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Posted: 10/6/2004 6:09:00 AM EDT
OK, the other day I'm making a joke to my wife about the Islamofacists and their expected surplus of virgins in heaven.  Probably something like 'why would the want virgins?  They must have small things and don't want to be made fun of'.... Anyhow, she called me on the virgins deal and said she'd never heard of that.  Where did it come from?  Wasn't it a part of some Islamic decree to kill us?
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:10:04 AM EDT
Virgins have a "thing" ?    
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:11:09 AM EDT

OK, the other day I'm making a joke to my wife about the Islamofacists and their expected surplus of virgins in heaven.  Probably something like 'why would the want virgins?  They must have small things and don't want to be made fun of'.... Anyhow, she called me on the virgins deal and said she'd never heard of that.  Where did it come from?  Wasn't it a part of some Islamic decree to kill us?

Mohammed's ass, just like the rest of the Islamic "faith".
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:11:42 AM EDT
no dork, the terrorists must have small thingys!  
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:12:35 AM EDT
The koran is VERY suseptible to differences in interpretations. Lots of blank space and questionable words used. Some scholars say it's not 72 virgins, but a fist ful of raisins. Some say something completely different.
Different politicians have seized the oppertunity and adjusted the meaning acording to their own agenda.

But the 72 virgins version sounds the best on CNN.
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:15:52 AM EDT

To start with, the 72 virgins and the tickets to heaven for the entire family are attributed to the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and are not mentioned in the Qur'an. Worse yet, telling a family member he/she can take all loved ones along to heaven strongly contradicts the Qur'an,

Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:17:18 AM EDT

Virgins have a "thing" ?    

A "Hymen".
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:18:06 AM EDT
You think that after braking in a dozen or so virgins, you would be ready for a pro.  
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:19:59 AM EDT

The koran is VERY suseptible to differences in interpretations. Lots of blank space and questionable words used. Some scholars say it's not 72 virgins, but a fist ful of raisins. Some say something completely different.
Different politicians have seized the oppertunity and adjusted the meaning acording to their own agenda.

But the 72 virgins version sounds the best on CNN.

I want some raisins. But I think I will buy mine. A bit cheaper then blowing myself up. That would be some funny ass shit, get to heaven looking around for them ladys feel something in your hand open it and its some raisins.
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:21:48 AM EDT
you guys kill me

that rasins thing is damn funny
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:48:04 AM EDT
Its brainwashing the sheep to slaughter.
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 6:52:47 AM EDT
Read this:
Die Syro-Aramäische Lesart des Koran

In section fifteen, Luxenberg treats the virgins of paradise and in section sixteen the youths of paradise. Sura 44:54 is the starting point for the discussion. Bell translates this as “We will join to them dark, wide-eyed (maidens).” The verb “join as in marriage” or “pair as in animals for copulation” is a classic misreading of zāy for rā and jīm for hā' (both pairs distinguished only by a single dot), instead of zawwaj it is rawwah “give rest, refresh,” the object of the verb being the blessed in paradise. The major conclusion of section fifteen is that the expression hūr cīn means “white (grapes), jewels (of crystal)” and not “dark, wide-eyed (maidens)” (suras 44:54 and 52:20). [...]
Luxenberg argues that instead of the singular cīn the plural cuyun should be read, referring to the grapes on the vine. Elsewhere the Qur’ān compares the grapes to “pearls,” and so they must be white grapes, which is not apparent from the text at first glance. Luxenberg then offers two variants of this expression. The first reading renders the phrase “white, crystal (clear grapes),” the second, and the one Luxenberg adopts, is “white (grapes), (like) jewels (of crystal).” The restored verse then reads “We will let them (the blessed in Paradise) be refreshed with white (grapes), (like) jewels (of crystal).”

just grapes...  
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 7:01:03 AM EDT
rasins is more funny, but grapes will do
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 7:09:57 AM EDT
I'd much rather have a dozen good, quality sluts than 72 perpetual virgins.

"Oooh, it hurts, I'm nervous, I don't want to get pregnant.."  Imagine having to go through THAT every time you want to get laid, for all eternity.  It would get old.

Link Posted: 10/6/2004 7:17:24 AM EDT
Gotta come up with a damn good reason to strap a bomb to your waist and blow yourself all over the neighborhood. I guess just meeting Allah isn't good enough, but the 1 martyr to 72 virgins gang bang seems to get recruits.
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 7:18:10 AM EDT
Mohammed the Prophet of Falshoods remembered a fond night he spent with 72 sheep, and figured he'd put it in the book!
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 8:37:56 AM EDT
A standard sheep flock is 72 sheep, obviously.
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 8:46:08 AM EDT
72 virgins.................[shiver] uguhuhuguu[/shiver]

Link Posted: 10/6/2004 8:52:19 AM EDT
it really reads 72 virginians.
Link Posted: 10/6/2004 8:56:16 AM EDT
so screwin' is all that remains for them in the afterlife- why?  i tend to think that after one is dead there is no need to procreate- so this would purely be for pleasure, but......   just kinda interesting- wonder what el koran says about the rest of thier afterlife- even screwing would probably get old after a while.........

just random crap- think nothing of it
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