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Posted: 3/4/2001 12:12:33 PM EDT
my bro sent me the link to it,made me home sick once again.
saw a bit on the archives about the park service denying access to the buffalo river.
also some jbt activity as well.
has the state changed that much since i've been gone.
hurricane creek,barkshed,buffalo river all some of my old stomping ground as well as other area's.
sorry forgot to mention www.pigtrail.com
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 1:45:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 4:01:15 PM EDT
Thanks Boxer for the barefoottraveler addy.
I live close to the small town of Pea Ridge,Benton Co. AR.I have lived here all my life except for three years in the army.
I read the articles about the NPS and I believe it.Back in October my husband and I made a couple of trips over to the Buffalo to the Steel
Creek area.The NPS jbt were out in full force.I thought we were going to get into trouble when my husband stopped to take a picture of a bunch of buzzards lined up on a fence row.(new camera)
I've had a few run-ins with the NPS at the Elkhorn Tarven Battlefield (Battle of Pea Ridge to the yankees)My Mom's side of the family home until the late fifties when it became a national park site.
BTW what's a Arkie doing in Ga.?If you dont mind me asking.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 8:53:10 PM EDT
It's not just in AR guys, the Green Gestapo is out in force in all of our NP's, BLM, and NFS.  I live in the N. Central part of the state, and all the liberal retiree's from major cities are moving in here and trying screw up everything.  Seems they think they are the only ones that are supposed to use/enjoy our natural resources, and everyone who was here before them be damned.  Yeah, it sucks but I'll fight'em tooth and nail, and they'll never run me off.  Rebel you shoulda whipped out tha AR and shot those damned buzzards off that fence, and got a picture of the look on their faces!  Just kidding, but it would be funny as hell.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 7:13:06 AM EDT
The Green Gestapo boys and my husband would have sh*t gold bricks if that would have happen.
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 7:25:36 AM EDT
Might have been worth it, in that case!  LOL
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 3:35:12 PM EDT
rebelyell,i'm waiting toget my youngest out of highschool and into college.
3 more years and maybe she can be a hog fan like the rest of the family.
i know pea ridge.......
i got family and friends all over.
been gone to long and i need to come home.
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