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Posted: 5/13/2004 1:15:24 PM EDT
Turning his son's murder into an anti-Bush rant?  If I had just lost my son, I would be in mourning, not grandstanding.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:16:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:18:12 PM EDT

Turning his son's murder into an anti-Bush rant?  If I had just lost my son, I would be in mourning, not grandstanding.

It was his own dumbass son who turned down the free plane ride to get out of there!

Offered by the US Military of which President Bush is the Commander in Chief.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:18:44 PM EDT
I think he's wrong, but I'll give him a little leeway. I'm sure he's going through a hard time.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:20:18 PM EDT
I don't give him any leeway. Stupid prick.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:20:53 PM EDT

I know he is hurt,but it seems like he is using his son murder to advance his own political agenda!

What an asshat!

Ahh woo woo...you said murder. I am reporting you to...errrr....GB!!!
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:20:57 PM EDT
The guy is an asshat.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:23:57 PM EDT
Yup.  I bet we'll hear a lot from this guy in the future.  He'll become a figurehead for the libs.

Just like Tom Mauser (dad of one of the Columbine victims).  At first you feel sorry for the loss of his son, but at the end you just wish is was the father that got murdered instead of the kid.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:26:10 PM EDT
He's a complete tool.  Nick seemed like quite a guy, from what I've read about him.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:27:39 PM EDT
The libs will use this horrible event to even further anti-war hatred. And Bergs father will spearhead. I hate libs more and more each day.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:34:02 PM EDT
I agree its a dumb move not to get out ASAP, but who here actually believes the govt was able to track him down, make a special visit just to suggest he leave?
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:36:23 PM EDT
I'll cut him one more day of slack.

After that, it ain't grief speaking. Its agenda.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:38:14 PM EDT
not going to pass judgement.  the man's going through something so horrible i can't even imagine it.  watch that vid and then imagine that was one of your children.

the liberals who will undoubtedly use his hasty grief-stricken words as fodder for their cause are, however, contemptible in the extreme.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:45:46 PM EDT

I don't give him any leeway. Stupid prick.

Exactly...he talked to Kerry today on the phone...what an asshole to turn his son's death into a political issue.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 1:53:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:02:58 PM EDT
This guy and his dad were on opposite sides.  It must really hurt to know your kid's gone and you couldn't find some common ground.  Easy to lash out but it's significant that the son WAS doing something positive, I believe he donated a brick machine to some african group, IOW he was living his dream.  The dad seemed like a naysayer.......one who couldn't join his son's dream.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:03:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:15:43 PM EDT
I think the guy is probably just taking his son's death badly and feels he needs to blame someone.

I'll bet even money that well see Berg's dad at the Democratic National Convention protesting the war for John Kerry's benefit.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:23:47 PM EDT

I think the guy is probably just taking his son's death badly and feels he needs to blame someone.

I'll bet even money that well see Berg's dad at the Democratic National Convention protesting the war for John Kerry's benefit.

If he wants to blame someone, he should blame his son's murderer.  Someone needs to slap him around for a while until he gets his senses back, and inform him of who needs the blame.  George Bush didn't put that knife in whats-his-name's hand.  The guy did it on his own.

And, wasn't Nick Berg warned of the danger of being in Iraq before he went there?  

"Son, it's possible you will get killed in Iraq.  There's lots of people there that hate us."
"Duly noted.  I'm going there anyway."

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:26:05 PM EDT


I don't give him any leeway. Stupid prick.

Exactly...he talked to Kerry today on the phone...what an asshole to turn his son's death into a political issue.

He did? True colors are shining through!
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:30:12 PM EDT
Yup, I have suffered great loss before (not quite at that level, but family members deaths that I could have blamed on another), but the last thing on my mind was a political agenda at that time. He's a prick for doing it. Just more proof of how low the Dems/Libs will go.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:30:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:32:35 PM EDT
besides his dad turning out to be a big POS, nick berg had e-mail correspondence with zaccarias mousari, the 20 th hijacker..whats up with that?
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:36:10 PM EDT
Th guy is from west chester pa that part of the burbs of Philly is very liberal.  I have to work there every once and while and I ususally come home pissed off.   The people I have delt with there can be very rude and snotty.   This is also where the guys from mtv's jackass are from if that helps you understand the people there better
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:37:23 PM EDT
I think there is probably a lot more to this story than meets the eye.  Who goes to Iraq of all places and looks for freelance work? Rides in taxi cabs? Walks unescorted? Has an e-mail connection to a frickin' terrorist?
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:42:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:43:46 PM EDT
nick slept on those animals, and payd the ultimate price, it's unfortunate but what the hell would anyone be doing in iraq, if your not there to kill terrorists, or on official buisness...it just dosent make sense
go to iraq un armed, for whatever reason, and being a american jew..not very safe actions

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:46:36 PM EDT
his dad also commented about how caring his son was because he left boy scouts because he refused to handle a gun when the group went target shooting.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 2:51:03 PM EDT
I think there is more to this story than meets the eye at the moment. There seems to be lots of questions and very few answers at the moment. Let's see what comes out in the next weeks and months. And nobody is saying anything concrete. Yous'all just going to have to stayed same time same station for the next episode.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 3:07:49 PM EDT
The guy said, literally, "Those Al Queada folks, they may be as much to blame [as the Bush administration], ..."

HOLY SHIT .  The guy is a wackjob.  He is without a doubt using his son's death to advance his own agenda.  Sickening

(emphasis mine)
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 3:15:00 PM EDT
On ABC's "Left Wing Tonight" with assbag Jennings, they showed him planting a "War IS Not the Answer" sign in his yard, then a sound bite, " My son paid the price for George Bush's and Donald Rumsfeld's sins"

I don't care if his son is dead...the man is a turd....
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 3:44:35 PM EDT
The more that is revealed about Berg being in Iraq, the fishier the story becomes.  Supposedly he wasn't with any sanctioned contractor, he was there by his own free will.  The Iraqi police held him for possible terrorist links/activity and while in their custody, he was questioned 3 times by the FBI.  He was offered a free ride out of Iraq and chose to stay.

The man everyone is so enraged over being beheaded may very well turn out to be a traitor who was helping Al Qaeda and they decided he would be more useful as a propaganda tool.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 3:52:04 PM EDT

Who else is peeved with Berg's dad?  

I am not. I cannot stand in his shoes. I cannot understand his pain, I can only try to.
If I lost a child in that manner I do not really know how I would feel and no one else here does, either.

I hope his son is at peace after such a horrible death.
I do not care about his father's politics or whom he blames and I hope his father finds peace, also.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:04:03 PM EDT
he is a member of ANSWER.  enough said
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:07:36 PM EDT
I feel very badly for the family. The father is anti-war, was anti-war and now using his rage of loss against Bush - Fater Berg = Asshat Clown!
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:12:04 PM EDT
More to the point, you should be peeved that only FOX points out in their coverage that the father is a member of ANSWER and was a radical anti-war activist BEFORE his son was killed.  And that father and son did NOT agree on politics or the invasion of Iraq.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:13:04 PM EDT

More to the point, you should be peeved that only FOX points out in their coverage that the father is a member of ANSWER and was a radical anti-war activist BEFORE his son was killed.  And that father and son did NOT agree on politics or the invasion of Iraq.

Exactly !
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 4:24:41 PM EDT
I am.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:04:29 PM EDT
In some ways I feel sorry, but he's being a political prick.  Why are you surprised, if you look at his background it's what he has been for years.

He's probably why the FBI checked his son out a few times.  Father is Berg and that rang bells.

His son probably inherited Dad's common sense.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:13:57 PM EDT
Kinda strange to me... If you were a father, and your son's head got sawed off on national television, how would you react?

I'm not on Berg's side, just food for thought.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:17:56 PM EDT

Kinda strange to me... If you were a father, and your son's head got sawed off on national television, how would you react?

I'm not on Berg's side, just food for thought.

I would probably be more than a bit upset with the guys that sawed the head off of my kid.

I don't think I would be upset with the President who is trying to hunt down his murderers.

But, you know, I'm all full of nutty thinking like that.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 5:27:37 PM EDT
At this point I would be equally NOT shocked to find out that Nick was working for the CIA or Al Qaeda.  Alot here does not add up.  What are the odds that he is killed by Al Qaeda and lent his email address years earlier to an Al Qaeda operative?  This is not tin foil hat stuff, these are real plausible possibilities.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:09:18 PM EDT
I heard on the radio that he now says Nick died because of the sins of Bush and Rumsfeld.  He also said the he blamed Bush and Rumsfeld more than he blamed the terrorists who actually cut his son's head off.

This was on a local talk radio show, so I'm not sure if it is 100% accurate.  I've been looking around the 'net to confirm this, but haven't had any luck so far.  If he did actually say this then he's a shitbird.

BTW, I agree that something is fishy about this whole situation.  I hate to speak ill of the dead, but with all the new info that is surfacing, I'm starting to wonder why Nick was in Iraq.  
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:31:51 PM EDT
The guy is a charter member of Marxist ANSWER.  Pretty ironic that his kid gets offed by the people the father was trying to help out.

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:42:15 PM EDT

I don't give him any leeway. Stupid prick.


Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:51:55 PM EDT
Red Diaper Doper Baby Moron----- Michael Savage commenting
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 6:56:26 PM EDT

At this point I would be equally NOT shocked to find out that Nick was working for the CIA or Al Qaeda.  Alot here does not add up.  What are the odds that he is killed by Al Qaeda and lent his email address years earlier to an Al Qaeda operative?  This is not tin foil hat stuff, these are real plausible possibilities.

I agree completely.  Something very fishy going on with this whole story.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 7:00:04 PM EDT


Who else is peeved with Berg's dad?  

I am not. I cannot stand in his shoes. I cannot understand his pain, I can only try to.
If I lost a child in that manner I do not really know how I would feel and no one else here does, either.

I hope his son is at peace after such a horrible death.
I do not care about his father's politics or whom he blames and I hope his father finds peace, also.

could that be because you agree with his dad's politics?

Link Posted: 5/13/2004 9:12:41 PM EDT
Caterpillar Girl's parents come to mind – except in this case, apparently, the apple fell a considerable distance from the tree...
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 9:36:27 PM EDT
It infuriates me that the libs politicize everything.  But I can't imagine what that man is going through, especially with the audio and video getting shown and broadcast.  The country needs to see and hear it, but if that were my son's screams getting played by Hannity and Savage, etc...  I just don't know what I'd do.
Link Posted: 5/13/2004 10:09:12 PM EDT

Yup.  I bet we'll hear a lot from this guy in the future.  He'll become a figurehead for the libs.

Just like Tom Mauser (dad of one of the Columbine victims).  At first you feel sorry for the loss of his son, but at the end you just wish is was the father that got murdered instead of the kid.

Don't forget Sarah Brady....

There's seems to be more to all of this..Dude even had a muslim beard...One of the 20 hijackers used his email account 2 years before 9/11..FBI interviewed him...He declined safe transportation out of Iraq and traveled alone...Didn't have contractor status....

It's a shame and it saddens me he died the way he did...I can't even think of my feelings if that was my son...If he was a stand up guy, I feel bad and my thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family..But if he was another John Walker Lindh (or however you spell it), then you draw your own conclusion to my thoughts...

Unfortunately, the conservative media is taking some shots at the son and the dad in return to the dad's negative comments...The dad is a POS, no doubt about it..But, I would be locked in my room OD'ing on valium for about 3 years if that was my son. Not out on some political campaign! And Kerry is the LAST person I would talk to even if I was a democrat!
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