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Posted: 11/27/2001 2:46:49 PM EDT
Ok I ruptured a disk in my lower back.  The orthopedic Dr. told me it's up to you, How much pain do you want to go through.  Right now my average pain level is a 4-6 daily, It spiked a couple weeks ago, and I had to crawl to the shitter, but that's only happened 2 times.  I can stand to go into to work between 3-5 hours a day, before I have to go home, and veg out.  Have any of you  had back surgery?  IF you had it to do over again what would you do? Thanks for the input.
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 2:56:12 PM EDT
With that kind of pain, I'd opt for the back surgery.  But make sure you get the best possible surgeon you can afford!  A neurosurgeon can also do the back surgery, according to my mom who's about to have her back operated on, and she's more comfortable going that route.

Either way, just make sure the guy who's doing yours is an ace.

God Bless Texas
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 2:57:38 PM EDT
Bad news for you, I have 2 stories to tell.

1) Friend, Eddie, gets back surgery after hurting his back on an ambulance call. He now is CONSTANTLY in pain, and cannot stay in one position for too long. Cannot even pick up the babies. This is due to excessive scar tissue formation after surgery. Worst part of this is that no one could tell this would be the outcome.

2) Brother-in-law hurts back after too many years of poor lifiting technique and gets same surgery...100% better.

Good Luck
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 3:07:55 PM EDT
I have plenty of similar stories as LtMac. How long ago was it that you ruptured your back?  Have you seen a chiropractor? Have you tried Physical Therapy? A few moons ago, I worked in a PT clinic that specialized in backs and necks. They used a machine called the Med-X, that strengthened specific muscle groups in the back and neck. Most, but not all, back and neck damage is caused by weakened muscle groups, not supporting the spine (I am a physical therapy major and have done some research into stuff like this). You might want to consider both of these avenues first, before you decide on surgery. Once they do the surgery, it cant be undone, so whether the results are good or bad, you have to live with the outcome for the rest of your life.
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 3:11:24 PM EDT
I had mine repaired about 2 years ago. It lasted about 6 months before I ruptured it again.  The Neurosurgeon said he could fix it again.  I politely told him it should have been fix the first time and that I wasn’t going to come back every six moths for a tune up.[>Q] I then asked about fusing the two vertebrae together and he told me it would be more painful at first but would more than likely never occur again. It has been about 1 year now and I feel great I have lost no mobility because the fusion is down low.  I lived with the pain for about three years before doing something about it and that was a huge mistake. (waiting that is)
I know a couple other folks that got this done by orthopedic surgeons and are still in tremendous pain.  Believe it or not my damn Chiropractor sent me to the Neurosurgeon and that is when I knew I was in trouble

Link Posted: 11/27/2001 8:38:51 PM EDT
I ruptured a disk when I was 19 or so, at L-4/5. I tried physical therapy, massages, etc, but nothing helped the pain or lack of mobility.
They "fixed" me once, and it eventually ruptured again. They opened me back up and "fixed" me again, this time a little more serious.
I'm a LOT better now, after quite a few years, but it still hurts sometimes. If I move wrong it can temporarily disable me. I've learned to keep a constant watch on what I'm putting my back through.
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 8:56:36 PM EDT
I too had a ruptured disk a few years ago.  My doctor said I could either have surgery or see a specialist that helps people heal naturally without surgery.  So off I go to see the specialist.  I believe they call the procedure a "Block".  He injected a steroid into my back near the disk.  He told me I may need another injection within a year.  Within 48 hours I could walk normally again and my pain was completely gone.  6 months later I needed another injection but have been pain free since.  The doctor explained to me that the pain was caused by swelling.  The swelling put pressure on the major nerves leaving the back.  The steroid reduced the swelling.  Then the body is able to absorb the ruptured tissue and heal itself.  The doctor told me that if I take it easy for the next few years and not improperly lift heavy objects or twist my spine, I should be good to go for life.

I'm glad I didn't have the surgery.  Of course, your case may be different than mine, but you should check into it just in case.


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Link Posted: 11/27/2001 9:02:04 PM EDT
You only get one chance with your back, you just blew yours!!  It will never be the same, no matter what is done to it. I have had 3 herniated disks and one spinal fusion, had to use a walker for six months, was a living Hell, but you learn to live with drugs and pain after a while..[:D]
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 9:17:12 PM EDT
My sympathies to you. I've had two back surgeries in the past year. They resolved the major back pain and shooting pain in the legs, but I am still experiencing constant pain in my lower legs. I will be going to a pain management clinic in a few days. Fortunately, I'm not looking at any additional surgery on my back.

As far as I can tell, once the disk is blown, surgery is about the only option, unless you can get a lifetime supply of vicoden or morphine.
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 4:53:51 AM EDT
My Thanks to everyone.  your experiences give me some more insight into my problem.  
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