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Posted: 5/8/2003 3:59:36 AM EDT
During my commute this morning, I heard on the radio (WMAL) that a bill will go to the floor of the House today to extend the AWB.  Also, it was said that White House has stated that they will support continuation of the ban.  However, President Bush does not support banning "copy cat" weapons.  WTF?

Looks like the Demokrats have sped this thing up.  This is the first I've heard about a bill being put in motion this early.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 4:06:53 AM EDT

Nothing on [url]www.gunowners.org[/url] about it yet.

Nothing on [url=www.nraila.org]NRAILA[/url] either....

Link Posted: 5/8/2003 4:14:43 AM EDT
Nothing on SAF either...

Its always this way it seems... The poor members on this board usually have a jump on the millionaires we send our money too.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 4:19:01 AM EDT


The article is there!!

Link Posted: 5/8/2003 4:22:26 AM EDT
Thanks, just saw it... Damn dont you just love those Kalifornia politicians.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 4:31:36 AM EDT
Well maybe this will scare the Shit out of everyone enough so that we will all get more active and not just depend on the sunset.

Just imagine if they outlawed the all AR15's, would you turn yours in?
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 4:36:07 AM EDT
While I'm obviously as pro gun as they come, this type of comment from the NRA is just useless (they should really have better PR folks):

Gun-rights groups said they will try to defeat both bills. "Empirical evidence shows this gun ban has had zero effect on reducing crime," said Andrew Arulanandam, spokesman for the National Rifle Association.
View Quote

The implication here is that the constitution has no bearing on the issue.  "Hey, the current law doesn't work, so why continue it."  The problem with this logic, is that if was proven that the law did work, they'd have to yeild."  They are playing the antis game of making guns a crime issue!
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 4:37:33 AM EDT
Anyone wanna bet on what Bush is going to do?  I think there is no doubt that he will betray us gun owners.  It is a cold political calculation.  He currently has enough political capital to not have to worry about pissing off gun owners by extending the ban.  Power corrupts...
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 4:37:46 AM EDT
Well maybe this will scare the Shit out of everyone enough so that we will all get more active and not just depend on the sunset.

Just imagine if they outlawed the all AR15's, would you turn yours in?
View Quote

Whats the phrase I'm looking for here...oh ya HELL NO!
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 4:52:10 AM EDT
This a political "hot potato." Pres. Bush (IMHO) does not want this to reach his desk.  The best scenario for the President is for the bill to die in committee so he does not have to get involved.

Link Posted: 5/8/2003 5:42:19 AM EDT
This needs to stay at the top of the list...

Link Posted: 5/8/2003 5:58:07 AM EDT
call the white house 202-456-1111
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 6:14:52 AM EDT
The Republicans operate on where the votes are. If we don't show them that renewal of the ban is a loser issue for them, they might indeed decide that they would gain more by backstabbing us.

Right now the Republicans have their fingers in the wind and are calculating what stance will get them the most votes in 2004. It is up to us to make a strong case that sticking with gun owners will continue to be a winning strategy.

That is why it is absolutely imperative you write your representatives, the RNC chair and the President if you have not already done so.

Thanks to Mike's good timing on the May 5 campaign, my letters will be arriving on desks about the same time this bill is introduced and none of my elected reps will have any doubts about where I stand on this issue.

Link Posted: 5/8/2003 6:41:05 AM EDT
The antis are livid about the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act". It wouldn't surprise me if this is somehow related; either as retaliation or to muddy the pro RKBA waters... "Senator so-and-so is against gun crime victims [b]and[/b] thinks it's OK for civilians to own assault weapons".

You can probably catch this charade here.


Unfortunatly, my streaming video/audio plugins are hosed and I can't connect. [:(]
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:21:12 AM EDT
Call Now!
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:30:28 AM EDT
Just imagine if they outlawed the all AR15's, would you turn yours in?
View Quote

What AR15? They've been illegal since '94...
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:59:51 AM EDT
On an interesting sidenote, this is also a story in the news today-[url]http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~20954~1376233,00.html[/url]

I am afraid that GWB just might have enough "political capital" to sacrifice us gun owners this time around.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 8:30:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 8:38:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 8:59:00 AM EDT
This should be updated by tomorrow (perhaps even later tonight?)


I'm very curious to find out what's going on.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 9:19:42 AM EDT
Call  your congress folk!!!!!!
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 9:50:01 AM EDT
soooo....did you call DC yet?

Your congress-people are waiting to hear....

Link Posted: 5/8/2003 9:54:34 AM EDT
anyone have the text of this yet?
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 10:18:38 AM EDT
Oh yeah, and guys....

[size=6]PLEASE BE POLITE![/size=6]

This is our best chance to get rid of AWB, let's not screw it up!  
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 10:47:35 AM EDT
Thanks, just saw it... Damn dont you just love those Kalifornia politicians.
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This is a federal bill, which means your state is involved too. If you don’t think so why don't you explain why GW wants to sign this.

Federal bills don’t effect me at all; my state has horrible laws. If the AWB sunsets I get nothing, but I have given time money and a lot of effort to kill this. What have you done to stop any bill that effects me?

I'm betting Zero??
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 10:53:41 AM EDT

Pretty much screwed here in NY also...[sex]
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 10:59:22 AM EDT
[url][email protected][/url]

Email link if your looking for it....
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