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Posted: 1/1/2007 1:32:49 PM EDT
I happened to me this morning and totally freaked me out. I was completely paralized for about 30 seconds. I wanted to move but couldnt. It was almost like I had to fight my body to wake up.

Seriously freaked the crap out of me.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:35:33 PM EDT
Same thing happened to my friend.......3 days later, yep, dead.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:36:21 PM EDT
When I shot 40' over a car on my motorcycle. All I can remember is screaming bloody murder inside my helmet as the parmetics swarmed me.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:36:57 PM EDT
It happened to me alot when I was a kid. It scared the begezzus out of me.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:37:13 PM EDT

I happened to me this morning and totally freaked me out. I was completely paralized for about 30 seconds. I wanted to move but couldnt. It was almost like I had to fight my body to wake up.

Seriously freaked the crap out of me.

Sleep Paralysis.

It go to be so bad I cannot sleep on my back anymore.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:38:20 PM EDT
I had it happen once when I awoke from a dream when I was 18 or so.

Definitely frightened me.

Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:39:00 PM EDT
Is this common?

The reason we sleep is for your mind. I didn't think your body "needed" sleep.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:43:51 PM EDT
Sleep paralysis is just so you won't move about when you're dreaming. Sometimes your mind wakes up before it can un-paralyze you. I'm sure there is a wikipedia article about it.

Edit: Article here.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:48:35 PM EDT
I've had that experience a few times, most were when I was about to fall asleep, rather than waking up.

Some have had experiences of *ALIENS* in the room with them.  It might be a precurser to abduction.
For me, once it happened the first couple of times it scared the heck out of me.  Once  I realized what it was (I no longer minded the anal probe J/K) I no longer was afraid, and now when it happens, I somewhat enjoy the ride.

Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:57:51 PM EDT
Yes.  I can think of several times in the service when that happened.  It has happened to me a couple of times since I retired as well.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:57:51 PM EDT

I happened to me this morning and totally freaked me out. I was completely paralized for about 30 seconds. I wanted to move but couldnt. It was almost like I had to fight my body to wake up.

Seriously freaked the crap out of me.

Honestly, It is a common occurance. You need to seriously think about the control you have over your life. I've been through some pretty stange things. I found that if you are ruled by your dreams you don't have full control of your life.

Take some time and concentrate on being in full controll of some simple things in your day to day life and it will transfer into your dreams.

I did the same and was actually able to fly like a rocket in my dreams. It was cool but only lasted for a few weeks.

Now I'm working on actually having a gun in my dreams. It's seams everyone but me has a fire arm. I run but have no speed.

I know I'm a freak by the way
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:57:55 PM EDT

I happened to me this morning and totally freaked me out. I was completely paralized for about 30 seconds. I wanted to move but couldnt. It was almost like I had to fight my body to wake up.

Seriously freaked the crap out of me.

soap poisoning.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 1:59:28 PM EDT
Sleep Paralysis that ocurrs with the onset of sleep is a possible sign of problems such as narcolepsy and insufficient sleep.  Don't worry, it's common (it used to happen to me all the time with nifty hallucinations included!).  
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:02:30 PM EDT
Happens to me all the time. My mind will be totally alert and the wife will be nudging me telling me to stop snoring.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:03:48 PM EDT
whenever I snort the Haitian voodoo puffer fish powder
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:07:41 PM EDT


I happened to me this morning and totally freaked me out. I was completely paralized for about 30 seconds. I wanted to move but couldnt. It was almost like I had to fight my body to wake up.

Seriously freaked the crap out of me.

Honestly, It is a common occurance. You need to seriously think about the control you have over your life. I've been through some pretty stange things. I found that if you are ruled by your dreams you don't have full control of your life.

Take some time and concentrate on being in full controll of some simple things in your day to day life and it will transfer into your dreams.

I did the same and was actually able to fly like a rocket in my dreams. It was cool but only lasted for a few weeks.

Now I'm working on actually having a gun in my dreams. It's seams everyone but me has a fire arm. I run but have no speed.

I know I'm a freak by the way

Controlling your dreams is especially important when your up against Freddy Krueger.

Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:07:57 PM EDT
Yes.  Scary as hell - just like being paralyzed.  The last time that happened was a few months ago, I was able to fight my way out of it by trying to scream for my girlfriend to wake me up.  

All she heard from me was incoherent mumbling, but she did wake me up and I was free of that trap.  That's about all you can do, I know it sucks.  

I don't know WTF is behind it, but it is extremely frightening.  
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:10:17 PM EDT
It's been happening to me quite a bit lately. Having recently finished radiation therapy for brain tumors and being on medication for seizures and strong steroids for edema, my sleep patterns are severely disrupted. I'm wide awake by 0330, Ambien doesn't really work so I just get up. I end up taking a lot of catnaps and it's when I wake up from a nap that my eyes are open and I'm thinking and totally cognisant, but I just can't move - at all. It's like my body is frozen. I hate it. It passes within minutes but I doubt that when it's happening I could move even if the room was on fire around me.

It was scary at first, now it just sucks.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:20:40 PM EDT
Yep, definately scary, but interesting at the same time.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:20:44 PM EDT



I happened to me this morning and totally freaked me out. I was completely paralized for about 30 seconds. I wanted to move but couldnt. It was almost like I had to fight my body to wake up.

Seriously freaked the crap out of me.

Honestly, It is a common occurance. You need to seriously think about the control you have over your life. I've been through some pretty stange things. I found that if you are ruled by your dreams you don't have full control of your life.

Take some time and concentrate on being in full controll of some simple things in your day to day life and it will transfer into your dreams.

I did the same and was actually able to fly like a rocket in my dreams. It was cool but only lasted for a few weeks.

Now I'm working on actually having a gun in my dreams. It's seams everyone but me has a fire arm. I run but have no speed.

I know I'm a freak by the way

Controlling your dreams is especially important when your up against Freddy Krueger.


Controling your dream is entirely possible. Except when under heavy meds like Ginger menchioned.

It's usually just a matter of what you experience before you fall asleep.

Try severly pounding a punching bag and having alittle confidence. Or maybe some dry fire home protection pratice.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:24:21 PM EDT
this paralysis whilst awake is just early manifestations of pre-zombism...
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:25:16 PM EDT
Happens from time to time to me. Usually i have just enoph movment to spasm myself awake over a 10 to 20 second time frame.

My wife has never seen this but is scared as hell when i get a differnt problem. I will wake up in the middle of the night with one arm(happens to both but not at same time) completely paralized and on fire. I will jump out of bed in extreame pain. Touching or trying to move the arm will only make it worse and it takes several minutes of walking in circles and trying not to scream before im able to get normal feeling and movment.

Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:26:33 PM EDT


Controling your dream is entirely possible. Except when under heavy meds like Ginger menchioned.

It's usually just a matter of what you experience before you fall asleep.

Oh I know you can control your dreams. I can do it when I realize I'm just dreaming,

your earlier post just sounded like some dialoge from Nightmare on Elm Street 3. You know, where the teens have to dream of themselves as super heros in order to beat Freddy.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:30:29 PM EDT
Only happened to me once that I can recall. I was in Rgr school and in a graded position. We got to the PB, I was looking around thinking about what I had to check, and just dropped. Mentally, I was fully alert. I couldn't move for a bit on the ground. After about 30 secs or so, I got up and resumed my duties. My biggest fear was that an RI saw it. They didn't.

Link Posted: 1/1/2007 2:32:49 PM EDT
Happens to me quite often.  I think it's cool as shit.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 3:22:37 PM EDT
I had seen something on TV about sleep paralysis and some months later it happened to me.

I remember going "Cool, just like they said it would be" It felt like a lead weight on my chest and I was unable to move. It lasted only a few seconds but it was an interesting experience.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 3:29:46 PM EDT

I happened to me this morning and totally freaked me out. I was completely paralized for about 30 seconds. I wanted to move but couldnt. It was almost like I had to fight my body to wake up.

Seriously freaked the crap out of me.

I hear that serial killers report that a lot.

Good luck.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 3:33:47 PM EDT
Happened to me twice, its like you are in a state of ecstasy where your body no longer has meaning.  You can open your eye's, you can see, yet you cant feel anything, you cant move.  Its like your soul or spirit wants to be free but your body is holding it back.

I thought it was cool shit when it has happened to me
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 3:40:23 PM EDT
Happens to me whenever I sleep on my back.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 3:46:52 PM EDT

Is this common?

The reason we sleep is for your mind. I didn't think your body "needed" sleep.

Yes it’s fairly common. I’ve had it happen twice to me. And you are still sleeping in a sense, you can have very vivid and realistic dreams. Sometimes people think they are being abducted by UFOs when it happens to them. I knew a girl that was terrified because demons kept raping her. It was just sleep paralysis, but I hadn’t heard of it at the time and thought she might be crazy.

Link Posted: 1/1/2007 3:52:39 PM EDT
It happens to me. Sometimes twice a year, then maybe 2 years before it happens again.

The first time scared the crap out of me. Then when I found out what it was, it became a neat experience. Just remember that it won't last for longer than a few seconds (although it may seem more like a minute from your perception).
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 4:02:09 PM EDT
It happens to me on a semi-regular basis. I hear a noise, a bump in the night, so to speak. (Since I work shift work, it is actually "a bump in the day") I want to get up to investigate but cannot. I go through several cycles of trying to wake up, then falling asleep. Its pretty scary but I never can wake up.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 4:04:53 PM EDT
It's happened to me 2-3 times and like everyone else the first time was scary, or atleast scarier than the other times. It lasted what felt like about thirty seconds and I can remember laying there in a frantic mental state trying to move. I finally concentrated on moving just my foot and when it did move it was like a trigger that made my whole body shoot up off of the bed.

I'm glad someone posted this thread. I never knew what was behind the incedents.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 9:56:01 PM EDT

Happens to me whenever I sleep on my back.

Yeah it did happen to me when I was sleeping on my back, and I very rarely sleep supine.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 10:07:41 PM EDT
When I was in high school I was once stuck asleep for 37 minutes while I was trying to wake up to my alarm was going off.  The problem was I kept waking up in another dream with the sound of my alarm obnoxiously ringing in the background even though I was conscious to the fact I was asleep and needed to wake up.

I was late to school that day.
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