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Posted: 3/7/2001 2:14:19 PM EDT

Striker a while back mentioned that they thought me to be a liar, because "...every week, I was going on some emotionial rollercoaster, or having some major life expierence".

Well, I might just think that too.

One of my dearest friends in the world's sister was just murdered. She and I weren't like best friends like her brother and I, but she always seemed like a pretty cool. girl.

I think I need to find a different class of folks to keep pace with. This sh*t is really beginning to suck ass. I mean, sure. I am young.
People do crazy things when they are my age, and I know that life often times settles down once people get a bit older. But this streak I have been on in the past 2 months has been pretty scary. And everyone I have talked too my senior hasn't gone through the shit I have had to deal with lately. THIS SUCKS ASS!!!! So here I am, on a fucking library computer, banging away on stupid ass keys to a bunch of e-people I don't even know, too damn scared to go over to John's house to give him emotionial support. This really sucks.
All those things that seem so important,
*Getting my new cavalry arms lover reciever (www.cavalryarms.com)
*Getting another Glock 20
*Clearing up this rash on my prick
*Making Lasagna tonight
*Getting a date with the cute girl at that store I always go to...

All of that shit just seems so damn fruitless when someone you know is murdered.

This really sucks ass. I hate everyone right now.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:19:32 PM EDT
I hope they fire up "Old Sparky" again....
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:24:43 PM EDT

I am sorry to hear about your friend's loss.  You need to give him the help he needs to get through this loss.  You also need to keep him level-headed so he doesn't try to take the law into his own hands.  

Yes, life can suck, but things can and do get better.  At least you have annoying things to deal with and firearms acquisitions to look forward to.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:28:22 PM EDT
I have never had any reason to believe you are a liar and actually enjoy your diatribes.  With that said, let me give you some advice, GO CONSOLE YOUR BEST FRIEND DUMBA$$!  I say "dumba$$" in a paternal, trying-to-make-my-point sort of way, so don't take offense.

Seriously, I lost a good friend ten years ago and what helped me through it all was [i]other[/i] friends.  Leave us and go be a friend.

Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:28:28 PM EDT
Rich) Keeping him from going out and doing some "Vigilante" damage is going to be the hardest thing.
I sold him a .357 Ruger Police Service 6 about 8 or 9 months ago. I don't figure him to be the type, but I know for a fact that he has the hardware to do it.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:29:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:29:26 PM EDT
Steve) Thanks brotherman. You can call me a dumbass. Don't worry. I get it.

Well, gotta go for a while.

C'Ya All
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:30:48 PM EDT
McUzi-You're right, you DO need to calm it down.  I ain't "old" now, 31, but when I was younger, I had one HELL of a wild streak.  It did finally occur to me this life would lead to nothing, and that someday if I didn't change I'd be 30 years old, stoned as a bat, sleeping on my Grandmama's couch, eating Coco-Puffs from the box& jobless, wondering when my life went so terribly astray.  Now, totally different tale to tell.  Life doesn't suck, but it is ONLY what you make of it, and what your circle of friends and family contribute to it.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:33:34 PM EDT
Good luck and hurry back.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:35:55 PM EDT

That is precisely the reason you need to be there for him as much as possible.  He needs to let go of the pain and let the justice system do its work.  In Florida, that would likely happen when the catch the murderer.

You need to keep him out of trouble or you will lose yoru best friend in addition to your best friend's sister.  DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:47:44 PM EDT
Just when you think that it can't get any worse than it is,
It does.

Condolences McUzi,
You and yours are in our prayers.

Try some Colloidal Silver on that rash, And go give your friend some back up. He's gonna need ya.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 2:53:20 PM EDT
I don't know if you are a believer, McUzi, but sometimes life has a way of making you one.

I always say:  There are 2 plans in life; your plans, and God's.  Gues who's your gonna follow?
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 3:25:30 PM EDT
Hey, I feel for ya bud.  Life sucks sometimes and it doesn't always get better just becuase you get older.  Just try to keep a stiff upper lip.  And you know you can always come here and talk, we may be nothing more than E people but were here for ya.

You should also go and be there for your friend too.  Keep him from doing anything rash.  There isn't much you can probably do for him but someday he'll let you know he appreciated it.

Take it easy.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 3:37:53 PM EDT
I McHear you.
I had a very wild life till y2k. I gave up drinking and everything changed for the better.
I`ve been through some wild shyte, too wild to recant here.
You`ve told some stories lately that didnt cast you in the most favorable light, been that done there. You have the capacity to get much worse, You also have the capacity to get much better. It all begins with what do you want out of life. I have had my share of wild nights, the rest I leave to the young at heart.
Take the bull by the horns and change your friends.
And buy a computer.
Sorry to hear of your and your friends loss.
If your so inclined to think of God, it might be of some help. What the folks on this board can offer you is fairly limited, stud.[:)]  
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 3:49:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 4:21:55 PM EDT
I think we all enjoy some of your crazy sh*t that you so freely share with us.

I am sorry about your friend's loss.

Be a good friend and go over there and talk with him, Giref is a very hard thing to cope with when you feel alone.

I wish you well.

Link Posted: 3/7/2001 4:37:08 PM EDT
McUzi, please feel free to post whatever is on your mind.  Sometimes it will help make you feel better just to take it off your chest.  You will always have a sympathetic ear here. You should go over to your friend’s place and just be there, if he wants to talk you will be there.  That is a responsibility of a friend.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 5:24:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 5:34:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 6:35:53 PM EDT
I have done stuff "almost", but not quite as dumb as you when younger but the problem is that you are living in unforgiving times. When I grew up you could be pulled over drunk on your ass driving around, or stopped in the middle of knocking some heads together on a Saturday night and be let off with an ass chewing and a promise to have your ass kicked if caught again. You could do alot of dumb things including sleeping with the biggest skank in the world. Hell...pills would knock out bug contracted then but the rules have changed. You have to look ahead of things, use a little discretion and cover your butt.

The advice to go talk to your friend if only to offer support is good advice. It won't be pleasant but as his friend you must do it. Deal with the loss in a positive manner as much as possible and be yourself.
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 7:00:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2001 10:41:41 PM EDT
My prayers are with you and her family.

Take Care, Truly a Sad Day.


Never Again, Never Forget
Seek the Truth
Liberate Your Mind


Link Posted: 3/8/2001 5:58:29 AM EDT
Lots of good advice here. PH119 really hits close to home with me. I finally realized that there's nothing more pathetic than a 40 year old hanging out in a bar with a bunch of 20 somethings and that if I didn't do something different, that would be me (if I was lucky..it could be jail or worse). I had to get rid of 90% of my old friends and really start over and [i]create[/i] the kind of life that I wanted to live.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 6:46:06 AM EDT
McUzi, I lost two friends (drunk driver) and my grandmother (cancer) in one week's time about ten years ago.  The support from the rest of my family and friends helped.  It doesn't even really matter what you say to your friend; just knowing that you're there and you care will make a difference.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 7:16:38 AM EDT
I lived fast and loose once, to the Nth degree...  Nearly 1/2 of my "friends" from high school are dead -- some of them even killed each other during what would normally be a "minor" argument or squabble when not completely drunk or stoned. ([i]We were a bunch of Coke, Opium and Meth heads![/i])

Several of the ones that are still alive, are either doing LIFE in prison for murder, or have been in/out of prison for armed robbery, drug manufacturing, etc.  The list is long, very long!

What I'm saying here is, to do what I did...  MOVE and start over while you still have a chance.  You need a change of environment and lifestyle.  It worked for me before I was ever arrested or worse, and I'm willing to bet a vast number of the others here on the boards as well.  If I hadn't voluntarily removed myself from the lifestyle I was in, someone else would have done it for me sooner or later ([i]alive or dead[/i]).

I'm now 34 and have been married 9 years.  I have proudly maintained a squeaky clean record for the past 12-13 years, without so much as a parking ticket. Due to the "situation" involving my wife 3 weeks ago, I have also quit drinking.  I pride myself on being where I am today, with a very well established Graphics Studio, Class-III & FFL, 6 figure home, etc...  If I can do it, anyone can!

My prayers are with you and your friends' family!
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 7:32:34 AM EDT
Sad. Very sad.

Link Posted: 3/8/2001 10:08:27 AM EDT
Sorry to here that.  At a time like this, ones thoughts change from min. to min.   Thoughts and prayers are w/ you and your friend.

Link Posted: 3/8/2001 10:33:19 AM EDT
Quick update while I have a chance to use a computer.

The family is completley torn up. It's a bad scene.
I am totally moving when I get my tax money. Somewhere else in the south-east, for sure. I began packing last night. Lately, the scene around this town is getting to be bad news. Things I can't exactly type out in the open on the net. I guess this is a crossroads for me. The road is forked. The thing that kills me is that I was always the good kid who hung around with the bad crowd. I never did the stuff they did, but they were still my friends. Now that we are all gettin to be older, the stakes have been getting a hell of a lot higher.

Time to blow this popcicle stand.

C'yall when I get a chance to use another computer-

Link Posted: 3/8/2001 10:51:43 AM EDT
I'm sorry to hear of your friend's sister. I know with what you have been through lately, it  can't be too easly on you either. Hang in there for your friend and his family.

And you are making the right decision to leave town, IMHO. Make new friends and a new start. It helped me out years ago. I'm sure you'll be the better because of it.

Hang in there, friend.
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