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Posted: 8/21/2005 3:39:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 3:40:40 PM EDT
smoke as much as u want, just keep it outta my face
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 3:41:12 PM EDT
Are all the 60 Minutes anchors kept in a vat of formaldehyde between shows?

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 3:41:53 PM EDT

smoke as much as u want, just keep it outta my face

Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 3:44:59 PM EDT

Are all the 60 Minutes anchors kept in a vat of formaldehyde between shows?

Yep.  Same as their audience.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 3:47:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 3:53:02 PM EDT


smoke as much as u want, just keep it outta my face

Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

How about you keep my money out of your socialized medicine, mkay?
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 4:05:55 PM EDT


Yea, ban everything the libs don't like, then one day you will look up and wonder why you can't take a shit without breaking the law.


+1  as the nanny state approaches
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 4:08:53 PM EDT
Alcohol is just like anything else: use it safely and you'll be fine.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 4:10:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 4:14:57 PM EDT
Give it a few years, and smoking and drinking will be in the same boat.

Little by little America sinks down the shitter.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 8:30:20 PM EDT
Little by little? Hell, I think the snowball is gaining speed.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 8:39:35 PM EDT

Give it a few years, and smoking and drinking will be in the same boat.

Little by little America sinks down the shitter.

Not if good ole Teddy has anything to do with it.  
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 8:49:54 PM EDT
Hey, ban booze as long as you legalize mary jane... I'd be fine with that.  Booze is bad for you, mj is like potato chips.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 8:51:49 PM EDT

Hey, ban booze as long as you legalize mary jane... I'd be fine with that.  Booze is bad for you, mj is like potato chips.

Why does THAT not suprise me.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 8:53:07 PM EDT


...This story although under the guise of protecting children was the most anti-alcohol story...


It wasn't anti-alcohol, it was pro-nanny state
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 8:56:26 PM EDT


smoke as much as u want, just keep it outta my face

Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

Ah yes, the tenet of socialism.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 8:56:28 PM EDT


Hey, ban booze as long as you legalize mary jane... I'd be fine with that.  Booze is bad for you, mj is like potato chips.

Why does THAT not suprise me.

I take it your drug of choice is alcohol?  I'm not going to criticize, I'm downing a moonshine and tonic right now.  I just wish my personal favorite was legal.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 8:59:28 PM EDT
hey, if I go into a bar, I expect it to be smoky.  If I am walkin down the street I want fresh air, not the dregs of smoke from your lungs

I'm not sayin ban it, I am saying I choose not to smoke, and it is my right not to in a pubic place.

you have the right to do anything in my book as long as it doesnt infringe on the rights of others.

booze it up, dont drive.  Smoke a fat bag of crack, same thing

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 9:08:55 PM EDT

A couple years ago I was tooling my bimmer down Sunset Blvd in LA listening to the Santa Monica City Council debate a smoking ban in the public parks in Santa Monica.  The idea that blew me off my heated leather seats was when a woman on the council said that Yeah, you can ask somebody not to smoke in your breathing space, but if you're a six-month-old, you can't really do that.

Holy S#it.

As a smoker (at the time, former smoker now) I just couldn't believe my ears.  What kind of asshole would blow smoke in a six-month-old's face?  Also, where are the parents in this situation?  What kind of parent wouldn't be all Hey ass#ole, don't blow smoke in my kid's face?  WTF?

I can reasonably expect a bare minimum of civility even in the fuck@d up world we live in today.  I can't imagine somebody that's a big enough a$$hole to blow smoke in a baby's face.  I can't believe this broad on the City Council thought this behavior was commonplace.

If somebody wants to smoke, and can afford their habit, and can afford medical care in the event they get sick because of it... well, fair enough.  Have at it.  If somebody wants to blow their liver and (possibly) damage their brain (if they down more than 100 drinks per month or 3 a day) then I don't care... we're all gonna die someday anyway.

I don't agree with making booze illegal.  Legalize it all (with the exception of Meth, that stuff is the devil's crystallized hate) and tax it lightly enough that organized crime of every stripe is put out of business and the associated violence disappears.

Especially my girl Mary.  Let her go free!
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 9:16:27 PM EDT

hey, if I go into a bar, I expect it to be smoky.  If I am walkin down the street I want fresh air, not the dregs of smoke from your lungs

I'm not sayin ban it, I am saying I choose not to smoke, and it is my right not to in a pubic place.

you have the right to do anything in my book as long as it doesnt infringe on the rights of others.

booze it up, dont drive.  Smoke a fat bag of crack, same thing

I'm almost positive smoke rises, so out in public, how does second hand smoke bother you?(no, I'm not a smoker)
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 9:16:51 PM EDT



smoke as much as u want, just keep it outta my face

Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

How about you keep my money out of your socialized medicine, mkay?

That's damn right!

And if I do have to pay into your socialized medicine program, then I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want and your tax dollars are going to foot the bill! I told you not to institute it in the first place.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 9:30:05 PM EDT


smoke as much as u want, just keep it outta my face

Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

Smokers contribute more than their fair share of taxes in the form of cigarette taxes.  You really should thank every person you see smoking for their tax contributions.  
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 9:36:05 PM EDT

Hey, ban booze as long as you legalize mary jane... I'd be fine with that.  

Booze is already heavily regulated, with stiffer punishments than marijuana crimes in my state.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 9:45:52 PM EDT

hey, if I go into a bar, I expect it to be smoky.

[Ron White]It's a bar, you don't go in there to eat carrot sticks and talk about Jesus....[/Ron White]
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 9:48:10 PM EDT


hey, if I go into a bar, I expect it to be smoky.

[Ron White]It's a bar, you don't go in there to eat carrot sticks and talk about Jesus....[/Ron White]

I was drunk in a bar, they threw me into pub-LICK
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 9:48:52 PM EDT


Yea, ban everything the libs don't like, then one day you will look up and wonder why you can't take a shit without breaking the law.


You can still take a shit without breaking the law, but the enviro-weanies have ensured that you can't have a toilet that will flush it down.  
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 10:27:07 PM EDT


Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

Have as many kids as you want, just don't ask for my (cigarette tax) money to help educate/feed/incarcerate them.

This touches a sore note with me. My workplace is about to go smoke free. Now that wouldn't be a big deal, if it wasn't for all the 500lb anti-smoking weenies sniveling about my smoke while stuffing fucking ho-ho's down their cavernous maw.

Guess what? I pay into that fucking pyramid health care plan just as fucking much as anyone else. You are goddamn right I am gonna use that fucking money when my lungs fall off. Not only that, but I am gonna use some of that money when my heart shits out (just like yours is) from years of stress and high fat foods.

Fuck the nanny state, and fuck the fucking do gooder social fucking hall monitors.

When you go into a bar, don't bitch about the fucking smoke. It's a bar. And when you are outside somewhere, and you even fucking THINK about bitching about the smoke, well, then asshole, you should have thought about it before driving the smokers outside!

Waaaahhhhh! I don't like the smoke! Make them go outside!

So we went out-fucking-side.

Now it's Waaaaahhhhhh! The smokers are all outside. It smells bad and pollutes the air! Booo Hooooo!.

/rant off

Mebbe my nicotine patch is running low. Or my tolerance for idiots is gone.
Link Posted: 8/21/2005 10:31:13 PM EDT



Yea, ban everything the libs don't like, then one day you will look up and wonder why you can't take a shit without breaking the law.


+1  as the nanny state approaches

Link Posted: 8/21/2005 11:28:00 PM EDT




Yea, ban everything the libs don't like, then one day you will look up and wonder why you can't take a shit without breaking the law.


+1  as the nanny state approaches


"But I'm a freedom loving patriot!  Banning things I personally disapprove of is ok!"

Too many f'ing socialists on both sides of the aisle.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 6:07:48 AM EDT
EH, Dont sweat it. People always whining about the boiling frog etc etc. It Has to get worse before it gets better. Look at America during the revlutionary war period. If the Crown had'nt acted so assenine the reason for independance would'nt have been so pressing. Look at the prohibition movement. For decades it had been 'brewing' and growing till finally the 18th admendment was passed. Truly a dark day for american liberty. But it finally motivated people to get off their asses and "fight the power" baby! Yes that includes the criminal elements, They have their uses when it comes to fighting for liberty, Belive it or not. If it was'nt for law breaking civil disobediance every asshole law ever made would still be around.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 6:18:37 AM EDT



Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

Have as many kids as you want, just don't ask for my (cigarette tax) money to help educate/feed/incarcerate them.

This touches a sore note with me. My workplace is about to go smoke free. Now that wouldn't be a big deal, if it wasn't for all the 500lb anti-smoking weenies sniveling about my smoke while stuffing fucking ho-ho's down their cavernous maw.

Guess what? I pay into that fucking pyramid health care plan just as fucking much as anyone else. You are goddamn right I am gonna use that fucking money when my lungs fall off. Not only that, but I am gonna use some of that money when my heart shits out (just like yours is) from years of stress and high fat foods.

Fuck the nanny state, and fuck the fucking do gooder social fucking hall monitors.

When you go into a bar, don't bitch about the fucking smoke. It's a bar. And when you are outside somewhere, and you even fucking THINK about bitching about the smoke, well, then asshole, you should have thought about it before driving the smokers outside!

Waaaahhhhh! I don't like the smoke! Make them go outside!

So we went out-fucking-side.

Now it's Waaaaahhhhhh! The smokers are all outside. It smells bad and pollutes the air! Booo Hooooo!.

/rant off

Mebbe my nicotine patch is running low. Or my tolerance for idiots is gone.

Link Posted: 8/22/2005 7:46:08 AM EDT
I always figured the disparity in "sin tax" between tobacco and alcohol was due to the relatively low number of smokers on capitol hill as compared to the relatively high number of booze hounds.

The price of cigarettes has gone up 300% in the last ten years.  By my figures, that should make a sixpack cost about $25 to $30.  Smile you fucking drunks, you're on lib-camera..
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 8:01:51 AM EDT



smoke as much as u want, just keep it outta my face

Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

Smokers contribute more than their fair share of taxes in the form of cigarette taxes.  You really should thank every person you see smoking for their tax contributions.  

That's certainly true in California. Someone I know just had a $79,000 hospital bill paid for by the tobacco tax fund. Their hospital stay didn't have anything to do with tobacco, BTW.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 8:05:17 AM EDT



Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

Have as many kids as you want, just don't ask for my (cigarette tax) money to help educate/feed/incarcerate them.

This touches a sore note with me. My workplace is about to go smoke free. Now that wouldn't be a big deal, if it wasn't for all the 500lb anti-smoking weenies sniveling about my smoke while stuffing fucking ho-ho's down their cavernous maw.

Guess what? I pay into that fucking pyramid health care plan just as fucking much as anyone else. You are goddamn right I am gonna use that fucking money when my lungs fall off. Not only that, but I am gonna use some of that money when my heart shits out (just like yours is) from years of stress and high fat foods.

Fuck the nanny state, and fuck the fucking do gooder social fucking hall monitors.

When you go into a bar, don't bitch about the fucking smoke. It's a bar. And when you are outside somewhere, and you even fucking THINK about bitching about the smoke, well, then asshole, you should have thought about it before driving the smokers outside!

Waaaahhhhh! I don't like the smoke! Make them go outside!

So we went out-fucking-side.

Now it's Waaaaahhhhhh! The smokers are all outside. It smells bad and pollutes the air! Booo Hooooo!.

/rant off

Mebbe my nicotine patch is running low. Or my tolerance for idiots is gone.

Adding that if those bastards touch my Vodka...nobody on this planet will be safe.......I'll start a new religion calling for all good followers to overthrow the governemt and promise them 72 bottles of their choice for every head of every dumbass that voted to ban my drug of choice.

I'm sorry...was that too harsh?
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 8:06:44 AM EDT


A couple years ago I was tooling my bimmer down Sunset Blvd in LA listening to the Santa Monica City Council debate a smoking ban in the public parks in Santa Monica.  The idea that blew me off my heated leather seats was when a woman on the council said that Yeah, you can ask somebody not to smoke in your breathing space, but if you're a six-month-old, you can't really do that.

Holy S#it.

As a smoker (at the time, former smoker now) I just couldn't believe my ears.  What kind of asshole would blow smoke in a six-month-old's face?  Also, where are the parents in this situation?  What kind of parent wouldn't be all Hey ass#ole, don't blow smoke in my kid's face?  WTF?

I can reasonably expect a bare minimum of civility even in the fuck@d up world we live in today.  I can't imagine somebody that's a big enough a$$hole to blow smoke in a baby's face.  I can't believe this broad on the City Council thought this behavior was commonplace.

If somebody wants to smoke, and can afford their habit, and can afford medical care in the event they get sick because of it... well, fair enough.  Have at it.  If somebody wants to blow their liver and (possibly) damage their brain (if they down more than 100 drinks per month or 3 a day) then I don't care... we're all gonna die someday anyway.

I don't agree with making booze illegal.  Legalize it all (with the exception of Meth, that stuff is the devil's crystallized hate) and tax it lightly enough that organized crime of every stripe is put out of business and the associated violence disappears.

Especially my girl Mary.  Let her go free!

I am definitely no fan of tobacco but I have to agree with you here. If you can't smoke tobacco in a park where there is a nearly constant breeze (and there is always a good stiff breeze in Santa Monica) then they just ought to admit that they are trying to prohibit it generally. If someone blows smoke in a baby's face, that is a separate offense (possibly by both parents and smoker) and there are other, easier, solutions that don't intrude on the smokers' rights to pollute themselves.  Not that this would be even possible in most Santa Monica parks. That onshore breeze usually takes care of any lingering smoke before it has a chance to bother anyone.

I have been to Santa Monica many times and seen all kinds of things. I cannot recall any instance in which a tobacco smoker offended me or anyone I was with because of their smoke. The breeze is just too good to let it happen much.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 8:29:47 AM EDT
Everyone knows alcohol is next.  The government and legal organizations have learned there is too much money in the law suits to not go after alcohol companies.

It may seem like a rediculous idea, but I bet ten years from now there will be states banning alcohol in bars.  They will tax it to death, and run commercials and articles on the costs and evils of DUI, domestic violence, and liver diesease over and over.  Blowing everything out of proportion in order to affect possible juries.  Then the suits will start.

Vices have always been highly taxed because they can get away with it.  Now the politicians have figured out an even faster way to get more money out of them.  The only problem is the concept is too short sighted.  The settlements will eventually run out, and the drinking, smoking, etc population will have declined too much to give any real tax revenues.

I just wonder what will be next after alcohol.  They'll probably legalize narcotics just to tax and sue the manufacturers.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 8:43:26 AM EDT
not many of the kids i went to highschool with drank or smoked cigarettes...  it was mostly weed, coke, and pills - and lots of them.  i was one of the few that just drank.

i saw several lives ruined by drugs.  people i went to school with were crack addicts only after a few years of experamenting with lighter stuff.  i saw a lot of meth being used as well.  a couple of good friends of mine looked like ethiopians when i saw them last - skinny, weak, and sickly alcohol is not the issue here.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 9:35:16 AM EDT
Doesn't surprise me one bit.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 9:58:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 11:46:55 AM EDT
What makes people think all that cigarette tax goes to health care?  I see it getting spent on about everything else but I have yet to do some in depth research.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 1:20:09 PM EDT

Are all the 60 Minutes anchors kept in a vat of formaldehyde between shows?

No. They bend them all they way over and tuck their pointy little heads up their asses.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 1:24:30 PM EDT



smoke as much as u want, just keep it outta my face

Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

Just think, just like the media has influenced you on tabacco they now are doing the same on alcohol.  

Not too many tobacco fiends living on the streets asking for money to support their habits. Smoking and driving isn't the largest cause of car accidents or deaths.  Lung cancer is pretty quick compared to liver damage or cirrosis.  

Yea, ban everything the libs don't like, then one day you will look up and wonder why you can't take a shit without breaking the law.


They got ya there too.  I'm sure the state health department frowns on outhouses like we have at deer camp and such.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 1:27:24 PM EDT


smoke as much as u want, just keep it outta my face

Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

People who work don't use your tax dollars for healthcare.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 5:24:34 PM EDT
Flying into Los Angeles ,bringing in a couple keys!

Don't touch my bags if you please ,Mister custom man!!!!

Ever see or hear Arlo talk about drugs now?

He is really grey haired,and says that the peace thing was right on ,but the drugs was a bad Idea!!!!

Still is!!!

Link Posted: 8/22/2005 5:30:54 PM EDT
drugs are bad.
Link Posted: 8/22/2005 5:42:33 PM EDT



Smoke as much as u want, just keep my tax dollars away from your health care

Have as many kids as you want, just don't ask for my (cigarette tax) money to help educate/feed/incarcerate them.

This touches a sore note with me. My workplace is about to go smoke free. Now that wouldn't be a big deal, if it wasn't for all the 500lb anti-smoking weenies sniveling about my smoke while stuffing fucking ho-ho's down their cavernous maw.

Guess what? I pay into that fucking pyramid health care plan just as fucking much as anyone else. You are goddamn right I am gonna use that fucking money when my lungs fall off. Not only that, but I am gonna use some of that money when my heart shits out (just like yours is) from years of stress and high fat foods.

Fuck the nanny state, and fuck the fucking do gooder social fucking hall monitors.

When you go into a bar, don't bitch about the fucking smoke. It's a bar. And when you are outside somewhere, and you even fucking THINK about bitching about the smoke, well, then asshole, you should have thought about it before driving the smokers outside!

Waaaahhhhh! I don't like the smoke! Make them go outside!

So we went out-fucking-side.

Now it's Waaaaahhhhhh! The smokers are all outside. It smells bad and pollutes the air! Booo Hooooo!.

/rant off

Mebbe my nicotine patch is running low. Or my tolerance for idiots is gone.

I couldn't have said it better. thank You

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