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Posted: 10/6/2001 9:53:28 AM EDT
By Richard Preston.

It is about the time the Ebola virus came to America. Right outside Washinton D.C. in Oct. and Nov. 1989. And it is a [red][b]TRUE STORY[/B][RED].

Real chilling. Really makes you think about washing your hands more often, and wonder about how you can do more to prevent getting ill.

Ebola would not make a real good weapon but this book give you an idea of how the CDC and the Army at Ft. Dettrick do their things.

This book is written in the fashion of a fictional novel rather than a technical paper. As such it really keeps you on the edge of your seat and never really has any times where it slows down.

If you like reading the Robin Cook medical thrillers you will like this book.

Link Posted: 10/6/2001 10:08:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2001 10:13:45 AM EDT
Well I'm sure there discription of the cleanup was...well, not as gross as it could have been. But doing all that work in the space suits and worrying about what was on the outside must have made for some real tough working conditions.

Thanks for your effort Beer Slayer. Have one on me. [beer]
Link Posted: 10/6/2001 10:17:44 AM EDT
I read this a few years ago.  Great Book!

Enough to illustrate that NBC equipment is next to useless stateside!!

Link Posted: 10/6/2001 10:24:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2001 9:46:35 PM EDT
I read it a few years back also. Reccomended! As I recall, the caretaker did have ebola, but it was the new 4th mutation known as the reston strain. The virus spreads by contact of others with the bodily fluids mostly spread when a victim crashes and bleeds out. Since the reston strain produced few and mild symptoms, it would not have spread as dangerously and been hopefully harmless as a cold if it did.

Another striking memory I have is the description of the man vs. monkey scenario which the teams had to face. A 10lb. monkey is an aproximate match for a 200lb. man. The monkey will use its tail to hold around the neck, while ripping the head with its teeth and gouging eyes etc. And a monkey's strength is about 7 times that of a humans by weight. I'm glad I wasn't part of that nightmare.
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