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Posted: 4/11/2006 7:04:06 PM EDT
I killed 18 of the satan-spawned bitches today alone, mostly right at the base of the foundation.

Method: Spray Ortho Home Defense Max LIBERALLY on web. Widows HATE this shit, 'cause it kills them graveyard dead. The usually very shy spiders insticntively crawl up to get away from it, onto the siding.

After getting over the chillbumps and general feeling of "Oh SHIT", apply Size 11 quickly to affected area of siding.  Repeat for other obvious areas.  Once done, Weedeat the shit out of the grass next to the foundation to reomve the cover, and spray again.

Oh, and a blowtorch works nicely, too.

I still got the creepy crawlies, and I ain't gonna sleep for a month.

Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:06:03 PM EDT
air rifle dude, it makes it sporting
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:07:10 PM EDT
sounds like a good place for dr frige to spend his vacation!
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:07:18 PM EDT
These things are all over the place over here...

Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:08:12 PM EDT

Here, this will help you sleep...
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:09:32 PM EDT
I found a bunch of Black Widows in my garage last year, and dozens upon dozens of egg sacs in their webs.  

I had actually noticed the "spiders" there for a while, and just left them alone - figuring they'd keep the other insect (particularly cricket) population down, but never really looked closely at them.  When I finally DID take a close look, it was mass killin' time.  
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:09:47 PM EDT


Here, this will help you sleep...

Imagine that, only spread in a VERY thin layer over about 5 inches into a nice black pasty stain on siding.

Screw sporting...I'm going to continue to nuke the bitches from orbit.

Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:10:59 PM EDT

I found a bunch of Black Widows in my garage last year, and dozens upon dozens of egg sacs in their webs.  

I had actually noticed the "spiders" there for a while, and just left them alone - figuring they'd keep the other insect (particularly cricket) population down, but never really looked closely at them.  When I finally DID take a close look, it was mass killin' time.  

Yeah, I've killed two in my Garage already...this weekend it's time to clean out the clutter. Bet I get a few more.


Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:12:51 PM EDT
This thread will be very difficult for DrFri"D"ge to masturbate to.
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:14:57 PM EDT
Spiders = Instant loss of wood

Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:17:26 PM EDT
Well, at least at the minimum they aren't brown recluses
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:18:29 PM EDT
Glad you dispatched them with extreme prejudice.
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:20:04 PM EDT

Well, at least at the minimum they aren't brown recluses

We have those too.

As does every other house in Alabama.

Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:25:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:25:43 PM EDT
From one of my jobsites.  Worst I've ever seen was a plant in OK where they had sprayed the day before, many dozens of them dead by morning.  Simply amazing

Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:26:21 PM EDT

Well, at least at the minimum they aren't brown recluses

Damned right! A bite from a BW will most likely "only" result in feeling like shit for a week or so, but a bite from a Brown Recluse...?
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:36:09 PM EDT
Starting fluid and a bic lighter makes a not so creepy crawler. Sometimes they burst. Lots of them here in New Mexico they get in the garage alot. I have to be carefull when working in the garage and reaching into dark corners.
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:37:29 PM EDT


Well, at least at the minimum they aren't brown recluses

Damned right! A bite from a BW will most likely "only" result in feeling like shit for a week or so, but a bite from a Brown Recluse...?

I've actually been bitten by both. Which is why I have such an intense desire to kill every last damned one of them.

With the widow, I knew immediately when I was bitten, felt like a pinprick...Until about 5 minutes passed then it felt like my arm was in an elctrified vise. The doc had me put ice on it to help slow the swelling and spread of the venom. The widow bite caused INTENSE pain, like electic shock or pins and needles that shot up my arms, muscle spasm/cramping, sweating and fever. It swelled and hurt like hell for about four days, and I felt generally tired and shitty.

The Recluse bite I didn't even feel. I had some itching and redness and then a blister followed by some real pain. Luckily, the old country doctor I went to back then knew exactly what it was when he saw it and put me on HEAVY antibiotics and treatment immediately, so I didn't have TOO much tissue damage or infection. Still hurt like a cast iron bitch, and was just nasty to boot.  And I still have the scar. Freaking necrotoxin. Ugh.

Frankly, neither was worse than the other.

I'd just as soon kill all the fuckers.

Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:41:22 PM EDT
So... if I don't want to deal with painful and deadly/painful, rotting, and deadly spider bites, don't move to Alabama, New Mexico, Arizona, or anywhere in the general area? What about Texas? Are there safe places in Texas?

Goddammit, I hate spiders as much as DrFriDge does. Which I probably shouldn't have said on this forum. Now there are going to be spider pics in all my topics, aren't there?
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:43:22 PM EDT
There were hundreds of egg sacks in my garage a few months ago.

Link Posted: 4/11/2006 7:45:27 PM EDT
Grandparents live in Mississippi, have those evil things all over, one even made its web in their mail box once.
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 8:28:45 PM EDT
i actually have a black widow spider in a tupperware cup in my closet as a pet. Ive had her for about 2 yrs now and shes really cool and an excellent cricket assasin. personally i look at

BW VS Recluse as this:

BW builds webs in secluded places and wait for their prey so as long as you're carefull about where you stick your hands you shouldnt ever have a run in with one. And if you do get bit it wont kill you or really give you any permanent side affects.

Recluse: These are vicious, nomadic hunting type spiders. I dont think that they build webs. Instead they run around on the ground and seek out prey kinda like wolf spiders so youre much more likely to have a run in with one and they are more aggressive.
If you do get bit they are guaranteed to FUCK YOU UP! They have that necro. venom stuff that rotts your skin from the inside and can cause permanent damage and loss to muscle and skin tissue.

If i had to take a spider bite or infestatin it would be a BW one. Recluses scare the CRAP out of me!
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 11:56:33 PM EDT
****<Paging Dr.Fridge. Paging Dr.Fridge. Your input is needed in this thread, asap. Thank you.>****
Link Posted: 4/11/2006 11:59:23 PM EDT
I didn't need to click this thread
Link Posted: 4/12/2006 12:09:21 AM EDT
Use either/starting fluid
I can drop wasp breeds*yellow jackets* out of the sky with that
Want to get even more wicked...use what ever they use to clean electrical parts*cant think of the name*
Link Posted: 4/12/2006 3:27:00 AM EDT
Trichloroethylene works.
Link Posted: 4/12/2006 3:30:32 AM EDT
Thank god I live up north away from that shit!
Link Posted: 4/12/2006 3:46:49 AM EDT

Thank God I live up north away from that shit!


My area:
Only poisonous snake I know of here is the cottonmouth...and it's rare.
I have never seen any of these deadly spiders you all post, except at the museum, pinned to a wall
Hurricanes are nothing more than tropical storms when/if they get here
Tornadoes might get sighted going down the interstate briefly, and be reported in the news
I get snow, but hardly never enough to cripple the area for more than a day.
My parents house is at 800 feet. I'm at 350. I've never seen a flood.
There have been a few mild earthquakes in my life..all of which I have been told about later and said "really? There was an earthquake?"
I’ve never seen a wildfire.

The biggest problem with the area is that I'm 30 something miles from DC

But in terms of natural threats, I think this is the safest place in the country

Link Posted: 4/12/2006 4:39:34 AM EDT
Human dwellings offer perfect habitat for BWs.  

Remember that everyone's house in the SE is perfect habitat.  It's easy to awe neighbors with outdoor savy by showing them their BWs.  One only needs to be shown one BW in a web and then shown how to ID the other multitudinous webs in the area to be freaked out.  I have counted over a dozen in webs around various houses though.  I'm usually reminded to spot the spiders after talking about the fear of snakes.  

They're everyehere.
Link Posted: 4/12/2006 6:41:14 AM EDT

i actually have a black widow spider in a tupperware cup in my closet as a pet. Ive had her for about 2 yrs now and shes really cool and an excellent cricket assasin. personally i look at

BW VS Recluse as this:

BW builds webs in secluded places and wait for their prey so as long as you're carefull about where you stick your hands you shouldnt ever have a run in with one. And if you do get bit it wont kill you or really give you any permanent side affects.

Recluse: These are vicious, nomadic hunting type spiders. I dont think that they build webs. Instead they run around on the ground and seek out prey kinda like wolf spiders so youre much more likely to have a run in with one and they are more aggressive.
If you do get bit they are guaranteed to FUCK YOU UP! They have that necro. venom stuff that rotts your skin from the inside and can cause permanent damage and loss to muscle and skin tissue.

If i had to take a spider bite or infestatin it would be a BW one. Recluses scare the CRAP out of me!

Couldn't have said it better.  Never spotted a black widow, but have caught at least 10 recluses sharing my dwelling.  Why can't we make those extinct?

I once had one drop damn near on me right here at this desk.  Laid a spinner on the ceiling and dropped right down in front of my face. Talk about scarred for life.

Well, they do that too..  

I fucking hate brown recluses.

Link Posted: 4/12/2006 6:44:03 AM EDT
You have a SEASON for black widows there?

Here they are active and breeding year-round.  We have a season for rattlesnakes.

Link Posted: 4/12/2006 6:52:04 AM EDT
I kill everyone I see

I will never keep a BW for a pet
Link Posted: 4/12/2006 7:03:08 AM EDT
I was bit by one when sleeping. Very unpleasent. After I got back to the ranger station from the ER it was hasta la vista baby for evryone of those evil critters I could find.
Link Posted: 4/12/2006 7:04:28 AM EDT
I would rather have black widows then these:

Link Posted: 4/12/2006 7:34:13 AM EDT
Use PB Blaster (its a penatrating catalyst) on Spiders, I don't know whats in it but its like freaking vx nerve agent on them.  
Link Posted: 4/12/2006 7:43:33 AM EDT

So... if I don't want to deal with painful and deadly/painful, rotting, and deadly spider bites, don't move to Alabama, New Mexico, Arizona, or anywhere in the general area? What about Texas? Are there safe places in Texas?  You can add Tennessee to your list.  Both varieties are fairly prevalent here
Goddammit, I hate spiders as much as DrFriDge does. Which I probably shouldn't have said on this forum. Now there are going to be spider pics in all my topics, aren't there?

Link Posted: 4/12/2006 7:47:38 AM EDT
oh Jesus I guess I can never live in the south
Link Posted: 4/12/2006 12:52:18 PM EDT

oh Jesus I guess I can never live in the south

I found one at a nearly new Dairy Queen.  The web was between the ash-can and the vestibule glass.  The ash-can could have been, and probably was used, to prop-open the front door.

Let's pick up the action, just as I picked up a straw as some folks were walking up:

Wife: "Leave it alone."

Me: "I want to see it."  

Stranger: "What is it?  I don't see anything--Is it a roach?"

Me: "Should be a black widow spider."

As I flicked the straw on one of the guys (like guy-wire,) with jerky moves,yet instantly, she was out of the can and into the center of her web.  

Me--and veryone else: "AHHHHH!"

Everyone steps way back after shitting pants.

I had never seen one bolt like that.

Me: <Sighs and re-gains composure.> "Yes, there're everywhere blaa blaa--squash."
Link Posted: 4/13/2006 12:48:09 AM EDT
I live by Lake Erie, and have been told thata there are brown recluse spiders here, havent seen any, and damn I am very very happy about that!
Link Posted: 4/13/2006 12:58:07 AM EDT

I would rather have black widows then these:


Must you invoke the evil things by presenting their image?
Link Posted: 4/13/2006 1:04:29 AM EDT
I found out that flea and tick shampoo does a great job on the little creepers, just us a hose end sprayer and wash the sides of your house and it keeps them down.

Indoors I hunt with my trusty Space Shuttle door gunners back pack vac, the force is on my side.

Never leave a living creeper.
Link Posted: 4/13/2006 2:39:23 AM EDT
NO need for worry about Black Widows or the dreaded Brown Recluse provided you have some of this product in your medicine chest or BOB.



The unique bentonite clay which is the only known cure for a spider bite from the brown recluse spider.  Pascalite has healed many skin problems including ulcers and gangrene.  It has even healed eye cataracts!!!

DON'T WAIT UNTIL SOMEONE GET'S BITTEN. Add pascalite to your first aid kit today!

While I general buy from the folks above, here's another link to the product: www.pascalite.com/Products.htm

I have been bitten 3 times by the brown recluse in my life, the first time at the age of 13 involved a staff infection, a 2 1/2 week stay in the hospital, the lost of 28+ pounds at a time when I barely weighed 125, a butt that looked like a pin cushion after a Gamoglobulin shot every 4 hours for the duration of my stay and a nasty scar on my elbow where I was bitten. Mom and dad thought I was gonna die as the initial doc visit resulted in the wrong anti-biotic.

Due to the fact I was lucky the second time and recognized the bite for what it was and found a RN that knew of this clay, in a matter of days I was well, no hospital stay or nothing.

The last time, again while camping out, (miles from nowhere) I had this product with me in my pack and again a simple poultice cured the bite with no medical personnel involved.

It's simply to use, has multiple uses, (I have used for most everything from brushing my teeth to healing nasty gunshot wounds) and cheap to purchase.

Jokes aside, this stuff is well worth the cost and so simple to prepare a child can use it.

Give it try, you won't be disappointed and you'll never worry about spider bites again.


Link Posted: 4/13/2006 9:41:11 AM EDT

I would rather have black widows then these:


I was bit by one of those when I was a kid.  Fuckin sucked donkey balls, had to get operated on, still have a gnarly scar on my left hand.

Luckily my grandfather didnt screw around, and when I told him I got bit by a spider chopping firewood, he didnt waste any time gettnig me to the hospital, especially when I told him what the spider looked like.
Link Posted: 4/13/2006 12:54:02 PM EDT


Thank God I live up north away from that shit!


My area:
Only poisonous snake I know of here is the cottonmouth...and it's rare.
I have never seen any of these deadly spiders you all post, except at the museum, pinned to a wall
Hurricanes are nothing more than tropical storms when/if they get here
Tornadoes might get sighted going down the interstate briefly, and be reported in the news
I get snow, but hardly never enough to cripple the area for more than a day.
My parents house is at 800 feet. I'm at 350. I've never seen a flood.
There have been a few mild earthquakes in my life..all of which I have been told about later and said "really? There was an earthquake?"
I’ve never seen a wildfire.

The biggest problem with the area is that I'm 30 something miles from DC

But in terms of natural threats, I think this is the safest place in the country

+1.  Go south on I-95 from the Black Hole that is DC for about 50mi and you are in some fine country.
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