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Posted: 9/18/2001 7:40:48 AM EDT
With all the bickering lately (which really has surprised me), I was wondering who out there would truely support military action and who wouldn't.  I do care about the cause or "it's because we give Isreal money" crap.  Just a [b]yes[/b] or [b]no[/b]

And for the sake of argument let's say the military action is to destroy all of Bin Ladin's organization.

[b]So...YES or NO??[/b]


PS  I am a wholeheartedly 100% yes [50]
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 7:41:40 AM EDT
Not just yes, but HELL YES!
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 7:43:42 AM EDT
I wish the member profile showed date of registration, because I believe some of the more vocal anti's are newly registered trolls.

A second to Rik's HELL YES!
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 7:45:59 AM EDT
We're already at war.  The sheeple finally figured it out last Tuesday.

100% for.  

We will lose some good people.  For those brave ones, I will pray.  But the acts of terror will not stop without it.

Semper Fi
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 7:46:06 AM EDT
Not just yes, but HELL YES!
View Quote
Well, I already knew you were on my side.


PS. I agree schnacke
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 7:46:43 AM EDT
If you say no, you are either a coward, or you are un-American. If we don't, we will continue to suffer more attacks. More lives will be lost, yes, but MANY more lives may be lost if we do nothing. Why can't people realize this?

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 7:49:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 7:52:47 AM EDT
hell yeah [heavy]

Spec. Sandoval
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:00:12 AM EDT
We all have to stand together.  I will do what ever I can to contribute.  Bring it on..........
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:00:56 AM EDT
a strong and unwavering YES...

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:02:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:06:01 AM EDT
I have had a belief that terrorist acts are acts of war.  I believe that it is past time that we take this stance, and support it fully.  If there is anything that I can do for support, I will be out there doing it.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:09:19 AM EDT
a loud yes.....with the determination to see it to the end.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:10:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:12:59 AM EDT
Naah, No bombs..

I think we should let "Hassan Ben Sobah" alone for a couple months..

Til that night he wakes to feel the edge of a Ka-Bar against his throat, and hears the whispered words "Greetings from the Umited States, Dickhead"

THEN turn the lights out..

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:13:20 AM EDT
Yes, all the way.

Nuke em!

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:13:31 AM EDT
Hell yeah!!

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:13:56 AM EDT
War is the worst thing mankind has ever invented....and should be the LAST resort when ALL else fails.....


God Bless America and pass the ammo.

Bulldog Out
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:19:02 AM EDT

"Sir, do we get to win this time?"
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:22:47 AM EDT
The fact that we have done little or nothing against terrorists for over 20 years is the reason we are here now.  We've tried the "give-peace-a-chance" stuff, we've done the "snatch & grab & put them on trial."  America is viewed as all bark and no bite but many of our enemies abroad.  THEY declared war on us.  THEY came to kill our people directly.  THEY chant in the street "Death to America."  So it is time to take the WAR to them.  Bomb them, shoot them, as far as I'm concerned "Nuke" them too. War is not a clean business, but that's war.  Civilians will die, but that's the horror of war.  Remember THEY started it, but we'll finish it.  If we don't, they will STILL come to kill us, except there will just be that many more.

- x-11 Bravo 1984-1988 (Korea, US, Europe)
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:25:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:26:53 AM EDT
I support a war against terrorism ... with this one caveat...

We have to be fighting for our freedom, our cause must be just, we must not be the bad guys.

It is that simple.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:27:05 AM EDT
YES, absolutely.

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:30:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:31:52 AM EDT
I quote General George S. Patton to amplify my response:

An ounce of sweat will save a gallon of blood...

We're not going to just shoot the sons-of-bitches, we're going to rip out their living Goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We're going to murder those lousy Hun cock suckers by the bushel-f***ing-basket. War is a bloody, killing business. You've got to spill their blood, or they will spill yours. Rip them up the belly. Shoot them in the guts. When shells are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt off your face and realize that instead of dirt it's the blood and guts of what once was your best friend beside you, you'll know what to do!

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:31:54 AM EDT
I quote General George S. Patton to amplify my response:

An ounce of sweat will save a gallon of blood...

We're not going to just shoot the sons-of-bitches, we're going to rip out their living Goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We're going to murder those lousy Hun cock suckers by the bushel-f***ing-basket. War is a bloody, killing business. You've got to spill their blood, or they will spill yours. Rip them up the belly. Shoot them in the guts. When shells are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt off your face and realize that instead of dirt it's the blood and guts of what once was your best friend beside you, you'll know what to do!

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:33:23 AM EDT
i shouldn't even have to, but...
...[size=6][red]HELL, FU#K YEAH!!![/red][/size=6]
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:34:17 AM EDT

And for the sake of argument let's say the military action is to destroy all of Bin Ladin's organization.

View Quote

Yes! to the above.  I would also add that it would need to eliminate, be it violently or politically, the support networks for ALL terrorists.

No! to a war for war's sake!
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:44:34 AM EDT

Cry Havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!


How many do we get to kill before they make us stop?[/red][/size=6][/center]

[50]   [chainsaw]   [frag]   [heavy]   [pistol]   [pyro]   [rail]   [rocket]   [uzi]   [shotgun]   [sniper]   [grenade]  

Edited....Just in case I wasn't clear. [;D]
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:53:42 AM EDT
HELL YES!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:55:40 AM EDT
[b]And for the sake of argument let's say the military action is to destroy all of Bin Ladin's organization.

So...YES or NO??

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:58:58 AM EDT
Hell Yes!!!!!
[sniper]         [-=(_)=-]
[50] [rocket]
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:01:02 AM EDT
Any country that is found to support these assholes in any way should be left in ruins and the color of sand should be forever called RED!!
"The more you sweat in Peace the less you Bleed in War" Lets get it on, Rock and Roll and anything else that conveys YES 100 Fucking %.
Semper Fi, USMC Retired.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:03:32 AM EDT
To use a phrase from the cold war era "The balloon is going up".

I do solemly swear, to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States; against all enemies; foriegn and domestic.

"Twenty four empty tubes and a warm glow in the east. It's Miller Time".

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:04:17 AM EDT
. If we don't, we will continue to suffer more attacks.

The answer is "YES!!!", yet just because we do attack I am not in the opinion that we won't be attacked again. I think it is more likely for America to feel the back-lash of this war for many years to come. With the FBI finding out that these terroists were "sleepers", well I think it is highly likely that there are more. The other thing I am worried about is a conflict with the Afgans and/or many other Arab States. Lets remember and do research of the long war that the Soviets lost with the Afgans. I am by no means saying we should not attack, and I will gladly go if the time comes and I am needed. I just would hope that everyone understands the implications and the possible avenues this whole "war" "COULD" take. Hell we may go over and it's all over in 6 monthes, then again it could be 10 years. Are we prepared for that?
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:06:10 AM EDT
I 100% support the President and the Military to go to war.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:07:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:17:00 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:17:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:18:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:22:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:25:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:27:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:30:01 AM EDT
No...Oh wait what was the question?

[size=6][b]HELL YES![/b][/size=6]
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:41:50 AM EDT
Abso$#@%lutely yes!!!!
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:45:39 AM EDT
100 Percent YES!!! I haven't spoken to anyone who won't.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:54:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:58:32 AM EDT
When confronted a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Someone f_cked with us and now it's time to pay the piper.

It would be unAmerican to oppose a war whose sole purpose is defending our homeland.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 10:01:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 10:06:36 AM EDT
Yes, I will support any war effort. However, I am not anxious for war. I find it very difficult to thump my chest and hope for a war that I won't have to fight. I fear for our young warriors who will fight and die if all this turns into a real shooting war, I will support them any way that I can.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 10:14:03 AM EDT
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