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Posted: 11/25/2001 3:58:51 PM EDT
I just wanted everyone to know that I found a new member lurking today.  DrJeffAllen.

He is my older brother, and a fine example of what an older brother should be.

Tell him Hello, and Welcome!


Link Posted: 11/25/2001 4:08:01 PM EDT
Hello there, DrJeffAllen, and welcome!  Any brother of TheRedGoat's is a brother of ours!!  [<]:)]
Link Posted: 11/25/2001 4:09:37 PM EDT
Hi Doc! What kind of doctor are you? We have some MD and PhD types hanging around "these neck of the woods."
Link Posted: 11/25/2001 4:24:04 PM EDT
I've enjoyed the forum pages for the last few days......thanks for welcomes.

I'm a Ph.D.

I'm a faculty member at the University of North Texas.  Here's my web page:


It's my "Other Things" page of my unversity page.  Lot's of my students really like this page.  You might also.


Link Posted: 11/25/2001 4:29:11 PM EDT
Howdy!!  If your a gyno post some pics of your work. [:D][:D]
Link Posted: 11/25/2001 5:11:54 PM EDT
I am just an ER doc.
Adults only or GB will be pissed(not really)
Link Posted: 11/25/2001 5:33:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/25/2001 5:46:37 PM EDT
Welcome Doc Jeff! I'm the resident Hun. Glad to see that common sense can still be found in the ivory towers of Academe.

Eric The(Educated)Hun[>]:)]

Link Posted: 11/25/2001 7:52:33 PM EDT
Welcome Jeff [beer]


Link Posted: 11/25/2001 8:31:58 PM EDT

I'll adopt the handle.   Hey!  I appreciate the generous use of your sweet auto.....the other weekend.

(I'll resist the easy setup by rainman....."I'll send pictures of your mother immediately....send local address".)

.....I guess I couldn't resist.  [:)]

Jeff "The BrassThrower" Allen

Link Posted: 11/25/2001 8:39:42 PM EDT
Hey Doc, were you the red bearded guy with the knee brace at the Tac Pro shoot? I just made the connection, you being the brother of our local [red][b]Red[/b]Goat[/red].

I hope you're planning on coming out to the next shoot in Decatur.

Link Posted: 11/25/2001 8:52:50 PM EDT

I'm the one.   I was hoping that I could make it to a few more shoots before anyone connected me to him.  Oh well, little brothers can't keep quiet.  [;)]

Great News:  Bought a USP Compact .45 in stainless.  Can't wait to shoot it. [bounce]

Thanks for the generous use of your USP at the last shoot.  I'm planning to be at the next.  Maybe I can return the favor.
Link Posted: 11/25/2001 9:09:30 PM EDT
Pleased to meet you, sir!
Link Posted: 11/25/2001 9:31:11 PM EDT
Welcome to the world of the black rifle.
Link Posted: 11/25/2001 10:35:38 PM EDT
Hiya, Doc, and welcome to the board! While you're here, though..........I'm having this pain right here....it just comes and goes......
Link Posted: 11/25/2001 10:54:28 PM EDT
A good beating will take your mind off of the pain . . .

If the beating doesn't help, we'll try another treatment of the same.

Link Posted: 11/25/2001 11:12:57 PM EDT
do you impress yourself enough?
Link Posted: 11/26/2001 5:57:04 AM EDT
Sorry to offend you ironmike.  I didn't realize that I needed to try to make an impression.  From everything that I've seen on the site in the last couple of weeks everyone had a great sense of humor. . . I should have added more smileys to make sure that everyone knew that I was joking.  I'll try to catch up:

[:)] [:)] [:)] [:)] [:)] [:)] [:)] [:)]

Please add these liberally to my thread post.   Let me further try to explain a few of the post in the thread above.  

Mojo provided the handle "The Brassthrower".  I changed my sig in my profile and it changed my sig line throughout the ar15 site.  Brass thrower came from an incident at the last shoot when my Mini-14 was throwing brass 15-20 feet at a 90 degree angle and at one point it cut/burned a guy on the upper lip due to its speed and distance.

If you are referring to the "drjeffallen" author name, I've used this for many years.  Jeff Allen is way to common, and I don't like hiding my name . . . It just doesn't make sense for me, besides I use this author name for my professional and hobbie mail.

I provided a link to my personal web page, just because people are SOMETIMES interested. If they aren't they won't link to the site. [:)]

Finally, I didn't start the thread.  My brother did so that he could provide an introduction to a bunch of guys that he valued as friends....and he knew that a number of the guys had already met me.

I hope that this has helped explain everything that you possible could have been offended about.  The intent of the thread is not to offend, but only to say hi.  
Link Posted: 11/26/2001 5:58:47 AM EDT
Greetings Doc!
Link Posted: 11/26/2001 6:07:29 AM EDT
do you impress yourself enough?
View Quote

I dunno about you IronMike, but anyone who holds ALL the following IMPRESSES ME:

1.  fifth degree black belt in Archipelago Combatives

2.  Vice-President of the Scientific Fighting  Congress Archipelago Combative system.

3.  masters ranking in the Knife/Counter Knife Combatives system

4.  a master ranking in the SDMS Combatives system.  

5.  a second degree black belt in Kombatan

6.  a second degree black belt in Modern Arnis.

7.  a first degree black belt in Aikijujitsu.

8.  a 3rd degree brown belt in Aikido.

9.  BAAS, MS, and Ph.D

now that impresses me!

And... he ain't even 35 yet.

[/rant][/rave][/yell][/brotherly love]
Link Posted: 11/26/2001 6:21:53 AM EDT
do you impress yourself enough?
View Quote


Welcome Doc.  How's your grammar?
Link Posted: 11/26/2001 7:33:41 PM EDT

My five year son told me last Friday that I didn't know my ABCS (Because I missed the letter 'I' in a worksheet that I created for him)...and tonight he told me that I didn't know how to count to twelve because I miscounted during an instructional martial arts demonstration that he was watching with me.   Kid's have a way of letting you know your limits.....(mine seems to be my ABCs and counting) . . . [:)]

Link Posted: 11/26/2001 9:53:19 PM EDT
Doc, I'm sorry, but I'll have to pass on the beating, as I abhor violence..........how about some electro-shock therapy?
Link Posted: 11/26/2001 10:27:55 PM EDT
Wait a sec. Doc, do you have a bad knee and are still able to do martial arts?
Link Posted: 11/26/2001 11:01:14 PM EDT
A pleasure to meet you Doctor Allen.
Hope you enjoy the mayhem and cameraderie of this place.
You have a beautiful family, and your interests and accomplishments are indeed impressive and noteworthy.
Herzliche willkommen!
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 1:47:56 PM EDT

I appreciate the concern, I do still do martial arts.  Bad knees are a small curse of my life.... along with other joints (It's mainly due to the mileage on my body and childhood arthritis)


Thanks for compliments on the family they are my pride. [:D]  I indeed enjoy mayhem in general...I'm sure I'll enjoy it here too.

Link Posted: 11/27/2001 2:21:47 PM EDT
Welcome drjeff. It's nice to see you've decided to follow your brother's bad example. [:D]  A doctor, huh?  I've got this pain.........[}:D]
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 5:57:46 PM EDT

I appreciate the concern, I do still do martial arts.  Bad knees are a small curse of my life.... along with other joints (It's mainly due to the mileage on my body and childhood arthritis)
View Quote

My reason for asking was entirely selfish. :) I always wanted to get into martial arts, but I never did because I was afraid I would damage my already totally screwed-up knees. I'm short a couple of cartilages here and there and also have arthritis. Perhaps they are not as much of a handicap as I had thought? Hmm... Thanks and nice to meet you. :)
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 6:11:28 PM EDT
Good!  I couldn't remember your name from the shoot, but I remember the knee brace, and now I can put the two together.  DrJeff, I have to agree about the hiding your name stuff as well.  I'm just not the type who can wear an alias with any comfort.  It was nice to meet you (and everyone else) at TacPro, and I look forward to seeing you (and everyone else) again real soon!

Link Posted: 11/27/2001 6:14:20 PM EDT
Welcome drjeff.
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 6:33:52 PM EDT

I provided a link to my personal web page, just because people are SOMETIMES interested. If they aren't they won't link to the site. [:)]

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Yo dude, welcome to the fray. Hey I was very interested in your page. I study/studied martial arts as well and its always great to meet a fellow martial artist and gun enthusiast. Don't know if you recall me from the TacPro shoot. I was the tall Filipino guy. Being Filipino I too studied Arnis. Mainly Rene Latosa style. More of a mixture of many different Arnis styles. Also had a brief exposure to Kuntao Silat. My main art is Shaolin Kempo though. If you're going to the shoot on the 16th, I would love to talk to you about AikiJitsu and your Sensei. Very interested in that art. Getting to old to be jumping around and doing splits and shit like that on my forms.
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 6:44:47 PM EDT

I know plenty of people doing martial arts everyday with bionic knees.  

There are things in my Aikido class that I don't do (in agreement with my instructors).  It's just too tough on me.

Kick-based arts bad. Self-defense systems good (FOR ME!!!!).

Reason:  I can match the self defense application with my ability and limitations and philosophies.  For example:  I choose not to be in a traditional dojo...because I don't have to sit on my knees and listen to the instructor.

I PROMISE:  I AM NOT trying to move the thread into this realm, but I'm trying to help mattja --

[blue]If you are interested in self-defense read on...[/blue]

I've been associated with Hock Hochhiem for a long time [url]www.hockscqc.com[/url] and I like his system because you can customize it to your needs....No, I don't get paid by Hock....and I hope this isn't breaking in rules by linking to a commercial page. [:\]

Everybody will give you different opinion. The above is mine.

[:)] [:)] [:)] [:)] [:)] [:)] [:)]
Link Posted: 11/27/2001 7:05:24 PM EDT
Mabuhay lordtrader,

One of the things that Brian and I have talked about is doing a defense mini-class at the next DFW shoot.  I have materials that I teach on carbine retention, and strips....if ya'll want to do the same with handguns and knives we can do that also...

I have the toys and I'll try to remember to bring them if a small group (or everyone) is interested.  Filipino martial arts are my first love.  I was watching an old instructional arnis video that I did when I was younger and faster....it was nice to remember when.

The Aiki arts have added a fun perspective to my arnis.  (Latosa is a good style . . . and add me into the "too old" category).

See you in December.
Link Posted: 11/28/2001 1:11:13 AM EDT
drjeffallen, thanks for the link. I will look at that in detail.

A friend of mine once told me that Aikido is my best bet, but if it involves a lot of leg action it's not for me. The slightest lateral motion of the knee can send me into a major pain fit. And, you know, I try to avoid taking NSAIDs (even Vioxx). :)
Link Posted: 11/29/2001 12:16:29 AM EDT
... your interests and accomplishments are indeed impressive and noteworthy.
View Quote

All them martial arts thingies . . . couple of years more of training and he could join up with Gecko45 for mall ninja'ing! [:D]
Link Posted: 11/29/2001 12:31:23 AM EDT
[b]Initiation time![/b]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]
You: "Thankyou sir may I have another..."[>(]

Initiations rule!
Link Posted: 11/29/2001 6:36:27 AM EDT
THANK YOU Master_Blaster!

I now feel all warm and fuzzy (on my backside)....

and I like it!  [devil]
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