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Posted: 8/21/2004 4:00:31 AM EDT
Big time news right now on CNN

this could be turned around on GW
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:05:24 AM EDT
I sure as hell hope not!
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:08:31 AM EDT
Nope. If the Kerry gang had anything they could use against Bush, they would have damn well already had it out in the open. They've been doing everything they can as is, they just don't have much to work with.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:09:50 AM EDT

Big time news right now on CNN

this could be turned around on GW

Only because of the Media's insistent drumbeat on it.

If John Kerry has no control over Mikey Moore and the move-on.org idiots, and the media accepts this, then how is it that GWB is some kind of evil mastermind arranging all this?

GWB goes from being too stupid to be president one day, to being some sort of evil genius the next.

And they wonder why I don't watch their commie news...
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:12:53 AM EDT
I know you hope it does, cy...but it won't.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:13:13 AM EDT

Big time news right now on CNN

this could be turned around on GW

Filing with the FEC is the stupidest
thing to do. It makes the campaign
look like it is scared of the SBVFT
ads - giving them an air of truth.

From a political standpoint, these ads
are brilliant in that it forces the Kerry
campaign to spend time and, more
importantly, its limited federal election
dollars defending against this.

Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:14:53 AM EDT

Big time news right now on CNN

this could be turned around on GW


Only because of the Media's insistent drumbeat on it.

If John Kerry has no control over Mikey Moore and the move-on.org idiots, and the media accepts this, then how is it that GWB is some kind of evil mastermind arranging all this?

GWB goes from being too stupid to be president one day, to being some sort of evil genius the next.

And they wonder why I don't watch their commie news...



Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:19:00 AM EDT
Hold your breath
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:23:03 AM EDT
Kerry is an asshat who ridiculed, maligned, accused, and betrayed his fellow servicemen starting with his filing for redeployment away from Vietnam, continuing with his anti-war antics and testimony in the early 70s, and culminating with his legion of senate votes aimed at the dismantling of the military.

...And he's upset because fellow vets are taking him to task??? Kerry better thank his lucky stars he's not campaigning in CT, because my Vietnam Vet dad would like to do alot more than make a commercial against him.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:24:59 AM EDT

I know you hope it does, cy...but it won't.

You misjudge me.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:31:57 AM EDT


I know you hope it does, cy...but it won't.

You misjudge me.

No, I don't believe I do.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:40:04 AM EDT



I know you hope it does, cy...but it won't.

You misjudge me.

No, I don't believe I do.

The arrogance of youth . I will excuse it.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:43:33 AM EDT




I know you hope it does, cy...but it won't.

You misjudge me.

No, I don't believe I do.

The arrogance of youth . I will excuse it.

I am not that young...and if age means wisdom, you're apparently not old enough.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:47:15 AM EDT
"I am not that young"  ----  Fooled me I guess.

Like I sad the arrogance of youth ...........
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:48:29 AM EDT

"I am not that young"  ----  Fooled me I guess.

We've already established that fooling you is not that difficult.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:49:33 AM EDT
Blah blah blah. Get a room....
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:53:48 AM EDT
The election is just over 2 months away.  Before it isover, Kerry is going to wish that all the stories he told were true and that in fact he was back in Nam actually taking fire.  Surrounded by sycophants and yes-men nearly his entire adult life, our Gunboat Gilligan is in for some of the roughest weeks of his life.

If the media gets the idea that Kerry won't win, they will turn on him life a pirrhana on a mouse.  The story will be the torpedoing of JFK2.  The media does not want to keep saying Kerry will win and then have egg on their face.  Remember that picture of Truman holding up the newspaper with the headline "Dewey Wins!"....well that is a reporter's worse nightmare.  

The media hates being proved wrong.  That is why corrections to stories are buried.  That is why they have a letters to the editor section.  They will print inaccuracies as fact, but corrections are treated as opinion.

I am hopeful, but honestly not confident yet, that the media is going to break with Kerry.  After the convention, if Kerry is unable to immediately overcome W's bounce, the stories will start about what Kerry did or didn't do that is causing him to lose.  Also, the Swifties and their ties to W, real or imagined, will get even greater press.

The media loves new stories.  The skirting of campaign finance laws will get to be a hotter topic.  If Kerry's camp was the only one accused of it, then it would be ignored.  The Swifties changed all that.

The Swifties have not only brought Kerry's lies to the forefront, but they have also started a fight about soft money expenditures by orgainizations officially not tied to the candidates.  Kerry is much more vulnerable in this regard.

Kerry screwed himself by making a big deal of his imagined war record.  There is an old West Texas saying that goes something like this:  "When you stir a bucket of shit you are going to get some on you."

The shit bucket is now on fully auto and Kerry won't be getting any Purple Hearts for this action.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:55:30 AM EDT
Asshat Kerry is grasping at straws, trying to grab any lifeline that might be tossed out !!
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:55:58 AM EDT
If they can tie this thing into any GWB official supporter in the upper ranks GWB will get burned.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 4:59:14 AM EDT

If they can tie this thing into any GWB official supporter in the upper ranks GWB will get burned.

No, he won't.  There is no such thing as an "official supporter."  The only way the President would get burned is if he or someone in his reelection campaign staff gave financial aid, advice or direction to the SBVFT organization.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 5:03:58 AM EDT


If they can tie this thing into any GWB official supporter in the upper ranks GWB will get burned.

No, he won't.  There is no such thing as an "official supporter."  The only way the President would get burned is if he or someone in his reelection campaign staff gave financial aid, advice or direction to the SBVFT organization.

Do you think that it is possible ,  just possible that occurred ?
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 5:12:14 AM EDT



If they can tie this thing into any GWB official supporter in the upper ranks GWB will get burned.

No, he won't.  There is no such thing as an "official supporter."  The only way the President would get burned is if he or someone in his reelection campaign staff gave financial aid, advice or direction to the SBVFT organization.

Do you think that it is possible ,  just possible that occurred ?

NO!  The democrats can get away with that all they want because they have the media covering for them.  Ever since Watergate Republicans KNOW that they ahve to play a clean game or get castigated.  For god sake if I had evidence against Kerry right now I would sell everything I owned to get the info out.  The Swift Boat Vets see a wrong that they want to show the world.  The BEST that the Commies Deomcrats have been able to bring forth is "well the guy who footed the bill is a BIG GOP supporter"  I think I am a big GOP supporter too, compared to what I make, IT DOES NOT MAKE ME A SHILL FOR THE BUSH CAMPAIGN!   Any time a Democrat repeats verbatim the party line does that turn him into a "directed campaign partner"????  
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 5:15:50 AM EDT



If they can tie this thing into any GWB official supporter in the upper ranks GWB will get burned.

No, he won't.  There is no such thing as an "official supporter."  The only way the President would get burned is if he or someone in his reelection campaign staff gave financial aid, advice or direction to the SBVFT organization.

Do you think that it is possible ,  just possible that occurred ?

This is a legitimate fear.  I want to see exactly what the Dems alledge.  In politics you never know when some over zealous twit will break into a hotel and steal something, for example .  I will have that 'ready to barf' feeling until well after the election is over and Kerry defeated.  No doubt lawsuits will continue into '05.  Bad time ahead, me fears...

Link Posted: 8/21/2004 5:30:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 5:51:37 AM EDT



I know you hope it does, cy...but it won't.

You misjudge me.

No, I don't believe I do.

I don't believe he do either. Nor do I. You profess to support GW, but post more anti-Bush stuff than anyone. Why? You sound like a Democrap troll. I'm not saying you are, of course--C0C ya know--but your statements just do not make sense.

Link Posted: 8/21/2004 7:19:45 AM EDT



If they can tie this thing into any GWB official supporter in the upper ranks GWB will get burned.

No, he won't.  There is no such thing as an "official supporter."  The only way the President would get burned is if he or someone in his reelection campaign staff gave financial aid, advice or direction to the SBVFT organization.

Do you think that it is possible ,  just possible that occurred ?

Anything's possible.  Likely?  Hell no.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 7:37:58 AM EDT




I know you hope it does, cy...but it won't.

You misjudge me.

No, I don't believe I do.

I don't believe he do either. Nor do I. You profess to support GW, but post more anti-Bush stuff than anyone. Why? You sound like a Democrap troll. I'm not saying you are, of course--C0C ya know--but your statements just do not make sense.

My vehicle

case closed
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 7:46:28 AM EDT
Well the GWB campaign could have made an issue of Moores film and they didn't, along with all the other mud slung at GWB. Kerry gave this thing legs and he is making it worse on himself. It's just tit for tat, only thing is, GWB decided the let the Dems crap ride, released his own records; good or bad. Now Kerry has decided to advertise during the RNC which is unheard of, nobody stumps during another partys NC. If you flail around when your drowning, you're going down, if you stay calm, you'll survive. Looks like Kerry is flailing like a bitch. Best he can do is put all his cards on the table %100. ANd hope for the best, if the facts discredit what the SBV say, then it will turn on GWB.

Kerry is a moron, Unfit For Command, John McCain would have been a better candidate andstood a chance. Also long as the Dems continue to follow the Socialist line, and make no bones about it, they are Socialists, then the Dem party will suffer. GWB may not be the best president to come down the pike but he is far above anything the Dems have offered.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 7:47:30 AM EDT

My vehicle



case closed

So, you ever catch the guy who put the sticker on your bumper?
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 7:58:48 AM EDT
Bush is far better than McCain.  McCain is a head case.  That in and of itself is not unusual for our Congress.  But he is anti-free speech and anti-gun rights.  Here is his latest address

Sen. John McCain, RHINO-Manchuria
Washngton, DC
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 8:00:07 AM EDT
The Kerry shills have spent over 80 million dollars slamming Bush on everything from National Guard service to suggesting old folks will be eating cat food if he is re-elected

Kerry has been exposed as a high brow rich boy who exagerated his service, only to come back to disgrace his fellow soldiers- and worse join forces with Hanoi Jane and Traitor Tom.

F*%k HIM! and the loser libs he rode in on
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 8:03:37 AM EDT

Big time news right now on CNN

this could be turned around on GW

NO,  it's working even better than Rove could have imagined

what little bounce Kerry/Edwards got after their convention is almost gone & the
GOP starts their convention next week

IMHO  the GOP's convention momentum will carry it through for a WIN in Nov.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 8:12:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 8:16:29 AM EDT
You know, everyone wants to bash GWB, but I have a comment.

Think back to four years ago when clinton was in office........was the country in any better shape then? Would you have wanted Clinton in office on 9/11? What would Kerry have done?

Just think about it. Most of the stuff being attributed to GWB started long before he took office......the train was already rolling down the track when he got on board. He didn't set the direction or the speed, but now that is wobbling on the tracks they want to make it all GWB's fault!

Link Posted: 8/21/2004 8:21:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 8:24:29 AM EDT


Link Posted: 8/21/2004 8:27:06 AM EDT
And cyanide "stirs the pot" once more.
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 8:31:01 AM EDT
Cyanide you have me thoroughly confused. You have been playing the Devil's Advocate all this time
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 8:34:41 AM EDT



Big time news right now on CNN
this could be turned around on GW

NO,  it's working even better than Rove could have imagined

what little bounce Kerry/Edwards got after their convention is almost gone & the
GOP starts their convention next week

IMHO  the GOP's convention momentum will carry it through for a WIN in Nov.

Careful how you phrase things Cnatra, some crackpot like cyanide is likely to read your post as "proof" of coordination...  I know quite a few liberals who would dance with glee at your post as saying, "see if the republicans admit Rove is behind this."

Did you mean to say this has been more successful in hurting Kerry than anything Rove could have dreamed up?  At least thats how I read it.

Actually my belief that politics these days is a big & expensive dirty business & that Rove probably gave his tacit appoval
of this group & their ads does nothing to prove it but to think otherwise is
Bob Perry gave the Swift Boat vets $200,000 this year (& $900,000 to the GOP so far this year)
& his close ties with Rove date to the mid- '80's with campaigns for H.W. Bush & later with
the W Bush  campaigns for Governor & then the 2000 national election

Do you think MoveOn.org isn't coordinating with the Kerry campaign ??

All these 527's are effectively working around the new campaign finance laws

Sen. Mitch McConnel & Kenneth Starr where correct in fighting the campaign finance
"reform" laws, it's a shame the Bush administration capitulated signed it (although it would have been
a political disaster to veto it) & I still can't believe the Supreme Court upheld all provisions
of the new law

anyway, yes I believe all the big 527's on both sides of the isle are coordinating as
effectively as they can to help their party win this elcection, it's a high stakes game
& the GOP is gaining the momentum right now

guys like Sen. Zell Miller will be very effective at the convention swaying the
10% undecided voters & W will win in Nov

(is Schwarzenegger speaking at the convention??  they should get Keyes to speak too!)
Link Posted: 8/21/2004 10:54:14 AM EDT


My vehicle



case closed

So, you ever catch the guy who put the sticker on your bumper?

Will you show the plate so I can run it? Just to prove it's yours, of course....

Link Posted: 8/22/2004 5:07:03 AM EDT
Oh man

Elliot Lonsdale a swifty that said Kerry is crap in the swifty ad  -- is now being shown on FOX in a 1996 clip saying he was brave and honorable.

Man is it backfiring  --------- and bad

Link Posted: 8/22/2004 5:14:29 AM EDT
Swiftboat Vets for the Truth were not formed until this spring.  So there is no such ad from the Swifties in '96.  Read the book.  Many of the people who at one time who may have said positive things about Kerry have changed their minds after seeing copies of Kerry's reports and Kerry's citations.

Kerry has a long and documented history of not just lying and dishonorable behavior, but also of treasonous actions.
Link Posted: 8/22/2004 5:19:38 AM EDT
This is not a lie it is a fact, the men admit their flip flop

Link Posted: 8/22/2004 5:20:39 AM EDT



My vehicle



case closed

So, you ever catch the guy who put the sticker on your bumper?

Will you show the plate so I can run it? Just to prove it's yours, of course....

This from a guy who don't even show what state he is from ...
Link Posted: 8/22/2004 5:42:59 AM EDT

Cyanide you have me thoroughly confused. You have been playing the Devil's Advocate all this time

Cyanide is Imbroglio, Jr.
Link Posted: 8/22/2004 5:44:46 AM EDT

This is not a lie it is a fact, the men admit their flip flop


Flip-flopping is only OK if done by John Kerry, not by anybody else. Remember that!
Link Posted: 8/22/2004 5:51:21 AM EDT
the fact that we are discussing the CFR factor instead of the fact that these ads show jfk to be a liar,coward and enemy of honorable vets prove this to be one of the most effective ads in campaign history.EVERYONE is learning alot about ol' johnny.
Link Posted: 8/22/2004 5:54:17 AM EDT
there are 26o something people in the book that are all lying,7 support kerry they speak the truth.(in kerrys' monotone voice)JOHN KERRY REPORTING FOR DUTY.that will be laughed at for years to come.
Link Posted: 8/22/2004 5:55:04 AM EDT
What I don't understand is why is it ok for Kerry to constantly refer to his days in 'Nam, but not anyone else?

Link Posted: 8/22/2004 5:58:03 AM EDT

What I don't understand is why is it ok for Kerry to constantly refer to his days in 'Nam, but not anyone else?

I fail to see why 'Nam is relevant in Kerry's or GWB's case.
This whole mess is childish BS.
Link Posted: 8/22/2004 6:00:41 AM EDT
Yes, but the bottom line is Kerry has 4 1/2 months of  duty  in VN and geroge has nothing but a list of NO SHOWS for his National Gaurd commitment -- of which some records of have disappeared -- now , why don't that surprise me !

But he must have spent the night at a holiday inn express, cause he plays the  hero part well.

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