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Posted: 5/23/2009 1:09:46 PM EDT
For the last few months, I've been having an odd problem.  If I eat cereal in the morning, then am late for lunch, I suddenly get VERY hungry, start getting the shakes, and start sweating.  It's the same with any high-carbohydrate breakfast (bagels), but cereal really triggers it hard.

On the other hand, if I skip eating in the morning, I just start getting a normal gnawing hunger about an hour earlier.  Oh, and if I don't eat at all for way too long, like 4pm or so, then late in the evening I get a splitting headache (absolutely horrible) and have to go to bed.  Aspirin will dull the pain, but won't stop it;  I have to sleep a few hours before it dies down.

Are either or both of these common for any particular problem?
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:10:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:10:55 PM EDT
For the last few months, I've been having an odd problem.  If I eat cereal in the morning, then am late for lunch, I suddenly get VERY hungry, start getting the shakes, and start sweating.  It's the same with any high-carbohydrate breakfast (bagels), but cereal really triggers it hard.

Are either or both of these common for any particular problem?

I'm the exact same way. Skip breakfast, comfortable until lunch. Eat breakfast, shaky, hungry and sick by the time lunch comes around.

I've found that eating eggs instead of cereal I don't have this problem, or try and grab a bite before lunch.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:11:17 PM EDT
Cereal withdrawls
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:11:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:12:33 PM EDT
Quit putting so much booze in your cereal and the withdrawals will not be so horrible.  
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:13:14 PM EDT

   It means your a hypochondriac........................eat a pop tart and go stand in the corner.

   You'll be fine.

Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:14:38 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:15:56 PM EDT
Same thing happens to me even back when I was at 160 lbs. It's ALWAYS cereal and almost always if I eat it for breakfast. If I eat eggs, etc, no issues.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:17:30 PM EDT
Low blood sugar.  If you're eating cereal at 6-7am, have a piece of fruit or a protein bar or something around 9-10, then eat lunch at 12.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:19:30 PM EDT
Well, I've been checked for diabetes years ago, but I guess I should get looked at again.  I had the headaches problem back then, but the shaking/sweating stuff is relatively new.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:27:42 PM EDT
Have a beer with breakfast

Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:29:08 PM EDT
The symptoms you are experiencing are from a rapid drop in blood sugar level.  High glycemic index breakfast food causing a sharp rise in blood sugar, and then after your body pumps out insulin to counteract that then you get a blood sugar crash a few hours later.

Try sticking with lower glycemic index breakfast foods, or else eat something else mid-morning to keep blood sugar up (this is a vicious cycle though).

Hypoglycemic symptoms and manifestations can be divided into those produced by the counterregulatory hormones (epinephrine/adrenaline and glucagon) triggered by the falling glucose, and the neuroglycopenic effects produced by the reduced brain sugar.

Adrenergic manifestations

   * Shakiness, anxiety, nervousness, tremor
   * Palpitations, tachycardia
   * Sweating, feeling of warmth
   * Pallor, coldness, clamminess
   * Dilated pupils (mydriasis)
   * Feeling of numbness "pins and needles" (parasthaesia) in the fingers

Glucagon manifestations

   * Hunger, borborygmus
   * Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort
   * Headache

Neuroglycopenic manifestations

   * Abnormal mentation, impaired judgment
   * Nonspecific dysphoria, anxiety, moodiness, depression, crying
   * Negativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rage
   * Personality change, emotional lability
   * Fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, sleep
   * Confusion, amnesia, dizziness, delirium
   * Staring, "glassy" look, blurred vision, double vision
   * Automatic behavior, also known as automatism
   * Difficulty speaking, slurred speech
   * Ataxia, incoordination, sometimes mistaken for "drunkenness"
   * Focal or general motor deficit, paralysis, hemiparesis
   * Paresthesia, headache
   * Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing
   * Generalized or focal seizures

All of your symptoms are somewhere in that list.  Try to go with a lower-carb or at least lower-glycemic index diet to stabilize your blood sugar.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:31:46 PM EDT
Well, I've been checked for diabetes years ago, but I guess I should get looked at again.  I had the headaches problem back then, but the shaking/sweating stuff is relatively new.

Pre-heart attack symptoms.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 1:50:46 PM EDT
From those symptoms listed it could very well be the early onset of Diabetes. Get your but in to see your Doc and have have some blood drawn.


You just need to hit the range more often........
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 2:08:20 PM EDT
Reactive hypoglycemia is not a sign of diabetes, but in some cases occurs in individuals who will later develop diabetes.  As suggested, try a "South Beach" type breakfast with more protein and less carbs.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 2:49:20 PM EDT
Reactive hypoglycemia is not a sign of diabetes, but in some cases occurs in individuals who will later develop diabetes.

Going through these kinds of extreme blood sugar spikes is one of the causes of diabetes... the insulin producing cells eventually just "burn out".
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 2:50:51 PM EDT
i can't do frosted flakes anymore
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 3:06:40 PM EDT
No more cereal (at least not in some time now). I eat sausage, taters, peppers, onions & a couple of eggs (medium) in the morning. Maybe a banana first.

I try not to eat too much of it though. It is very good and not necessarily good for you. Lasts all morning or longer if need be. Comes in a bag frozen by Jimmy Dean I think.
Tried the bacon and ham (forget them). Lsat time I bought some in the commissary it was $2.70 a bag. Everywhere else it is $3.78 to $4.99.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 3:08:34 PM EDT


Well, I've been checked for diabetes years ago, but I guess I should get looked at again.  I had the headaches problem back then, but the shaking/sweating stuff is relatively new.

I have the same problem less the headaches and sweating.  I get very agitated too.  If I eat some protein it will go away.

Link Posted: 5/23/2009 3:11:31 PM EDT

It's those three trouble makers Snap, Crackle, and Pop up to their shenanigans again.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 3:12:07 PM EDT
I have the same problem with alcohol. Had to give up beer and wine. Can still do Bailey's tho and bloddy marys...
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 3:14:01 PM EDT
The symptoms you are experiencing are from a rapid drop in blood sugar level.  High glycemic index breakfast food causing a sharp rise in blood sugar, and then after your body pumps out insulin to counteract that then you get a blood sugar crash a few hours later.

Try sticking with lower glycemic index breakfast foods, or else eat something else mid-morning to keep blood sugar up (this is a vicious cycle though).

Hypoglycemic symptoms and manifestations can be divided into those produced by the counterregulatory hormones (epinephrine/adrenaline and glucagon) triggered by the falling glucose, and the neuroglycopenic effects produced by the reduced brain sugar.

Adrenergic manifestations

   * Shakiness, anxiety, nervousness, tremor
   * Palpitations, tachycardia
   * Sweating, feeling of warmth
   * Pallor, coldness, clamminess
   * Dilated pupils (mydriasis)
   * Feeling of numbness "pins and needles" (parasthaesia) in the fingers

Glucagon manifestations

   * Hunger, borborygmus
   * Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort
   * Headache

Neuroglycopenic manifestations

   * Abnormal mentation, impaired judgment
   * Nonspecific dysphoria, anxiety, moodiness, depression, crying
   * Negativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rage
   * Personality change, emotional lability
   * Fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, sleep
   * Confusion, amnesia, dizziness, delirium
   * Staring, "glassy" look, blurred vision, double vision
   * Automatic behavior, also known as automatism
   * Difficulty speaking, slurred speech
   * Ataxia, incoordination, sometimes mistaken for "drunkenness"
   * Focal or general motor deficit, paralysis, hemiparesis
   * Paresthesia, headache
   * Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing
   * Generalized or focal seizures

All of your symptoms are somewhere in that list.  Try to go with a lower-carb or at least lower-glycemic index diet to stabilize your blood sugar.

Thank you.  I've been dealing with this problem for about five years.  I finally know what it is.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 3:14:07 PM EDT

OMG grains that is scary as hell!

Right click, save as.

OP get your sugars tested, just in case. You're probably better off with protein like eggs instead of the high carbs.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 3:33:31 PM EDT
Huevos FTW.  I've abandoned cereal for breakfast entirely for the same reasons.  Say what you will about McDonalds, a pair of their breakfast burritos and your good all morning long.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 3:34:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 3:48:39 PM EDT
* Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing

But that's NORMAL for me.

Yeah, time for another doctor's visit, I guess.  Only problem with eggs and other proteins is they have to be cooked, and I just don't have time in the mornings.  Oh well.

Thanks all!
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 3:57:43 PM EDT
For the last few months, I've been having an odd problem.  If I eat cereal in the morning, then am late for lunch, I suddenly get VERY hungry, start getting the shakes, and start sweating.  It's the same with any high-carbohydrate breakfast (bagels), but cereal really triggers it hard.

On the other hand, if I skip eating in the morning, I just start getting a normal gnawing hunger about an hour earlier.  Oh, and if I don't eat at all for way too long, like 4pm or so, then late in the evening I get a splitting headache (absolutely horrible) and have to go to bed.  Aspirin will dull the pain, but won't stop it;  I have to sleep a few hours before it dies down.

Are either or both of these common for any particular problem?

Maybe you are Hypoglycemic? That is what I have and I had those same symptoms until I knew how to eat and when to eat. Ask you Doctor to do a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT).
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 5:47:40 PM EDT
Agreed. I'm diabetic. Cereal is high carbs alond with milk. Your body spits out insulin to lower blood sugar and by mid morning you've got a low blood sugar. Stick with low carb breakfast with snack inbetween breakfast and lunch. BTW get your blood sugar A1C tested.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 5:53:38 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/23/2009 7:00:09 PM EDT
For the last few months, I've been having an odd problem.  If I eat cereal in the morning, then am late for lunch, I suddenly get VERY hungry, start getting the shakes, and start sweating.  It's the same with any high-carbohydrate breakfast (bagels), but cereal really triggers it hard.

On the other hand, if I skip eating in the morning, I just start getting a normal gnawing hunger about an hour earlier.  Oh, and if I don't eat at all for way too long, like 4pm or so, then late in the evening I get a splitting headache (absolutely horrible) and have to go to bed.  Aspirin will dull the pain, but won't stop it;  I have to sleep a few hours before it dies down.

Are either or both of these common for any particular problem?

Maybe you are Hypoglycemic? That is what I have and I had those same symptoms until I knew how to eat and when to eat. Ask you Doctor to do a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT).

Hypoglycemic - I have it too. First happened when I was about 30, really hungry said I needed to go eat, manager said "oh hold one for a couple minutes, going over something with the boss. I grab a candy bar, chow it down. I'm working the counter and suddenly I can't make change for a dollar. "oh shit" . I go into the back, say I gotta go eat NOW. I stumble across the street, couldn't figure out the menu, just pointed. Gal asks if I want something to drink. I can't figure out beyond "Dr" (pepper). I'm numb on my right side and I'm freaking that I'm having a stroke. I manage to eat something, go back across the street, my bud is asking what the hell is wrong. I couldn't remember my wifes name, my kids - nothing. He's about to call the ambulance and *whoosh*, it's like I got on an elevator back to reality.

They gave me a glucose tolerance test after ruling everything else out and sure enough, huge spike. The best thing to do is if you are having an attack is some sugar of some kind, following by protein, peanut butter or some nuts. You meal pattern should be six meals a day spaced out.

Link Posted: 5/23/2009 7:06:10 PM EDT
For the last few months, I've been having an odd problem.  If I eat cereal in the morning, then am late for lunch, I suddenly get VERY hungry, start getting the shakes, and start sweating.  It's the same with any high-carbohydrate breakfast (bagels), but cereal really triggers it hard.

On the other hand, if I skip eating in the morning, I just start getting a normal gnawing hunger about an hour earlier.  Oh, and if I don't eat at all for way too long, like 4pm or so, then late in the evening I get a splitting headache (absolutely horrible) and have to go to bed.  Aspirin will dull the pain, but won't stop it;  I have to sleep a few hours before it dies down.

Are either or both of these common for any particular problem?

Maybe you are Hypoglycemic? That is what I have and I had those same symptoms until I knew how to eat and when to eat. Ask you Doctor to do a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT).

Hypoglycemic - I have it too. First happened when I was about 30, really hungry said I needed to go eat, manager said "oh hold one for a couple minutes, going over something with the boss. I grab a candy bar, chow it down. I'm working the counter and suddenly I can't make change for a dollar. "oh shit" . I go into the back, say I gotta go eat NOW. I stumble across the street, couldn't figure out the menu, just pointed. Gal asks if I want something to drink. I can't figure out beyond "Dr" (pepper). I'm numb on my right side and I'm freaking that I'm having a stroke. I manage to eat something, go back across the street, my bud is asking what the hell is wrong. I couldn't remember my wifes name, my kids - nothing. He's about to call the ambulance and *whoosh*, it's like I got on an elevator back to reality.

They gave me a glucose tolerance test after ruling everything else out and sure enough, huge spike. The best thing to do is if you are having an attack is some sugar of some kind, following by protein, peanut butter or some nuts. You meal pattern should be six meals a day spaced out.

Wow thats intense.

I pretty much am the same way and have to have some protein in the morning otherwise im worthless and get light head/ feel fainty.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 7:09:02 PM EDT
Not enough bacon, obviously
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 7:09:38 PM EDT
Cuz ur dyin of teh SUPERAIDS!!!11!!!
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 7:13:01 PM EDT


* Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing

But that's NORMAL for me.

Yeah, time for another doctor's visit, I guess.  Only problem with eggs and other proteins is they have to be cooked, and I just don't have time in the mornings.  Oh well.

Thanks all!

Eggs aren't to nasty if cooked ahead and then reheated in a microwave, and hardboiled eggs can be eaten cold. Either way it's the cure and it's better than the shakes.

Link Posted: 5/23/2009 7:13:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 7:16:50 PM EDT
Cause crack is not cereal.
Link Posted: 5/23/2009 7:17:32 PM EDT
The symptoms you are experiencing are from a rapid drop in blood sugar level.  High glycemic index breakfast food causing a sharp rise in blood sugar, and then after your body pumps out insulin to counteract that then you get a blood sugar crash a few hours later.

Try sticking with lower glycemic index breakfast foods, or else eat something else mid-morning to keep blood sugar up (this is a vicious cycle though).

Hypoglycemic symptoms and manifestations can be divided into those produced by the counterregulatory hormones (epinephrine/adrenaline and glucagon) triggered by the falling glucose, and the neuroglycopenic effects produced by the reduced brain sugar.

Adrenergic manifestations

   * Shakiness, anxiety, nervousness, tremor
   * Palpitations, tachycardia
   * Sweating, feeling of warmth
   * Pallor, coldness, clamminess
   * Dilated pupils (mydriasis)
   * Feeling of numbness "pins and needles" (parasthaesia) in the fingers

Glucagon manifestations

   * Hunger, borborygmus
   * Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort
   * Headache

Neuroglycopenic manifestations

   * Abnormal mentation, impaired judgment
   * Nonspecific dysphoria, anxiety, moodiness, depression, crying
   * Negativism, irritability, belligerence, combativeness, rage
   * Personality change, emotional lability
   * Fatigue, weakness, apathy, lethargy, daydreaming, sleep
   * Confusion, amnesia, dizziness, delirium
   * Staring, "glassy" look, blurred vision, double vision
   * Automatic behavior, also known as automatism
   * Difficulty speaking, slurred speech
   * Ataxia, incoordination, sometimes mistaken for "drunkenness"
   * Focal or general motor deficit, paralysis, hemiparesis
   * Paresthesia, headache
   * Stupor, coma, abnormal breathing
   * Generalized or focal seizures

All of your symptoms are somewhere in that list.  Try to go with a lower-carb or at least lower-glycemic index diet to stabilize your blood sugar.

Link Posted: 5/23/2009 7:19:24 PM EDT


Low blood sugar.  If you're eating cereal at 6-7am, have a piece of fruit or a protein bar or something around 9-10, then eat lunch at 12.

Something to do with low blood sugar and possibly low blood pressure.

Link Posted: 5/23/2009 7:41:32 PM EDT
Hypoglycemic reactions are often triggered by too much sugar.  That is why it doesn't happen as often with protein foods.  I'm hypoglycemic and pancakes with syrup for breakfast will just wipe me out by noon.  If you are like me, your body is doing the opposite of diabetes, it is making too much insulin and driving sugar levels down.  I've had this problem for going on 30 years.  I have to avoid overloading on sugar at the wrong times and also fasting for long periods can mess me up.  Ironically, I can usually skip breakfast and eat a late lunch and not get sick.  It will happen most often when I eat breakfast and then eat a late lunch.  This occurs because of the over production of insulin after a meal that lows my blood sugar.  The extra insulin is not produced if I skip breakfast or eat a light or protien filled meal.  People who develop diabetes often do have hypoglycemic trouble before the development of diabetes so you will have to keep an eye on that if you do turn out to have the problem.  However, not all hypoglycemics will develop diabetes.  

Whatever you do, you will want to talk to a real doctor and get a blood test.
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