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Posted: 10/15/2004 1:19:09 PM EDT
Our involvement in Iraqi --

is starting to look like the quagmire Russia was in with Afghanistan.

Or am I wrong ?
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:20:49 PM EDT
You are wrong, but what else is new.

You leftists love that word.............quagmire.
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:21:45 PM EDT
I don't think so.

According to some of the Iraqi bloggers, there's something subtle going on here.

The US Troops appear to be letting the insurgents "take ahold" of an area breifly, so as to remind the residents what life feels like under the thugs.  Then when the populace has realized that whatever their distaste for the Americans, they run a much cleaner show, the Americans ( usually backing up the Iraqi security forces, come in and clean house).

We're going to nail Zarquoui (sp?) in the next few days, methinks.  

Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:21:45 PM EDT
You are very wrong.

It;s only been 1 year.

Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:22:24 PM EDT
First that Libertarian crap, now this.
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:22:40 PM EDT
Oh so wrong.

besides what does like like russia mean anyway?
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:23:12 PM EDT
I have a theory... liberals cannot reach climax without saying "quagmire," "misleadership," or "no blood for oil." Thus, they will say these any time they are trying to orgasm.
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:23:17 PM EDT
Kerry will still lose, which is what you really want to know.
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:23:48 PM EDT

Our involvement in Iraqi --

is starting to look like the quagmire Russia was in with Afghanistan.

Or am I wrong ?

Yes, you're wrong.
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:24:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:26:13 PM EDT
Five years from now I will say

I told you so

Like I did with the WMD issue of which  many of the same people are here in this thread  also.

They never seem to learn how to think.
They just follow.
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:28:20 PM EDT
your wrong. do not pass go, no $200. for you.
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:28:24 PM EDT
Hmm... it would appear as though WMD is also an orgasm-word...
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:35:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:36:07 PM EDT
So you predicted that we would find WMD in Iraq?
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:38:18 PM EDT

is there such a thing as a thermonuclear quagmire?

I don't know.

But I hope to find out...  
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:41:14 PM EDT
I had dinner with a friend last night who is a Captain with the 1st Marines.  He was one of the guys kicking ass in Fallujah in April.  In listening to some of the things he said last night I can tell you that yes indeed you are very very wrong.  

Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:43:40 PM EDT

You are wrong, but what else is new.

You leftists love that word.............quagmire.

in 2000 the liberal word of the day was "gravitas".
another current day liberal word is "smear".  Guess they all read from the same Democratic Manifesto.
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 1:52:59 PM EDT


Or am I wrong ?

What, you're starting to get a clue????  That's a first.
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 2:20:12 PM EDT
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Russia

It's beginning to look a lot like Russia
Everywhere you go.
Take a look in the mosque again, insurgents barracked in
With RPGs and TNT aglow.
It's beginning to look a lot like Russia,
Guns in every store,
But the nastiest sight to see is the severed head that will be
On your own front door.

A pair of black leather boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Fadl and Badal;
Normal guys that will talk and will go for a walk
Is the hope of Asil and Amal;
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for Sadam to come back again.
It's beginning to look a lot like Russia
Everywhere you go.
There's a bomb in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well,
The nuclear kind that might decide to blow.
It's beginning to look a lot like Russia;
Soon the air raid will start,
And the thing that will make them ring is the shriek that you scream
Right within your heart.

(Just messing around.. )  
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 7:50:24 PM EDT

Five years from now I will say

I told you so

Like I did with the WMD issue of which  many of the same people are here in this thread  also.

They never seem to learn how to think.
They just follow.

No, you just parrot the Dems "no WMD" bullshit.  If you don't understand that they were there before the war and are either buried or in Syria, you are either really thick headed, you just don't want to believe it, or Kerry told you not to believe it.
Link Posted: 10/15/2004 7:58:59 PM EDT
I dunno why no one gives a fuck that a murderuous fucking asshole now sits in a jail rotting away.  +1 for global humanitarianism.  We have stopped genocide and terrorism (of his own people) in one country, and plan on doing it in others.

Link Posted: 10/15/2004 8:09:40 PM EDT

Five years from now I will say

I told you so

Like I did with the WMD issue of which  many of the same people are here in this thread  also.

They never seem to learn how to think.
They just follow.

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 3:48:51 AM EDT


Five years from now I will say

I told you so

Like I did with the WMD issue of which  many of the same people are here in this thread  also.

They never seem to learn how to think.
They just follow.

No, you just parrot the Dems "no WMD" bullshit.  If you don't understand that they were there before the war and are either buried or in Syria, you are either really thick headed, you just don't want to believe it, or Kerry told you not to believe it.

LarryG this has nothing  -- nothing to do with Dem/or/Rep.

It has to do with fighting a lost cause.

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 3:55:50 AM EDT
OK, Cy, answer me this:

We have been there a little over a year now, have had a little over 1000 casualties, now control most of Iraq, turned over the operation of the government back to the Iraqis, have elections scheduled for January, have been killing hundred of terrorists, and THIS is a Quagmire?

I swear to god, you probably would be saying that World War I and II was a quagmire after some of the battles we fought throughout those wars.  This chicken-little attitude of liberals is amazing.  I think you all believe that during military operations if we don't get in and get out with NO casualties in less than 30 days then it is a miserable failure and quagmire.

WTF, over?
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 3:57:28 AM EDT
PS - if we had not done anything, even with all the intel and Hussein's stated goal of developing WMD, and he had succeeded and used them or given them to Terrs to use against us, you KNOW full well that you and other libs would be screaming bloody murder, saying that "Bush knew about these WMDs and did NOTHING".  

I hate Monday Morning QBs.  You want it both ways.
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 4:05:49 AM EDT
First I am not a liberal

fact is I am  a reg. republican.

My thoughts are that Israel has been fighting the good fight for how long ???

We committed to this and are screwed now -- we will be there for a long time, a very long time .  Forever is not out of the question.
For what ???

To help people who have a religion so opposed to the majority of Americans it is ridiculous ???

To help people who no matter what we do -- hate us, and are just willing to put up with us for self gain ???

No matter what we do
No matter what we say
No matter what ----

There are going to be people over there willing to kill Americans -- cause it is their way of life.

Should we stay - yes
Is it better to fight there instead of our streets -  yes

Should we have gotten involved over there the way we did and for the reasons given -- Saddam--No
Frankly I care less what he did to his people, let them do a civil war.

If you wanted to give money and arms to promote this  OK with me.

What we did was wrong, and we will be there forever. And no matter what anyone says Rep or dem  
we are there for oil  ----------- plain and simple, otherwise we would be in Africa and other places.

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 4:09:09 AM EDT
Also --
I would like to see comments opinions rebuttals

Other than

you liberal
you dem
you hate Bush

facts not rhetoric.
Let's start here ---
Why aren't we in Africa ???
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 4:09:57 AM EDT
Answer my questions.

I gave you facts.  Sorry about calling you a liberal, but you sounded like one.

We gave MANY reasons for the invasion - yet the only ones people bring out all the time is the WMD one.  He had them, the big question is what did he do with them.  He was developing them and threatening his neighbors.

And yes, part of our reason was oil - it is the lifeblood of international civilization and the economy and is in our best interest to ensure free flow.

Or do you want to pay 200-300% more for all of your products, goods, and services?

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 4:28:03 AM EDT

Answer my questions.

I gave you facts.  Sorry about calling you a liberal, but you sounded like one.

We gave MANY reasons for the invasion - yet the only ones people bring out all the time is the WMD one.  He had them, the big question is what did he do with them.  He was developing them and threatening his neighbors.

And yes, part of our reason was oil - it is the lifeblood of international civilization and the economy and is in our best interest to ensure free flow.

Or do you want to pay 200-300% more for all of your products, goods, and services?

he never  had them, the little bit of crap he had is a joke,
old missiles with mustard gas ??? I could build worse in my garage.

A missile that caught a tail wind and went 50 miles more than what it  was supposed to do. When I saw that on the news and the military saying  -  see we told you   --- I knew we the American people had been lied to.

Planes buried in the sand that experts said could never be made to fly again ???

If as you say he gave them to other countries  that hate our guts like Iran --

well, when are we going in, but remember if we do   --- the draft will have to be reinstated because I do not foresee a huge enlistment of Americans now or in the near future.

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 4:37:05 AM EDT
OMG!  You have GOT to be on something.  He GASSED HIS OWN PEOPLE.  The UN forbade him, as did our 1991 agreement with him, to have many of the weapons he had and was developing.  He violated 18 UN resolutions, kept fucking the weapons inspectors, threatening us.

So, in your perfect world it is OK to break agreements, threaten other countries, gas your own people, harbor terrorists, pay suicide bombers for their killings, develop WMDs, and get away with it?  

But if he HAD eventually allowed terrorist actions with or without WMDs to occur against us or our allies, you types would be the FIRST to scream that we had all this intel but didn't do anything about it.  Hypocrite.

PS - you claim to be a Reg Republican, then start bitching about the draft?  Who was it that introduced the draft legistlation last year?  A DEMOCRAT!  Who is bitching about the draft right now?  DEMOCRATS!

Bush and the Pentagon have stated over and over that WE DON'T NEED OR WANT A DRAFT!  It is the worst thing to do for our military.  A volunteer force is more effective.

If we really needed more troops, we'd recruit more or reposition more - we have more than enough.
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 4:39:24 AM EDT
WMDs... Good Lord.

Let me make it real simple for any "slow" people here.

OK, I am a cop. I am looking at you for being a dope dealer and you let me do a consent search (UN Inspection!) but only allow me to look in certain spots. Surprise! I find no dope.

Well things start looking real serious and I tell you I am gonna kick your door with a search warrant  really soon (Invasion!) but you will know when it is coming and you have plenty of time. Surprise! No dope.

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 4:39:44 AM EDT
BTW, Cyanide, I like how your UN handled this one:


Link Posted: 10/16/2004 4:40:20 AM EDT
Good analogy, Five-O.
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 5:30:29 AM EDT

Good analogy, Five-O.

Yes...very good analogy.

But Cyanide will ignore it since he has no LEO experience.

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 6:33:59 AM EDT
Yeah, like he and everyone else ignores and never answers other questions like "If we had done nothing, and then something happened, they'd be yelling about how we did nothing."

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 7:11:54 AM EDT
Hitler started out with just minor violaltions of the Treaty of Versailles.

People have foregotten how bad war is. In a bad war, 1000 of our men and women can be killed in minutes, not years.
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 10:37:08 AM EDT
Damn, who has the picture of the crickets?
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 10:38:32 AM EDT

Damn, who has the picture of the crickets?

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 10:41:25 AM EDT

Five years from now I will say

I told you so

... just like you did when your prediction came true that the AWB would be renewed, right Cyanide???
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 11:06:09 AM EDT
Regardless of what reason were given for the invasion, somethings are clear.  The BILLIONS of dollars are not going to the Iraqis.  They are going to AMERICAN companies and American workers.  Our allies are also getting a chunk.  Second we are taking the fight to them.  Insurgents are not all Iraqis. There are other arabs there.  Our boys are getting killed but they would gladly fight to save their moms and their families from being attacked at home.  The price of oil is going up but we now control a percentage of the OPECs production.  That is the reason the frogs and jerries dont want us there.  Their fuel prices are outrages with their social programs.  We control the  oil we control their destiny.  You my friend are a waste of bandwidth and a simple thinker.
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 11:11:47 AM EDT
We are not anywhere near close to looking like Russia with Afghanistan. However, I don't think Pres. Bush should have called a "Cease to major hostilities" so early in the war. He should have declared that once we had cleansed the entire nation of the insurgents and terrorists. Just because the going is getting a little tougher, doesn't mean that America's military is FUBAR. Grow a set and get some faith in our military.
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 11:14:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 11:15:04 AM EDT
Actually I would like to say that yes america is becoming more like Russia. Not in some foreign quagmire but culturally. This election has been an exhausting nightmare!! Now instead of "neutral" fact reporting. Media moguls just buy up media outlets (tv,radio,print) then force their viewpoint and propaganda on the people. Just like in Russia!! People are aggravated at "swing voters" for not making up their minds by now, like, "what are they , stupid?" But how can you blame their confusion?? Depending on what station you tune to you will get different answers. And of couurse the worst thing about it is each side accuses the other of total control of totally controlling the media. Now when I say Russia, I'm not talking about old Soviet Russia, I'm talking about the "new" Russia where "Oligarchs" buy up the media then push their agenda, and independant media gets "shut-down" or bought out.  
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 11:34:39 AM EDT
Not like Russia in Afghanistan- they at least held all the major cities/towns.  

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 2:15:14 PM EDT

Regardless of what reason were given for the invasion, somethings are clear.  The BILLIONS of dollars are not going to the Iraqis.  They are going to AMERICAN companies and American workers.  Our allies are also getting a chunk.  Second we are taking the fight to them.  Insurgents are not all Iraqis. There are other arabs there.  Our boys are getting killed but they would gladly fight to save their moms and their families from being attacked at home.  The price of oil is going up but we now control a percentage of the OPECs production.  That is the reason the frogs and jerries dont want us there.  Their fuel prices are outrages with their social programs.  We control the  oil we control their destiny.  You my friend are a waste of bandwidth and a simple thinker.

There are followers in this world and leaders  that question things.

I know what camp your in now.
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 2:20:07 PM EDT
Yes, then there are people the just question what is obvious to make themselves feel more important then they actually are.  Do you feel more significant and worldly then the rest of us drones?

I dont question things that make sense to me and the issues are clear.  I do ask questions when its appropriate.  
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 2:23:18 PM EDT

Yes, then there are people the just question what is obvious to make themselves feel more important then they actually are.  Do you feel more significant and worldly then the rest of us drones?

I dont question things that make sense to me and the issues are clear.  I do ask questions when its appropriate.  

No not "important" .

I just am not one to jump on  the band wagon and go for the ride, as you and a few others seem more than willing to do.

You most likely think your doing this country a favor by -- being lead around by the nose. Your not  going to believe me.

Fact is I won't change your mind nor you mine.

And that makes me have a heavy heart.
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 2:55:10 PM EDT

Five years from now I will say

I told you so

Like I did with the WMD issue of which  many of the same people are here in this thread  also.

They never seem to learn how to think.
They just follow.

Link Posted: 10/16/2004 2:56:27 PM EDT


Heh heh, that's what I was thinking.

"Giggity giggity giggity!"
Link Posted: 10/16/2004 3:01:33 PM EDT


he never  had them, the little bit of crap he had is a joke,
old missiles with mustard gas ??? I could build worse in my garage.

Tell it to the Kurds.

As for the civil war thing, un uprising without foreign assistance would have been like the Jews rebelling against Hitler en-mass. He had them scared, he had them cornered, he had them killed and tortured and all those other things you should have learned in school.

Saddam was not much different. And if you don't care about the welfare of fellow human beings, then that says something about your character. What it says, I will leave for you to think about.

BTW, this is nothing personal. At least feel good about the fact that you can speak your mind here without getting banned ASAP.
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