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Posted: 10/26/2001 3:40:16 PM EDT
Ok,  I'm wondering how many of us, even those that have served/are serving, have actually been in an actual gun battle, whether in an LE setting or in a military setting.

Tell us about your story/experience -

The closest I've ever been is being shot over (not at) by some soldiers in Guatemala.

I was down there working for a not for profit organization.  I lived in a town of about 15,000 people out in the country. It was about 15 miles from the border of El Salvador in Southeastern Guatemala.  My house was on the edge of town, and a range of large hills/mini mountain about 750 ft tall ran behind it about 400 yards away.

This was right after the armistace in El Salvador was signed - all the guerillas from El Salvador were out of a job and defecting, leaving the country, etc. . . (they were Marxists and the gov of Guatemala is very conservative).   Any way,  the story has it that this guy was on a bus going into Guatemala from El Salvador.  The bus got stopped at a checkpoint right outside of town and the garrison there started checking ID's.   He bolted and ran.  It was about a mile from town.  Anyway, he went ripping by the house and up into the hills.  The soldiers showed up a few minutes later.  They saw him about 300 yds out and the lieutenant took his M16 and fired 4 slow deliberate shots at the guy offhand.  Did not hit him.  A bunch of them jumped the fence and started to pursue.  Word has it that he got away.  I was out in the pasture the guerilla had to cross to get to the hills.  He ran right by me.  The only thing I could think was, shit, hope I don't get shot.  The rounds kind of go zzzzzzzzing and then the actual sound of the shot follows up with a bang.    Zzzzzing - bang,  zzzzzzing - bang , zzzzzzing - bang  

Those guys should've had an ACOG.

Link Posted: 10/26/2001 4:02:11 PM EDT
Once had my shithead friend shoot over my head at some birds.

I hope I never get in a real firefight.  I'm a really crappy shot.
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 4:06:47 PM EDT
I traded a few with some "un-knowns" durring the early days of Desert Shield/Storm while delivering a Group of Marines to the beach in an "un-disclosed" Arabic nation.  [:)>]
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 4:16:51 PM EDT
Yep, been shot at & missed, shit at & hit.
Did some shootin' back, think I scored.
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 4:18:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 4:24:41 PM EDT
In 1979 at the very beginning of my law enforcement career I pulled up in the driveway at a domestic disturbance in progress(rookie mistake, never pull into the driveway of the home you are going to). Anyway as I am about to exit my unit the guy steps out the door with a shotgun points it at me, I throw the unit in reverse, punch it and end up in the street. He didn't fire at me for some reason and disappeared into the house. As I open the door with cover from my unit he steps out again with a .45 handgun and puts one through my windshield. At the time I was carrying a S&W model 25-5 I believe it was, .45 long colt(now I'sm a Glock 22C man), I pump a couple of rounds into the brick and door and he retreats inside. Long story made short, 10 hours later he surrendered to the SWAT team, and over 20 years later I have been close a few times but have never fired my gun again.

Link Posted: 10/26/2001 4:27:08 PM EDT
Somalia 93,

nothing like BH Down though.  Shot some, shot at some.  Not something I recommend.  Training definitely makes a huge difference between soldiers & thugs with guns.  
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 4:29:58 PM EDT
never shoot and tell and only do it when you know you can get away with it.
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 4:55:03 PM EDT
Central America in the late mid 80s.

Aviator  [img]www.milpubs.com/aviator.gif[/img]
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 5:04:33 PM EDT
On the streets I am a cold killa for the crips gang.
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 5:11:11 PM EDT
I've been in several gunfights a long-time ago, but none of them were close-up.  I've been in several knife fights much more recently.  Well, I should use the word assault rather than knife, because they were attempted muggings.  Each time so far, I've run away screaming like a woman, but I'm getting too old to depend on that for a solution.  The knife fights stand-out in my mind more, maybe because they're more recent, but also because they always occur closer to the opponent.  There's a primal fear from a blade that you just don't get from seeing a rifle.  Looking at the blade was much more terrirfying than seeing a rifle.   I'd much rather have someone pull a gun up close on me than a knife.  I might can outrun the knife and not the gun, but I still don't want to ever experience that chest clenching, close-up terror again.  Which is also why I'm still working on getting a CCW , but that's another story...

For the guys that have been both a knife fight (or assault) and a gun fight, which one was worse?  In which one was it harder for you to gather yourself enough to fight back?z
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 5:12:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 5:20:54 PM EDT
In 1996 we had just moved to Florida a few months earlier and rented an apartment in a borderline region (didn't really know any better, and the price was right).

One Tuesday night I was sitting in the bedroom at the computer when I heard two rapid shots (which wasn't terribly unusual in that area) and the third surprised me by the sound of glass shattering and pieces flying past me and all over the room. I immediately hit the floor as the fourth and fifth shots went into the wall above me. Yelled at my wife to get down and grabbed a pistol as I heard a car drive off. Never even saw the car.

I guess it wasn't really a gunfight since I never got a chance to shoot back, but creepy at the time to see a bullet hole in the wall about 2 feet from the back of my neck.
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 5:21:54 PM EDT
I once had to lay a Ruger Blackhawk on my dashboard to make sure this guy knew where the thing was going to go if he persisted.

As we were driving away, my pulse and heart were almost audible.
I was concerned about the effect on my kids.
I asked my oldest, then about 5(he's 15) what he thought about "that guy".
"What guy, dad?"
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 5:28:20 PM EDT
I was in bed asleep at home one night during my mid-teens.  About 3AM I woke up to an unidentified male yelling FREEZEANDPUTYOURHANDSINTHEAIR!!! and in the doorway I see a fully silhouetted person in tactical garb pointing a SPAS-12 with the dimmest tac-light I've ever seen at me, finger on the trigger.  Though just waking up, I KNEW I had done nothing wrong, and I knew that at the very least the unidentified guy with the expensive tactical shotgun was violating some major rules of gun safety.  Figuring that whoever it was could have wasted me anyways by that point if he had cared to, and since I didn't recall pissing off anyone who might attempt to hunt me down in my bed with an expensive gun, I didn't attempt to shoot the armed nocturnal prowler with the rifle that he failed to spot beneath a pile of laundry on my bed.  

The misunderstandings were quickly made clear and no shots were fired, but LEOs might want to

1) identify yourself FIRST
2) avoid pointing loaded guns at unidentified folks because some of us may not be legally responsible for our actions if menaced by surprise with a gun and poor firearm handling in our own home
3) avoid silhouetting yourself with no cover in the presence of people that you distrust to the point of menacing them with a loaded firearm
4) knock first
5) only put your finger in the trigger guard if you're going to shoot
6) decide on whether you really want us to reach for the sky AND freeze, or reach for the sky THEN freeze, before you begin to shout.
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 5:30:59 PM EDT
I've been in several gunfights a long-time ago, but none of them were close-up.  I've been in several knife fights much more recently.  Well, I should use the word assault rather than knife, because they were attempted muggings.  Each time so far, I've run away screaming like a woman, but I'm getting too old to depend on that for a solution.  The knife fights stand-out in my mind more, maybe because they're more recent, but also because they always occur closer to the opponent.  There's a primal fear from a blade that you just don't get from seeing a rifle.  Looking at the blade was much more terrirfying than seeing a rifle.   I'd much rather have someone pull a gun up close on me than a knife.  I might can outrun the knife and not the gun, but I still don't want to ever experience that chest clenching, close-up terror again.  Which is also why I'm still working on getting a CCW , but that's another story...

For the guys that have been both a knife fight (or assault) and a gun fight, which one was worse?  In which one was it harder for you to gather yourself enough to fight back?z
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Have never liked edged weapons at all. As you said I would rather go up against a guy with any kind of gun at 10-15 yards than be up close and personal with a guy who has an edged weapon.
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 5:32:24 PM EDT
I have had several very tense gun on gun confrontations in 14 years as a Cop. I have fired shots in defense of my life. I have been danger close when other officers have done the same. They have all been experiences that I could live without.
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 5:35:07 PM EDT
I was in bed asleep at home one night during my mid-teens.  About 3AM I woke up to an unidentified male yelling FREEZEANDPUTYOURHANDSINTHEAIR!!! and in the doorway I see a fully silhouetted person in tactical garb pointing a SPAS-12 with the dimmest tac-light I've ever seen at me, finger on the trigger.  Though just waking up, I KNEW I had done nothing wrong, and I knew that at the very least the unidentified guy with the expensive tactical shotgun was violating some major rules of gun safety.  Figuring that whoever it was could have wasted me anyways by that point if he had cared to, and since I didn't recall pissing off anyone who might attempt to hunt me down in my bed with an expensive gun, I didn't attempt to shoot the armed nocturnal prowler with the rifle that he failed to spot beneath a pile of laundry on my bed.  

The misunderstandings were quickly made clear and no shots were fired, but LEOs might want to

1) identify yourself FIRST
2) avoid pointing loaded guns at unidentified folks because some of us may not be legally responsible for our actions if menaced by surprise with a gun and poor firearm handling in our own home
3) avoid silhouetting yourself with no cover in the presence of people that you distrust to the point of menacing them with a loaded firearm
4) knock first
5) only put your finger in the trigger guard if you're going to shoot
6) decide on whether you really want us to reach for the sky AND freeze, or reach for the sky THEN freeze, before you begin to shout.
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And that is the very reason I never had any desire to be part of a swat or entry team of any kind. Way too damn dangerous breaking into people's homes in the middle of the night or day for that matter. Your situation could have gone bad real quick. Glad it didn't.
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 6:13:40 PM EDT
When I was 11,I shot my Dad in the left leg when he was drunk and beating the shit out of my Mom.
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 6:18:02 PM EDT

ESP-What year?
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 9:00:55 PM EDT
Oly Arms: i got your Unit...Drop the cop talk and someone might believe you!
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 9:14:41 PM EDT
RICH415 - would have been about 1992 or so - can't remember exactly what year.

AVIATOR - C.A. in the mid 80's ?  Those were very dark times.  What in the hell were you doing down there?  Hanging with Barry Saddler and Glorinda at Rancho or at the Europa in Guate ?
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 9:25:06 PM EDT
FYI - Don't try to catch the little GREEN fireflys -- RED is GOOD!! -- ALLONS11
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 9:43:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 9:57:37 PM EDT
Well I almost did, In 96 I lived in Mesquete TX and we would go to greenvile to drink, One night we are in a bar (I think it was called TREES) this Mexican starts shit with me,So we get thrown out of the bar and he swearing and cusing at me in spanish; so what dose my dumb drunk ass do I tell him, your mother fuc*s donkeys for money..I said it in Spanish but I can't spell so I wont even try. So he pulls a big ass knife on me. so I tell him just like a stupid fuc*ing mexican to bring a knife to a gun fight, and I reach behind to the swell of my back. As I say this he turn white as a goast and turns around and runs.now my buddies that I was with are ready to kick my ass cuz they think IM packin but I start laughfing my ass off and they say what is so funny I tell them hey we are out drinking do you think I would be that stupid to bring my colt with? They start laughfing knowing I called him out and he didn't know what to do. When I go down there to visit that story still gets brought up every time..[:D]
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 10:02:35 PM EDT
Nam 1964-68.
A couple
Link Posted: 10/26/2001 10:18:49 PM EDT
Viet Nam 1968
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 4:52:00 AM EDT
Yep, 2/91.
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 5:57:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 6:47:53 AM EDT
 Got caught in the crossfire between two dopers.  It's a freaky feeling to have a load of buckshot bounce off the wall a foot from your head.  You dont have time to be scared, you react as you have trained to react.  I was shooting IPSC and PPC at the time.  Nuff said.
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 7:28:30 AM EDT
As someone who's been shot at (and missed) and knifed, I can't say definitively that I prefer being shot, but I'd definitely not like to be knifed again.


Link Posted: 10/27/2001 8:48:39 AM EDT

AVIATOR - C.A. in the mid 80's ?  Those were very dark times.  What in the hell were you doing down there?  Hanging with Barry Saddler and Glorinda at Rancho or at the Europa in Guate ?
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We were a little bit of everywhere. Hondo, and a couple of small countries just N of there. found some trouble in 2 of the three places. "Send Lawyers, guns, and money. The Shit has hit the fan."

Aviator  [img]www.milpubs.com/aviator.gif[/img]
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 3:46:10 PM EDT
In the bunker at an NRA High Power match, and I hope to keep it that way.  The supersonic "crack" as those little suckers go by is pretty loud.
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Oh yeah, that too.  The sound of 'em impacting is louder than the flight noise though.
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 4:30:23 PM EDT
Oly Arms: i got your Unit...Drop the cop talk and someone might believe you!
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Not sure what your implying but that's how it happened. Believe me I would never take up this carrer again and unless I miss my guess it partly  because I have grown tired over the years of dealing with morons like you. Good luck to you.
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 4:45:44 PM EDT
What a lack of vets here.
13 Mts. in Viet Nam, Marines server 13 mts. the army served 12 mts.
Yes I saw a few fire fights, had the camp fired on about every other night, lived in a bunker and hope that I never have to go thru it again.  But------------- If this shit keeps up as it is at the present, who knows??????
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 4:59:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 6:07:30 PM EDT
As someone who's been shot at (and missed) and knifed, I can't say definitively that I prefer being shot, but I'd definitely not like to be knifed again.


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I`ll second the knife wound deal.
That is enduring pain.
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 6:42:07 PM EDT
Does pinning some fishermen down in a river gully count?

We were shooting across a river bank, 75 round drum on an AK along with pistols and shotguns.

Accidentally we kept those two guys pinned down for a while, accidentally. Couldn't see them or hear them.

Boy, were they pissed. When they say check your backstop, you should also check ravines and river banks you shoot across.
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 9:11:13 PM EDT
In my teens...a long, long time ago.  Standing in a field on a hot frigging day in Texas, hauling hay.  ZZZiiinnggg, Blam. ZZZZZinnngggg, Blam. My buddy and I duck behind the pickup (our pickup, our hay, on our ranch by the way) and start yelling our heads off at nobody we could see.  Another shot or two and it stops.  Never was sure if it was intentional, but those shots were all very close.

When I saw Spielberg's "Private Ryan", that was the first thing that came to mind...the Zing before the Blam.
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 9:50:14 PM EDT
"I hurt somebodies feelings once "
Link Posted: 10/27/2001 10:23:04 PM EDT
I once had a "ladyfriends" father pull a shotgun on me....does that count?
Link Posted: 10/28/2001 3:15:06 AM EDT
Saw a little on TV once
Link Posted: 10/28/2001 5:47:45 AM EDT
Hue '68.

Don't believe that bullshit movie Full Metal Jacket, they met one sniper at the end of a long day of patroling.  In the [i]real[/i] Hue you couldn't walk more than 5 feet without all hell breaking loose.  Snipers had B-40s, machine guns, and automatic rifles along with the occasional 91/30 sniper rifle.  Street crossing was an adventure.  You throw out the smoke and a dozen zips opened up with machine guns and rockets, hosing down the area of the street you want to cross.  Loads of fun.

Civilian gun fight occured in 1986 when 2 wannabe burgulars broke into my house in the middle of the damn day.  One died, the other is in a wheelchair.  My wife has a group of little scars from the buckshot that hit her shoulder and can't raise her left arm above her head.

Gunfights suck.  If you are in a situation where you can choose between fighting and running, run like hell.    

"Do what you will,
just don't hope for a need to use your guns and training."
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