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Posted: 10/17/2004 5:23:30 PM EDT
Do not hotlink per usual


These folks are living in a vacuum or are really stupid.

That's right. Most of America will be voting for Kerry

If he is not declared the winner, we must be out in the streets. The rigging will be inside the computers and difficult to prove. If you see any result other than a Kerry victory, get ready to march.

Link Posted: 10/17/2004 5:25:44 PM EDT

Do not hotlink per usual


These folks are living in a vacuum or are really stupid.

That's right. Most of America will be voting for Kerry

If he is not declared the winner, we must be out in the streets. The rigging will be inside the computers and difficult to prove. If you see any result other than a Kerry victory, get ready to march.

I guess that's the difference between them and us. If there's a coup, they believe the appropriate response is to go outside and walk around and yell. Oooookay.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 5:26:16 PM EDT
March, shit, do back flips....who cares?

WHEN GWB wins this one I'm prepared to expect just about ANYTHING from these clowns.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 5:31:51 PM EDT
Who gives a shit what these assholes say???  This whole voter fraud talk will end up hurting them more than it helps.  They're just giving us 2 weeks notice that they'll be crying wolf when they lose.  By the time election day rolls around everyone will be expecting these freaks to protest.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 5:33:04 PM EDT
oh well. thats after the election, who cares after the election
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 5:38:12 PM EDT
What a bunch of stupid little crybaby shitheads.

"Oh, waaa, waaa, kerry lost! Bush cheated! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!"
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 5:52:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 5:53:50 PM EDT
March away, that'll turn into a riot:

Link Posted: 10/17/2004 5:54:59 PM EDT
Who cares if they want to march, bitch and moan about it?

"Fuck 'em: we're the ones with the guns."

Don't recall which ARFCOMmer said that recently, but it still cracks me up.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 5:55:49 PM EDT


Do not hotlink per usual


These folks are living in a vacuum or are really stupid.

That's right. Most of America will be voting for Kerry

If he is not declared the winner, we must be out in the streets. The rigging will be inside the computers and difficult to prove. If you see any result other than a Kerry victory, get ready to march.

I guess that's the difference between them and us. If there's a coup, they believe the appropriate response is to go outside and walk around and yell. Oooookay.

So true, if there was a legitmate nation wide vote rigging, I know I would be doing more than making a sign and yelling.  
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 5:56:28 PM EDT
I never realized what nutjobs these people were until I actually checked their forums last night.  These people couldn't be any more detached from reality!  One memeber was even saying the flu vaccine shortage was a Republican conspiracy to lock out voters (via too sick to vote).

I actually joined the sight, wasn't an ass about anything, and actually asked a few questions and made a few basic points.  I was kicked off in under 14 minutes!
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 6:14:43 PM EDT

March away, that'll turn into a riot:


Link Posted: 10/17/2004 6:25:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 6:49:08 PM EDT

Main Entry: 1loose
Pronunciation: 'lüs
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): loos·er; loos·est
Etymology: Middle English lous, from Old Norse lauss; akin to Old High German lOs loose -- more at -LESS
1 a : not rigidly fastened or securely attached b (1) : having worked partly free from attachments <a loose tooth> (2) : having relative freedom of movement c : produced freely and accompanied by raising of mucus <a loose cough> d : not tight-fitting
2 a : free from a state of confinement, restraint, or obligation <a lion loose in the streets> <spend loose funds wisely> b : not brought together in a bundle, container, or binding c archaic : DISCONNECTED, DETACHED
3 : not dense, close, or compact in structure or arrangement
4 a : lacking in restraint or power of restraint <a loose tongue> <loose bowels> b : lacking moral restraint : UNCHASTE
5 a : not tightly drawn or stretched : SLACK b : being flexible or relaxed <stay loose>
6 a : lacking in precision, exactness, or care <loose brushwork> <loose usage> b : permitting freedom of interpretation
7 : not in the possession of either of two competing teams <a loose ball> <a loose puck>


Main Entry: lose
Pronunciation: 'lüz
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): lost  /'lost/; los·ing  /'lü-zi[ng]/
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English losian to perish, lose, from los destruction; akin to Old English lEosan to lose; akin to Old Norse losa to loosen, Latin luere to atone for, Greek lyein to loosen, dissolve, destroy
transitive senses
1 a : to bring to destruction -- used chiefly in passive construction <the ship was lost on the reef> b : DAMN <if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul -- Matthew 16:26 (Authorized Version)>
2 : to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place
3 : to suffer deprivation of : part with especially in an unforeseen or accidental manner
4 a : to suffer loss through the death or removal of or final separation from (a person) b : to fail to keep control of or allegiance of <lose votes> <lost his temper>
5 a : to fail to use : let slip by : WASTE <lose the tide> b (1) : to fail to win, gain, or obtain <lose a prize> <lose a contest> (2) : to undergo defeat in <lost every battle> c : to fail to catch with the senses or the mind <lost part of what she said>
6 : to cause the loss of <one careless statement lost him the election>
7 : to fail to keep, sustain, or maintain <lost my balance>
8 a : to cause to miss one's way or bearings <lost himself in the maze of streets> b : to make (oneself) withdrawn from immediate reality <lost herself in daydreaming>
9 a : to wander or go astray from <lost his way> b : to draw away from : OUTSTRIP <lost his pursuers>
10 : to fail to keep in sight or in mind
11 : to free oneself from : get rid of <dieting to lose some weight>
intransitive senses
1 : to undergo deprivation of something of value
2 : to undergo defeat <lose with good grace>
3 of a timepiece : to run slow
- los·able  /'lü-z&-b&l/ adjective
- los·able·ness noun
- lose ground : to suffer loss or disadvantage : fail to advance or improve
- lose one's heart : to fall in love  

Link Posted: 10/17/2004 6:56:16 PM EDT


If you see any result other than a Kerry victory...

How many possible results are there in a two man race? These people are real brain surgeons.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 6:59:00 PM EDT
They are clueless.  They actually believe Kerry is winning, yet they are preparing for the inevitable "stolen election".  Sounds like a mental disorder.

Oh and for RiffRandall the thread hijacker and grammar nazi.... I hope Kerry LOOSES.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 7:05:34 PM EDT
Come on march down my street while I wave my bush sign waiting for someone to do something about it.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 7:06:00 PM EDT
Is it me, or does it sound like they already expect him to lose?

Link Posted: 10/17/2004 7:08:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 7:14:23 PM EDT

If so much as one state goes bu$h

We should declare that state's ballots invalid.

Anybody who deserves to vote will vote Kerry. It's that simple.

They seem to be setting the bar awfully high...

Only votes for Kerry count?
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 7:20:20 PM EDT
Sick of these dickwads.

They don't have a clue as to what the term "winning fair and square means".

If they win, it's because they are right.

If they lose, it's because the "evil right-wingers" rigged it and stole it from them (even though there is PLENTY of info out there to suggest that THEY are the ones trying to put the fix in).

Nov 3 and beyond is going to be UGLY. There isn't a snowballs chance in hell that they are going to accecpt a Bush win under ANY circumstances.

Well, I'll be locked, loaded and ready.  Not that I expect any outright rebellion since most Kerry supporters consider guns to be "icky", but if one of those deluded bastards does start something that directly threatens me, then I WILL be the one that ends it.

Link Posted: 10/17/2004 7:26:58 PM EDT
... yeah, how about that pussy in that thread that's too busy working the Wednesday following election night to go to the revolution!  
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 7:28:06 PM EDT


If so much as one state goes bu$h

We should declare that state's ballots invalid.

Anybody who deserves to vote will vote Kerry. It's that simple.

They seem to be setting the bar awfully high...

Only votes for Kerry count?

Uhhh... that was me. See my "The Great DU Adventure" thread.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 7:30:33 PM EDT
My e-mail distribution list is ready.

A very simple e-mail.

Link Posted: 10/17/2004 7:39:48 PM EDT

I guess that's the difference between them and us. If there's a coup, they believe the appropriate response is to go outside and walk around and yell. Oooookay.

Well, to be fair, there would also be gratuitous singing of "We Shall Overcome" and "Kumbayah"...
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 7:47:51 PM EDT
Contigency plans for failure: something that liberals always have!!
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 8:03:58 PM EDT
I've already voted.  They are one vote closer to wandering in the streets and crying on Nov 3rd.

Mag check!
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 8:08:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 8:10:08 PM EDT



If so much as one state goes bu$h

We should declare that state's ballots invalid.

Anybody who deserves to vote will vote Kerry. It's that simple.

They seem to be setting the bar awfully high...

Only votes for Kerry count?

Uhhh... that was me. See my "The Great DU Adventure" thread.

Link Posted: 10/17/2004 8:28:28 PM EDT
Come on.  The DEM's are already soliciting donations for the legal fund for a recount and challenging the result of the election.

March?  What could be the result?  "Stoned slackers" stumbling down the street in their Birkenstocks?  No firepower and as someone has astutely pointed out already -- "Fuck 'em: we're the ones with the guns

DU has 53,547 (from their website this evening)  members out of an estimated 89 MILLION people who are registered to vote.  I would welcome the chance to "thin out the stock" if they came marching down the street bent on doing harm to me just because I have a "W..04" sticker on my bumper.

Link Posted: 10/17/2004 8:40:13 PM EDT


DU has 53,547 (from their website this evening)  members

Their membership number includes everyone who ever signed up on DU, that includes trolls who were banned.

They don't have 53,547 members, they have 423 members and 53,124 trolls.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 8:51:13 PM EDT


LOL I've been thinking about this for a long time.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 8:51:24 PM EDT
They can protest away!!!
I'll enjoy the headpulping and wood shampoo treatements they so richly deserve!
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 9:05:12 PM EDT



DU has 53,547 (from their website this evening)  members

Their membership number includes everyone who ever signed up on DU, that includes trolls who were banned.

They don't have 53,547 members, they have 423 members and 53,124 trolls.

LOL! Over the years I KNOW I've accounted for at LEAST 7 of 'em

I'm savin' one (The only one not banned yet) up for election night.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 9:13:30 PM EDT


LOL! Over the years I KNOW I've accounted for at LEAST 7 of 'em

I'm savin' one (The only one not banned yet) up for election night.

I just cooked up two more, dial up is good for foiling IP banning.
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 9:29:24 PM EDT

Who cares if they want to march, bitch and moan about it?

"Fuck 'em: we're the ones with the guns."

Don't recall which ARFCOMmer said that recently, but it still cracks me up.

Link Posted: 10/17/2004 9:31:27 PM EDT
Why cant they just do mass suicide or something
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 9:44:59 PM EDT

Do not hotlink per usual


These folks are living in a vacuum or are really stupid.

That's right. Most of America will be voting for Kerry

If he is not declared the winner, we must be out in the streets. The rigging will be inside the computers and difficult to prove. If you see any result other than a Kerry victory, get ready to march.

Gee, wasamatter libbie? Can't cheat anymore??

No pile of paper ballots to 'modify' for your guy??>

I love computers, especially COMPUTER VOTING MACHINES
Link Posted: 10/17/2004 10:43:42 PM EDT
Thanks for the reminder to load up my mags and strippers. Shit gets ugly, I don't want to be sitting there loading all my extra mags.
Link Posted: 10/18/2004 1:35:19 AM EDT
Gotta be less than 300, a bunch of those twits have multiple personalities and are registered under each.  So no hoggin targets if the opportunity arises.
Link Posted: 10/18/2004 1:45:29 AM EDT
What is it about liberals and their perceived need to gather into large groups for crying sessions? You never see Republicans gathered by the thousands protesting shit. If we have a problem, we actually DO something to correct it. These nitwits just stand around and cry. What morons.
Link Posted: 10/18/2004 1:50:48 AM EDT

Come on.  The DEM's are already soliciting donations for the legal fund for a recount and challenging the result of the election.

Well, the DNC isnt the only ones who are doing that.  I got a letter from the Bush-Cheney campaign's lawyer section wanting a donation for the impending voting quagmire.  Both sides would be stupid not to prepare for that sort of thing.
Link Posted: 10/18/2004 1:54:39 AM EDT
We can only hope......

Link Posted: 10/18/2004 3:54:54 AM EDT
"they have to came and take the white house from us...."WE THE PEOPLE""

"I am NOT willing to take up arms against the government. For one thing, I don't HAVE that many arms. For another, I have a wife that wouldn't appreciate seeing me get shot, or arrested for fire-bombing the local GOP headquarters. If they do steal yet another election, what I AM willing to do, is get the fuck out of Dodge. Let the Repugs stew in their own shit I say. Maybe we could over populate one of the lesser Canadian provinces with expatriots. I hear Vancouver is lovely this time of year."

Hmmm...sounds good, half the hippies will move to canada, the other half will try to storm the White House and meet some Marines :)
Link Posted: 10/18/2004 4:01:37 AM EDT


If so much as one state goes bu$h

We should declare that state's ballots invalid.

Anybody who deserves to vote will vote Kerry. It's that simple.

They seem to be setting the bar awfully high...

Only votes for Kerry count?

Actually this is  a pretty good quote from them. Shows their true colors.

"The only votes that matter are the ones that agree with us. Those that disagree don't deserve to vote."
Link Posted: 10/18/2004 4:32:41 AM EDT
If they already think they are gonna lose they have already lost.  I love all the excuses, it rigged, the American people are too stupid, minorities weren't allowed to vote....

How about your canidate sucks and doesn't have a firm position on any issue.
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