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Posted: 5/2/2001 7:58:40 AM EDT
Hi folks,

I read an article in yesterday's local paper written by an obvious liberal crying about the easy availibility of guns, and their blame in school shootings.  I wrote the following letter, and was surprised to see it published today:

Columnist misses point on access

Re: “Easy access tragic smoking gun” by Marie Cocco (May 1). I share her sentiments that violence among our youth is tragic.

What I cannot understand, however, is how an intelligent person can turn a blind eye to reason and proclaim inanimate objects evil, while crying for our government to “do something about guns.” The cause of youth violence belongs in the mind set of the perpetrator, not their tool of choice.

In her article, Cocco states that “Our culture guarantees easy access to guns for just about everyone.” This is how our founding fathers envisioned this country.

Cocco, however, is mistaken. It is more difficult than ever to purchase a firearm in the United States.

As a law-abiding citizen, I must pass a background check before I can purchase a rifle.

I may legally be delayed for up to three business days with no reason given. If I wish to purchase a handgun, I must endure the same background check. In addition, I must also pay a fee and obtain the sheriff’s permission. He has no legal obligation to approve my request. Gun owners endure these restraints in the name of keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.

This system simply does not work. Tougher gun control laws do not affect the criminal, only the law-abiding. Let’s be realistic and crack down on criminals, not guns.

Bill Schram
Link Posted: 5/2/2001 8:06:40 AM EDT
Way to go, 1st.

I get REALLY pissed at people who whine and moan about gun laws, but when a LEGITIMATE opportunity to do something about them comes along (something more than "Go vote on this interent poll") they sit on their ever-growing posteriors and do nothing.

But not you, man. You are doing something. And I appreciate it.

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