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Posted: 9/16/2001 5:26:15 AM EDT
As promised, my dear friends, I am in contact with you even from the Mid East.
I am here, in Tel Aviv Internet Cafe'.

The first thing I saw when, two days ago, I was out of the Ben Gurion Airport, were two Israeli cars with on the top of the roof an American flag. I was astonished.

Yesterday night I was in Rabin Square. Also there, there was a crowd of Israelis with Israeli and American Flags, listening Shimon Peres and the US Ambassador in Israel.
The  motto was AMERICA GOT A FRIEND.

My wife was astonished when, at the end of the event, the crowd sung the American Anthem and then the Hatikva, the Israeli one. She said that is the first time that such a thing happened in Israel!!!

The only note out of tune is Europe. I mean THE BRITISH!

You should see in the BBC channel how they show Arabs, how they make everything to suggest that, after all, it's all fault of the US support to Israel.

A Pakistani journalist suggested the bizarre idea (always in the BBC channel) that since the moment this attack didn't bring any advantage to any arab country, should be done by 'someone else'... guess who? I was shouting of indignation...

Here, in Israel, the people is really understandig you and having all the americans in their hearts: it's 50 years that they are suffering what the american are suffiering now.

A brother of my wife is servicing in these days in Gaza, in the IDF. He told me that the boys that you see all time in the media, are not using anymore stones since long time ago... the use stones only for the media, out of the screen now they are using rifles...

I am planning to go near Gilo with my eyes...

I'll tell you what was going on. To the people that have short memory, Israel, during the gulf war, was restraining retaliation against Irak and taking SCUD missiles without returning fire. One of those SCUD fell 100 meters from the house I am now. And a security advisor (Mr. Eagleburger) told that Israel can do a lot both military and with intelligence gathering. I guess that it is exactely what will happen.


Link Posted: 9/16/2001 5:28:18 AM EDT
Thank you again Paolo

Link Posted: 9/16/2001 5:29:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 5:31:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 6:51:06 AM EDT
Thank you, bro.
Stay safe. [beer]
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 7:19:21 AM EDT
[size=4][b]Baruch HaShem![/b][/size=4]

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, and America!

Thanks, dear Friend, for your stirring words of description of events in Israel!

May Our G-d keep you and your family, and all Israel, safe within His Hands, forever.

Eric The(AmericaBleeds,IsraelWeeps)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 7:21:52 AM EDT
Thanks, Paolo.
Watch out for yourself and your family.
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 7:29:37 AM EDT
Look out over there man,keep your eyes open and thanx.
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 7:39:34 AM EDT
Thanks Paulo.
Stay vigilant and might I say that it is time the USA follows Israel's lead in dealing with these animals.
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 7:45:58 AM EDT
[size=2]... thanks for the encouraging sit-rep [b]PaoloAR15[/b]. Stay keen of you're environment. Hopefully you were able to travel with some of the rather impressive hardware in your inventory.[/size=2]
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 8:04:47 AM EDT
Thanks Paolo, lots of great info. And remember..
[size=6]WATCH YOUR SIX!![/size=6]

Link Posted: 9/16/2001 8:24:56 AM EDT
Thank you for the inspiring report.  It is nice to know first hand that the U.S. has got friends abroad. This is kind of half facestiousness, but maybe the U.S govt should sub-contract out to Isreal and the Mossad to take care of the Bin Laden fellow.
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 8:42:23 AM EDT
Thank you and may all of us cheer in peace at the end of this.

Link Posted: 9/16/2001 9:43:06 AM EDT
Thank you friend. Keep safe.

And there are some who think the Israelis only think of themselves...NOT!!!

Thanks again , GOD Bless US ALL
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 10:00:55 AM EDT
Keep a sharp eye out for those Not-So-Smart bombs that could be around anywhere, anytime!
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 10:23:21 AM EDT
Thanks for the SITREP, keep them comming!!!!!!

Link Posted: 9/16/2001 10:26:20 AM EDT
Thank you very much for sharing your insight with us Paolo. I hope you and your family stay safe.

Brothers In Arms!

Link Posted: 9/16/2001 10:58:15 AM EDT
Thank's Paolo for the "Unbiased Front Line Report", take care while there.

My Daughter and her family will be flying to Rome after Christmas and will be there for around two weeks. My wife's brother lives in Rome and is a retired Professor that taught Italian and Latin in New Orleans, Louisiana. He's been living there for over a year now. I think that he may be teaching English part time over in Rome?

Please when you return to Italy, notify me when all of the Uzi's, AK-47's and other weapons that you bring back are at, so that my daughter can bring them back to the states. Ha......!!
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 12:54:06 PM EDT
Thank you and be safe brother!!!!!
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 2:25:53 PM EDT
Grazie multo, mi amico Italiano di AR15.com. Nice to know that not all countries and people in the world loathe us. Enjoy your time in Israel. [:)]
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 3:04:19 PM EDT
Thanks for the info, it's always nice to get first hand reports from thoses who are there. Keep us updated on any chances that may occur
and you and your family stay safe.
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 3:20:07 PM EDT
So, uh, if we come visit you... can you hook us up with some real M16s and a little bit of (street) range time?
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 6:11:52 PM EDT
Thanks Paolo!

Very cool that a brother is in the center of some serious action.

Stay sharp man and take care of your family!!

God Bless The USA!
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 6:35:01 PM EDT
What Striker said.

You da man.
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 7:29:28 PM EDT
ñïàñèáà Ïàîëî!
Ýçðèéë õàðîøî ìåíÿ êíèéãà
Äà Ñâèäàíÿ!
Link Posted: 9/16/2001 7:33:18 PM EDT
What? No languages!
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 4:52:17 AM EDT
Thanl for your partecipation... today is Roshashana' (Jewish New Year) and I cannot move from Tel Aviv up to the end of tomorrow. But I'll put myself in movement soon to Jerusalem, toward the south (Beer Sheva and Sderot) and to the north (Tveria, Metulla, the Sirian-Lebanese Border)
I am taking picture to post also to the wonderful brotherhood of the AR15.
Egoisticly speaking, I am about to order an AR15 from Oly (K4B) but i fear that if war will came I will be not able to have it due the blockade or something like that... I'll be back to Italy in october... gotta talk with my favourite gun shop...

See ya guys...

Link Posted: 9/17/2001 5:03:48 AM EDT
Thanks Paolo and watch your six...

Ranger Out
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 5:06:28 AM EDT
Another thanks on the info and most definitely watch your butt while you are there...!
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 5:17:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 6:35:22 AM EDT
I hope you anti Israel people on here read this......  Well Said.  Thanks
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 6:51:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 6:53:16 AM EDT
And when an Isreali shoulders a weapon next to a USGI, then I too will be on a "hugs and kisses" tour for Israel.

They waived a flag, sang a song, and you guys are all ga-ga.

ALL I AM SAYING to Israel is put your soldiers where your mouth is.

Then I will be impressed. And NOT until.

Link Posted: 9/17/2001 8:09:52 AM EDT
Post from garandman -
And when an Isreali shoulders a weapon next to a USGI, then I too will be on a "hugs and kisses" tour for Israel.
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Gee, garandman, I don't remember American GIs locking and loading on the ground next to any Israeli troops in any of that country's hellacious wars? Do you?

Did we send any troops for on the ground combat in any of Israel's wars?

The answer is no!  And even more to the point, the Israelis never asked us to!!!!

Eric The(WhatKindOfAnALLYDoesThatMakeUS?Hmmm?)Hun[>]:)]

Link Posted: 9/17/2001 9:08:36 AM EDT

Did we send any troops for on the ground combat in any of Israel's wars?

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It goes back to my ENTIRE theory, much of which you have ALREADY responded to, so I wouldn't have thought I would need to explain it for you. But, being the prince that I am, I will do so again.

My premise is that the ENTIRE reason A-rabs hate the US, is because we side with Israel. All you need to do is go back to the time when we were supporting the Shah of Iran, and training bin Laden, and establishing Saddam Insane politically, AND NOTE THE COMPLETE LACK OF TERRORIST ATTCKS ON AMERICA to know that this is true. Add to that the fact that my premise has been stated as much by the Arabs, and you have a pretty compelling case.

Now, add to that the fact that any extermination we do of these murderous collections of human waste commonly referred to as "terrorists" stands to benefit Israel AT LEAST as much as they benefit us, then, in my mind, Israel DANG WELL better put their boys on the line JUST AS MUCH as we do.

I'm gonna make a predictions here - Israel will put VERY few of their teenagers in harms way, to fight along side of our GI's. They WILL provide "intelligence" - the same non-descript bunch of horse puckey you guys all fawn over them for.

POINT IS, now we ARE sending our troops in to fight Israel's war. A war we INSERTED ourselves into by funding Israel's war machine. A war machine that has indicriminately killed Arab women and children. And by funding Israel war machine, we have purchased ourselves an enemy. An enemy hat now lashes out at US.

So yeah, Israel DANG WELL better risk every bit as much as we do in this war. And MORE. Cuz it is THEIR homes that are in the greatest danger, given the relative proximity of the enemy.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 10:10:39 AM EDT
The Isreali people are as much a part of our interlocking society as the Canadians, Brittish and Austrailian's.

Who else has stood with us and us with them throughout history.

This war has very little to do with Isreal. To the militant moslems we are the great satain and deen to be destroyed. This is the basis for their religous war against America.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 10:28:36 AM EDT
Post from garandman -
My premise is that the ENTIRE reason A-rabs hate the US, is because we side with Israel.
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I sincerely doubt that. BTW we're talking about the extremist part of the Islamic World, and not simply Arabs. As I've pointed out many times, the Iranians are NOT Arabs, but are PERSIANS and are pretty adept at Extremist Islamic terrorism, as well.

These extremists or fundamentalists of the Islamic World are just as pissed at the United States for being Christian, wealthy, secular, fun-loving, sexually promiscuous, alcoholic-beverage consuming, modern, shameless in clothing customs, ill-mannered, have I left anything out? Oh yeah, and Israel's righteous friend!

After we follow your advice and abandon Israel, and after the Islamic Jihad has gobbled up the Holy Land and there is nothing left of Israel but a gleam in the Lord's eye, what makes you think that these terrorists will simply go back to being a nomadic people with a passion for the simple life?

They won't and you know it!

Yet, you are willing to risk turning your back on a trusted friend because they haven't passed the 'garandman' test for allies worth having!

BS! Such perfidy will only encourage Bin Laden and his supporters to greater and higher demands than simply US betrayal of Israel!

Well, Bin Laden at least knows he can count on YOU for support in overturning 50 years of US support of Israel!  Are you going fishing that day so you want have to watch the bloodshed on the tube that takes place because of your high and mighty standards of what YOU think Israel should be doing?


Eric The(PleaseDon'tLetHerShameYou!)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 10:37:47 AM EDT

This war has very little to do with Isreal. To the militant moslems we are the great satain and deen to be destroyed. This is the basis for their religous war against America.
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This assertion is, IMO, unuspported by the facts.

I believe you are confusing the fact that they ARE "religious" with the idea that their religion is the basis for their desire to attack us. Arabs have held the same beliefs for thousands of years. Yet only in the last 20 have they decided to attack us.

The only US dynamic that has changed in the last 50 years isthe switch  TO supporting  Israel FROM having supporting certain Arabs of our choosing. The Arabs  religious beliefs PRE-DATE our nation, and likely have no bearing on their decision to hate America. The greater likelihood is that the US has funded Israel's war machine, and dead Arabs have resulted, and THAT is the cause of the Arabs hating the US.

I don't understand why some of you cannot acknowledge the BASIC fact that your enemy's ally is your enemy. This simple fact is the causitive factor in why the Arabs hate the US. IMO.

The intellectually lazy thing to do is to
write these people off as "religious fanatics" hell-bent on killing, and being unwilling to look at what may have turned them into such  monstrous murderers. Few people are by nature "monsters"  - there is usually some driving force behind it.

And until we look HONESTLY at whatever is driving them, we can turn all our "website hit" counters into body counters.

Link Posted: 9/17/2001 10:48:51 AM EDT
Garandman give it up.

You cannot rationalize your position.

We still give massive support to most of the Arab countries. We have rebuilt Saudi Arabias and Egypts armies entierely just since the Gulf War.

Iran and Iraq by the way hate us and are not Arab countries, neither is Afganistan.

Shrike9 is right, its more about money than religion.  And these terrorists would LOVE to kill Mubarik or the King of Saudi Arabia, as much as they are enjoing the WTC attack right now. They hate their own wealthy, educated classes as much as us.

Israel has never sent troops to help us anywhere cause they can never spare any. Look at the secruity arrangments in that country- all extreamly manpower intensive. We buy a whole shitload of weapons and technology from them. And they also keep our Aerospace industry working now that we buy fighter planes and such at the rate of only one a month.

I dont know who taught you to distrust Jews so much, but you need to reflect on what THEIR motives might have been.

Link Posted: 9/17/2001 10:52:14 AM EDT
Post from garandman -
My premise is that the ENTIRE reason A-rabs hate the US, is because we side with Israel.
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I sincerely doubt that.  
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Care to give me any substantial support for your "sincere doubt?"

To support my position, I have cited the change in US policy FROM supporting Arabs TO supporting Israel, and the resulting correlary of increased Arab attacks.

Plus, I offer as proof the statements of even more moderate Arabs. The ally of the Arabs enemy is the Arabs enemy also. It is SOOO basic in logic as to uncovering WHY Arabs hate us, and yet you guys rush right past it.

Yet, you are willing to risk turning your back on a trusted friend because they haven't passed the 'garandman' test for allies worth having!
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Actually, my question is FAR more fundamental than that.

My question is - "Is Israel REALLY our ally, if they won't JOIN us in fighting (IN the field of battle, sholdering a firearm) to defeat those who present a clear and present danger to Israel more than they do any other nation???"

THAT is what I am waiting to see. Let them prove me wrong. But as I predicted above, I'm 90% sure they won't.

And for us to continue acting as an ally to a nation that won't even help us defend them is foolishness.

Let Israel prove me wrong. I've put out the challenge. Thus far, none of you have even said you think they will join us in the battle field. Cuz you KNOW better.

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Link Posted: 9/17/2001 10:55:11 AM EDT
Garandman give it up.

You cannot rationalize your position.

We still give massive support to most of the Arab countries. We have rebuilt Saudi Arabias and Egypts armies entierely just since the Gulf War.

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Actually, your OWN statement clearly defines the insanity of our foreign policy in the middle east.

We arm to the teeth two nations that hate each other, and then we step in the middle to break up the fighting. Yeah, GOOD plan.

Speaking of rationalizing a position..... [rolleyes]
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 11:12:27 AM EDT
Post from garandman -
The intellectually lazy thing to do is to write these people off as "religious fanatics" hell-bent on killing, and being unwilling to look at what may have turned them into such monstrous murderers.
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Yes, garandman, but what did the United States do to turn them into monsters? Did we stand in the way of the PLO whose very Charter calls for the annihilation of Israel (be clear that they mean the 'Jews' whenever they say 'Israel', but 'Jews' is pretty harsh in newsprint)!

Did the United States do [u]anything[/u] except make policy statements when the Arab League was attempting to abort new-born Israel in 1948?
Nope, not a thing! Some friend we were!

Did we actually stand in the way when the joint British-French-Israeli forces captured the Suez Canal from Egypt in 1956. No. [u]Our[/u] President Eisenhower insisted that [u]our[/u] allies withdraw from occupying the Suez and give the canal control back to Egypt!

Pretty piss-poor ally we were, don't you think?

Did the United States stand in the way of Israel when it was kicking the shyte out of the Arab armies in 1967? Hell, yes, we demanded that they not take the Golan Heights and invade Syria.  Israel did it anyway, but some kind of friend we turned out to be!

When its Arab neighbors invaded Israel on its holiest of all holy days, Yom Kipur, in 1973, did we stand in Israel's way yet again? Sure we did, with the encirclement of the Egyptian 3rd Army on the [u]West[/u] Bank of the Suez Canal, Israel did not have an organized Egyptian Army between it and Cairo!  There was a mass exodus of civilians from Cairo, because the citizens feared what Israel might do to them!

But America called upon its friend and ally to restrain itself, which it did.

Similarly, the IDF was less than 24 miles from Damascus (and within artillery range) when the United States brokered a cease fire and leaned on their friend and ally to accept it! Which Israel did, foregoing the opportunity to devestate an implaccable enemy like Syria!

It appears to me that if Bin Laden truly knew his history, he would be an admirer of the US for always saving his Arab friends' asses every single time they got it in a sling!

But hey, that's just my humble viewpoint!

Eric The(WithFriendsLikeUSA,IsraelCan'tAffordTooManyFriends))Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 11:23:14 AM EDT
Post from garandman -
The intellectually lazy thing to do is to write these people off as "religious fanatics" hell-bent on killing, and being unwilling to look at what may have turned them into such monstrous murderers.
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Yes, garandman, but what did the United States do to turn them into monsters? ]:)]
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Hun-baby -

that is [size=4] EXACTLY [/size=4] my point.

We, America, created these monsters. We, America, put bin Laden and Hussein in power. We, America, then gave Israel the missiles to kill Arab women and children.

Now, we, America, are being attacked.

My preferred position would be to support NEITHER the Arabs of the Israleies, and let them take care of their own business. You know - live and let kill.

But at least lets come to a consistent US policy, and QUIT arming BOTH nation-states to the teeth, and then stepping in between them to break up the fighting.

Link Posted: 9/17/2001 12:12:25 PM EDT
Thanks Paolo,

In a time like this, we need unity to defeat a common enemy. We are all in it together.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 8:59:52 PM EDT
We will ask Israel to stay on the sidelines, because we need the Pakastani help, they will not want to, but will do it because they are our true friends there.

Paolo....L'Shanah  Tovah Tikatevu, my brother
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 9:58:04 PM EDT

Glad you are back

Please keep us informed of the European perspective, I have missed you from the General Discussion forum.

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 4:48:57 AM EDT
Maybe we can offer to Garandman to became Muslim, to see how democratic they can be in THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN.
It's very easy to be democratic out of Iran, Irak, Saudi Arabia and so on. Arab didn't produced any single democracy.
In a recent interview on CNN of Benyiamin Ben Eliezer, Ministry of Defence of Israel, he strongly stated that Israel is going to give "ANY HELP U.S. GOVT. WILL ASK, ANY..."
and, as happened in the Gulf war, only U.S. Government can put Israel support aside. But Maybe Garandman is only too short of memory to remember. AS he is too short to remember that during WWII, while some arab countries were standing with Axis, and other ones declared war to Axis Powers only when it was evident that Allies were about to win (after 1944...) Palestinians Jews were joining allies as member of Partisans, as member of OSS making a very dangerous job behind lines and being tortured, killed, paying an high toll of blood for freedom. This are FACTS, you take care to look for good book history. I ask, furthermore, how much Saudi Arabia is happy to have "unbelievers" on the holy land of Mecca... and, while Israel is a loyal friend of U.S.A., how much are the arab countries loyal to U.S.A.?
Don't tell me the old story about the USS Liberty, Garandman, because if there was a Israeli spyship at large of Washington right now, don't tell me that the Navy or the Airforce will ask politely to go to spy somewhere else: they will simply sink ANY ship spying USA, that is the duty of the defence apparatus.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 5:02:01 AM EDT
Amen to that Brother Paolo! When you see what our beautiful America is going through right now, you can maybe get an inkling of what the State of Israel has suffered in the past!

In another thread I pointed out that since the US population is 284.5 million, and that of Israel is 6.4 million, for the death toll from the World Trade Center and Pentagon to reach the same proportion as that suffered by Israel over the past 11 months of the renewed Intifadah, the American death toll would have to exceed 15,558 to match the 350 Israelis killed by these same butchers!

The circumstances are, of course, much different, but when you are facing a common enemy, and that enemy has targeted innocent lives, then it is time to stop bickering over the motivation of that common enemy and kill the bastard and his friends and supporters DEAD!

When the Great Satan Bin Laden is dead and buried, THEN we can debate over the details of who did what and why at a later date.

Eric The(KeepInTouch!)Hun[>]:)]
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