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Posted: 6/2/2011 3:30:23 PM EDT
I've always been facinated by the Roman Empire myself.  They seem to be the yard stick by which all other empires are measured.  They had the first truely professional military that we recongnize today.  They were incredibly organized and educated for their time.  Their influence on law and modern government is everywhere even today, it can be seen in the style of all our government buildings, from our Capitol building, to the Supreme Court, to the various monuments all over Washington D.C.  They conquered virtually all their enemies and incorporated them into a single entity.  I'm just captivated by their civilization and what they accomplished 2000 years ago.  The world has never seen anything like their empire before or since.

Some of my British freinds however disagree.  They claim the greatest empire in all history was their very own British Empire.  I think they're biased, but I can see where they are coming from.  The Industrial Revolution allowed them to capitalize on technology and expand their empire giving it global reach, something the Romans never could have dreamed of.  Their language is the dominant and most important language on the planet, due entirely to their empire.  Of course an offspring of that empire was the geatest nation state in history, the United States of America, and I believe the only nation to sucessfully gain independence from Britain by force of arms.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 3:32:27 PM EDT
Persia, and its founded Cyrus The Great.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 3:33:04 PM EDT
Bitches don't know about my Habsburg Empire!

How a few intermarried crowns managed to keep 50+ cultures together for centuries is unfathomable.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 3:45:29 PM EDT
Although short lived, the Mongolian Empire was the most impressive, stretching from Korea to Poland. The largest empire ever.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 3:49:10 PM EDT
I'm going with Rome
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 3:50:12 PM EDT
I've always been peculiarly fascinated by the empire (or maybe better, personal union of empires, kingdoms, and viceroyalties) of Charles V, simply because it seems so improbable a political entity today.

Link Posted: 6/2/2011 3:52:56 PM EDT
Achaemenid Empire was like 45% of the world's population in a contiguous land mass
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 3:54:00 PM EDT
I enjoyed Atlantis immensely.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 3:57:52 PM EDT
Achaemenid Empire was like 45% of the world's population in a contiguous land mass

Persia, Achaemenid

It all started with Cyrus The Great.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 3:58:52 PM EDT
I enjoyed Atlantis immensely.

<––––––-  Get the hell out of here.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 4:02:25 PM EDT
Do you eat with a fork?  If so, thank the Byzantine Empire for such utensils that made their appearance a full century before they became the norm in Europe.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 4:05:19 PM EDT
Do you eat with a fork?  If so, thank the Byzantine Empire for such utensils that made their appearance a full century before they became the norm in Europe.

Stupid Greeks.

Link Posted: 6/2/2011 4:26:46 PM EDT
Big fan of the Brits and their ability to subjugate savages.

Too bad a handful of rabble-rousers had to put a damper on things.  
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 4:31:08 PM EDT
Byzantine.  Lasted 1000 years longer than the Roman Empire and basically kept Europe from being overrun.  Unfortunately, the watered down history classes in our government schools don't really cover the Byzantine Empire.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 4:33:47 PM EDT
Roman/Byzantine all the way.  Some of the bestest most innovativest generals IMHO, Caesar, Sulla, Gaius Marius, Scipio Africanus, Cincinnatus, Germanicus, and lets not forget...Flavius Belisarius.  And for infantry, you can't beat the 5'3" Maruis' Mule carrying 75 lbs and marching 20 miles a day.  Then building a pallisaded fort every freaking night, even in peacetime, even close to home, just for practice.  I guess their engineers were pretty good too.  And their NCO's.  If you count roads, aquaducts, buildings, etc that are 2K plus years old and still functional.

On the other hand, that had some pretty crappy generals too.  Just because you're a rich patrician, it really doesn't mean that the ability to general a legion is in your blood and will magically appear in right before a battle.  And those Emperors with slight personality disorders- yeessh.  Also if you're in the mood look up Byzantine Blue and Green factions - they are the olden days versions of Republicans vs Democrats.  Except if you were say a Blue and had a Blue Emperor, they didn't much mind you offing a few Greens just for fun.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 4:39:38 PM EDT


Although short lived, the Mongolian Empire was the most impressive, stretching from Korea to Poland. The largest empire ever.

The Mongol Empire was pretty damn impressive.


Link Posted: 6/2/2011 4:39:45 PM EDT
Byzantine.  Lasted 1000 years longer than the Roman Empire and basically kept Europe from being overrun.  Unfortunately, the watered down history classes in our government schools don't really cover the Byzantine Empire.

The Byzantine was part of the Roman Empire.  Western Rome fell but the Eastern Roman Empire endured until the Ottomans swamped them.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 4:49:17 PM EDT
Mongolian.  Very large and contiguous.  Brutal in siege, brilliantly commanded, very mobile, and simply organized.  I think their high mobility and brutal siege/swam ability allowed them to gain such a large empire in a short time.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 4:53:30 PM EDT
Not really an Empire per se, but...

Geoffrey of Malaterra famously wrote of them:
"Specially marked by cunning, despising their own inheritance in the hope
of winning a greater, eager after both gain and dominion, given to
imitation of all kinds, holding a certain mean between lavishness and
greediness, that is, perhaps uniting, as they certainly did, these two
seemingly opposite qualities. Their chief men were specially lavish
through their desire of good report. They were, moreover, a race
skillful in flattery, given to the study of eloquence, so that the very
boys were orators, a race altogether unbridled unless held firmly down
by the yoke of justice. They were enduring of toil, hunger, and cold
whenever fortune laid it on them, given to hunting and hawking,
delighting in the pleasure of horses, and of all the weapons and garb of war."
Teh Normans is pretty cool guyz. eh kills Saxonz an Turks and doesnt afraid of anything.

Link Posted: 6/2/2011 4:58:29 PM EDT
Habsburg and The Holy Roman Empire ftw!
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 5:10:44 PM EDT
The Roman Empire. It's interesting to note that Britain is a child of the Roman Empire and the U.S. it's grandchild.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 5:12:28 PM EDT
No Third Reich yet?
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 5:12:48 PM EDT
Although short lived, the Mongolian Empire was the most impressive, stretching from Korea to Poland. The largest empire ever.

this.  The undisputed most ass kicking empire ever.  They laid waste to everything before them and established trade routes from east to west.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 5:15:41 PM EDT
The Vikings took alot of territory and help found several kingdoms where they took root.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 5:29:02 PM EDT
The criminally (!) underrated Byzantine Empire (really still the "Roman Empire" though they predominantly spoke Greek) was the bulwark of Christendom against the Moslem hordes for a thousand years.

It was a tragedy when Constantinople fell, it should have never been allowed to happen, and western civilization needs to take back one of its great cities. All the Moslems in Istanbul can - and should - be forcefully repatriated to...Izmir. Accompanied by the proper amount of rape and bloodletting, of course. Then there shall be three days of feasting, games, and the killing of prisoners. Then, the Hagia Sophia can be defumigated (lot of heathens been in and out of there in the past 700 years).

Who pays for this, well, let's call it what it is: crusade?

Simple. France.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 5:51:20 PM EDT
No Third Reich yet?

No fans here, try Stormfront.

Link Posted: 6/2/2011 5:59:43 PM EDT
Another vote for Rome/Byzantium.  What's really impressive is how they forged together parts of the world that were never unified before and have not been so since.  In addition, they were a great transmitter of culture, unlike say the Mongol or Arab empires.  My runner up would be China, due to the long continuity.  
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 6:06:04 PM EDT
Another vote for Rome/Byzantium.  What's really impressive is how they forged together parts of the world that were never unified before and have not been so since.  In addition, they were a great transmitter of culture, unlike say the Mongol or Arab empires.  My runner up would be China, due to the long continuity.  

Roman empire was cool (one of my favorites), but the Arabs did spread Islamic culture, for better or worse, to persia, north africa, and spain.

I like the Aztecs also.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 6:11:15 PM EDT


Although short lived, the Mongolian Empire was the most impressive, stretching from Korea to Poland. The largest empire ever.

See but I don't think size should have necessarily a say in how great an empire is. What matters the most, to me, is the sophistication of the society and how long the empire lasts.

I think Rome is the greatest empire that ever existed. So much of western culture and civilization owes alot to the Roman empire.

Link Posted: 6/2/2011 6:11:25 PM EDT



Another vote for Rome/Byzantium.  What's really impressive is how they forged together parts of the world that were never unified before and have not been so since.  In addition, they were a great transmitter of culture, unlike say the Mongol or Arab empires.  My runner up would be China, due to the long continuity.  

Roman empire was cool (one of my favorites), but the Arabs did spread Islamic culture, for better or worse, to persia, north africa, and spain.

I like the Aztecs also.

They didn't really spread culture so much as the conquered important cultural areas.  Whereas the Romans spread and enhanced the Greek culture they conquered, the Arabs gradually snuffed the life out of the cultures they conquered.  This is why London, today is a first world capital while Tunis (home of legendary Carthage) is a dirt-worshipping shithole.  

Link Posted: 6/2/2011 7:32:15 PM EDT
British is pretty impressive.  Men from an island conquered the majority of the entire world.  It says a lot when one can say that the sun never sets on their empire.  Looking at a map I believe that was in fact true and not an exaggeration on their part.

Romans/Byzantine would be my next choice.

Spain could have been greater, but it was short-lived compared to other contemporary empires.
Link Posted: 6/2/2011 7:35:49 PM EDT
There will one day be a great Mexican Empire, extending from Chiapas to the Canadian border, California to  Maine.
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 1:37:41 AM EDT
If/when the American Republic falls, will we become like Rome and have an Empire period?  Are we already in it?

Link Posted: 6/3/2011 1:46:06 AM EDT
Although short lived, the Mongolian Empire was the most impressive, stretching from Korea to Poland. The largest empire ever.

British Empire at its height was bigger.
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 1:47:20 AM EDT
Roman Empire followed by the British Empire.

The former might not have been quite as expansive as the latter, but it was more influencial in the grand scheme of world history and development, IMO.

Both were impressive, but Rome stands alone.
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 1:52:22 AM EDT


I've always been facinated by the Roman Empire myself. They seem to be the yard stick by which all other empires are measured. They had the first truely professional military that we recongnize today. They were incredibly organized and educated for their time. Their influence on law and modern government is everywhere even today, it can be seen in the style of all our government buildings, from our Capitol building, to the Supreme Court, to the various monuments all over Washington D.C. They conquered virtually all their enemies and incorporated them into a single entity. I'm just captivated by their civilization and what they accomplished 2000 years ago. The world has never seen anything like their empire before or since.

Some of my British freinds however disagree. They claim the greatest empire in all history was their very own British Empire. I think they're biased, but I can see where they are coming from. The Industrial Revolution allowed them to capitalize on technology and expand their empire giving it global reach, something the Romans never could have dreamed of. Their language is the dominant and most important language on the planet, due entirely to their empire. Of course an offspring of that empire was the geatest nation state in history, the United States of America, and I believe the only nation to sucessfully gain independence from Britain by force of arms.

I don't know what answer I'd really give, as far as my personal Imperial Preference goes, but I'm wondering why you're not counting Achaemenid Persia, Sparta or Macedon, all of which had full time, professional armies which predated the Marian Roman Army, when the Roman military transitioned from levy to professional standing force.
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 2:12:53 AM EDT
Totally did a poll about this when I was new here.

I lean toward... several empires. The British, for sheer dominance, and land area conquered versus their population as a whole. The Spaniards were also like that for a long period of time (not that many Spaniards for the amount of land they controlled).

The Vikings are interesting, if you look at the distance they traveled for trade and such. I think Imperial Russia is pretty amazing too, if you look at the artwork and stuff. Not to mention holding together a country that huge, cold, and remote, which is, let's face it, a pretty impressive feat in a time period where the only transportation was by horse.

I think sometimes it's easier for me to go by leaders than by empires, in which case it would be, in no particular order:

Charlemagne, Bismarck (The Iron Chancellor), Constantine, Peter the Great, Victoria (of England), Elizabeth I (of England), Saladin, Theodore Roosevelt, Julius Caesar, and Pericles.
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 2:13:49 AM EDT
Persia, and its founded Cyrus The Great.

Hmm left that one out. If you've never read The Anabasis, you should. It's pretty interesting, because a lot of it is the Greek perception of the Persians.
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 2:19:21 AM EDT
The criminally (!) underrated Byzantine Empire (really still the "Roman Empire" though they predominantly spoke Greek) was the bulwark of Christendom against the Moslem hordes for a thousand years.

In history class, we leaned that Constantinople was also sacked by the Christian crusaders. When they (Constantinoplians?) were Christians. Yeah, not so cool.

If the Crusaders would have fought as an organized entity instead of constantly squabbling amongst each other (I'm looking at you, Philip), then they would have stood a chance, but they didn't. I mean, just consider the potential if the Templars and Hospitallers hadn't been squabbling among themselves.

The cross of the Knights Hospitaller. Completely underrated. Any fans of Warhammer 40K should recognize this.
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 2:51:53 AM EDT

Link Posted: 6/3/2011 2:56:51 AM EDT
When Britain first at Heaven's command

Arose from out the azure main...

Link Posted: 6/3/2011 2:57:46 AM EDT
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
What they don't have in size they make up for in orderliness and culture.  
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 3:13:14 AM EDT

Those stats don't completely jive with others I've come across. For one thing, the Mongol empire was at least 33 million
km2.  The British empire at its height was only 0.7 million km2 larger and had a smaller percentage of the world's population compared to the Mongol empire.
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 3:36:36 AM EDT
A long time age. In a Galaxy far far away..........................
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 4:07:04 AM EDT
The Roman Empire. It's interesting to note that Britain is a child of the Roman Empire and the U.S. it's grandchild.

This.  IMHO the Roman empire still influences the world today like no other.
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 1:43:28 PM EDT
Not truly an empire, but what the Dominican Order accomplished over the course of six or seven centuries was extremely impressive.

Aside from their role in bringing Western Civilization to the Western Hemisphere, they were also pivotal in the formation of both the French and Spanish nation states (both of which became considerable Empires in their own right).
Link Posted: 6/3/2011 1:57:22 PM EDT



Although short lived, the Mongolian Empire was the most impressive, stretching from Korea to Poland. The largest empire ever.

British Empire at its height was bigger.

But the Khans were bigger playas-read somewhere that 10% of Asian males have Khan family Y chromosomes.

Link Posted: 6/3/2011 2:07:54 PM EDT
Although short lived, the Mongolian Empire was the most impressive, stretching from Korea to Poland. The largest empire ever.

Thats what I was thinking as well. Not set up to last a long time but impressive all the same.
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