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Posted: 7/18/2002 10:14:10 AM EDT
I have posted this thought before, but the other Clinton post made me think I should re-post this.

If you think Clinton is out of our hair, you are mistaken. I'd be willing to bet any of you $500 that that scumbag is shooting for another position of "power".

What am I talking about? Think about it, what would someone like CLinton consider an even more important job than the US President? What job would he fit into real well? My guess is that he will soon be trying to get himself into the slot of U.N. Secretary General.

Think about it for a minute, thats like being "president of the world". That ouwld suit him just fine in his mind I am sure. God help us if he does get there.

Aviator  [img]www.milpubs.com/aviator.gif[/img]
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 10:17:37 AM EDT
I must say, that sounds like something that that idiot Clinton would do. God, I really hated that sleeze bag, and I still do!!!
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 10:20:55 AM EDT
Post from ARgurl -
God, I really hated that sleeze bag, and I still do!!!
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You're not alone.

[b]God[/b] really hates that sleeze bag, too!

Eric The('WhatWasIThinking?')Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 10:20:58 AM EDT
I don't think so.  I'm betting that he'll fade into obscurity on the lecture trail.  Institutions will pay him a lot of money to say things that no one wants to hear and he'll spend his years perfecting his memoirs.

Now, Hillary on the other hand...

She'll be president someday.  She may be president of Costa Guano, but she'll be president.
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 10:25:56 AM EDT
Post from ARgurl -
God, I really hated that sleeze bag, and I still do!!!
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You're not alone.

[b]God[/b] really hates that sleeze bag, too!

Eric The('WhatWasIThinking?')Hun[>]:)]
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Are you serious? God hates someone?
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 10:28:15 AM EDT
Of course, Sec-Gen of the UN is usually rotated through "statesman" from smaller countries, nominated and supported by members of the permanent security council.  Kofi Anan is OUR guy, we forced out the previous guy after his first term, and contrary to the gentleman's agree that usually gives everyone two terms.  This used up much UN "political" capital for the US.  

So, the current USA UN ambassador would have to nominate and support it - not bloody likely.

Several dozen foreign countries that don't like us would have to vote for it - not likely either.

It would need to be our "turn" - a long way off.

People would have to get over being mad at us about forcing out the last guy and bringing in Anan - oh yeah, that's going to happen.

All the zillion of little countries would have to give up their desire to have one of the few big chances at the world stage in favor of letting a US citizen do it - yeah, right.

I say we're safe from THIS particular fiasco.  Can't say we're as safe from Mrs. Bill as we are Mr. Bill, though.
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 10:36:01 AM EDT
I don't think so.  I'm betting that he'll fade into obscurity on the lecture trail.  Institutions will pay him a lot of money to say things that no one wants to hear and he'll spend his years perfecting his memoirs.
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I wish I could agree with you, but wayyyy toooo many people in Europe, third world countries, and elsewhere in the world idolize  him. That is not a decision the US makes alone or has a huge say so in.

aviator  [img]www.milpubs.com/aviator.gif[/img]
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 10:39:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 10:41:36 AM EDT
While it's conceivable that Clinton could pull off being UN Secretary General, there are politics involved with that post about what continent you come from.  For example, the last 2 SG's have been Africans, and Asians in the UN have been banging the drum for one of them to be SG. They're pissed Annan got it.

The next SG will almost certainly be from Asia, so we don't have to worry about Clinton.  Plus, I think you have to be a careerist in that sleazy organization to even be considered.  So I think we're safe from Clinton.
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 11:02:45 AM EDT
I hope he DOES get UN Sec. General.

And Bush "female dog" slaps him the way he has Kofi Annus.

Link Posted: 7/18/2002 11:25:42 AM EDT
Post from Gun-Fan -
Are you serious? God hates someone?
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Serious as a heart attack, [b]Brother Gun-Fan![/b]

See, for example:

[b]Psalms 5:5 -[/b]
The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

(If Bill Clinton ain't a worker of inquity, I don't know who is!)

[b]Psalms 11:5 -[/b]
The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

[b]Proverbs, Chapter 6:[/b]

16   These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17   A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18   An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19   A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Heck, [b]Gun-Fan[/b], I'll bet Clinton scores seven out of seven on that list from Proverbs, if you count Vince Foster as having innocent blood! [:D]

[b]So, yes, the Lord doth hate![/b]

Eric The(Biblical)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 11:29:56 AM EDT
I can't beleive people voted him into the presidency?

I voted for PEE-ROT.
We need a manager in the White House not a politican.
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 11:35:54 AM EDT
Post from Gun-Fan -
Are you serious? God hates someone?
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Serious as a heart attack, [b]Brother Gun-Fan![/b]

See, for example:

[b]Psalms 5:5 -[/b]
The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

(If Bill Clinton ain't a worker of inquity, I don't know who is!)

[b]Psalms 11:5 -[/b]
The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

[b]Proverbs, Chapter 6:[/b]

16   These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17   A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18   An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19   A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Heck, [b]Gun-Fan[/b], I'll bet Clinton scores seven out of seven on that list from Proverbs, if you count Vince Foster as having innocent blood! [:D]

[b]So, yes, the Lord doth hate![/b]

Eric The(Biblical)Hun[>]:)]
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I'd probably go with the 2 from Psalms, but the ones from proverbs seem to refer to things or traits that people can show, not the actual person. I'm not attempting to defend B.C. or argue with you, just an honest question from the begining. Besides, the Vince Foster innocence WOULD be a stretch. [:)]
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 11:39:21 AM EDT
Gun-fan -

The Hun has it right about God hating sin, and all sinners who ultimately will reject His love, namely in the form of His Son Christ Jesus.

Link Posted: 7/18/2002 11:44:33 AM EDT
I can't beleive people voted him into the presidency?

I voted for PEE-ROT.
We need a manager in the White House not a politican.
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The Perot voters handed the election to Clinton.  Give yourself a big pat on the back,  Clinton thanks you for your vote.  Perot did more to harm the Republicans than any Democrat ever has.  Divide and Conquer.
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 11:45:35 AM EDT
How can someone like Paul Begala be so enamoured of Clinton?  How can anybody admire that worthless prick? [pissed]
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 11:51:09 AM EDT
Gun-fan -

The Hun has it right about God hating sin, and all sinners who ultimately will reject His love, namely in the form of His Son Christ Jesus.

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Ok, one more question. Does he hate them now, or only after they have given up their last opportunity to repent(death)?
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 12:47:35 PM EDT
Gun-fan -

The Hun has it right about God hating sin, and all sinners who ultimately will reject His love, namely in the form of His Son Christ Jesus.

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Ok, one more question. Does he hate them now, or only after they have given up their last opportunity to repent(death)?
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God's love is real, and evident toward you TODAY in the salvation He purchased for you by the death of His Son, Jesus Christ.

You need only receive that gift. In the fashion that God mandates.

(Editor's Note: In the following, I use "you" generically, as I have NO idea of your current status with regard to salvation)

If you CHOOSE to NOT receive that gift, and remain steadfact in that decision when you die, you FORCE God to hate you, because you died in your sin, and God, by definition of His nature, hates sin.

In short, you'd bear your sin for eternity, and God cannot tolerate sin, so He is REQUIRED to send you to hell. But that would be your decision, NOT His.

Of course, you can EASILY rememdy this. TODAY.

Link Posted: 7/18/2002 12:55:35 PM EDT

If you CHOOSE to NOT receive that gift, and remain steadfact in that decision when you die, you FORCE God to hate you, because you died in your sin, and God, by definition of His nature, hates sin.

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So if I follow you correctly, God does not hate Bill Clinton or any other live person ,as they still have the opportunity to embrace his gift.
God may hate what B.C does, but not B.C.
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 1:02:37 PM EDT

If you CHOOSE to NOT receive that gift, and remain steadfact in that decision when you die, you FORCE God to hate you, because you died in your sin, and God, by definition of His nature, hates sin.

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So if I follow you correctly, God does not hate Bill Clinton or any other live person ,as they still have the opportunity to embrace his gift.
God may hate what B.C does, but not B.C.
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God's salvation remains open to Bill Clinton. God used Paul of Tarshish, who had administered over the murder of countless Christians, after he was saved, to write over 20% of God's Bible.

God's mercy is indeed amazing.

Beyond that, you get into the concepts of election and predestination, and whether Bill Clinton will ever receive God's gift of love. If God in His omniscience knows that Bill Clinton will NEVER receive God's gift of love, then God indeed could be justified in hating Bill Clinton TODAY. Not that God needs my permission for what He is justified in doing.

But now we're into an area (prdestination and election) God has NOT fully explained to us.

Suffice it to say, from man's view, God's salvation remains open to Bill Clinton (which may or may not be true - only God knows). Therefore God loves Bill Clinton (just as God loved Paul the Apostle)

From God's view, who knows????

Lastly, a complete discussion of this subject would require a study of the original languages, Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek to understand what actually the word "hate" means. As I recall, it means something different that what you or I mean when we use the word hate. If memory serves, "Hate" means to be outside of God's favor. Just as my friend Russ in CT is outside of your favor, in Biblical parlance, this would mean you "hate" Russ. According to the Biblical defintion of "hate" as best I can recall it in the instances cited above("hate" meaning to "have no relationship with, and be ambivolent to the existence, thoughts, and emotions of")
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 1:40:44 PM EDT
Confirmation on Hun's assertion....just talked to God. Yep! He hates Clinton too.

Clinton claimed to be a christian..yeah, right.

I would rather you be hot or cold...cause if you're luke warm, I'll spew you out of my mouth..so says God.

Link Posted: 7/18/2002 1:41:16 PM EDT
He remembers the pizza he had that night night, but not the hoo ha from under the desk. Slap the f#$k!
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 1:48:56 PM EDT
I can't beleive people voted him into the presidency?

I voted for PEE-ROT.
We need a manager in the White House not a politican.
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The Perot voters handed the election to Clinton.  Give yourself a big pat on the back,  Clinton thanks you for your vote.  Perot did more to harm the Republicans than any Democrat ever has.  Divide and Conquer.
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Link Posted: 7/18/2002 4:43:50 PM EDT
We didn't get a chance to vote for or against phoncious pilot,jesus his trial or the out come.

We did get a chance to vote for or against Billy boy with our vote against Al Gore,but just like in history past the Jews damn'd nere screwed that up as well.

 Oh Well just keep your heads up, and remember you get one vote use it well!

 Bobv  [8D]
Link Posted: 7/18/2002 6:32:48 PM EDT

The Perot voters handed the election to Clinton.  Give yourself a big pat on the back,  Clinton thanks you for your vote.  Perot did more to harm the Republicans than any Democrat ever has.  Divide and Conquer.
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Clinton 42%
Bush  36%
Perot 22%

A little quick math fer ya....

22 + 36  >  42

Like it or not, in voting fer Parrot, you voted for Clinton.

Perot was unelectable, and had a (by that time, although formerly brilliant) babbling idiot for a running mate. Stockdale couldn't string together an intelligent sentence if his life depended on it.

Yeah, yeah, I know - you expected all the Repubs to vote fer  Parrot. But sorry dude, the guy who gets 22 % of the vote HAS TO yield the right of way to the guy who has 36% of the vote.

You might have the right of way in your Yugo, but better get the heck out of the way of that 18 wheeler.

I love ya like a son, Lib, but Parrot GAVE Clinton the election. Its true.

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