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Posted: 11/1/2006 7:47:16 AM EDT
My friend asked me about 3 days ago to be here MoH for her wedding on November 18.  I told her I would be honored.  I have to do the toast.  Im not shy about getting up infront of people but I just dont know what to say!

This is the extent of what I know about the pair:

Her: Good friend for 6 years.  Meet in French our sophmore year in high school.  We used to make all these plans to go to france.  All through high school we were in at least 1 class.  She is one of those friends that is constant.  Never really emotional.  always funny.  Not a girly girl.  Im betting she'd rather roll in the mud that put on a dress. Most people have jsut one type of group that they chose their friends out of, but she doesnt.  She extends the same amount of courtesy and friendship to everybody.  

Him:  There is really not that much I know about him.  he was in boy scouts with my hubby and he is the one that interduced us 6 years ago.  He's a photographer, in the air force until 2011. I dont know much else.

One thing that I find very funny is that the Groom, my hubby and one of their other friends are all getting married with in a 9 month range.  They were really good friends in scouts and all eagle scouts.  I just thought that was funny.

HELP!  I dont know how to put together a speech.  


Link Posted: 11/1/2006 10:21:56 AM EDT
It sounds like you just said it all.....I would say similar to what you just told us! I watched "Wedding Crashers" this past weekend, the MOH was planning on saying (and she did) say something crass,  Wilson told her it wouldn't fly, he said speak from the heart. So when her first few lines crashed, she then talked from her heart. Of course it's only a movie, but it still goes in real life!
Have fun!
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