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Posted: 5/30/2001 2:18:11 AM EDT

If you live in Los Angeles, I am asking that you vote against Mike Feuer and FOR ROCKY DELGADILLO for CITY ATTORNEY on JUNE 5th!!!

Mike Feuer (say his last name with a German accent and think about how it sounds) is the main instigator behind the majority of California's idiotic gun laws, where most recently he has been trying to implement a ban on sales of compact handguns, dealer AND private sales, of anything under 6-3/4" in length, i.e. Glock 26, 27, Walther PPK, etc. He wants a ban on +P and any Magnum designated ammo (yes, even .22 Magnum) and the initiation of a fingerpinting and "license-to-purchase" handgun law. These laws could spread to rest of the state. Like a fascist plague of propaganda playing against the fears of lemmings, his ill conceived ordinances have spread through California. He created the one-per-30 day law over 5 years ago in Los Angeles city along with a total BAN of POSESSION of "Assault Weapons" and high capacity magazines only in the city of Los Angeles, beyond the state laws like SB-23. His mandatory trigger lock purchase law (where you must buy a trigger lock every time you buy a handgun, whether you own a safe or not) initiated 2 years ago in LA is now already becoming law for the state with safety device "testing" (with an exemption of purchase with safe ownership if proven). You are already funding this trigger lock law by paying a a newly added extra $1 each time you buy a handgun in CA.

These laws have spread to the rest of the state in various forms, after taking hold in Los Angeles city limits first, all started or promoted by Mike Feuer. Now he wants to establish a special "Firearms Unit" if elected. You can bet this "Unit's" job would be directly aimed at confiscation. He is a pawn, puppet, and putz for the Million Moms March, HCI, and most likely the new "Brady" gun control organization, or whatever they call themselves this week.

If Mike Feuer loses, that's it: his political career takes a dead end nose dive. His term limit for city council is over, and he has no public office options if he loses. But if he wins the coveted role of City Attorney, there is no telling what he could do because there would be nobody to stop his implementation and establishment of anti-gun laws, just like a little dictator. In this town, the City Attorney is nearly more powerful than the Mayor!

If you live in Los Angeles, it is crucial that you vote on JUNE 5th!

Let's vote Mike Feuer OUT OF OFFICE and send him and his gun grabbing tactics back home.

Link Posted: 5/30/2001 6:17:25 AM EDT
I can't help but notice that as of this message, this post has only been read 5 times. Not to mention the post was started by someone who isn't even in Kalifornia.

Here is a prime motivator for you people in the People's Rupublik of Los Angeles to get off your ass and go vote for something related. Nothing worth having is ever easy getting. Mr. Skunkworks has provided many details for you. Make a phone call, find out where to go, then sacrifice one of your two hour lunches you were going to take anyway to get involved. If you ignore this one, you are an apathetic piece of dogsh*t, and you get what you deserve. It's time to walk the walk.

I am writing this because I used to live in Kali... Of something like 7 million gun owners, only 300,000 (probably less) actually signed a petition to veto SB23. Go figure. We as gun owners are making their jobs easy.

Flame away. Then if you have CA, US in your profile, and are in SoCAl, go vote.
Link Posted: 5/30/2001 9:16:40 AM EDT
I believe that villaragosa and feuer are a winning team for l.a. Let them ban all they want, so everyone can sit back and watch, live on t.v.,  the disarmed sheeple get victimized during the next riots.
Link Posted: 5/30/2001 9:29:17 AM EDT
i have met rocky and he's a really nice guy.  mike feuer by contrast makes you nervous.  unfortunately i do not reside in la city proper so i can't  vote against - but i am urging all my friends who can to do so.

Link Posted: 5/30/2001 10:45:57 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Imbrog|io:
I believe that villaragosa and feuer are a winning team for l.a. Let them ban all they want, so everyone can sit back and watch, live on t.v.,  the disarmed sheeple get victimized during the next riots.
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I believe Imbrog|io knows best and I'm a follower.  I plan to vote for these two well respected gentlemen, NOT [puke]

But the other option Hahn is one step up from villaragosa, both POS
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