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Posted: 3/6/2002 6:11:41 PM EDT
4 foot tall super chinese invade america?


Chinese scientists are claiming a great leap forward in human cloning - the creation of dozens of cloned embryos advanced enough to harvest embryonic stem cells.

Their intention is not to copy human beings, but create genetically matched cells to make tissues for transplant patients and for research. The work has not yet been reported in any peer-reviewed journal but Lu Guangxiu of the Xiangya Medical College revealed details of her work in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday. Experts familiar with her work say that three or four other Chinese labs have made similar or greater strides forward.

Another team based at Shanghai No. 2 Medical University claims to have derived stem cells from hybrid embryos composed of human cells and rabbit eggs.

Xiangzhong "Jerry" Yang, a Chinese-born cloning scientist now at the University of Connecticut at Storrs, says he has been aware of the advances being made in China for a long time.

"These are credible people," he says. "I've encouraged them to publish in peer-reviewed journals so that they receive credit and the world knows about their accomplishments."

Racing ahead

The announcement lends weight to concerns of many cloning scientists that while the research in the US and UK has been bogged down by political and ethical concerns, it may be racing ahead elsewhere in the world.

"It takes the air out of the argument that by passing laws here we can stop the technology from moving forward," says Robert Lanza of Massachusetts-based Advanced Cell Technology.

This is not the first report of human cloning experiments. In 1998, researchers from South Korea claimed to have grown a cloned embryo to the four cell stage before destroying it. And Clonaid, a company set up by a UFO cult, also claims to be making advances.

Lanza's ACT recently published a journal paper on cloning human embryos with the intention of harvesting embryonic stem cells (ESCs). However that proved impossible since their embryos were only able divide into a few cells.

Lu's team claims to have grown their embryos to a 200 cell "blastocyst" stage, large enough to harvest ESCs. Lanza says he is not at all surprised his Chinese competitors have made such progress.

"Cloning is a numbers game," says Lanza. "They had access to far greater numbers." In cloning, a cell is fused with an egg from which the genetic material is removed. Given the difficulty of obtaining human eggs and informed consent in the US, ACT was only able to construct 19 embryos for their experiment.

Leftover eggs

But regulations are far less restrictive in China. Lu, who directs a large fertility clinic, simply asked some of the dozens of women who walked through her door each day to donate their leftover eggs. She claims that now five per cent of her cloned embryos develop to blastocysts.

From these, her team has harvested what they believe are ESCs and grown them for three generations in the laboratory. ESCs are able to develop into any cell type in the body.

If verified, the work is a major step forward, but it is not yet clear whether the cells they have grown are of any medical value, or indeed if they are ESCs.

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Link Posted: 3/6/2002 6:12:23 PM EDT
Many human cells have the capacity to grow in the laboratory for several generations. To convince other scientists she has found ESCs, Lu will need to grow the cells through many more cycles, perhaps for as long as a year. She will also need to verify the cells have the molecular signatures of ESCs
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Link Posted: 3/6/2002 6:27:19 PM EDT
They must be doing this for the political capital of being ahead of the US in something. Cause China certainly doesnt need more people. And why spend the money on this for organ donation, when you can have a proper doner tracked down, arrested and killed- the Chinese arent exactly ethinicly diverse.  And there is certainly no shortage of aborted fetal tissue there either...
Link Posted: 3/6/2002 6:31:23 PM EDT
Like I said. Super chinese. They'll have gils and bullet resistant spiny carpaces. The invasion will come by sea. Better stock up on AP ammo.

Link Posted: 3/6/2002 6:41:16 PM EDT
In the final battle its the Russians and then the Chinese descending on Jerusalem meeting on the plain outside Meggido.
"I lit the fuse three blocks away, but then the light changed and I had to wait." T McVeigh
Link Posted: 3/6/2002 6:45:52 PM EDT
They must be doing this for the political capital of being ahead of the US in something. Cause China certainly doesnt need more people. And why spend the money on this for organ donation, when you can have a proper doner tracked down, arrested and killed- the Chinese arent exactly ethinicly diverse.  And there is certainly no shortage of aborted fetal tissue there either...
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Odds are they're doing this to prepare the way to clone humans.
(We almost certainly cloned a human at Yale in 1992 or 93.)
Link Posted: 3/6/2002 7:07:18 PM EDT
If there's one country that DOESN'T need cloning....

they breed like rabbits.
Link Posted: 3/6/2002 7:16:30 PM EDT
They are not trying to clone humans, they just want to get more stem cells.

It's too bad we are not doing the same here, we could open the doors to all types of new discoveries in science.

Link Posted: 3/7/2002 4:49:33 AM EDT
They are harvesting stem cells which are the "wild cards" of cells. They can grow to be whatever type of cell we need. OR they can just grow more stem cells. I'm a little confused on why we need to keep harvesting stem cells from embryo's when they will reproduce themselves in a lab.
PBS had a really great show on this a few days ago. I was enthralled.
Link Posted: 3/7/2002 5:17:17 AM EDT
Like I said. Super chinese. They'll have gils and bullet resistant spiny carpaces. The invasion will come by sea. Better stock up on AP ammo.
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Hooo Kay...  Even so, it will take some time for them to swim the Pacific.  I think we will be safe for a while longer.

Say, is that the theme to the Twilight Zone I hear playing?

Link Posted: 3/7/2002 5:23:06 AM EDT
Like I said. Super chinese. They'll have gils and bullet resistant spiny carpaces. The invasion will come by sea. Better stock up on AP ammo.
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Hooo Kay...  Even so, it will take some time for them to swim the Pacific.  I think we will be safe for a while longer.

Say, is that the theme to the Twilight Zone I hear playing?

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No time at all.  They will be delivered by underwater troop subs to within easy swimming range.

And No, that is their battle music you are hearing...[whacko]
Link Posted: 3/7/2002 5:23:50 AM EDT
Vortex, the idea is simple.  A person donates a cell which is linked to an egg, producing cloned stem cells that are of same DNA as his own.  No rejection problems!  Say new cartilidge is grown and inserted in a worn out knee - no rejection - no imuuno suppressive drugs required.  resores the natural joint rather that replacing with a metal one which wears rather quickly.  The possibilities are endless and offer possible cures for oh so many of man's ills!

Unfortunately, this unfolding medical gold mine will not be a US accomplishment unless we can get the knee jerk religionists and anti abortion crowd off medicine's back!  While I have no desire to see humans cloned - there are too many already - the cellular technology is very promising.

Interestingly, I think of myself as religious and have no problem with the technology.  I sincerely believe we were given the knowledge to use.
Link Posted: 3/7/2002 7:12:35 AM EDT
They are not trying to clone humans, they just want to get more stem cells.
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I know that's probably the case.  I just wanted to take a shot at the chinese.

Link Posted: 3/7/2002 2:54:56 PM EDT
Like I said. Super chinese. They'll have gils and bullet resistant spiny carpaces. The invasion will come by sea. Better stock up on AP ammo.

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Crap!...that's too funny!!!!

But what good will more Chinese do?  Their Polytech and Norinco factories are already running at full capacity and we can't import AK's anymore...[:(]
Link Posted: 3/7/2002 3:07:27 PM EDT
Vortex, the idea is simple.  A person donates a cell which is linked to an egg, producing cloned stem cells that are of same DNA as his own.  No rejection problems!  Say new cartilidge is grown and inserted in a worn out knee - no rejection - no imuuno suppressive drugs required.  resores the natural joint rather that replacing with a metal one which wears rather quickly.  The possibilities are endless and offer possible cures for oh so many of man's ills!

Unfortunately, this unfolding medical gold mine will not be a US accomplishment unless we can get the knee jerk religionists and anti abortion crowd off medicine's back!  While I have no desire to see humans cloned - there are too many already - the cellular technology is very promising.

Interestingly, I think of myself as religious and have no problem with the technology.  I sincerely believe we were given the knowledge to use.
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MickeyMouse is right!  Who knows, maybe cancer's cure is found in the stem cell.  Hindering the research buys us nothing but a step behind other nations when we actually legalize.

Link Posted: 3/7/2002 4:04:58 PM EDT
Just what we need.  A superior race of crazy fuckers. Let's clone the arabs too.  Why not Jessie Jackass son.  How about Klinton.  Keep them rolling.

Cloning just might be a baaaaaaaad thing.
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