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Posted: 3/28/2006 8:09:35 PM EDT
Well, alrighty then!...go for it, no, on 2nd thought, stay where you are and the real men will see him die one way or the other.


Democrats Pledge to 'Eliminate' Osama
By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer
Tue Mar 28, 8:44 PM ET

WASHINGTON - Congressional Democrats promise to "eliminate"     Osama bin Laden and ensure a "responsible redeployment of U.S. forces" from     Iraq in 2006 in an election-year national security policy statement.

In the position paper to be announced Wednesday, Democrats say they will double the number of special forces and add more spies, which they suggest will increase the chances of finding al-Qaida's elusive leader. They do not set a deadline for when all of the 132,000 American troops now in Iraq should be withdrawn.

"We're uniting behind a national security agenda that is tough and smart and will provide the real security     George Bush has promised but failed to deliver," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said in remarks prepared for delivery Wednesday.

His counterpart in the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., said the Democrats are offering a new direction — "one that is strong and smart, which understands the challenges America faces in a post 9/11 world, and one that demonstrates that Democrats are the party of real national security."

The latest in a series of party policy statements for 2006, the Democrats' national security platform comes seven months before voters decide who will control the House and Senate and as Democrats seek to cut into the public perception that the Republicans are stronger on national security.

Bush's job approval ratings are in the mid- to high-30s, and Democrats consistently have about a 10-point lead over Republicans when people are asked who they want to see in control of Congress.

With the public skeptical of the Iraq war and Republicans and Democrats alike questioning Bush's war policies, Democrats aim to force Republicans to distance themselves from Bush on Iraq and national security or rubber-stamp what Democrats contend is a failed policy.

"The Democrats are going to take back the security issue," said Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Republicans have vowed not to let that happen. They characterized the Democrats' platform as tough election-year talk that isn't backed up by the party's record.

"This is more of the same from the party that opposes this president's effort to keep our country safe," said Tracey Schmitt, a     Republican National Committee spokeswoman. "The bottom line is while this president campaigns against the terrorists, Democrats remain focused on campaigning against this president."

Overall, the Democratic position paper attempts to make the case that the Bush administration's "inadequate planning and incompetent policies have failed to make Americas as safe as we should be."

It covers party policy positions on homeland security, the war on terror, the military, Iraq and energy security, but it contains many of the same proposals Democrats have offered over the past year.

The platform also lacks specific details of how Democrats plan to capture bin Laden, the al-Qaida mastermind who has evaded U.S. forces in the more than four years since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

For months, House and Senate Democrats have tried to craft a comprehensive position on national security, but they have splintered, primarily over Iraq.

Republicans have sought to use that division to their own political advantage, claiming that Democrats simply attack the president and his fellow Republicans without presenting proposals of their own.
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:11:28 PM EDT
protecting the country shouldnt be a political ploy.  i detest both parties for using it for political leverage
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:11:35 PM EDT
The elimination of Osama would be a luxury.  I seriously doubt it would slow down the insurgency.

and plus fucking one to N_T's comments.
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:12:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:13:04 PM EDT
I think they meant Elimidate, Barney Frank would cut him in the first round
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:14:33 PM EDT
What the FUCK do Democrats know about national security and war?  Last fat fuck in office knew more about Big Macs and the dimples on his "whore for a wife" ass than fighting wars!  Too bad that heart attack wasn't fatal.  
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:14:37 PM EDT
With What?...SPITBALLS?
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:15:14 PM EDT
Elimation will only be a feel good.  There's much to be done.

Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:15:40 PM EDT
How do you "eliminate" someone who is already worm food? Step on the worms?
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:15:59 PM EDT
Their legacy is here:

Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:18:59 PM EDT
I'm a little more than mildly concerned about which way this election is going to swing. I fear that too many sheeple are disenchanted with Iraq to let the President Bush continue fighting the war on terror.
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:25:42 PM EDT

I'm a little more than mildly concerned about which way this election is going to swing. I fear that too many sheeple are disenchanted with Iraq to let the President Bush continue fighting the war on terror.

Me too, Steve...it ain't lookin' good right now.

Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:27:03 PM EDT
A good start would be for them to spell  his name correctly.  Duh.....
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:27:50 PM EDT

I'm a little more than mildly concerned about which way this election is going to swing. I fear that too many sheeple are disenchanted with Iraq to let the President Bush continue fighting the war on terror.

the worst enemy the democrats face in this election is the democrats.  the only hope the reps have is if the dems continue to self destruct
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:30:01 PM EDT

Democrats say they will double the number of special forces and add more spies

I see they're gonna dust off their magic SF and Spy Maker Machine! from 2004.
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:41:35 PM EDT


Democrats say they will double the number of special forces and add more spies

I see they're gonna dust off their magic SF and Spy Maker Machine! from 2004.

How do they propose to DOUBLE the number of special operators without reducing standards?  The only way you could realistically double the number of special operators is by doubling the total number of men serving in the entire military.  It's not like they cannot take more for lack of money . . .  
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 8:55:30 PM EDT
Cool.  I look at it this way:

Dems promise to eliminate OBL.
Must mean they know where he is, right?
So, are they harboring a fugitive, or just obstructing justice?
Either way, charge them all.

Link Posted: 3/28/2006 9:05:06 PM EDT
Their gonna send Teddy in to get ol'Osama ,  their gonna make some " tactical modifications" to Teddys OLDSMOBILE , and Osama wont know whether to SHT or go blind !!!
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 9:11:27 PM EDT
Its really quite simple:

Now that Bush and other GOP's have done all the really hard work (ie laying down the foundation) the Dims are going to try and step in and take the credit.

Everything they are saying is what Bush said in Sep 2001.  Lets see if the knucklehead media mentions that
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 9:13:46 PM EDT
Michael Moore wil hunt him down and throw donuts at him...
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 9:19:18 PM EDT
Wolf Blitzer and the whole CNN crew of liberal fucktards will provide cover.
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 9:23:12 PM EDT
Is John 'Swift Boat' Kerry gonna go hunt him down?

Are they gonna flush him out of hiding by offering him welfare and medical care?

Maybe the GOP should get Bin Laden to go hunting with Cheney.

Link Posted: 3/28/2006 9:24:19 PM EDT
So what are they going to do? Protest him to death?
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 9:32:04 PM EDT

protecting the country shouldnt be a political ploy.  i detest both parties for using it for political leverage

+1 thats pretty profound for a post whore
Link Posted: 3/28/2006 9:45:19 PM EDT
So, let me get this straight...Dems hate Bush for invading Iraq, a "country that didn't attack us".  They want to eliminate Osama.  How to do that?  By invading Pakistan, a country that didn't attack us.  
More typical double standards from the party of mental retardation
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 3:00:25 AM EDT
The best I can see is that all the Dim(wits) could do is if they found him, he would die from exhaustion from all of the media trying to get a interview so he could tell how it was all Bush's fault.
And they could write a book about how Bush was a fault and why they are Hero's.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 3:46:35 AM EDT


Democrats say they will double the number of special forces and add more spies

I see they're gonna dust off their magic SF and Spy Maker Machine! from 2004.

And count on the fact that (a) the American public has no clue what SF actually does, and (b) return to their prior attitude of 'SF guys volunteered for it, they're expendable, but don't dare use the rest of the Army for anything but parades & peacekeeping', ala Clinton...

SF ain't a bunch of super-duper shock troopers like goddamn Rambo... Yeah, they can do that, but they're far more effective training & advising foreign forces (the actual SF mission)... Most Americans think of SF and have visions of Chuck Norris or Steven Segal roundhouse kicking Osama thru a cave wall... Real life is far different - and most of them don't fit the Hollywood part...

Further, when they think of spies, they think of goddamn Bond or Ethan Hunt - folks not strictly limited to movies might see John Clark from Tom Clancy's well known book series, with no concept of what it takes to establish an on-the-ground spy network in a country not populated by significant numbers of the 'major' races which make up American society.... You can't just hire joe schmoe off the street & make him into an effective agent...

If I get stuck with a Dem prez in 08, and get sent to play UN World Police in some African or east-Asian shithole with no political or economic significance (heck, at least in Korea we have a strategic interest in keeping the goddamn communists north of the DMZ), I'll be absurdly pissed... I'll do it, but I won't like it...

Their attitude toward the military is still the same - they can't stand us... I see 'Double the number of SF' and think 'Oh no, not again... The Dems see SF as the magic bullet because they feel SF soldiers are expendable (I'd go as far as to say that some Demos think that anyone who'd sign up for SF is unfit for their ideal 'peaceful nonviolent PC society' and deserve whatever happens), whereas they see the average line soldier as someone who got roped in for social benefits that (in demothought) should be free from the govt anyway.....

In said fucked up extream-lefty world, an MP PFC is some poor kid who signed up for college money because the bad bad GOP won't allow everyone a tax-funded education - he didn't want to go to war, but now he's stuck and has to... If he gets killed in Iraq, this is WRONG, and should never have happened...

On the other hand, a SF A-team to them is a bunch of crazy freaks who signed up to kill people (not true, but that's what they think)... If they get killed, they had it coming, or at least should have known. Plus,, it's easy to spin said event into a political win by having the news make them out to be 'heroes' (while the dems roll their eyes every time it happens)....

The LAST thing I want to see is SF troops & Rangers being used as disposable, sacrifical lambs on missions where a heavy line unit would have done better (Somolia ring a bell, anyone?)  & maybe even suffered less casualties, just because of the above (Clinton, or at least his cabinet, held the above view)...
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 3:48:27 AM EDT

protecting the country shouldnt be a political ploy.  i detest both parties for using it for political leverage

War has ALWAYS been a political concern.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 3:48:52 AM EDT

So, let me get this straight...Dems hate Bush for invading Iraq, a "country that didn't attack us".  They want to eliminate Osama.  How to do that?  By invading Pakistan, a country that didn't attack us.  
More typical double standards from the party of mental retardation

Ahh, but they won't invade, they'll use their magic doubled SF to sneak in and kidnap him, then when something goes to shit & highly trained SF troops get killed for lack of proper air, armor, or fire support, they'll gloss it over, blame the military brass, and withdraw.....
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 3:52:51 AM EDT

With What?...SPITBALLS?


Here is something I have YET to hear ANYONE in the media investigate:

Remember how all the dems were complaining that the troops didn't have body armor or armored humvees?

Anyone remember the 90s? Anyone remember all the base closings? All the calls for reduced defense spending now that the Soviet threat was gone? All the defense budget reductions? All the tomahawk missles that Clinton shot off but never replaced? All the deployments during the Clinton administration and yet all the reductions that were pushed through?

And then the democrats complain because we go to war without all the necessities? I bet you a bag of donuts that the complainers are the same doofuses who wanted all that defense reduction in the first bloody place.

Link Posted: 3/29/2006 3:59:37 AM EDT

Well, alrighty then!...go for it, no, on 2nd thought, stay where you are and the real men will see him die one way or the other.


Democrats Pledge to 'Eliminate' Osama
By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer
Tue Mar 28, 8:44 PM ET

WASHINGTON - Congressional Democrats promise to "eliminate"     Osama bin Laden and ensure a "responsible redeployment of U.S. forces" from     Iraq in 2006 in an election-year national security policy statement.

In the position paper to be announced Wednesday, Democrats say they will double the number of special forces and add more spies, which they suggest will increase the chances of finding al-Qaida's elusive leader. They do not set a deadline for when all of the 132,000 American troops now in Iraq should be withdrawn.

"We're uniting behind a national security agenda that is tough and smart and will provide the real security     George Bush has promised but failed to deliver," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said in remarks prepared for delivery Wednesday.

His counterpart in the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., said the Democrats are offering a new direction — "one that is strong and smart, which understands the challenges America faces in a post 9/11 world, and one that demonstrates that Democrats are the party of real national security."


in effect, this means:

-more domestic surveillance (but when the Dems do it it's okay...)
-more handoff to the UN
-surrender in Iraq by withdrawing

...and, most important:

More Gun Control!......

(any excuse is a good one..... )
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 3:59:59 AM EDT
Damn... I read the title wrong.

I thought it said Eliminate OBAMA!
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 4:14:06 AM EDT

Cool.  I look at it this way:

Dems promise to eliminate OBL.
Must mean they know where he is, right?
So, are they harboring a fugitive, or just obstructing justice?
Either way, charge them all.


Now see, THIS  MAKES  SENSE , to me anyhoo, Howdy Woody !
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 4:14:45 AM EDT
See below.  
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 4:22:27 AM EDT
Democrats promise to lie, cheat, steal, make deals with Lucifer, kill, rape....  whatever it takes to protect you from yourself, because they know better.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 4:31:29 AM EDT


With What?...SPITBALLS?


Here is something I have YET to hear ANYONE in the media investigate:

Remember how all the dems were complaining that the troops didn't have body armor or armored humvees?

Anyone remember the 90s? Anyone remember all the base closings? All the calls for reduced defense spending now that the Soviet threat was gone? All the defense budget reductions? All the tomahawk missles that Clinton shot off but never replaced? All the deployments during the Clinton administration and yet all the reductions that were pushed through?

And then the democrats complain because we go to war without all the necessities? I bet you a bag of donuts that the complainers are the same doofuses who wanted all that defense reduction in the first bloody place.

Not to mention all the DoD folks pushing for a peacekeeper Army rolling around in airmobile (but not really, after they build the goddamn things) light wheeled vehiclesn (i.e. Stryker), and a lack of budget for training & ammo but all that money sure was there for the fucking mass-issue of black berets?

I wasn't in back then, but I was watching...

Half the BS we have now is decended from the Clinton era, most of the rest is created by the damn media.....
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 5:16:51 AM EDT
We're not as safe as we need to be, say the Dems. I read that to mean that there will be nationwide bans on handguns, "assault rifles", shotguns, sharpened pencils, knives, baseball bats and various other implements of terror. National security under the democrats is a just another excuse to ban something. Fuck'em.  
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 5:27:42 AM EDT
Talk is cheap.

Look at the pussy footing around they did.

Bush hadn't even unpacked his bags and 9-11 came
The COLE was under their watch.

It's laughable.   Let's have a sit down with them around a campfire and sing freaking Cumbaya.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 5:32:11 AM EDT

We're not as safe as we need to be, say the Dems. I read that to mean that there will be nationwide bans on handguns, "assault rifles", shotguns, sharpened pencils, knives, baseball bats and various other implements of terror. National security under the democrats is a just another excuse to ban something. Fuck'em.  

Oh and you forgot the Mass.  State  machete registry.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 5:34:06 AM EDT

Wag the dog anyone?
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 5:34:14 AM EDT
personally i think osama is dead..

but if he is not.. he is in pakistan.. so are the dems gonna declare war on pakistan, or a t a minimum send in some sort of ground force form a-stan?

secondly, dems want an issue, they should try our borders. do more good to stop a few million illegals coming across the mexican border than to find, kill, stuff and mount some old has been wannabee mullah...
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 6:38:06 AM EDT
Clinton had three chances to capture Bin Laden, and didn't use a single one of those opportunities.  I doubt any other Democrats will be braver.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 1:51:45 PM EDT
Eliminate him????

They refused to take him once ....on a silver fucking platter!

Eliminate him.!!!!!!!  Yeah right!

I wouldn't be surprised If we don't have him now.    
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 2:13:13 PM EDT

With What?...SPITBALLS?

Actually Yes.

I think someone here made it.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 2:16:10 PM EDT

I'm a little more than mildly concerned about which way this election is going to swing. I fear that too many sheeple are disenchanted with Iraq to let the President Bush continue fighting the war on terror.

I really don't buy the "poll" figures at all.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 3:39:05 PM EDT
LOL.  More wishfull thinking from the party of empty promises.  How are the Dems going to do anything if they can't win an election.  Fudge em.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 7:05:54 PM EDT
The only way they can get rid of Bin Laden is by passing legislation that would require all captured terrorists to have sex with Hillary Clinton. I'd bet that most would either commit suicide immediately or become born again Christians and give up terrorism.  
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 7:09:32 PM EDT

protecting the country shouldnt be a political ploy.  i detest both parties for using it for political leverage

Link Posted: 3/29/2006 7:14:39 PM EDT
The Dems are doing the same thing they have done in the last two elections, peaking early.
They keep doing this, they have the elections wrapped up in march and lose in November.
It's way too early to panic yet.

Besides, thier idea of "eliminate " is to try him in U.S. courts
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 7:19:40 PM EDT

So what are they going to do? Protest him to death?

No kidding.
The democrats will eliminate Bin Laden like Chamberlain eliminated Hitler.
Link Posted: 3/29/2006 7:29:07 PM EDT
The Dims are such a joke.  First they brag about killing the Patriot Act (happily they failed).  Then they think attacking Bush over eavesdropping on al-Qaeda agents in the USA will somehow work to their political advantage.

After fighting stridently for circumscribing and hampering the fight against terrorism, they now say they'll do a better job fighting al-Qaeda than the elected GOP politicians in charge have been doing?

It is to laugh.  They really do seem to think the American public is a bunch of morons who think they wont notice the extreme contradictions.
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