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Posted: 2/20/2002 6:54:49 PM EDT
Epil Stop and Spray!!!

On the adds it says, painless, no redness, easy and simple. So, I decided to waste 30 bucks and see if it really works..

So I tried a bit on the lower part of my stomach, sprayed it there, and let it sit for 10 minutes. That's what the bottle said.

When I went to wipe it off, they said do it with a cotton towel. I took a cotton towel, and proceeded to wipe it off.

HOLY SHIT!! BURN STING!! OUCH OUCH!! Imagin a bad razor burn, and multiply it by 50 times.

That night i was left with sevear redness, and little bumps all over the sprayed area. It removed some of the hair, however it seemed to do it at the surface level. On most parts, a razor would have gotten closer.

Today, I look at it, and I'm left with a 3 sqaure inch patch on my lower stomach (below the belly button) filled with tons of little red, bright red scabs. And about a 6 sqaure inch area of very bad redness.

It burns like a mofo when anything, including water touches it.


I'm going to call and complain! HOLY CRAP OUCH!
Link Posted: 2/20/2002 7:05:58 PM EDT
Why did you buy this product? Testing it out for the little lady? [;)]


Link Posted: 2/20/2002 7:06:26 PM EDT
My wife tried it, and had bad results too.
Link Posted: 2/20/2002 7:52:54 PM EDT
My wife laughed at me when I said 'wow, that stuff looks like it really works!' after seeing the commercial.

Guess she knew what she was talking about. LOL.
Link Posted: 2/20/2002 8:02:56 PM EDT
don't ask, don't tell.
Link Posted: 2/20/2002 8:17:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2002 8:23:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2002 11:04:01 PM EDT
Please... don't tell us about any other feminine hygiene product testing you're doing.
I'm going to have nightmares tonight.

Link Posted: 2/21/2002 12:01:46 AM EDT
Ok. . . .this was disturbing to read.  At the very least.  But thanks for the information.  I'm GLAD that I'm not hairy at all.  Phew.
Link Posted: 2/21/2002 12:42:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/21/2002 1:04:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/21/2002 2:11:36 AM EDT
Hi guys,
avoid this product and the company IGIA (their parent company)...[b]very unethical in their marketing as ComputerGuy had experienced[/b].

My situation:
I placed an order for one of their product which never came...b/c the credit payment was never received.

Then some heavy-accent English speaking rep of theirs called me to confirmed this order 5 months later (order was placed in August 2001), this being in Jan. 12, 2002.  She tried to get me to give her my credit card number used in the past due order.

I told her since she called me, why don't she give me the number instead that she's trying to confirmed. After which, the number she gave is 99% correct (this is where the screwup in not getting the order thru) and I told her I want the order cancelled which she says she will do so.

I had reminded several times during our conversation for her to cancel the order as I do not want it now.

She says will do.  

On Jan. 14, I checked my credit statement and [:0]lo and behold the female dog had the order charged and shipped.  I refused shipment of the item (they claimed they hadn't received it back yet and this is 3 weeks ago).  I have already contacted Citibank previously in January and they are deputing the charges w/ them.

[b][u]The lesson, never give your credit card number even if they want it to confirm it in order to cancel the order.[/u][/b]  

So everyone, [b]AVOID this company [i]IGIA[/i] and their products, Epil Stop - being one of them, but also all these [i][u]"As Seen On TV"[/u][/i] product crap marketed by them.[/b] [:(!]

This is my first time posting anything this long since being a member over 2 years ago. Thank you for reading this far.
Link Posted: 2/21/2002 5:40:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/21/2002 6:10:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/21/2002 6:23:11 AM EDT
About three inches lower and you would really be crying.
Link Posted: 2/23/2002 12:09:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/24/2002 12:07:38 PM EDT
IGIA means "leperosy" in Norwegian.
Link Posted: 2/24/2002 12:18:32 PM EDT
Well, I didn't have very good luck using Leak-Ender 2000 on my gutters either----but maybe this should be a subject for another day or sub-forum.
Link Posted: 2/24/2002 12:22:23 PM EDT
What the hell were you drinking????
Link Posted: 2/24/2002 12:37:41 PM EDT
Girlfriend: "If you want me to 'go smooth' for you, you do it first!"

ComputerGuy: "No problem, I saw this on TV"
Link Posted: 2/24/2002 12:49:44 PM EDT
ComputerGuy, please try Nad's (another hair removal product advertised on TV) and let us know if it works or not.  LOL.
Link Posted: 2/24/2002 12:52:14 PM EDT
We want  P-I-C-T-U-R-E-S....

(talk about a Kodak moment...)
Link Posted: 2/24/2002 1:06:25 PM EDT
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