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Posted: 8/17/2001 5:02:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2001 5:12:23 PM EDT
I second that......
Link Posted: 8/17/2001 5:12:26 PM EDT
well he said it was a really nasty joke

Link Posted: 8/17/2001 5:13:37 PM EDT
I didn't need to know that...
Link Posted: 8/17/2001 5:22:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2001 6:02:48 PM EDT
There's this guy with leprosy, and for obvious reasons he never goes out or anything. Well, several of his friends eventually convince him to just come out to dinner with them, just so he'll get out of the house for a couple hours. He agrees, puts on a coat and tie, and they all go out to a moderately nice restaurant. After they're seated, have looked at the menu and are ready to order, their waiter looks at the guy, and appears a little sick. "OK," the guy thinks. "I have to accept the fact that leprosy has that effect on people, and he was probably a lot more nauseated than he looked - I'll give him credit for hiding it so well." He mentions it to his friends, and they all agree with him. He brings their bread and water, and looks a little more nauseous when he sees him. One of his friends notices and whispers to the waiter "our friend has leprosy, and while we understand that it's not a very pretty disease, we'd appreciate it if you could do your best to control your reactions to him." He replies "Sir, I'm truly sorry...but it's not your friend that made me appear nauseous." They accept this, he leaves to give their order to the kitchen, and they relax once more. A few minutes later another waiter is bringing an adjacent table's food and he glances over at this table, stares, then drops the tray and vomits noisily all over the place. The guy with leprosy has had enough by this time, and he jumps up, grabs the waiter by the lapels, and begins yelling at him. "Sir, please accept my apology!" the waiter manages to get out. "I wasn't sickened by the sight of you - it was because of the guy at the table behind you who was dipping his bread into the open sore on your neck!"
Link Posted: 8/17/2001 6:07:54 PM EDT
[puke]Those [b]are[/b] nasty.[puke]
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