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Posted: 6/28/2002 8:32:30 AM EDT
A really hot woman moved into the next apartment. Yesterday, she was moving in some stuff and she was moving in the stuff by herself. I had just gotten home from work and I saw her as I was going up the stairs. I went into my apartment and changed into some jeans and a t-shirt. I poked my head out and asked if she wanted some help with moving in a truck load of things. She smiled and said yes. I helped her move for about an hour and a half. After we were done, we were talking in her living room.
I was just about to leave and she said, "Thanks for helping me, but just because you helped me move in doesn't mean I HAVE to sleep with you. I'll make you dinner some night, though."
I stood there with a surprised look on my face and just said "uh, ok."
I walked out the door, said goodnight, returned to my apartment and thought dinner would be nice, but sleeping with her would be fvcking incredible.
So, what did she mean by that? She could of just left out the sleep part and just said a nice dinner would do. [>:/]

Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:37:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:46:39 AM EDT

And so begins her diabolical headgame that will leave you second-guessing yourself, bumping into lamp posts as you see her on the street, whimpering everytime she makes eye-contact with you, stopping like a deer in the headlights when she says "hi", and eventually turning into her little mouse-man on a string as she bats away at you like a heartless alleycat toying with you until you give up all your friends, blow off your job and become a pathetic beggar wrapped around her evil little finger - all in hopes of one day nailing her. But alas, in a few years when you think she'll FINALLY let you into her holy-of-holies, she drop you like an empty can of pringles and leave you just a mangled, emasculated, bitter shell of a man drifting through life in a glassy-eyed stupor oblivious to her masterful destruction of you, who she gleefully giggles about to her friends and callously refers to as "notch #56 on my lipstick case".

Go for it.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:46:46 AM EDT
She seems really cool. I'm actually quite excited about this one. It's been awhile since a chick, who's not dancing on stage for dollar bills, has peaked my interest.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:49:24 AM EDT
That's some severe flirting!

I'd go for it.  The only downside is she lives next door.  If you get into a relationship with her and it doesn't work out, you'll still have to look at each other all the time.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:50:50 AM EDT
"And so begins her diabolical headgame that will leave you second-guessing yourself, bumping into lamp posts as you see her on the street, whimpering everytime she makes eye-contact with you, stopping like a deer in the headlights when she says "hi", and eventually turning into her little mouse-man on a string as she bats away at you like a heartless alleycat toying with you until you give up all your friends, blow off your job and become a pathetic beggar wrapped around her evil little finger - all in hopes of one day nailing her. But alas, in a few years when you think she'll FINALLY let you into her holy-of-holies, she drop you like an empty can of pringles and leave you just a mangled, emasculated, bitter shell of a man drifting through life in a glassy-eyed stupor oblivious to her masterful destruction of you, who she gleefully giggles about to her friends and callously refers to as "notch #56 on my lipstick case".

Go for it."

Speaking from experience are we?  [;D]

"The wise man learns from the fool's mistakes."  [;D]
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:51:05 AM EDT

And so begins her diabolical headgame that will leave you second-guessing yourself, bumping into lamp posts as you see her on the street, whimpering everytime she makes eye-contact with you, stopping like a deer in the headlights when she says "hi", and eventually turning into her little mouse-man on a string as she bats away at you like a heartless alleycat toying with you until you give up all your friends, blow off your job and become a pathetic beggar wrapped around her evil little finger - all in hopes of one day nailing her. But alas, in a few years when you think she'll FINALLY let you into her holy-of-holies, she drop you like an empty can of pringles and leave you just a mangled, emasculated, bitter shell of a man drifting through life in a glassy-eyed stupor oblivious to her masterful destruction of you, who she gleefully giggles about to her friends and callously refers to as "notch #56 on my lipstick case".
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Macallan , tell it like it is son... I am laughing so hard....
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:54:15 AM EDT
Corporal Chaos, don't say you ain't never been played... If you havn't you are missing one of lifes truly extraordinary experiences...

You can get all the IT in the world from them and never know one damn thing about them.

I can't stop laughing at Macallans words... Macallan you are honest...

Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:56:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:57:51 AM EDT

And so begins her diabolical headgame that will leave you second-guessing yourself, bumping into lamp posts as you see her on the street, whimpering everytime she makes eye-contact with you, stopping like a deer in the headlights when she says "hi", and eventually turning into her little mouse-man on a string as she bats away at you like a heartless alleycat toying with you until you give up all your friends, blow off your job and become a pathetic beggar wrapped around her evil little finger - all in hopes of one day nailing her. But alas, in a few years when you think she'll FINALLY let you into her holy-of-holies, she drop you like an empty can of pringles and leave you just a mangled, emasculated, bitter shell of a man drifting through life in a glassy-eyed stupor oblivious to her masterful destruction of you, who she gleefully giggles about to her friends and callously refers to as "notch #56 on my lipstick case".

Go for it.
View Quote

Damn, you make it sound like soooo much fun!!!! Let the games begin.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:58:14 AM EDT
I once had one so bad that near the end every time I talked to her (even on scentence) it took me 2 days to recover....  BLOODSUCKER....
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 8:59:36 AM EDT
JOhn 91498, Just play it straight... Don't f(*K around with her, be honest and don't even try to screw around with her mind... It just doesn't work that way...
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 9:02:40 AM EDT
Hmmm, I've never been the victim of an infatuation before.  Frankly I can't understand how people can be so vulnerable.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 9:06:24 AM EDT
I wasn't even thinking of infatuation... Hmmm, man I hadn't even thought in those terms in years...  
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 9:23:41 AM EDT
"Thanks for helping me, but just because you helped me move in doesn't mean I HAVE to sleep with you. I'll make you dinner some night, though."

"Of course, you don't have to... (raise eyebrow, quizzical smile, pause...) I'll bring the wine.

Link Posted: 6/28/2002 9:24:16 AM EDT
Who cares dude, just go for it.

What she said to you doesn't actually mean anything.

To be able to answer that question, we would have to know her, then from judging from her personality decide what that comment means.

So far so sounds like a down to earth girl!

A wise man said once, "Don't think, just do".

Don't over-evaluate women and your relationships with them, that's how you get into situations like The_macallen has been in.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 9:37:46 AM EDT
Something definitely isn't right. I would be very suspicious.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 9:44:08 AM EDT
Your response should have been, "Gee, I was about to tell you the same thing!" as you head for the door.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 10:34:04 AM EDT
Something definitely isn't right. I would be very suspicious.
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I think she's needs a sacrifice for her spells. At least, that's what Macallan thinks.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 10:38:21 AM EDT

And so begins her diabolical headgame that will leave you second-guessing yourself, bumping into lamp posts as you see her on the street, whimpering everytime she makes eye-contact with you, stopping like a deer in the headlights when she says "hi", and eventually turning into her little mouse-man on a string as she bats away at you like a heartless alleycat toying with you until you give up all your friends, blow off your job and become a pathetic beggar wrapped around her evil little finger - all in hopes of one day nailing her. But alas, in a few years when you think she'll FINALLY let you into her holy-of-holies, she drop you like an empty can of pringles and leave you just a mangled, emasculated, bitter shell of a man drifting through life in a glassy-eyed stupor oblivious to her masterful destruction of you, who she gleefully giggles about to her friends and callously refers to as "notch #56 on my lipstick case".

Go for it.
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LOL< That is the FUNNIEST $hit I EVER read.
Mac you are speaking from experience?
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 1:43:09 PM EDT
givin' my track record, I don't know If I'd pay any mind to this....

After a few days of ignoring her, I'd come right out and tell her some time that I didn't appreciate her attitude. and question her about what has the world come to when you can't help someone just to help... then walk away.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 2:23:31 PM EDT
givin' my track record, I don't know If I'd pay any mind to this....

After a few days of ignoring her, I'd come right out and tell her some time that I didn't appreciate her attitude. and question her about what has the world come to when you can't help someone just to help... then walk away.
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Excerpt from the bestseller, "How to Win Friends and Influence Others".....

Someone said it is too close to your door, [b]Listen to them.[/b] Keep it plutonic! Been there, done that. You dont $#!^ where you eat....
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 2:28:07 PM EDT
I say [i]"... doesn't mean I [u]HAVE[/u] to sleep with you."[/i] means you still have a chance!
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 2:36:52 PM EDT
This is hard to judge becaue we don't know the exact context and tone that she said this in.  To me it sounds like she's an overly forward kook, but depending on how she said it, she might have been using that as a flirtatios device.

I agree with others, Macallan, that was funny as hell.

Link Posted: 6/28/2002 2:45:47 PM EDT
I would've been insulted by a remark like that.

If it were me, I would've said, 'What makes you think I [i]want[/i] to sleep with you?'

My 0.02.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 3:13:31 PM EDT
Where are your manners?

"Mr. (John91498) accepts with pleasure Miss X's kind invitation to dinner on Friday, the 28th of June."

Link Posted: 6/28/2002 3:29:38 PM EDT
The best idea is to bring over hot chicks when she's going to see you bringing them home, then bang the living F$$%@ out of them so that your new neighboor hears her screaming out for Allah at the top of her lungs for an hour.  After a while she's going to get curious to see if she, too, can actually last that long on your soul pole, and you will have beaten her at her own game, so cleverly revealed by Maccallan.  

Good luck.

Please note, having a very hot female acquaintanse come over, then playing a porno at excessive volume may, or may not, work very well as a substitute.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 3:33:25 PM EDT
so, like, umm, where would someone find these "Hot Chicks"?  I only ask as I know there are some here that are too embarased to ask.. not that [b]I[/b] need to know or anything [;)]
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 3:34:49 PM EDT
The best idea is to bring over hot chicks when she's going to see you bringing them home, then bang the living F$$%@ out of them so that your new neighboor hears her screaming out for Allah at the top of her lungs for an hour.  After a while she's going to get curious to see if she, too, can actually last that long on your soul pole, and you will have beaten her at her own game, so cleverly revealed by Maccallan.  

Good luck.

Please note, having a very hot female acquaintanse come over, then playing a porno at excessive volume may, or may not, work very well as a substitute.
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Uhh... your plan assumes that [b]John[/b] actually CAN "bang the living F$$%@ out of them so that your new neighboor hears her screaming out for Allah at the top of her lungs for an hour."

Link Posted: 6/28/2002 3:39:29 PM EDT
Uhh... your plan assumes that [b]John[/b] actually CAN "bang the living F$$%@ out of them so that your new neighboor hears her screaming out for Allah at the top of her lungs for an hour."
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Fine, fine, for those of you who haven't read this, please go do so. (if some of it offends you, skip down to the next paragraph and keep reading) Then practice, practice, practice:

Link Posted: 6/28/2002 3:52:51 PM EDT
Fine, fine, for those of you who haven't read this, please go do so. (if some of it offends you, skip down to the next paragraph and keep reading) Then practice, practice, practice:

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hahahah how much you want to bet Marc Perkel is a virgin.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 3:56:16 PM EDT
I would've been insulted by a remark like that.

If it were me, I would've said, 'What makes you think I [i]want[/i] to sleep with you?'

My 0.02.
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My 0.02 also, then I would have added...
How about I cook you dinner sometime then you will have to sleep with me !!
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 4:06:28 PM EDT

Link Posted: 6/28/2002 4:38:54 PM EDT
hahahah how much you want to bet Marc Perkel is a virgin.
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I doubt that.  How much of that page did you actually read?  
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 4:59:47 PM EDT
[img]pweb.netcom.com/~mattja/pics/steven_main.jpg[/img] [b]"Dude, you may be gettin' some!"[/b]
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 5:02:46 PM EDT
You should slip some man juice into her drink. I read somewhere that it makes chicks happy.

Link Posted: 6/28/2002 5:12:31 PM EDT

And so begins her diabolical headgame that will leave you second-guessing yourself, bumping into lamp posts as you see her on the street, whimpering everytime she makes eye-contact with you, stopping like a deer in the headlights when she says "hi", and eventually turning into her little mouse-man on a string as she bats away at you like a heartless alleycat toying with you until you give up all your friends, blow off your job and become a pathetic beggar wrapped around her evil little finger - all in hopes of one day nailing her. But alas, in a few years when you think she'll FINALLY let you into her holy-of-holies, she drop you like an empty can of pringles and leave you just a mangled, emasculated, bitter shell of a man drifting through life in a glassy-eyed stupor oblivious to her masterful destruction of you, who she gleefully giggles about to her friends and callously refers to as "notch #56 on my lipstick case".

Go for it.
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Wow, you know this girl, too???
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 5:39:32 PM EDT

And so begins her diabolical headgame that will leave you second-guessing yourself, bumping into lamp posts as you see her on the street, whimpering everytime she makes eye-contact with you, stopping like a deer in the headlights when she says "hi", and eventually turning into her little mouse-man on a string as she bats away at you like a heartless alleycat toying with you until you give up all your friends, blow off your job and become a pathetic beggar wrapped around her evil little finger - all in hopes of one day nailing her. But alas, in a few years when you think she'll FINALLY let you into her holy-of-holies, she drop you like an empty can of pringles and leave you just a mangled, emasculated, bitter shell of a man drifting through life in a glassy-eyed stupor oblivious to her masterful destruction of you, who she gleefully giggles about to her friends and callously refers to as "notch #56 on my lipstick case".

Go for it.
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Usually I find the Macallan post incredibly antagonistic, boorish,regionally dumbass, angry, droll and troll. In this case I would have to grudgingly agree with the man. He is right. She will abuse you.
I will, however, continue in my opinion that Macallan is not "his own man", because some wire haired titless commander has driven him into a fitless masturbational state.
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 5:51:20 PM EDT
How thin are the walls in your apartment?

In the next few days, she MAY mention you to someone if she's interested.

If you hear her laughing on the phone, it's probably about you...A simple glass-to-the-wall will confirm it.

Man, I can be so evil.

Good Luck!
Link Posted: 6/28/2002 7:59:18 PM EDT
Usually I find the Macallan post incredibly antagonistic, boorish,regionally dumbass, angry, droll and troll. In this case I would have to grudgingly agree with the man. He is right. She will abuse you.
I will, however, continue in my opinion that Macallan is not "his own man", because some wire haired titless commander has driven him into a fitless masturbational state.
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[b]grim[/b], I try to avoid responding to your posts, even your unprovoked insults to me - if you empty your IM (it's full right now) I'll send you a very brief explanation.

Link Posted: 6/30/2002 9:08:56 AM EDT
Usually I find the Macallan post incredibly antagonistic, boorish,regionally dumbass, angry, droll and troll. In this case I would have to grudgingly agree with the man. He is right. She will abuse you.
I will, however, continue in my opinion that Macallan is not "his own man", because some wire haired titless commander has driven him into a fitless masturbational state.
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My IM is clean for you, Macallan.

[b]grim[/b], I try to avoid responding to your posts, even your unprovoked insults to me - if you empty your IM (it's full right now) I'll send you a very brief explanation.

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Link Posted: 6/30/2002 9:58:21 AM EDT
Please be careful of your links!

[b]2a) No posting or linking of Nudity of any sort.[/b] No "see through" pictures either, if you can see it, then it's there.

I know that this was unintentional sfoo - not trying to flame you bro!

Link Posted: 6/30/2002 11:05:18 AM EDT
Usually I find the Macallan post incredibly antagonistic, boorish,regionally dumbass, angry, droll and troll. In this case I would have to grudgingly agree with the man. He is right. She will abuse you.
I will, however, continue in my opinion that Macallan is not "his own man", because some wire haired titless commander has driven him into a fitless masturbational state.
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My IM is clean for you, Macallan.

[b]grim[/b], I try to avoid responding to your posts, even your unprovoked insults to me - if you empty your IM (it's full right now) I'll send you a very brief explanation.

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I still get the message:
"Sorry, that users mailbox is currently full."
when I try to IM you.

Suffice to say I don't appreciate your unprovoked characterization of me in this thread - if I can IM you I'd explain why I'm not engaging you in a flamefest retort.
Link Posted: 6/30/2002 12:00:12 PM EDT
Turn down dinner.
Make her no more than a friend.
She is smarter than you.
She knows to use her pussy to get what she wants out of life.
She is evil.
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