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Link Posted: 8/27/2004 9:21:42 AM EDT
Kerry is just beginning to crumble. And this is before the Rebublican Convention and before the debates. Expect a bump for Bush after the convention, expect the Kerry campaign to become even more rabid and more desperate as they continue to lose ground, and expect Kerry's Senate voting record to get hammered in the debates and in TV ads.

Kerry's got nothing except emotion - and that's all negative. The undecided voter will want to hear something positive before he casts his vote. Bush will pound home the accomplishments of his administration, point to the Kerry record as the complete antihesis of what Kerry claims it is, and expose Kerry's words as empty rhetoric void of any substance.

Has anyone actually heard Kerry's plan? I mean a real plan, with details, facts and figures, and logic to back it up. Simply saying that Bush is leading us in the wrong direction, giving tax breaks to the wealthy, is destroying social security, and is forcing seniors to choose between food and medicines - is nothing but doom and gloom with no hard evidence to back it up. It's an old trick; created a crisis in the minds of the people, blame your opponent for it, and tout yourself as the saviour and mankind's only hope. The trouble with that for Kerry is that people are starting to see him as the problem, that he has no solutions only words, and that his words can't be trusted because he's been caught in to many lies...with more coming every day.

Remember, Democrats don't think, they emote. As the election begins to slip away, they'll become more and more irrational...and look more and more like their anarchist buddies in the process.

I sure as Hell wouldn't want to trade sides with the Democrats right now...it's the sinking ship that transfers it's flag, not the one doing the sinking.
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