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Posted: 5/15/2004 1:38:05 AM EDT
Whether you are male or female, when you meet someone of the opposite sex that is EXTREMELY attractive, you start to talk to them then when they open their mouth and spew out stupidity, they start to get ugler by the second. What you once thought was the most AMAZING creature to walk this planet turns out to be as ugly as a fly speck on a mound of horseshit.

I was in a band with TWIN BLONDE BOMBSHELLS. As the liberal BS spewed I found them more repulsive to the point I had to quit the band. One was a teacher and the other was a shrink... what does that tell you?
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 1:48:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2004 1:50:54 AM EDT
Did they at least throw leg?
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