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Posted: 9/18/2001 5:49:34 AM EDT
So Dan Rather was on last night, Dave's first show since the attack. He broke down and started crying a couple of times while talking about it.

Now for the suprising part. He never said anything derogatory about us or our involvement anywhere being a cause for anything. He clearly stated that the people responsible for this were filled with hate and were very evil. He described them as being so evil that it could not be described. And went on about how filled with hate and resentment they are. Hell, he actually did a pretty good job of explaining it. He made up a couple of points last night in my book.  I'm mostly tired of all these other jerks trying to rationalize what happened last week and how America has brought it upon themselves. At least Dan didn't go there last night.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 5:56:20 AM EDT
He is still an idiot and I still don't like him.  But at least he was an American last night.

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:01:21 AM EDT
He is still an idiot and I still don't like him.  But at least he was an American last night.

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Very true. He was an American above all else last night.  While I still do not like him, It gave me a bit more respect for the guy.

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:01:59 AM EDT
I forgot one important thing:

He actually degraded them to the point of describing them as a group that you would have to fight dirty with. He essentially said that we would have to do thing to fight them that would not be as honorable as we'd like. Then he equated it to the difference between a street fight and Golden Gloves match.

He was litterally explaining to people that we were gonna have to covertly kick some ass. That was my take on it anyway.

I may not be able normally to stand the guy, but last night he was doing a good job of telling it like it is. And the good part is that coming from a liberal dude like this is the best way to get some of his followers hooked up and in sync with what has to be done now.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:04:14 AM EDT
"I think a person can lie about any number of things, and still be an honest person."

-- Dan Rather

Two observations -

1. Fake tears are a form of lying. Not saying Dan's were fake, but....

2. I wonder if the little ditty above summarizes how ol' Danny boy has reported the news for the last number of years.

A snake, dressed up as a kitten, is still a snake.

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:06:48 AM EDT
"A snake, dressed up as a kitten, is still a snake." garandman

He may be a snake but last night he was trying to eat a rat, and that's one time that a snake ain't so bad.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:12:45 AM EDT
"I think a person can lie about any number of things, and still be an honest person."

-- Dan Rather
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Is that from the interview by Bill O'Reilly?  I remember him saying something like that about Bill Clinton.  I couldn't believe it.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:18:31 AM EDT

He may be a snake but last night he was trying to eat a rat, and that's one time that a snake ain't so bad.
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OK, I see your point, to a point.
But I'm not buying it.

After all the years of spinning the news, after all his personal attacks against gun owners, after Bashing conservatives endlessly, after accusing Bush of stealing the election, Rather says ONE thing right, and you guys all swoon. Sheesh - this ain't high school. [}:D]

Rather is looking at opinion polls, seeing WHEN he can make his anti-Constritutional, anti-American socialist comments. THIS is not such a time. He HAD to say something patriotic-sounding, or he would be run out of town on a rail.

Don't buy into his dog and pony show, just because he FINALLY said something you agree with.

He is a snake. He will always be a snake. ANd YOU are what he consideres to be the next "rat" he REALLY wants to eat.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:20:09 AM EDT
The best part was when he said this:

"Bush is OUR President, and if the time comes, I'll line up wherever he tells me to."

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:20:14 AM EDT
"I think a person can lie about any number of things, and still be an honest person."

-- Dan Rather
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Is that from the interview by Bill O'Reilly?  I remember him saying something like that about Bill Clinton.  I couldn't believe it.
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He says lying is fine. If its is OK for a President, it must be OK for a lowly reporter.

So, ANYTHING he says is suspect. Even if it sounds patriotic.

Come on people. You are smarter than this.

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:21:26 AM EDT
If Bush said, "Hey, don't worry Osama, we aren't gonna bother you anymore." And then he sent some guys over there to rip him to schreds,,, well then I could believe that quote. Yeah baby...

As far as Clinton is concerned, I've said a little prayer of thanks every day that he's been out of the oval office, or was that the ovary orifice. I get confused.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:22:34 AM EDT
"I think a person can lie about any number of things, and still be an honest person."

-- Dan Rather
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Is that from the interview by Bill O'Reilly?  I remember him saying something like that about Bill Clinton.  I couldn't believe it.
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He says lying is fine. If its is OK for a President, it must be OK for a lowly reporter.

So, ANYTHING he says is suspect. Even if it sounds patriotic.

Come on people. You are smarter than this.

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Your absolutley right what is that guy thinking using HIS 1st Amendment Rights, I mean really the nerve.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:25:50 AM EDT
Hey garandman,

I ain't swooning. I haven't done that for a very long time now, maybe too old and burned out.

I'm not so burned out and scarred over as to not appreciate it when one of these lefties of the media actually pulls his head out long enough to see the light. Next time he says something stupid I'll be all over him just like you. But I'm still gonna appreciate his seeing the light this week.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:33:38 AM EDT
Next time he says something stupid I'll be all over him just like you. But I'm still gonna appreciate his seeing the light this week.
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My only point is I suspect the ONLY reason he "saw the light" is because he KNOWS that THIS light is on a train that would RUN HIM OVER if he dared do anything but agree with it.

Patriotism at "gun point" ain't really patriotism.

Your enemy will always lie to you, to gain the advantage over you. Question is, are you willing to believe him???
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:35:28 AM EDT
Dan Rather is a statist liberal boob who appears at Democratic party fundraisers and doesn't even apologise. But think what would happen if Bill O'Reilly or Brit Hume appeared at NRA or GOP fundraisers....

Our media are so liberal, they don't even think they're liberal- they assume everybody else thinks just like they do. And in their little funhouse of mirrors, that's all they ever see or hear.

I trust Dan Rather about as far as I can throw him.

Isn't amazing how all the doves have turned to hawks in the past week?
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:44:42 AM EDT

"When it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel is just a freight train coming your way."

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:47:45 AM EDT
Did anyone see the beginning of the show last night?  Letterman was talking about Chouteau, MT describing how inspiring it was that an area that has been in drought for several years held a rally to raise money for NYC. That area contains some of the most patriotic Americans I have every seen. I have several relatives from Chouteau.  I even saw Dave at the local grocery last year on the Fourth of July.  I guess my point is it is good to see people that I know, that are having a tough time making it, doing something for the rest of America.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:50:03 AM EDT

Hmmmmmmm, you're right. In fact, I agree with everything you say.

My point however is not that I see him changing, for I doubt that he ever will. And I especially like the 95thfoot put it about these guys being so liberal that they don't even know they are.

What I like about seeing this is that he is using his influence (the power he has that we all hate) at this moment to support Bush and condone any covert activities, at least for now. He will change with the wind, I have no doubt about that, but last night he was whistling the right tune. That's all, nothing else. No new Dan Rather fan clubs starting up on my street. And I still haven't taken his picture off of my dart board. I'm just not aiming at it as much as the others today. hehehehe
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 6:52:39 AM EDT
retro -

That's cool.

Rather is not  a friend, but a useful enemy.

We'll use him, UNTIL he becomes unuseable.

Link Posted: 9/18/2001 7:09:57 AM EDT
This is not the first time Rather has shown these colors.
During the election campaign he dutifully read his notes in a live news broadcast that Gore had said that 17 and 18 year olds could walk into a gun store in Louisiana and buy handguns. After reading that off the paper in front of him, he then looked straight into the camera and said, [i]You, Mr. Vice President are a liar,[/i] and continued with the news.
I'm sure he got his ass ripped for that one.
It has also been reported that he has entertained the idea of going to Fox.
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 7:31:33 AM EDT
Yes I despise his liberal beliefs,,but we have to consider the magnitude of the situation. This was an act of War on a grand scale. If you are not training start. Be ready, and go if you are a "man." do you want to be shoveling shit in the far rear or do you have what it takes to be up front,,either way do something. Semper Fi
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 8:36:47 AM EDT
What about Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes taken aback by a guest who said he wouldn't live in a country that surrendered civil liberties for more safety nor would he give his son for that country, Wallace looked at him like he was nuts.

Who saw that!
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:25:14 AM EDT
Dan Rather, was a bit out of character with his act on Letterman last night....

I think, he was just upset because, he couldn't get a cab, or go eat at his favorite restaurant, and see a broadway show,...For the last week.
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