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Posted: 4/11/2001 12:31:04 AM EDT
This is really scary!
The chip was meant for humans.
I think the pet implantation is just a test.....
Aluminum beanies on!

'Dog tag' gets whole
new meaning
California bill requires microchip for pets, permits for animal sales

By Julie Foster
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Pet owners in California will soon be required to place a microchip in every dog and cat they sell, as well as obtain a permit for each animal to be sold, if a bill in the state legislature becomes law.

Senate Bill 236 by Sen. Jack O'Connell, D-Santa Barbara, would require anyone who wants to sell a dog or cat under 1-year-old to obtain a permit for an unspecified fee per animal from the local animal services agency. The permit would need to be obtained before advertising any such sale, and all ads would have to include the permit number.

Additionally, the bill provides that every time a dog or cat is sold in California, regardless of the animal's age, it must be "microchipped" and the owner's identification entered into a local or national registry. And every time ownership of the animal is transferred, the new owner's information must be reported to the registry. Local officials would be charged with maintaining records regarding the number and type of dogs and cats sold, and the records would be open to the public, excluding owner- and former owner-contact information.

The bill is sponsored by Richard McLellan, M.D., of the Animal Legislative Action Network, a political action committee that supports animal-rights proposals.

"When an animal is first sold from a breeder into a new home, there's usually a way of finding out who that original owner was. After that, if becomes much less easy to follow these animals," said McLellan about the microchipping requirement. "We identify all sorts of things in our society for a number of reasons. We put serial numbers on VCRs and toasters," but there is no permanent identification marker for pets. The bill would help create a paper or electronic trail for animals.

While the bill does not specify which manufacturer's microchips are to be used, one of the most recent of such devices to enter the market is Applied Digital Solutions' Digital Angel®. As reported by WorldNetDaily, Digital Angel® isn't just for pets. Unlike its microchip ancestors, which were intended for animal identification and location only, Digital Angel® is intended for human use and can monitor vital physical functions such as heart rate and body temperature. Microchips are implanted under the skin of the person or animal.

According to McLellan, pet microchipping is beneficial for a number of reasons. It would facilitate the finding of lost dogs and cats and can aid in determining whether an animal was involved in a vicious attack. McLellan said he would prefer external identification, such as collars and tags, but "there's very low compliance" with collar and registration requirements, he said. Also, people often lose dogs after giving the pet a bath, for which the collar and tags were removed. If microchipping were to occur when an animal is sold, the identification markers would be permanent.

McLellan asserts the bill is carefully crafted so that it is "not forcing anybody to do anything," He believes the bill is "in the best interest of animal services and the animals and the owners."

But proponents of the bill face an uphill battle in a legislature that says it is oppo
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:40:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:54:31 AM EDT
I hope China sends the US a going away present reminiscant (sp) of pearl harbor, only this time on Kalifornia.  God those people are f'd up.

I can see why somebody might want to get the chip for their pet, but it shouldn't be required by law.  So the next time you want to buy your kid a kitten from the pet store, instead of paying $25 you will probably be paying $250+.  Can you even imagine how much this new department would cost?  Tracking every damn pet owner in state would be impossible.

You would also need to create a new alphabet soup agency.  Maybe the CKLWFEAA - Communist Kalifornia Legislators Want to Fuck Everyone In the Ass Agency.  They would definately need a swat team with weapons and traing that rivals the green berets, to perform no knock warrants at 3am to kill those evil people who sold pets without the chip.

I hope the Tool song Anema ends up being true...
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:20:18 AM EDT
so whats next mircoships in people? just a thought
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:26:34 AM EDT
That does it...

I WILL NEVER go to KaliKommie AGAIN!!!!


Those people are WAYYYY out there!!!!
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:36:41 AM EDT
Wow, I can't express in words how ridiculous that is.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:36:53 AM EDT
They'll never get Trooper, NEVER!! stay on yer side of that state line buds..
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:42:18 AM EDT
I want to get as far away from California as possible, maybe Maine.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:46:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:50:05 AM EDT
I thought they planned to tatoo a barcode on the neck of every newborn human? Now it appears the chip will be used instead. Love that technology.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:52:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 11:06:40 AM EDT
Implanting people ain't no joke! I saw one of those "lets save the children" groups on t.v. talking about tracking implants for kids. Just in case your kid happens to be the one in a million that gets kidnapped every year. It wasn't a Kali organization. So as always, a group of heartbroken parents start up some kind of foundation to prevent future kidnappings. They don't even consider the civil rights aspects at all. These poor fools are blinded by their sorrow and focus all their vengence into legistlation that basically intrudes into the lives of everyone.

If they ever try to force Nazi-bar codes or tracking implants on humans, I would only hope that the masses have the sense to revolt and never submit to that kind of governmental control. If anything could start another civil war, becoming a slave to a government controlled super computer would be a pretty good reason.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 11:49:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 12:05:12 PM EDT
That's what happens when a liberalist has to much money, and there "Kalifornicated" minds sit idle for to long. I just hope they don't bring those ideals to the Colorado State House, when they migrate to the front range. Or anywhere else in the USA for that fact.
My .02 cents. JShort

Link Posted: 4/11/2001 12:05:50 PM EDT
So now the loser thats pushing this through is getting huge kickbacks from the chipmaker to put these things in all the pets.  If humans ever got them then eventually somebody would come out with a scanner that reads them so if you want to know where somebody lives-just wak by them with your scanner.- not to mention scanners at every door/airport/gun range...
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 12:11:59 PM EDT
What about "private pet transfers?"

I bet the next thing will be to close those nasty "pet show loopholes"

Christ! What people will do when they can spend other people's money!
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 12:27:53 PM EDT
[left]So we are looking at the new world order! 666 on the back of are hands or foreheads! we all know they want to disarm us for a reason ???.[/left]
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 12:57:02 PM EDT
Warning to Californian's: Get out while the gettin's good.  
When the mass exodus from Cali occurs you won't be able to sell your homes for a nickel. Its coming and the politicians will have to raise taxes to make up for the hole in the population furthur escalating the evacuation.  I'll bet its starting already.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 1:34:36 PM EDT
The thing that I see happening with this is backyard breaders will have a "black market" to sell their poorly bred animals at a higher premium now.

My wife runs a sled dog rescue group, she takes sled dogs "spitz type dogs" in from bad homes, the pound and from people who bought "little billy" that cute puppy who has grown up into an energetic, digging dog. SHe  rehabilitates them and then finds acceptable homes. I have seen some of the most aweful things these back yard breaders do. Currently we have a siberian husky who was born in a puppy mill, they fed all the dogs, puppies and adults in one container. It was dog eat dog to get the food and alot of the puppies ended up eating each others tails and ears off to survive. When we feed this poor dog who is now 1 1/2 years old he still pounds down the food like their is no tomorrow and runs circles in his kennel for probably 10 hours a day.

When the government gets involved it's always bad, as in this current Commifornia event

Link Posted: 4/11/2001 3:31:58 PM EDT
Shades of "Logan's Run."
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:03:49 PM EDT
Next step is humans.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 4:16:35 PM EDT
This is actually a racist plot to get all of the vietnamese "tagged".  think about it, the vietnamese people eat the puppy, and all the sudden, they are easily identified thanks to all of those microtags they ate.


(holey bejebus, can i ever get out of junior status again???)
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 5:32:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 5:45:47 PM EDT
When I was stationed at the NTC Fort Irwin Ca. the post vet recommended this years ago as a way to identify strays or small dogs that were mauled by coyotes. The code numbers are entered into a database and matched to owners. It seemed as humane as wearing a dog tag (no pun intended)with the owners name and could not be removed as easily. There also seemed to be a lot of theft of animals for rewards and medical experiments and such at the time.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 7:06:09 PM EDT
You people in California need to stop having sex! You'er breeding freaking IDIOTS!
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 8:51:53 PM EDT
This stuff is scary!  These chips aren't for four legged animals.  That is pure Barbara Streisand.

Just remember, most of these people "imigrated" to Kalifornia from the other 49 states.   There aren't many natives over the age of 25 relative to the state's total population.

Aren't we lucky (the other 49 states) that so many whacked out people moved to Kali.  
I believe states government legislators have way too much time on their hands, and way too much of the people's money to waste.  

Man, are we ever going to wake up and see what is going on?
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 9:29:26 PM EDT
DAMN RIGHT -bulletguy
everyday i see soooo many out of state license plates driving around, one day ill round up every Freaking Libeal Wacko from VA and SHIP THEM BACK, and then it will be Every Freaking Liberal Wacko from ID and SHIP THEM BACK, and then it will the freaks from the South, or the east, or where ever
Please Stop Depositing YOUR FREAKING WACKOS in kalif and WE (kalif natives) WONT be having so many problems
also its the f*cking demo-commies dreaming up this CRAP to gain BIG Election money from the companies that produce this technology, is there a company in YOUR state that creates this technocrap? and then ships it off to kalif? and pays some democrap to write a BS law so they can make BIG profits????????

the Sh*t may start here but it does NOT end here

Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:14:19 PM EDT
They have been chiping dogs for years.  Mine is chipped now.  Just a little insurance incase it is lost or stolen.

Now, Jack O'Connel...  I met this guy a couple times when I was going to school.  Typical knows whats best for everyone Democrat.  The guy is an A$$.

Yeah, California sucks, but pet chipping (voluntarily) is not that big of a deal.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 10:47:00 PM EDT
Anyone seen Six Days with Arnold S.?
"re-pet" the cloned animal agency[:D]
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 11:26:18 PM EDT
There's truth to the wacko theory. San Francisco seems to be the ultimate destination for every sexual deviant in the US. The only good thing about it is it's a virtual shopping mall for young straight guys. Straight girls out-number straight guys something like 3 to 1. Even Imbroglio could get some in SF.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 11:30:12 PM EDT
There are at least two types of chips, the one that is currently used on dogs needs to be scanned like in the supermarket and tells the person doing the scanning the dogs id number like a internal dog tag. The digital angle chip not only transmits it’s data to a central receiving station but the data includes your location because it has a built in GPS receiver. You do not even need to go near a public building for the government to know where you are, they will even know if you are in your own back yard or your neighbors. This is the sign of the beast and no real Christian will let it be implanted, I know I will not.
Link Posted: 4/11/2001 11:33:37 PM EDT
There are at least two types of chips, the one that is currently used on dogs needs to be scanned like in the supermarket and tells the person doing the scanning the dogs id number like a internal dog tag. The digital angle chip not only transmits it’s data to a central receiving station but the data includes your location because it has a built in GPS receiver. You do not even need to go near a public building for the government to know where you are, they will even know if you are in your own back yard or your neighbors. This is the sign of the beast and no real Christian will let it be implanted, I know I will not.
Link Posted: 4/12/2001 12:19:12 AM EDT
It's incremental.

First the pets

Next the kids - it's for the children

Then those with Alzheimers

OK, next those on probation/parole note we already have the home detention 'jewelry'

Tampering/removal may be an infraction/misdemeanor

But then there will be "special circumstance" when it becomes a more serious crime.

Where will it end?

[red][/size=4] P.R.K.

Link Posted: 4/12/2001 1:06:14 AM EDT
Warning to Californian's: Get out while the gettin's good.  
When the mass exodus from Cali occurs you won't be able to sell your homes for a nickel. Its coming and the politicians will have to raise taxes to make up for the hole in the population furthur escalating the evacuation.  I'll bet its starting already.
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I believe its going to start soon but not yet.
Keep in mind everyone here doesn't agree with the things that happen here. I didn't vote for most, if not all, of these idiots.

now, regarding the exodus. Consider this.
Many businesses are loosing alot of money due to the rolling blackouts. If a business has lost 2 hours a day, five days a week thats more than a days worth of lost production. This is nothing now, wait until it is summer here and then energy consumption will really go up. How much money can businesses afford to loose.
The enviromentalist don't want power plants "polluting" *THEIR* enviroment, but what other solutions do they offer? NONE. There is a power plant not far from L.A., in Southgate, which the residents there don't want returned to operation. Is it a big hazard, no. Its powered by natural gas as are many others here, not something which is all that bad.
There is just too much *feel good* politics these days, not just here in california but all over the country. We don't need symbolic legislation, we need what REALLY works.

The laws they pass are CRACK and the people are CRACK addicts. They FEEL good now but in the end they're all F'ed up!
Link Posted: 4/12/2001 2:14:26 AM EDT
OK, I have NOW identified the enemy...

I don't have a problem with this.

What I have a problem with are the A$$HOLES who buy kittens or puppies because they're cute, or for their kid, or whetever - and then decide 6 months later to dump it somewhere.  The U.S. has WAY higher levels of stray animals than other industrialized countries - primarily because pets are cheap and because so many people are irresponsible about pet ownership.
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THAT would be liberals like YOU, who allow little timmy whatever he wants, and then FAIL drastically as parents to teach responsibility

Doesn't bother me if it becomes a little more expensive or difficult to buy an animal, or if a stray can be tracked to the irresponsible bastard that abondoned it.
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YOU ARE the exact piece of flesh Ben Franklin referred to, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

I do agree that the human implementation has some ominous  (but also some promising) implications.
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Promising??? PROMISING??? What friggin planet are you from? You liberals have serious mommy/ daddy issues if you think the job of safety, and moral police lies within the government.


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