, retired under those rules and built a new life around those standards.  

Fast forward to this year to our democratic controlled governor and legislature.  They just passed a new law (HF1234) which fundamentally changes the income and offset standards.  I won't get into the details as it is quite complicated, but starting next year instead of paying a $3500/year penalty I will pay $35.000/year!!!  And that will by for the next 10 years until I turn 55.  Essentially I'll pay around $300K in the next 10 years and not see any benefit.  That amount is roughly the same as two cops pay into the fund for their entire careers.  

Needless to say those of us in MN are pretty pissed and freaked out.  I don't know anyone who can take that kind of financial hit and survive.  And of course the legislators didn't give a shit during meetings with them.  

Now that my rant is over I'm looking for any suggestions on attorney's or law firms that could handle a legal challenge.  I'm pretty confident that there are a few legal challenges to this.  

Sorry for the longwinded post but anyone who can provide any advice would be greatly appreciated.  

Oh, and not that I would recommend it anyway in this day and age, but stay the hell away from being a first responder (this applies to cops, firefighters, paramedics, etc.) in MN.  If you get hurt and have to go out before retirement age you're fucked and penalized if you want to start a new career and save more money for retirement.
Link Posted: 5/16/2023 1:37:33 PM EDT
In Iowa most attorneys are afraid of the state and afraid of large corporations with deep pockets who can draw out lengthy litigation draining their resources. Federal Agencies like EEOC base helping on skin color. Note: the wheels of Justice are square and there is no grease on the axle.

We should go fish sometime.

You would’nt think they would be able to retroactively change the rule. Seems like their rule change would start with those disabled after the rule change date. Pursue that concept even if you have to file a suit yourself without an attorney.
Link Posted: 5/16/2023 2:20:30 PM EDT
That's what we all think!  But oh yeah the way they claim to get around that is now anyone on a duty disability has to re-apply every year for the first 5 years and then every 3 after that.  Their take is if you are re-applying then the new rules apply to you.  Utter bullshit
Link Posted: 5/16/2023 11:47:31 PM EDT
They hate police, sorry you are going through this. Did they at least give you your QRLEO ID? There is a huge difference in how  military vets are treated because they are a huge voting block.
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