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Posted: 9/17/2001 2:12:07 PM EDT
Check this crap out. A letter to the editor from a 19 year old woman from oregon who is inthe National Guard.

Aviator  [img]www.dredgeearthfirst.com/aviator.gif[/img]

Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:16:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:18:14 PM EDT
You really have to wonder what she was thinking when she joined the Guard.

Also, this is only a single data point, but with more and more women in the military, we will see more like this.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:20:56 PM EDT
She's a woman.  I know that the Army is soft, but I also know that they have not resorted to using females in combat.  She sounds like the typical whiner/ self-confidence lacking, rebellious moron that joins the service in order to piss off their parents.  She's also only a 19 year old PFC who obviously has her head hopelessly lodged up her ass.  She has no idea of our security policy or the military's true role of fighting and winning wars.  She joined for the college money.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:21:04 PM EDT
Take it easy. She never expected to have to make a sacrifice in return for all the benefits she receives. That oath she took doesn't mean anything. She should be able to get out now and keep whatever she has received.

I hope some of her friends see this letter. She needs some sense knocked into her.[:(!]
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:21:30 PM EDT
Go ahead and shoot her but don't kill her.  She doesn't want to die.  WHY THE FUCK DID SHE JOIN ANYWAY?[>:/]
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:25:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:25:44 PM EDT

'Don't ask me to kill ... or to die' I am a 19-year-old college student. I joined the Oregon National Guard two months before I turned 18.


I write about the possibility of war. I am still in shock about everything that has happened. I want the people responsible to pay for their crimes. And those are the only people who should pay.

If we go to war, it will be my generation that will have to go. America will ask us to give up our dreams and to die for our country. We will be asked to leave our loved ones, to leave our educations and to die alongside our brothers, sisters and friends.

Please don't ask us to do this. I am not afraid to defend my country, but I am afraid for my country. Enough people have died already. Please don't ask me to kill others or to die myself in the name of revenge.

LAURA VILLANI Private first class Pendleton

Yeah, well she wants the benefits, the pay, the free education, the freedom to say what she believes, the right to vote.  She just wants it all.  Strap her ass to a mule in Afghanistan,  then see how she is treated there.   She should have thought about the possibility of actually serving when she signed her name on the dotted line.   Lock her dumb ass up!!

Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:27:23 PM EDT
Thats it. Throw her whinning crying splittail out on her ass. She need a good of the service discharge. She has just spit on the graves of all who have fallen before her. Jeeze . I served and seen friends die in training accidents and in combat. What is our military comming to.  GySgt USMC
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:35:59 PM EDT
The longer I am in the military, the more I realize that it isn't a place for women. Flame away if you like.

BTW- I know there are plenty of men like this out there too, but I have yet to meet a female that I would want to go into combat with. My girlfriend is a WM (Woman Marine). She always got pissed at me until she saw for herself.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:37:24 PM EDT
Update, the Commanding General of the Oregon Guard was just on the radio saying  he plans on having a word with her  [:D]. wish I could be a mouse in the corner!

Aviator  [img]www.dredgeearthfirst.com/aviator.gif[/img]
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:38:02 PM EDT
Are you sure that the letter is real? Or is it another Chain Letter like that "Letter from a Afgan Refugee"?
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:41:38 PM EDT
The longer I am in the military, the more I realize that it isn't a place for women. Flame away if you like.

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*Gasp!*  Awww, now we all know, thanks to our modern liberal politicians and such, that women can perform just as good, if not better than men in combat.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:45:03 PM EDT
The longer I am in the military, the more I realize that it isn't a place for women. Flame away if you like.

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*Gasp!*  Awww, now we all know, thanks to our modern liberal politicians and such, that women can perform just as good, if not better than men in combat.
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Except for 1.5 weeks a month. [;)]
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:45:30 PM EDT
After active duty in the USMC, I joined the Army National Guard. The vast majority of Guardsmen I met had this girls attitude. They were all paying for college with their service and couldn't be bothered with the needs of the country. I met very few Guardsmen with a warrior spirit, including in OCS. That was one of the big reasons that turned me sour on the Guard.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:47:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 2:55:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 3:01:49 PM EDT
Two words....discharge.

You also have to look at the advertising strategy of the Army National Guard, among others.  The commercials are filled with people who are "getting expensive training for free and earning money for college".  I haven't seen any ads that speak of defending your country and putting yourself in harms way for your fellow countryman, uh excuse me...countryperson.  The Marine Corps advertisements don't promise much because you aint gettin it.  No offense to anyone in any branch of the armed forces but if I had to go into combat, I'd want a Marine beside me.  Most men who join the Marine Corps aren't expecting much other than the chance to be a Marine.  Semper Fi, from a soon to be devil dog.

Damn, Striker you got your post up about 30 seconds before mine.  Oh well, I'm leavin it.  The point has been made twice.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 3:03:02 PM EDT
[size=5][b]TREASONOUS BITCH![/b][/size=5]
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 3:14:15 PM EDT
Stupid bitch.  Now you know the real reason she joined the National Guard...."give me the money for nothing".  I like to think that anyone who joins the American military does so for the love of our country and the willingness to support it at all costs.  I guess I am wrong....people like this just prove that we need to take a long look at where we are as a nation.  God this sickens me.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 3:21:59 PM EDT
She's a woman.  I know that the Army is soft, but I also know that they have not resorted to using females in combat.  She sounds like the typical whiner/ self-confidence lacking, rebellious moron that joins the service in order to piss off their parents.  She's also only a 19 year old PFC who obviously has her head hopelessly lodged up her ass.  She has no idea of our security policy or the military's true role of fighting and winning wars.  She joined for the college money.
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You would be surprised by the number that join only for that reason alone, never expecting that they may actually be forced to honor their commitments.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 3:26:31 PM EDT
Two words....discharge.
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Three....Big Chicken Dinner.


Under Article 134
for demonstrating any conduct of a nature
to bring discredit upon the armed forces.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 3:34:46 PM EDT
The longer I am in the military, the more I realize that it isn't a place for women. Flame away if you like.

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*Gasp!*  Awww, now we all know, thanks to our modern liberal politicians and such, that women can perform just as good, if not better than men in combat.
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Except for 1.5 weeks a month. [;)]
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somebody's been pulling the wool over your eyes, dude.  the average is 5 or 6 days, and 7 or 8 is considered a long stretch.  [:D]
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 3:59:52 PM EDT
This ignorant bitch should quit her whining and scurry back to the closest Starbucks.  Hell I'm nearer to 50 than 40, bald and fat.  I was in the Army Reserves for 8 years, and retired 12 years ago as a Captain.  I wasn't in combat arms, my job was to help keep our fighting forces alive after they had seen action.  I missed Nam, and I missed Panama, and I missed Desert Storm. But I can tell you one thing for sure. I feel it is my obligation to stand between the innocents of this country and evil men who aim to do them harm.  ANYONE who raised their hand and swore the oath that I did has the same obligation.  I'll be there in a heartbeat if they'll have me, and maybe even if they won't.
Don't wanna go and fight, fuck off and go tell someone who cares.  
(Rant Off)
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 4:23:52 PM EDT
Guess there are those WITHOUT HONOR in the military as well... sad sad times, when a person is more concerned with their own financial welfare than that of their country and countrymen.

I imagine there are a very SMALL number of these disgraces in the military, I can't imagine they would be able to stay with that attitude.

Personally, I would allow her to stay home and assign her the task of cleaning every toilet in every rest room across America until the War is over... filth belongs with filth.

-- GB

F' Bin Laden
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Thanks for the college money, but PLEASE don't actually make me earn it!
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 4:27:24 PM EDT
What the hell does she think she's drawing pay for?  And apparently she has NO concept of what being in the military involves.
I remember some of the same type of comments during Desert Shield/Storm.  Those folks were asses, too.
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When she gets called up, have her work in graves registration, probably the dirtiest, most thankless job in the military. My uncle told me it was the only part of the army where it was OK to be drunk on duty- otherwise, how could one handle it? (This was WW2)

Then she'll understand what sacrifice is all about.....
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 4:33:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 4:34:37 PM EDT
GOD!  Some people are so whiney.  All she has to do is get pregnant and sit at home while the men have to go fight.  Well I guess a man might be able to get out if he said he was tryin’
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 4:37:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 4:41:58 PM EDT
Gentlemen I hate to break it to ya, but this is exactly the type of person the Army actively recuits, of late. I went to the recruiter (reserve), told him I wanted 19-series (Tanker=COMBAT) or nothing, and they all looked at me like I had 3 f*cking heads! They asked me why I didn't want "useful job training", and I told them that the ONLY reason I would go back in is if we go to war, and that a SOLDIER's place is UP FRONT. You should have seen the dumb looks I got.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 4:48:03 PM EDT
The only reason she makes the papers is because she is a woman.  All the men who suddnly "discover their true sexuality" to avoid combat aren't going to get any press. There is no lobby actively trying to keep men out of the military.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 4:57:29 PM EDT
Send her ass to afganistan, that will help her get an education. acording to the taliban laws, it,s illegal to educate a female, or give them a ride in a car. about the only thing they are good for over there is cooking, cleaning and screwing. come to think of it, she might fit in too well over there.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 4:58:31 PM EDT
Need a reason for no females in combat?  Here it is.

Read "Always A Warrior" by Charles Sasser, especially the final chapters for more reasons should there be any lingering doubt.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 5:18:51 PM EDT
Most of the ANG women that come to our range are in it for the college benefits, that's it! "What does the government have for me?" We had one that was clostrophibic. The SGT has them put their gas mask on and stomp up our berms and then engage targets. It was hot, so he didn't use smoke on the hill, just had them stomp. She nutted up about the mask and the heat, and they pulled her to the side and sat her down. What happens when this flake gets in the field? Ever see "When Trumpets Fade"? If she starts nutting up in combat and freaking out, or deserting, shoot her!
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 5:45:59 PM EDT
That is the most selfish thing I have heard in a long time. What if the members of "The Greatest Generation" would have had that attitude? She should be ashamed.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 6:35:41 PM EDT
Its no surprise to see things like this, not to me anyway. To say that I am disgusted would be an understatement.

Why did she even bother writing a letter? I mean all she has to do is get pregnant (like a lot of women in the past, and I am completely certain like a lot now) and she will get an honorable discharge and be let out with all her benfits. Hell, she could even get an abortion and not even worry about the kid, she sounds like a fucking liberal anyway.

I worry for our country. This is what happens when political correctness gets in the way of common sense and women are allowed to join. This shit scares me.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 6:54:41 PM EDT
Hmm... I'm in the USMCR in Battle Creek, Michigan and everyone there is itching to go.  It was kind of funny when I went to enlist I talked to the Army and Navy about enlistment bonuses and the GI Bill.  Then I went to the Marine recruiter because they have the best recruiting posters. :)  He gave me the usual speel then I said "What kind of enlistment bonus do you have for being a Combat Engineer" he looked at me with a frown then said "None".  I said "Where do I sign".  My grandfather saw the flag go up on Iwo Jima.  Maybe is was fate that I join the Marine Corp too?

Semper Fi


Women can do great things.  But I would not want to be near one in combat.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 8:39:32 PM EDT
I say that when the time comes, we put her on the front line with everyone else. We won't ask that she kill. We won't ask that she die. We'll just ask that she be present and prepared when the SHTF, and she can decide, one way or the other, what happens to her from there.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 8:50:34 PM EDT
Was  it ok for my generation  to go to Nam? there was less whining then than this pathetic waste.....they should give her a dishonorable for cowardice.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 8:57:40 PM EDT
Same thing during the Gulf War. "I just enlisted to take advantage of the G.I. bill for college" etc. "They can't send me to to War."
They took advantage of the new American way-
Something for nothing.
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 9:07:24 PM EDT
I just thought that I sholuld give the point of view that someone near her age has.  Next Friday is my twenty third birthday.  Reading her letter made me want to puke my fucking guts out.  Pardon my language.  When I was about to graduate in '97, all of the recruiters told me that I would only be able to get a staff job because of my flat feet.  I wish that they would have taken me as an infantryman.  I wasn't looking for the benefits.  I was looking for the two things that matter to me.  Pride and Honor.  I have pride in my country and the majority of our soldiers and I consider it an honor to serve our country.  They will never draft me because I will volunteer.  My POS roommate cussed me because I cussed the letters author.  Maybe he should be on the front line with her.  The people of my generation worry me.  And they make me sick.

Link Posted: 9/17/2001 9:10:51 PM EDT

If I remember correctly, they don't "ask" you............
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 9:13:57 PM EDT
I saw the same thing when I was training LA National Guard to go to the Gulf War.  In fact, a whole battalion chartered buses and deserted back to LA.  Makes me sick!

Link Posted: 9/17/2001 9:28:51 PM EDT
Maybe I won't "ask her to kill."  How about a blow job?
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 9:36:22 PM EDT
I say that when the time comes, we put her on the front line with everyone else. We won't ask that she kill. We won't ask that she die. We'll just ask that she be present and prepared when the SHTF, and she can decide, one way or the other, what happens to her from there.
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The problem with that is she'll wind up getting someone else killed, say when she fails to provide covering fire.  Sure, she might get a grenade in the tent after that, but what about the one she let down?
Link Posted: 9/17/2001 10:20:20 PM EDT
I want a machine gun without having to shell out several grand and without the government having a record of it, but I don't want to go to jail after I get it!  

*only kidding don't report me!*
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 9:52:48 AM EDT
Death before dishonor.  I wonder which one she deserves?
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 10:09:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 10:21:35 AM EDT
The longer I am in the military, the more I realize that it isn't a place for women. Flame away if you like.

BTW- I know there are plenty of men like this out there too, but I have yet to meet a female that I would want to go into combat with. My girlfriend is a WM (Woman Marine). She always got pissed at me until she saw for herself.
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Amen brother, I dont relish the idea either.

Ranger Out
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 10:23:39 AM EDT
The longer I am in the military, the more I realize that it isn't a place for women. Flame away if you like.

BTW- I know there are plenty of men like this out there too, but I have yet to meet a female that I would want to go into combat with. My girlfriend is a WM (Woman Marine). She always got pissed at me until she saw for herself.
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Amen brother, I dont relish the idea either.

Ranger Out
Link Posted: 9/18/2001 10:41:57 AM EDT
Reading something like that makes me rather disgusted.  I attempted to join the military, however was rejected for medical reasons (kinda bogus in my mind, still a little angered at it even 12-13 years laters).  I agree with the members that it sounds like it is a person (male for female..who cares? There is probably some men who feel the same way) that just wanted to have more goodies from the government.

I hope that this woman does get a discharge, perhaps even a dishonorable one, since to me, she has dishonored the service.  It was her choice to join, and she should have realized that there was a chance that America could go to combat.  To try and weasel out of her commitment like that disgusts me to no end.
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