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Posted: 2/7/2006 4:24:59 AM EDT
Glenn "Bimbo" Benner will take the needle today at 10 am. He was a freind of mine in High School. In 1984, he was convicted of two murders. One girl was 18 Y.O. Trina Bowser, his neighbor and my sisters friend.
"Bimbo" as he was known, was one you wouldn't expect this from. He was good looking, a great athlete and he had all the friends and women he could want. He started behaving strangely in 11th grade. He started doing hard drugs. He attempted suicide. He was breaking in to cars and doing burglaries. Then he started doing his burglaries when people were home. He started targeting women and the burglaries turned in to rapes. He kidknapped and murdered a girl at Blossom Music Center (outdoor concert venue) then kidknapped, raped and murdered Trina.

I was told about it by other friends while I was in the service and overseas. This scum bag has sat on death row here in Ohio fro 22 years. I would give the injection myself if I could.  

Link Posted: 2/7/2006 4:27:04 AM EDT
One less problem on this earth i suppose.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 4:35:37 AM EDT
legalize drugs

should have been dead 21.999999 years ago.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 4:44:34 AM EDT
Too bad he wasn't serious about his suicide attempt.  Would have saved lives.

People should be on death row for like 2 years max.  Give them time for two appeals.  If they can't do anything with two appeals, they aren't going to do anything with 10 or ever how many they get.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 4:45:58 AM EDT
Justice is finally gonna get served.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 4:49:27 AM EDT
I hope they use a dull, rusty needle.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 4:50:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 4:55:09 AM EDT

Not to sound harsh bud but this sounds more like an aquaintence than a friend.  This type typically does't have friends and you never struck me as someone who would be friends with someone like that.

Not a close friend by any means. Attended school together from grade school to graduation. Socialized off and on in high school mostly through mutual friends. In high school we would have referred to each other as friends. But you are correct in assuming that we were quite opposite. I wasn't a criminal. I didn't use drugs and wasn't mentally unbalanced.

Obviously, our paths divereged after high school. I am glad to see him go.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 4:56:32 AM EDT
This one had me shaken for a moment.  I thought you were talking about something worthwhile like your dog or cat.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 4:56:43 AM EDT
I thought this was going to be a touching story about having to put your dog down.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 4:58:51 AM EDT

One less problem on this earth i suppose.

Link Posted: 2/7/2006 5:00:48 AM EDT
Sha na na, na na na, hey hey Goodbye, scumbag.

I'm sorry you had to know this guy in your time.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 5:06:05 AM EDT
Just curious...when they insert the IV tube, why do they swab the site with alcohol?
I say why waste money on a new needle each time
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 5:07:02 AM EDT

I hope they use a dull, rusty needle.

No, no needle.  Just make a cut (big one) on the arm and pour the juice in.  It should still make it through the body, sometime.  
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 5:57:49 AM EDT
pick better friends
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:02:27 AM EDT

People should be on death row for like 2 years max.  Give them time for two appeals.  If they can't do anything with two appeals, they aren't going to do anything with 10 or ever how many they get.

It's not unusual for a single appeal to take two or more years in a relatively simple case. We could always skip the trial and go right to execution, now that would be judicial economy
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:02:51 AM EDT
Good riddance.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:08:17 AM EDT

If that was my little girl he killed....hell, it doesn't even matter....I'd want this used as the "needle"...

Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:11:41 AM EDT
I often wonder if there is a "monster gene" in some of these assholes.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:13:27 AM EDT
Why do we waste so much taxpayer money on executions?  We spend tens of thousands of dollars to execute these fucks.

Wouldn't a .22 to the back of the head be humane, and cheaper?

It's not like they couldn't find volenteers to pull the trigger.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:22:36 AM EDT
Twenty two years of wasting our oxygen?  Sheesh...what a travesty.  

I like the way the Russians apply the sentence of death.  Very soon after the conviction, the BG is taken to a special room in the prison.  This room has a tiled floor that slopes down to the center where there is a drain.  After the BG is escorted in, the guard behind him simply shoots the BG with his Tokarev in the head from slightly below and behind the right ear, angled up and forward to maximize wound effects.  Works every time.

Way too long for your old classmate.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:05:02 AM EDT
If I had known him, I'd be pretty curious as to what happened in 11th grade.
Not that it would excuse everything else, but do you ever wonder?
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:08:36 AM EDT

If I had known him, I'd be pretty curious as to what happened in 11th grade.
Not that it would excuse everything else, but do you ever wonder?

I bet in the 11th grade is when the guy started doing drugs, and the drugs screwed up his brain.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:14:35 AM EDT
It's 11:12 by my watch, all over but the rejoycing.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:22:29 AM EDT
hm. A kid i was in HS (Fred for all intensive purposes) with is sitting in prison at this moment. He's in for murder. Turns out his room mate kept bitching how bad life was and that he wanted to kill himself but couldn't do it. Well Fred got tired of it and grabbed a shotgun, put it in the kids mouth and pulled the trigger. All this in front of his 1.5yr old son. Not to inlucde the drugs the cops found in the house either.

I think it was an engineered suicide. Fred was never the kind of kid to do this sort of thing. I think the chicken shit kid loaded the shotty planning on pushing Fred over the deep end. Then again, i wasn't there. Either way, 3 lifes ruined in the blink of an eye.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:26:28 AM EDT

Just curious...when they insert the IV tube, why do they swab the site with alcohol?
I say why waste money on a new needle each time

As for sterelization, I found this:

The needles as well as the point at which the needle is inserted are
sterilized, as it is part of the figurative sterilization of the
process of execution that is to guard against questions of cruel and
unusual punishment in execution, I would believe.
Ron Dennis - Deathpenaltyinfo.org

You guys remember that Dillon-Aero video where it's nothing but fly-by's of choppers with miniguns blowing up cars in the desert?  Hows about we clean upo deathrow; bury em all up to their necks out where Chuck Yaeger did his first flight testing, and make a spectacle out of it?
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:30:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:32:36 AM EDT
If more people were conscientious about carrying to protect themselves, your high school aquaintance wouldn't have had as long a career as a thief/rapist. He sure as hell wouldn't have made it to "murder".

That goes for all drug abusers who think they can victimize others to support their habits. Armed victims thin the predators ranks quite nicely.

Drug laws and gun laws do little to solve the problem. Make the consequences FATAL and punishment meeted out by their intended victims. That's real justice.
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