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Posted: 11/19/2008 8:49:30 AM EDT

Apparently OB/GYNs should be FORCED to perform abortions.

I'm of the position that it should be the doctor's choice.

Of course, the pro-choicers say that the doctor shouldn't have a right to choose.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:56:53 AM EDT
No doctor should be forced to perform an operation they do not wish to do. The very suggestion is absurd. I support women's right to have an abortion if they wish for one, but doctors should not be forced into it against their will.

Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:56:58 AM EDT

Babies must be sacrificed at the alter of the Great O.

Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:57:54 AM EDT
Mandatory abortions. Every woman should have at least one. All in the name of choice!
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 9:00:00 AM EDT
Mandatory abortions. Every woman should have at least one. All in the name of choice!

I don't know why, but this made me LOL.  
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 9:34:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 10:50:03 AM EDT
I sure do miss the baby we never got to hold because of a miscarriage......

Then there are those who want to kill their babies on purpose......

Yeah, make a lot of sense to me.....
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 11:30:29 AM EDT
It will come to pass that hospitals that recieve federal funding (medicare/medicade) will be forced to provide reproductive services including birth control and abortions.  Will be interesting seeing how the masses feel when large %'s of the hospitals stop accepting medicare/Medicaid because they are Catholic/religious based.

I suspect eventually the attempt to force the Dr will also come.
Austin hospitals are Seton (Catholic), Brackenridge (operated under contract by Seaton, since Austin was incapable of doing it themselves) and St. Davids.  The only non-religious are the Heart Hospital and the Children's Hospital (and they might have religious ties well)

There was a fairly substantial fight when the city contracted Brack with Seton.  Ultimately Seton manages everything but a "Hospital within a Hospital" that handles the parts of reproductive services that the Church considers unethical.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 12:33:49 PM EDT
Yeah, I was one of those selfish bastards who thought abortion was okay, until my wife delivered our first son . . .
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 12:35:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 12:37:25 PM EDT
tag for the coming account and thread locks

Tag to watch you do all of that......
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 1:07:05 PM EDT
I know this probably isn't appropriate for this thread but to choose the name SIHPAPP as there name on a board and argue about abortions with a bunch of women deserves a pat on the back I think that is probably the funniest thing I have seen all week. THE IRONY!
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 1:07:53 PM EDT
Babies must be sacrificed at the alter of the Great O.

I guess one could read that with two meanings.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 1:57:27 PM EDT
I think if you kill a defenseless child you deserve a special place in hell, but if that fetus tries to kill you...
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 2:15:38 PM EDT
Isn't part of that doctor's oath thing "First do NO HARM" Maybe I'm wrong
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 2:19:15 PM EDT
I think if you kill a defenseless child you deserve a special place in hell, but if that fetus tries to kill you...

Link Posted: 11/19/2008 3:33:18 PM EDT
Wow, if we were talking about guns, I'd think this was a thread from the DU.  

I agree that no doctor should have to perform an abortion if he doesn't wish to, and I'm pro-choice.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 3:37:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 4:58:06 PM EDT
Apparently OB/GYNs should be FORCED to perform abortions.

I'm of the position that it should be the doctor's choice.

Apparently Police should be FORCED to perform traffic enforcement.

I'm of the position that it should be the officers choice.

If you don't want to supply your paitients with the services they want, perhaps you should choose a different profession.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 5:03:41 PM EDT
I sure do miss the baby we never got to hold because of a miscarriage......

Then there are those who want to kill their babies on purpose......

Yeah, make a lot of sense to me.....

You don't understand.  If someone wants it, then it's a human.  If they don't want it, then it's not.

Make sense?


Link Posted: 11/19/2008 5:07:58 PM EDT
Wow, some real dumb asses in here.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 5:25:05 PM EDT



Apparently OB/GYNs should be FORCED to perform abortions.

I'm of the position that it should be the doctor's choice.

Apparently Police should be FORCED to perform traffic enforcement.

I'm of the position that it should be the officers choice.

If you don't want to supply your paitients with the services they want, perhaps you should choose a different profession.

Since when are law enforcement officers FORCED to do something they find morally objectionable?

Traffic enforcement not = to killing unborn babies.

From the link:

Heath care is the prevention and treatment of illness or injury.
Elective procedures are not considered health care.  Plastic surgery is
not health care.  Something that is an inconvenience to your lifestyle
is not health care.  

Link Posted: 11/19/2008 5:41:59 PM EDT
No doctor should be forced to perform an operation they do not wish to do. The very suggestion is absurd. I support women's right to have an abortion if they wish for one, but doctors should not be forced into it against their will.

What he said! WTF is wrong with our .gov?
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 5:56:08 PM EDT
tag for the coming account and thread locks

Link Posted: 11/19/2008 5:57:10 PM EDT
Isn't part of that doctor's oath thing "First do NO HARM" Maybe I'm wrong

I'm wrong its not part of the Hippocratic Oath
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 6:08:01 PM EDT
Apparently OB/GYNs should be FORCED to perform abortions.

I'm of the position that it should be the doctor's choice.

Apparently Police should be FORCED to perform traffic enforcement.

I'm of the position that it should be the officers choice.

If you don't want to supply your paitients with the services they want, perhaps you should choose a different profession.

I nominate this post for most off base comparison of the year!

I know its' difficult, but could you try actually using a bit of thought when posting?  The rest of us humans would be mighty grateful!

Link Posted: 11/19/2008 6:39:29 PM EDT
Apparently OB/GYNs should be FORCED to perform abortions.

I'm of the position that it should be the doctor's choice.

Apparently Police should be FORCED to perform traffic enforcement.

I'm of the position that it should be the officers choice.

If you don't want to supply your paitients with the services they want, perhaps you should choose a different profession.

Apples, meet oranges.  Abortion is a highly debatable issue on moral grounds.  Medical services are just that - services.  Free choice cuts both ways.  That someone has the education & training to perform medical procedures (ie. services) in no way obligates them to perform them.  If you don't have the education & training to provide for your own wants, then maybe you should hit the books instead of holding out your hand & demanding that your desired services (which you would deem as your "rights") be catered at your beck & calling.

But that said, here's a free dose of edumacation for you: police can exercise discretion in enforcing the laws.  Legally, they do not have to issue a single ticket if they choose.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 6:46:42 PM EDT
The women that should get abortions don't and the women that shouldn't get abortions do. Liberals wouldn't support it, otherwise. In spite of that, I'm pro choice. I find the concept of forcing a rape victim to give birth to a rape baby beyond evil.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 7:51:06 PM EDT
The women that should get abortions don't and the women that shouldn't get abortions do. Liberals wouldn't support it, otherwise. In spite of that, I'm pro choice. I find the concept of forcing a rape victim to give birth to a rape baby beyond evil.

The day rapists are executed in the fucking court house parking lot, is the first day I will even begin to consider your opinion.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 7:57:32 PM EDT
The women that should get abortions don't and the women that shouldn't get abortions do. Liberals wouldn't support it, otherwise. In spite of that, I'm pro choice. I find the concept of forcing a rape victim to give birth to a rape baby beyond evil.

The day rapists are executed in the fucking court house parking lot, is the first day I will even begin to consider your opinion.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with forcing a women to give birth to a rape baby.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:12:39 PM EDT
The women that should get abortions don't and the women that shouldn't get abortions do. Liberals wouldn't support it, otherwise. In spite of that, I'm pro choice. I find the concept of forcing a rape victim to give birth to a rape baby beyond evil.

The day rapists are executed in the fucking court house parking lot, is the first day I will even begin to consider your opinion.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with forcing a women to give birth to a rape baby.

Just how often does that happen?
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:31:16 PM EDT
Oh, look on the bright side, most of those kids would have grown-up into highly dysfunctional families and then they would have voted Democrat...Their loss, not ours.

Was that too cruel?
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:34:33 PM EDT
The women that should get abortions don't and the women that shouldn't get abortions do. Liberals wouldn't support it, otherwise. In spite of that, I'm pro choice. I find the concept of forcing a rape victim to give birth to a rape baby beyond evil.

The day rapists are executed in the fucking court house parking lot, is the first day I will even begin to consider your opinion.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with forcing a women to give birth to a rape baby.

Why are you advocating the murder of an innocent third party but doing nothing to execute convicted rapists?

Because you are misguided.

I'm done with this thread.  The last time my account was locked was because I lost my cool trying to talk some sense into you ignorant fucking murderers.

Have a nice day.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:42:39 PM EDT
I'm done with this thread. The last time my account was locked was because I lost my cool trying to talk some sense into you ignorant fucking murderers.

I love the smell of fanaticism in the morning.

Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:48:45 PM EDT
I'm done with this thread. The last time my account was locked was because I lost my cool trying to talk some sense into you ignorant fucking murderers.

I love the smell of fanaticism in the morning.

This is what I don't get about you people.

Is it so hard to understand, that, if given the fact that another person genuinely believe abortion is murder, that they would be pissed off about it?

If being pissed off about murder makes me a fanatic, then HALLEFUCKINGLUYA MOTHERFUCKER.

Why don't you prove to me that abortion is not murder, rather than trying to change the focus to your ad hominem attack.  That's right, you can't.

So we'll just take the chance that we are murdering children because it makes life easy and easier to pretend your conscience clear.  Good luck with that "Zan".
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:50:16 PM EDT

Apparently OB/GYNs should be FORCED to perform abortions.

I'm of the position that it should be the doctor's choice.

Of course, the pro-choicers say that the doctor shouldn't have a right to choose.

Can't we just call them pro-abortioneers?
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:50:24 PM EDT
The thing I want to point out to anti-abortion people - you need to stop attacking the act and attack the social ills that breed abortions.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:51:08 PM EDT
Mandatory abortions. Every woman should have at least one. All in the name of choice!


Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:51:48 PM EDT
I don't judge people who have made the mistake of having an abortion.

I'm also not some monk either.  I'm probably in the bottom percentile of worthless Christians.

I just call it like I see it.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:57:19 PM EDT
abortion is murder, plain and simple. I can't believe there are people out there that are so selfish that they would have their own child killed because that are to damn retarded or lazy to take on the responsibility of another life. Back to the OP, it's really fucked up that they would make doctors perform an operation they didn't want to. What the hell is the world coming to
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:58:04 PM EDT
I wish we were allowed to perform post-birth abortions on liberals.
Link Posted: 11/19/2008 8:58:33 PM EDT
I wish we were allowed to perform post-birth abortions on liberals.

Amen brother.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:17:24 AM EDT
This got way off track.

Mods, feel free to close before the ban hammer strikes.
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 5:54:52 AM EDT
The women that should get abortions don't and the women that shouldn't get abortions do. Liberals wouldn't support it, otherwise. In spite of that, I'm pro choice. I find the concept of forcing a rape victim to give birth to a rape baby beyond evil.

No woman "should" get an abortion, that notion is just ludicrous when you consider the emotional and physical damage it causes to her.

Why should an innocent child have to die because of the rapist's crime?

Is the abortion really going to make things better for the woman?  Make everything like it was before?  How can killing the child help her with the healing process?

Why not allow abortion for rape pregnancies?

We must approach this with great compassion. The woman has been subjected to an ugly trauma, and she needs love, support and help. But she has been the victim of one violent act. Should we now ask her to be a party to a second violent act -that of abortion? Unquestionably, many would return the violence of killing an innocent baby for the violence of rape. But, before making this decision, remember that most of the trauma has already occurred. She has been raped. That trauma will live with her all her life. Furthermore, this girl did not report for help, but kept this to herself. For several weeks or months, she has thought of little else. Now, she has finally asked for help, has shared her upset, and should be in a supportive situation.

The utilitarian question from the mother’s stand-point is whether or not it would now be better to kill the developing baby within her. But will abortion now be best for her, or will it bring her more harm yet? What has happened and its damage has already occurred.

She’s old enough to know and have an opinion as to whether she carries a "baby" or a "blob of protoplasm." Will she be able to live comfortably with the memory that she "killed her developing baby"? Or would she ultimately be more mature and more at peace with herself if she could remember that, even though she became pregnant unwillingly, she nevertheless solved her problem by being unselfish, by giving of herself and of her love to an innocent baby, who had not asked to be created, to deliver, perhaps to place for adoption, if she decides that is what is best for her baby. Compare this memory with the woman who can only look back and say, "I killed my baby."

"Interestingly, the pregnant rape victim’s chief complaint is not that she is unwillingly pregnant, as bad as the experience is. The critical moment is fleeting in this area. It frequently pulls families together like never before. When women are impregnated through rape, their condition is treated in accordance, as are their families.

"We found this experience is forgotten, replaced by remembering the abortion, because it is what they did." M. Uchtman, Director, Suiciders Anonymous, Report to Cincinnati City Council, Sept. 1, 1981

"In the majority of these cases, the pregnant victim’s problems stem more from the trauma of rape than from the pregnancy itself."  Mahkorn & Dolan, "Sexual Assault & Pregnancy." In New Perspectives on Human Abortion, University Publishers of Amer., 1981, pp. 182-199 239

As to what factors make it most difficult to continue her pregnancy, the opinions, attitudes, and beliefs of others were most frequently cited; in other words, how her loved ones treated her. Mahkorn, "Pregnancy & Sexual Assault." In Psychological Aspects of Abortion, University Publishers of Amer., 1979, pp. 53-72

From Abortion Facts: Why Can't We Love Them Both?
Link Posted: 11/20/2008 7:06:20 AM EDT
heres something to think about.
1.a woman can have a abortion if she wants, unborn baby is not a person.  legal
2. someone intentionally hurts a pregnant woman and unborn baby dies, many states will prosecute unborn baby death as murder.

      im not saying im for or against abortion, but either a unborn baby is a person, or its not. you cant have it both ways.
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