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Posted: 1/23/2001 4:29:58 AM EDT
I remember reading "The Hobbit" as a kid, and The Rings trilogy when I was in college and thinking they were pretty great.  This past week, I've been listening to an unabridged reading of "The Hobbit" on tape while I commute and I am struck by how annoying a great many of Tolkein's affectations are.  The songs that the characters are forever singing,in particular, make me want to scream by the time they are over.
"Over the Misty Mountains
down dooby do down down..."
Maybe I'm just older now, but I'm really starting to think Tolkein is one of the most over rated writers of modern times.
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 4:54:57 AM EDT
I was always a big Sci-Fi reader, growing up, mostly Heinlien, Niven, Pournelle(sp).
Tolkien just seemed a little corny.  A little too "Dungeons and Dragons" for me.
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 5:07:14 AM EDT
Listen, anyone who writes about a troll named Bilbo Baggins, with big hairy feet is okay in my book.
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 5:49:13 AM EDT
Thats why I read. You can skip the annoying parts.
In my book Tolkein was a genius.
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 5:56:01 AM EDT
I don't think he is over-rated, at least I've never even heard anybody rate him.  He's no Joseph Conrad.

I confess that I really like "Lord of the Rings."  I am not a geek, I swear!  
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 7:48:02 AM EDT
The reason why Tolkien is so well-thought of and highly rated is that he is THE father of modern fantasy books.  Without him it is doubtful that many of the greats that followed (Guy Gavriel Kay, Michael Moorcock, Terry Goodkind, Andre Norton, et. al.) would have gotten anywhere.

My love of Tolkien's works lies in the histories, languages, and sheer depth of what he created before he even wrote the Lord of the Rings - the Hobbit was a kiddie tale - the LOTR was for us adults, as well as the Silmarillion - now, if you really want something neat to listen to on the drive in to work, listen to Martin Shaw's reading the ENTIRE Silmarillion - 13 CDs long - it is great!
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 12:21:09 PM EDT
Movie comes out this year. I can't wait. After I finish the current Robert Jordan installment to Wheel of Time series, I will be re reading Tolkien.
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 12:54:40 PM EDT
I`ve been reading the Hobbit to my kids, it gets real dramatic, great fun. My kids dont think he`s overrated.
Link Posted: 1/23/2001 12:55:41 PM EDT
I finally started reading Hobbit to my daughters a month ago.  It seemed to take forever for them to get to the age where they'd be able to follow it...  And I find that he is a really long winded sob for reading aloud.  Some of his sentences go on and on and on and then around the corner.  Makes reading aloud a real pain some nights.  

After this is done, then on to the LOTR trilogy.  -Then that Tripod series...
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 9:45:12 AM EDT
I've also read the Hobbit to my kids and I agree it is alot harder reading out loud than to yourself.  At times it is slow going too when we run across a word they don't know and I make them look it up on the computer.

The up side is my son who has some difficulty reading enjoyed it and said it was the only book that he really could picture what was going on in his mind.

I read it to then trying to instill a love of good books.  But after tripping over my own tongue through the Hobbit reading the LOTR's is going to be up to them.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 11:04:01 AM EDT
Listen, anyone who writes about a troll named Bilbo Baggins, with big hairy feet is okay in my book.
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Bilbo Baggins is a Hobbit.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 11:05:36 AM EDT
Listen, anyone who writes about a troll named Bilbo Baggins, with big hairy feet is okay in my book.
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Bilbo Baggins is a Hobbit.
Link Posted: 1/24/2001 11:38:03 AM EDT
When you says Tolkien is overrated, it is like saying Hendrix was overrated. When you realize what it was that each contributed to their genres, you can see how much of a pioneer each was. Hendrix may not have been the best, Tolkien either, but they took their art to the next step and provided a springboard for those to follow.
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 4:14:48 PM EDT
R.A.Salvatore is the BEST fantasy writer ever. the dark elf trilogy is tops. tolkiens halflings cant compare [:)]  both Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance novels are excellent by most authors.
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 4:32:15 PM EDT
R.A.Salvatore is the BEST fantasy writer ever.
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Eh, he's OK. Now if want to talk authors in those series. You have to talk about Ed Greenwood. Characters like Elminster, Storm, The Simbul etc. Now that is good reading. Oh and lets not forget, Elminster is the most powerful mage in Forgotten Realms. Except maybe Shandril from a couple of the Harpers series. She can call on SPELLFIRE, which Elminster can do but the last time he did it he was out of commission for months.

I love Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance. Have read The Companion. That Taz is quite a character. Time of the Twins is good too. Raistlin is a character that's easy to hate.
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 5:18:18 PM EDT
I agree the Ed greenwood is a good author, but his pacing is not as consistant as Salvatores. plus i do not like wizards as much as i do rangers and weapon masters
Link Posted: 1/26/2001 5:47:06 PM EDT
I guess it is a matter of taste in characters. I pretty much like the mage or fighter type characters. I like magic. It intrigues me.
As a matter of fact even when I play D&D games, I like being a fighter/mage. Harder to move up in levels but whe you get up there, boy can you kick some ass.
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