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Posted: 7/13/2008 4:33:25 PM EDT
Check out the flag in the fireplace

Scare tactic' — Obama slams Muslim portrayal

The Obama campaign is condemning as “tasteless and offensive” a New Yorker magazine cover that depicts Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in a turban, fist-bumping his gun-slinging wife.

An American flag burns in their fireplace.

The New Yorker says it's satire. It certainly will be candy for cable news.

The Obama campaign quickly condemned the rendering. Spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement: “The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama's right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree."

McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds quickly e-mailed: “We completely agree with the Obama campaign, it’s tasteless and offensive.”

The issue, which goes on sale Monday, includes a long piece by Ryan Lizza about Obama’s start in Chicago politics.

At a press availability Sunday afternoon in San Diego, Senator Obama was asked, according to a transcript by Maria Gavrilovic of CBS News: “The upcoming issue of the New Yorker, the July 21st issue, has a picture of you, depicting you and your wife on the cover.

“Have you seen it? If not, I can show it to you on my computer. It shows your wife Michelle with an Afro and an AK 47 and the two of you doing the fist bump with you in a sort of turban-type thing on top. I wondered if you’ve seen it or if you want to see it or if you have a response to it?”

Obama, shrugging incredulously: “I have no response to that.”

The magazine explains at the start of its news release previewing the issue: “On the cover of the July 21, 2008, issue of The New Yorker, in ‘The Politics of Fear,’ artist Barry Blitt satirizes the use of scare tactics and misinformation in the Presidential election to derail Barack Obama’s campaign.”

Howard Kurtz of The Washington Post said Sunday on his CNN media show “Reliable Sources” that the cover is arguably “incendiary.”

“I talked to the editor of The New Yorker, David Remnick, who tells me this is a satire, that they are making fun of all the rumors,” Kurtz added.

Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune defended it as “quite within the normal realms of journalism,” adding that “it's just lampooning all the crazy ignorance out there.”

The panelists agreed it would succeed in its goal of getting attention.

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 4:36:06 PM EDT
I love it!  However it will likely produce sympathy for him which I don't love.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 4:36:34 PM EDT
Welcome to big-boy politics, you shit-eating Chicago socialist hack.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 4:38:19 PM EDT
I think I am going to buy that issue andhave the cover framed.

ETA: I don't see any satire
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 4:38:50 PM EDT
Couldn't have happened to a nicer PAIR of Racists.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 4:56:42 PM EDT


And from a libtard NYC magazine too!  Gawd this is going to be a fun race!  
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 4:59:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:03:05 PM EDT

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:03:15 PM EDT
So Michelle doesn't like domestic rifles?

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:07:52 PM EDT
Like Aunt Esther from Sanford & Son used to say, "The truth... will set you free!"

"Watch it, sucka!"
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:13:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:15:33 PM EDT
The Obamas really do have connections with people that planted bombs in the Capitol building, the Pentagon, and NYC Police headquarters along with many other places, and burned U.S. flags as well.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:20:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:22:09 PM EDT
Looks accurate to me..........
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:22:24 PM EDT
the truth hurts

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:26:06 PM EDT
right click...save as
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:27:45 PM EDT

Suck it Obama.
Suck it long. Suck it hard.

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:28:13 PM EDT

So Michelle doesn't like domestic rifles?


Nah that's a Century rebuild she has there.

Anyway it would make a nice verticle bumper sticker.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:29:43 PM EDT

Love it when Dem's eat their own.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:31:19 PM EDT
And there's the McCain campaign to suck his ass...
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:35:10 PM EDT


I love it!  However it will likely produce sympathy for him which I don't love.

It will produce surface sympathy.  It will also however leave a very deep subconscious suggestion of thought in everyone that sees it.  It will raise that seed of doubt for many who were on the fence.  This was not satire.

It's accurate though.

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:35:55 PM EDT

And there's the McCain campaign to suck his ass...

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:36:56 PM EDT


McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds quickly e-mailed: “We completely agree with the Obama campaign, it’s tasteless and offensive.”

I love it, cuts straight to the truth as far as I'm concerned, which so few people are willing to do.  And I can't stand you're spineless ass kissing piss-ant of a candidate either Tucker.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:39:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:39:27 PM EDT


I love it!  However it will likely produce sympathy for him which I don't love.

It will produce surface sympathy. It will also however leave a very deep subconscious suggestion of thought in everyone that sees it.  It will raise that seed of doubt for many who were on the fence.  This was not satire.

Agreed. When a mainstream liberal rag like the New Yorker throws him under the bus he's got problems.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:40:54 PM EDT
The New Yorker shows the truth for once.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:41:11 PM EDT
$4.50 for that rag?
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:42:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:43:11 PM EDT
I think I am going to buy that issue and frame it up at work.....for all the libs to gasp about - I love it!!! A very liberal magazine - one of their own -telling the truth about that "Obamanation".................maybe even a letter to the editor - thanking them from my 2nd Amendment US of A soul.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:45:47 PM EDT
It don't matter.

The black voting base will see it and agree.

The real issue here is that alot of people see this and agree with/like it.

I ride the bus every day and hear people talk about things like "this mic bane guy is gonna be a nother 6 years of Bush"

Idiots vote
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:50:43 PM EDT
is that a picture of Bin Laden on the wall behind him
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:56:35 PM EDT
From the comments section in the original article;

"Much truth is said in jest "

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 5:57:38 PM EDT
Great photo
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:00:34 PM EDT
So for once somebody threw Obama under the bus instead of the other way around.

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:04:15 PM EDT
Ha! Now that is pretty funny. I must also say it is pretty accurate. While Obama may not be a practicing Muslim, putting him in the White House will effectively be giving the terrorists an ally because of his strategy of appeasement. So either way, you end up with the same results. Terrorism against Americans came of age during the Carter years. And it matured during the Clinton years. I hate to think how much further terrorism will advance under an Obama administration. But one thing is certain, it seems terrorists thrive when democrats with their weak foreign policy are in office.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:07:49 PM EDT
uh...except they are all anti-gun

should be a suicide vest
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:08:22 PM EDT
Guys, the New Yorker isn't slamming Obama.  Y'all realize that, right?  They're spoofing all the fearmongering rumors about him.  You're all cheering it like they're going after him.  They're mocking the folks who spread the Muslim-type rumors.  
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:08:28 PM EDT
My new wallpaper.....I think I may even go have the image framed.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:09:17 PM EDT
Oh yeah!!! I'm buying one and framing it and hanging it in my office!!!!!

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:14:15 PM EDT

Guys, the New Yorker isn't slamming Obama.  Y'all realize that, right?  They're spoofing all the fearmongering rumors about him.  You're all cheering it like they're going after him.  They're mocking the folks who spread the Muslim-type rumors.  

Yup, they are calling out all the right wing knuckle dragging, wife beating, trailer park dwelling rednecks that spread these rumors.

The above statement is what the liberal elite think of all of us.

And then there is Mccain running over people to get "on the record" condeming the drawing. I swear, I have never seen someone try so hard at not winning.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:15:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:20:34 PM EDT

Guys, the New Yorker isn't slamming Obama.  Y'all realize that, right?  They're spoofing all the fearmongering rumors about him.  You're all cheering it like they're going after him.  They're mocking the folks who spread the Muslim-type rumors.  

And they all get to vote.

The New Yorker will probably have a large article attacking the right wing whispering campaign that Obama is a Muslim. This article will do its best to make the right wing look bad.

The cover is over the top, which will probably sell a bunch more issues. It will also generate a bunch of news coverage about how Obama is not a Muslim and how the right wing is attempting to smear him because the right wing cannot defend their unpopular policies on ______ (insert issue).
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:23:12 PM EDT


And then there is Mccain running over people to get "on the record" condeming the drawing. I swear, I have never seen someone try so hard at not winning.

What else could McCain do? He made the smart move. Anything else would imply that he supports the lies about Obama's religious faith. McCain has too much integrity to do that.
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:26:38 PM EDT

Eric Holder, Another Member Of Obama's Vice Presidential Vetting Team, Engaged In Controversial Activity:

Eric Holder Is Another Member Of Obama's Vice Presidential Vetting Committee. "But Johnson is not the only member of Obama's vice presidential vetting committee that Republicans have targeted. They also are preparing a case against former deputy attorney general Eric Holder for his role in the granting of a pardon to fugitive financier Marc Rich in the last days of the Clinton White House." (Jonathan Weisman and David S. Hilzenrath, "Obama's Choice Of Insider Draws Fire," The Washington Post, 6/11/08)

In 2002, Eric Holder Lobbied On Behalf Of Global Crossing After The Company Had Accumulated Nearly $12 Million In Debt. "Smelling blood in the water, Republicans now plan to pounce on another member of Obama's veep-selection committee, former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, for his lobbying on behalf of telecom giant Global Crossing. Holder lobbied for the company, which underwent one of the largest bankruptcies in American history after racking up nearly $12 million in debt, as it emerged from bankruptcy in 2002, Senate lobbying disclosure documents reveal." (Charles Hurt and Geoff Earle, "O's Veep Hunter Quits," New York Post, 6/12/08)

Holder Was Involved In A Sweetheart Deal, Which Granted Fugitive Marc Rich A Controversial Pardon From Outgoing President Bill Clinton:

"As Deputy Attorney General, Holder Was The Key Person Who Made The Pardon Of Marc Rich Possible In The Final Hours Of The Clinton Presidency." (Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Op-Ed, "Obama's VP Search Mistake," New York Post, 6/5/08)

Rich Was Under Charges Of Wire Fraud, Tax Fraud, And Illegal Trading With Iran. "[M]arc Rich, the fugitive billionaire who renounced his U.S. citizenship and moved to Switzerland to avoid prosecution for racketeering, wire fraud, 51 counts of tax fraud, evading $48 million in taxes, and engaging in illegal trades with Iran in violation of the U.S. embargo following the 1979-80 hostage crisis" (Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Op-Ed, "Obama's VP Search Mistake," New York Post, 6/5/08)

To Obtain A Pardon, Rich Retained Former White House Counsel Jack Quinn, Who Circumvented Formal Pardon Application Procedures. "[R]ich wanted a pardon and he retained Jack Quinn, former counsel to the president, to lobby his old boss. ... From the start, the Rich lawyers ignored the government's established rules for pard on applications. Instead of making a formal application to the Office of Pardons in the Justice Department, Quinn sent the application directly to the White House in late December of 2007." (Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Op-Ed, "Obama's VP Search Mistake," New York Post, 6/5/08)

Documents Emerged Which Indicated That Holder Had Recommended Quinn, And "Gave Substantive Advice To Quinn Along The Way." "Two days later, documents in support of the pardon were sent by Jack Quinn to Eric Holder. It was Holder who had originally recommended Quinn to one of Rich's advisers, although he claims that he did not know the identity of the client. And he gave s ubstantive advice to Quinn along the way. According to Quinn's notes that were produced to Congress, Holder told Quinn to take the pardon application 'straight to the White House' because 'the timing is good.' ... When Holder received the Rich materials, he did no independent research to determine their veracity and appears to have barely reviewed them." (Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Op-Ed, "Obama's VP Search Mistake," New York Post, 6/5/08)

Holder Conducted No Independent Research To Scrutinize Quinn's Request On Behalf Of Rich. "When Holder received the Rich materials, he did no independent research to determine their veracity and appears to have barely reviewed them. ... [H]e never took the time to check anything and simply told the White House that he was 'neutral to positive' on the pardons." (Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Op-Ed, "Obama's VP Search Mistake," New York Post, 6/5/08)

"Neither Clinton Nor Holder Ever Consulted With The Pardon Attorney." (Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Op-Ed, "Obama's VP Search Mistake," New York Post, 6/5/08)
"Officials At The U.S. Attorney's Office In New York Were Understandably Infuriated When They Learned About The Pardon And Accused Rich Of Deliberating Bypassing Their Office." (Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Op-Ed, "Obama's VP Search Mistake," New York Post, 6/5/08)

"In 2002, A Congressional Committee Reported That Holder Was A 'Willing Participant In The Plan To Keep The Justice Department From Knowing About And Opposing' The Rich Pardon." (Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Op-Ed, "Obama's VP Search Mistake," New York Post, 6/5/08)

The Wall Street Journal: "As Deputy Attorney General in the Clinton Administration, he played a role in the Marc Rich pardon that also deserves to be fully vetted - all the more so if Mr. Holder is on the short list to be Mr. Obama's Attorney General." (Editorial, "Ex-Friends Of Barack," The Wall Street Journal, 6/12/08)

As Deputy Attorney General, Holder Also Supported Clemency For The Former FALN Members:

In August 1999, President Bill Clinton Offered Clemency To 16 Former Members Of The Puerto Rican Terrorist Group The Armed Forces Of National Liberation (FALN). "As the furor over President Clinton's recent clemency offer to 16 militant Puerto Rican nationalists continues, new evidence suggests the timing of the decision might have had more to do with the 1998 impeachment proceedings than with the First Lady's New York Senate campaign, as critics have charged. The White House also badly misjudged the repercussions of the decision on both sides of the clemency question. Though most of the critics have been the President's political enemies and police injured in FALN terrorist acts, restrictions placed on the clemency also have angered many in the Puerto Rican community and made it hard for the prisoners to accept the deal. Lawyers for the FALN members have denounced the Clinton offer as unfair. 'I don't think the President understood the reaction that Puerto Ricans would have on all sides of the issue,' said Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-Brooklyn). The dustup began Aug. 11, when the President offered clemency to 16 former members of the FALN the Spanish acronym for Armed Forces of National Liberation which was linked to about 130 bombings that killed six and injured dozens from 1974 to 1983. The presidential offer was the culmination of a six-year campaign that began in 1993, when a Chicago lawyer filed clemency petitions for 17 imprisoned FALN members." (Edward Lewine, "How Bill Chose Clemency," [New York] Daily News, 9/5/99)

Holder Played A Major Role In The FALN Clemency Decision, According To FALN Documents And Memos. "Holder, a Barbadian immigrant's son who grew up in Queens and received his law degree from Columbia, has played major roles in the probe of Democratic funny-money in the 1996 elections, the Sexgate scandal and the recommendation to President Clinton on whether to free FALN terrorists from jail. A list of FALN documents withheld from Congress shows that many memos on the FALN clemency decision went directly to Holder, while Reno's role was minimal." (Brian Blomquist, "Ailing Reno Yielding Reins Of Justice," New York Post, 12/15/99)

Although The FBI Opposed Clemency, Holder Supported Clemency For The FALN Members. "Although The New York Times reported that the FBI, Bureau of Prisons and U.S. state attorneys opposed clemency, Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, the Justice Department official most involved with this issue, reportedly supported clemency. 'Eric Holder told me he was recommending that,' a high-ranking official said. Ruff also supported clemency, sources said. Holder declined to comment." (Edward Lewine, "How Bill Chose Clemency," [New York] Daily News, 9/5/99)
In 1997, Holder Met With Three Members Of Congress And Made Recommendations To Them About How The FALN Members Could More Easily Be Granted Clemency. "The committee's documents show that Mr. Adams and Eric Holder, the Deputy Attorney General, met on Nov. 5, 1997, with Representative Luis V. Gutierrez, Democrat of Illinois, and Representatives Jose E. Serra no of the Bronx and Nydia M. Velazquez of Brooklyn, both Democrats, to discuss the case of the Puerto Rican inmates. According to Mr. Adams's notes, Mr. Holder told the members of Congress that because the prisoners had not applied themselves for clemency this could be taken that they were not repentant, and he suggested that a statement expressing some remorse might help. In their testimony today, both Mr. Adams and Mr. Holder declined to answer several questions about how the clemency decision was reached, citing executive privilege. Both said, however, that the Justice Department had acted appropriately throughout the process." (Neil A. Lewis, "Records Show Puerto Ricans Got U.S. Help With Clemency," The New York Times, 10/21/99)

A Subsequent Clinton Administration Justice Department Report Identified The Group As An "Ongoing Threat." "The Puerto Rican nationalist group FALN, 16 of whose members were pardoned by President Clinton in August, poses an 'ongoing threat' to national security, according to a September report by Attorney General Janet Reno released yesterday during a combative Senate hearing on the clemency decision." (David A. Vise and Lorraine Adams, "FALN A Threat, Reno Says," The Washington Post, 10/21/99)


Obama Said Anti-Israel Terrorist Groups Had "Legitimate Claims":
Obama Said That Hezbollah And Hamas Had "Legitimate Claims." "The U.S. needs a foreign policy that 'looks at the root causes of problems and dangers.' Obama compared Hezbollah to Hamas. Both need to be compelled to understand that 'they're going down a blind alley with violence that weakens their legitimate claims.' He knows these movements aren't going away anytime soon ('Those missiles aren't going to dissolve'), but 'if they decide to shift, we're going to recognize that. That's an evolution that should be recognized.'" (David Brooks, Op-Ed, "Obama Admires Bush," The New York Times, 5/16/08)

"During An Interview On WABC Radio ... Top Hamas Political Adviser Ahmed Yousef Said The Terrorist Group Supports Obama's Foreign Policy Vision." (Mosheh Oinounou, "A Hamas Problem For Obama?" Fox News' "Cameron's Corner" Blog, foxnews.com, 4/16/08)

Yousef: "We don't mind-actually we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will (win) the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle, and he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with domination and arrogance..." (Mosheh Oinounou, "A Hamas Problem For Obama?" Fox News' "Cameron's Corner" Blog, foxnews.com, 4/16/08)

"Obama's Chief Strategist, David Axelrod, Said He Was 'Flattered' By The Comparison To JFK..." (Editorial, "Hamas & Obama: Terrorist Flatter," The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 4/21/08)

Obama Had An Advisor Who Met With Hamas And Called For Embracing Them:

The Obama Campaign Cut Ties To Foreign Policy Advisor Robert Malley After He Disclosed That He Had Met With Hamas. "One of Barack Obama's Middle East policy advisers disclosed yesterday that he had held meetings with the militant Palestinian group Hamas - prompting the likely Democratic nominee to sever all links with him. Robert Malley told The Times that he had been in regular contact with Hamas, which controls Gaza and is listed by the US State Department as a terrorist organization." (Tom Baldwin, "Barack Obama Sacks Adviser Over Talks With Hamas," The Times [London, U.K.], 5/9/08)

Was Jeremiah Wright Preaching Al-Qaida Propaganda?

"I can no more disown him [Jeremiah Wright] than I can disown my white grandmother."

-- Barack Obama, Philadelphia, March 18

“We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye.”

- Jeremiah Wright

"That which you are singled out for in the history of mankind, is that you have used your force to destroy mankind more than any other nation in history; not to defend principles and values, but to hasten to secure your interests and profits. You who dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan, even though Japan was ready to negotiate an end to the war. How many acts of oppression, tyranny and injustice have you carried out, O callers to freedom?"
- Osama Bin Laden

“We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America’s chickens are coming home to roost.” (Sep 2001)

“The Israelis have illegally occupied Palestinian territories for over 40 years now. Divestment has now hit the table again as a strategy to wake the business community and wake up Americans concerning the injustice and the racism under which the Palestinians have lived because of Zionism.”

- Jeremiah Wright

"You attacked us in Palestine:

Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. The British handed over Palestine, with your help and your support, to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation. The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its*price, and pay for it heavily."

- Osama Bin Laden

"We started the AIDS virus . . . We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty. . . ."

- Jeremiah Wright

"And because of all this, you have been described in history as a nation that spreads diseases that were unknown to man in the past. Go ahead and boast to the nations of man, that you brought them AIDS as a Satanic American Invention."

- Osama Bin Laden

“In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01. White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ‘disappeared’ as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.”

- Jeremiah Wright

"The freedom and democracy that you call to is for yourselves and for white race only; as for the rest of the world, you impose upon them your monstrous, destructive policies and Governments, which you call the 'American friends'."

- Osama Bin Laden

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:31:36 PM EDT
Some magazine out of NEW YORK printed that?!?!?!

Wow, that actually might restore some of my faith in humanity.

Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:36:16 PM EDT

Guys, the New Yorker isn't slamming Obama.  Y'all realize that, right?  They're spoofing all the fearmongering rumors about him.  You're all cheering it like they're going after him.  They're mocking the folks who spread the Muslim-type rumors.  

It's still not good for Obama though because it allows the few media outlets that attempt to stay somewhat objective re-visit the Reverend Wright stories and the Bill Ayers stories and all the other connections that Obama has that make this cover so truthful.  Besides, Obama already has the subscribers who read this magazine sewn up.  What he needs is the ones that don't read it but will see the TV stories about it.  The more Obama has to send people out to deny that he's a radical kook, the more opportunity people will have to say to themselves "Maybe there is some truth to him being this cover."  I think the Jesse Jackson thing and now this cover are the cracks that are starting to form in the levee that has been holding back all the dirt that exists on this guy.  Keep chipping away!
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:36:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:42:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:44:16 PM EDT

Looks accurate to me..........

+ infinity
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:48:02 PM EDT


Guys, the New Yorker isn't slamming Obama.  Y'all realize that, right?  They're spoofing all the fearmongering rumors about him.  You're all cheering it like they're going after him.  They're mocking the folks who spread the Muslim-type rumors.  

It's still not good for Obama though because it allows the few media outlets that attempt to stay somewhat objective re-visit the Reverend Wright stories and the Bill Ayers stories and all the other connections that Obama has that make this cover so truthful.  Besides, Obama already has the subscribers who read this magazine sewn up.  What he needs is the ones that don't read it but will see the TV stories about it.  The more Obama has to send people out to deny that he's a radical kook, the more opportunity people will have to say to themselves "Maybe there is some truth to him being this cover."  I think the Jesse Jackson thing and now this cover are the cracks that are starting to form in the levee that has been holding back all the dirt that exists on this guy.  Keep chipping away!

Well said.  The problem for the New Yorker is they don't realize that it's who they are.   It would have been clever if the cover portrayed these two buffoons as something other than who they are.  In the coming days the editorial staff could have egg on their faces.  HA
Link Posted: 7/13/2008 6:50:58 PM EDT
First amendment. They can print what they want.

If Obama says otherwise because it is offensive, then he must also push to condemn other offensive expressions - such as the burning of the flag.

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