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Posted: 11/28/2001 6:31:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 6:35:02 AM EDT
I thought they bought their weapons at Lowes or Home Depot.
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 6:38:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 6:56:32 AM EDT
Ooooh! Damn!

We need to nip this gun-show loophole in the bud soon, guys. Quick, let's all write a letter supporting the Senator.

And while we're at it, we can have an additonal form added, alongside the 4473. Form 87-A-XF-7.

The Terrorist Intent Worksheet. Featuring such popular questions as:

Do you own a gun currently?

What is your address?

Do you have deadbolts?

Why do you need an assault weapon?

Why do you need a gun?

Do you intend to commit acts of terrorism with this gun?

When you commit your acts of terrorism (and we know you will) is your gun going to kill innocent people?
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 7:16:01 AM EDT
Me Terrorist.
Me buy gun at gunshow.
Me now go shoot up minions of Great Satan with
.22 Colt Huntsman, and 1905 Ross.

Allah Akhbar!

(Yes, I'm embarassed that this fool is representing Arizona..)

Link Posted: 11/28/2001 7:17:51 AM EDT
It is amazing to me how someone who is such an idiot can be so popular.

McCain is a piece of crap!  Look, dude, all of the things the suspected terrorists did are ALREADY ILLEGAL!  Hello!  Is anybody in there?!?!?

I am tired of hearing the term "gun show loophole".
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 7:34:52 AM EDT
Ummm....Sarcasm, anyone...? [peep]
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 8:55:06 AM EDT
You must understand him...

Recover the trauma of have being shot down over Hanoi and to have to eject himself out of the plane to fall in the loving arms of the VC-NVA is something that take a lot of time.

Unfortunately, while there is no law to forbid traumatized people to became senator, there are also no laws that forbid to senators to say Bull*hits...

If I were a terrorist I would go to a gun shop... really idiot!!!
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 9:40:44 AM EDT
1)  Terrorists are criminals
2)  Criminals generally steal their guns
I know I'm probably confused as usual.  
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 11:12:56 AM EDT
Okay.. I agree that if we keep giving up on issues, we end up with the short end... BUT... I guess I don't understand the fuss over this. We bought guns this past weekend at a show and the dealer was a licensed FFL and phoned in a check on me. No biggie. I am so used to the yellow form now that it really doesn't matter.

You are only talking about forcing private sales to also be subject to a BG check. Where is the harm in that?

I guess I don't see the big deal in this and I am as much a tinfoil hat as any other over the 2nd Amendment.
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 11:55:05 AM EDT
Here was my email to McCain:

Dear Senator McCain,

Just wanted to let you know, that every time you propose some stupid new gun law, that I go out and tell 5-10 conservatives why they shouldn't vote for you.  I have my friends doing the same thing.  You might as well officially put on that Democrat hat you are wearing so well.



Link Posted: 11/28/2001 11:55:19 AM EDT
McCain is a freaking jackass. He wants his moment in the spotlight. I wish the good people of Arizona would recall his worthless ass.
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 11:59:58 AM EDT
doublespeak alert

terrorists=anyone who buys guns at a gun-show

now ya see what all the screaming about the secret trials was about.........
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 12:03:07 PM EDT
Better get that recall effort going again.  This guy never learns.
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 12:08:38 PM EDT
Terrorists would see gunshows for the rip-offs they are and bring in $30 AK's from Pakistan.  Any self-respecting terrorist I mean.

McCain better wise up fast to the fact that gun control isn't exactly a hot button issue these days.  He needs to find something scarier than sport utility rifles, something else the media is currently blowing completely out of proportion.....let's see.....

Maybe he should work on closing the anthrax spore loophole?  22,000 labs in this country can produce anthrax, and can be ordered through the mail from bio med supply houses.  Go get 'em McCain!  Save us!
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 12:11:09 PM EDT
Okay.. I agree that if we keep giving up on issues, we end up with the short end... BUT... I guess I don't understand the fuss over this. We bought guns this past weekend at a show and the dealer was a licensed FFL and phoned in a check on me. No biggie. I am so used to the yellow form now that it really doesn't matter.

You are only talking about forcing private sales to also be subject to a BG check. Where is the harm in that?

I guess I don't see the big deal in this and I am as much a tinfoil hat as any other over the 2nd Amendment.
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The harm is that private transactions, in other words, the free market, will only be allowed to take place with the government as an intermediary.  The problem is not with guns, per se, but with the precedent that this would set for all other types of private financial transactions.  What's to stop them from deciding that a car is a dangerous terrorist weapon and can be used to transport zealots with bombs and deliver explosive devices?  So the next thing they'll want to do is begin to regulate (and tax) all private sales of all consumer goods.  It's a wedge in the door and it's bad for capitalism.  It's not far from that to having to ask [b]permission[/b] to conduct your private business.  

Gun shows are already fucked and so are we as long as there is such a thing as a form 4473.  NC police already harass people doing private sales at gun shows (there are signs up at the ticket booth that say all transactions have to go through an FFL).  No law on the books specifies that though.  It's something the gun show dealers got the promoter to institute so that there would be no "unfair competition" on the show floor.  Fucking assholes--gun people are our own worst enemies.  I even had an FFL with a store tell me that gun shows are only for crooks and everyone there is a crook and he'd like to see them (gun shows) banned.  I guess he figured he could get more business that way.  Stupid is as stupid does.
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 12:36:49 PM EDT
If I remember correctly, the law McCain and Lieberman are proposing calls for a three day background check at gun shows which they know would effectively shut down gun shows.  Don't be fooled, they're not out to make the world a safer place, they're just trying to shut down gun shows.

Who honestly believes that terrorists are going to pay several hundred dollars for a "sporterized" AK47 at a gun show when you have 5 yr. olds in Afghanistan lugging around full auto AKs?
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 1:04:42 PM EDT
Let me explain how our government really works:  Congress passes a b******t law, and then gives the appropriate agency the power to write the regulations needed to implement that law.

So, what happens, you have BATF deciding what is and is not a flash suppressor, etc.  Then there are "rulings".  This is where some poor schmuck is arrested for whatever, and the BATF sees if they can make their regulations stick in his case.

OK, what will happen if this law is passed, BATF will write the regulations, and the ONLY way they can regulate private sales is to establish universal gun registration.  Yes, every single one of your guns will have to be registered, or it will be illegal.  Then if you have a gun that is not on their list, off to jail you go.  Or if they come to your house for their however often inspection, and you don't have that Ruger 10-22 that is clearly listed (that you sold to a guy down the street), then off to jail you go.

THIS is what will really happen with the "Gun Show Loophole" bill, if passed.
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 3:16:55 PM EDT
I always though that after people get their nuts worked on, like McCain, they tend to mellow out a bit.  If criminal got their guns from gun shows, he got his brain from butcher shop.
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 3:47:42 PM EDT
Mr. Straight Talk is so eat up with him self he will do anything for attention.I agree with one of the other contributors why doesent he come out of the closet and join the lib. demos.
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 9:57:33 PM EDT
I just don't get it... I am dense, I suppose.  Would just one more politician, who, of course, is much smarter than I am... explain to me one more time how I am so much safer if I am unarmed?  Criminals won't attack me if I can't defend myself?  Duh?
Link Posted: 11/29/2001 1:15:26 AM EDT
Add to that his stance on the Mexican border issue and illegal immigration, and he is, in fact, a de facto Democrat.

Man, he must be like Daschle and do a lot for his state. That's the only way people like him can survive.
Link Posted: 11/29/2001 1:28:32 AM EDT
Add to that his stance on the Mexican border issue and illegal immigration, and he is, in fact, a de facto Democrat.

Man, he must be like Daschle and do a lot for his state. That's the only way people like him can survive.
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Get real.  Most people tell themselves "I'm voting for the guy who makes the most sense and represents my views the best".  Then they look at the news and sees who's "coolest" in their eyes/mind.... and vote for them.

Oooh, a veteran and a Republican, sounds like a winner.  Hell I just saw "Missing in Action XXI", and I say this Mo-fo is cool.  

People don't look at the track record or the views, they look at what the marketing people tell them to.

Link Posted: 11/29/2001 2:07:01 AM EDT
Add to that his stance on the Mexican border issue and illegal immigration, and he is, in fact, a de facto Democrat.

Man, he must be like Daschle and do a lot for his state. That's the only way people like him can survive.
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Get real.  Most people tell themselves "I'm voting for the guy who makes the most sense and represents my views the best".  Then they look at the news and sees who's "coolest" in their eyes/mind.... and vote for them.

Oooh, a veteran and a Republican, sounds like a winner.  Hell I just saw "Missing in Action XXI", and I say this Mo-fo is cool.  

People don't look at the track record or the views, they look at what the marketing people tell them to.

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In the case of Daschle and that jerk Condit, people seem to know what the deal is, but still vote for the guy because he shovels a lot of federal pork into the state. Both of those guys do a lot for farmers thus sealing that voting segment. All I'm saying is I assume McCain has a similar thing going, which is nicer than saying the residents of Arizona are as stupid as they are here in California.
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