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Posted: 9/12/2001 4:25:56 AM EDT
I'm sitting here thinking that if we, AR15.com,  CANNOT come together on this issue, NOTHING will bring us together.

I've read WAAAAYY too many "Fuck you's" in the last 24 hrs.

I can understand the emotions present here. I've experienced everything from watery eyes, to blind rage, to envisioning what I might have felt, done if I were on one of those planes.

I too want corpses laid at my feet - for ANYONE even remotely connectected with planning, executing or funding this cowardly act.

Some of you are LITERALLY causing patriotic, non-whte skinned American MEMBERS of this site to fear for THEIR families. Much the way the patriotic Japanese Americans were herded into concentration camps here in America some 60 years ago.

And some of you are not showing ENUF resolve to wipe this vermin off the face of the earth.

Simply, what I am saying is, PLEASE gain control of the emotions I am sure you feel, for I feel them too. Lets come TOGETHER as a internet site, as a nation, with a singular purpose - the punishment of those, [b]and ONLY those, [/b] who took out countrymen's lives yesterday.

My Congressman Lindsay Graham (SC) said it best yesterday - "As our Fore Fathers defeated tyranny, so will we." Together.

Link Posted: 9/12/2001 4:31:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 4:35:58 AM EDT
Well said, Garandman.  I've heard a lot of the same lately.  The last thing we need right now is the "mob mentality".  Let's get 'em, but let's be sure we get the right ones.  Persecution of folks just because of their heritage will serve no purpose at all.  
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 4:38:02 AM EDT
"Simply, what I am saying is, PLEASE gain control of the emotions I am sure you feel, for I feel them too. Lets come TOGETHER as a internet site, as a nation, with a singular purpose - the punishment of those, and ONLY those, who took out countrymen's lives yesterday." GARANDMAN

Be careful with the term "only" cause that would be the guys who died in the planes already. Now you probably also mean the ones who sent them. I agree with that. But I also agree with my president. Get every SOB that supported their activity and helped them in any way.

I just don't see it worth our while to try and get even with those idiots who are celebrating what happened.

So Yeah, kick their asses. I'm with ya.
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 4:46:44 AM EDT

Be careful with the term "only" cause that would be the guys who died in the planes already. Now you probably also mean the ones who sent them. I agree with that. But I also agree with my president. Get every SOB that supported their activity and helped them in any way.

So Yeah, kick their asses. I'm with ya.
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Note that I said "for ANYONE even remotely connectected with planning, executing or funding this cowardly act."

So, yeah, we are in agreement.

Link Posted: 9/12/2001 4:48:26 AM EDT
Garandman, the 'fuck you' comments have been directed at those who have made excuses for this action and for those that don't think we should retaliate.  As long as assinine people show support and make excuses for this, there will be no restraint by others.  If it is a free country for someone to show support for this murdererous rampage, then it is a free country to tell them 'fuck you'.  I don't mean American citizens who are of Arab descent, I mean anyone, no matter who and where, who makes excuses for what happened and tries to place plame, which is making an excuse, I say 'fuck you' to them.  This is murder, there is no excuse, period, regardless of ideologies.  Anyone who tries to justify it deserves to be flamed and worse.
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 4:53:19 AM EDT
LarryG -

I've read much of what was posted yesterday, and I think some people may be mistaking the "Don't blame ALL Arabs" message with the "We support what happened " message.

I really can honestly say I did not see ANYONE excusing this action on this site yesterday.

But I'm with you. If ANYONE did, I say just add their names to "the list."

Applauding after the fact makes them a accomplice, in my mind.

That said - let's learn from the mistake we made against patriotic Japanese Americans ONLY 60 years ago. That way, we won't have to make any "reparations." [rolleyes]

Link Posted: 9/12/2001 4:53:29 AM EDT
We are together. I don't see a problem.
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 4:55:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 5:06:38 AM EDT
Garandman this war ....
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...and let NO ONE doubt my (our) resolve.

I am ready to go. Personally. Told the wife so last nite.

Link Posted: 9/12/2001 5:08:29 AM EDT
Good post, Garandman.  There has been a touch of mob mentality here, with a seeming competition to see who can bellow the loudest about nuking the rag-heads.
I want precison revenge.  I want the exact people who did this along with the people who aided them in its execution.  Launching Tomahawk missiles at a bunch of luckless civilians is in no way proper payback  for what happened yesterday.
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 5:12:47 AM EDT
Good post, Garandman.  
I want precison revenge.  I want the exact people who did this along with the people who aided them in its execution.  
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And then I wanna drive a stake thru their  %$#*(@& hearts.

Rage is good. But it needs to be controlled.

We are DEFINITLEY in agreement. Which is my point. You and I have butted heads ALOT in the past, but here, we need to show solidarity.
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 5:44:32 AM EDT
Count me in, garandman.
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 6:10:57 AM EDT
GIVE BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 7:20:47 AM EDT
Everyone wants to seek revenge and we still do not know who is responsible.  Put your guns down, dont worry about stocking up on ammo.  This board makes us look no better then the Arabs dancing on the streets.
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 8:12:30 AM EDT
"We are blooded now, in that war. We know that they can hurt us, if we let them. [i]If...we...let...them.[/i] If we let [i]them[/i] control how we feel and act, [i]they[/i] will destroy us, because [i]they[/i] hate our guts. [i]They[/i] hate the very linings of our hearts! Who are they? I'll tell you who they are.... They are the clever, seeing ones anywhere in the world who fear and envy America. [i]They[/i] are the people who hate America in their hearts. [i]They[/i] can even be Americans themselves, and those are most devilish of all. We cannot know them by their faces. But we can know them by their words and actions. And [i]there they are![/i] Look at them! We laughed at them once. We know better now. They think they are destroying our pride and our courage, our love for and devotion to America. And maybe they can do that, [i] if...we...let...them.[/i] Let every man take a moment to remember himself six months ago. [i]They[/i] have made the difference in us all!.... They expect in the end to haul down Old Glory to shame, disgrace and oblivion. We will defend that flag. With our lifeblood, when the time comes for that. And until then, with the cheerful sacrifice of ease and comfort. They expect it to destroy us. But it is only going to make us stronger..... We are awake now. We know that we are defending America. We know about the new weapons and what they can do to a man....."

-- LT Collins in [b][i]The Sand Pebbles,[/i][/b] by [b]Richard McKenna[/b]
Link Posted: 9/12/2001 8:43:23 AM EDT
There are no innocent or luckless civilians in palistine territories or afghanistan right now. You show me an innocent and I'd kill them any way. The way to end this war is to end their culture by killing every last one of them. Slowly and methodically.

As for arab-americans (no such thing your either american or not) they either stand with us or against us. Those that stand with us are allies those that stand agains us are ENEMIES who should DIE.

Those cowardly bastards asked for war so lets give them a war in which every last on of them gets to meet the god they cherish so much. Send em all back to allah, and do it painfully.

First targets are schools, churches and hospitals. Kill the children, the religous leaders and the healers and a society weakens. We all saw when russia fought afghans that the children became soldiers so kill them first.
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