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Posted: 3/27/2006 7:25:42 PM EDT
The game is over.  
The fat lady has sung.  
There will never be an end to the concessions offered by this country to illegal aliens.
We will have to accept that there will never be any enforcement of laws against illegal aliens.
The only ones to speak up about immigration are the illegals yelling about how unfair it is..No other group is standing up to be heard for fear of being labeled racist. Catch 22.
I do not think that we can vote enough people out of office fast enough to make any difference.
Besides that everyone wants the Hispanic vote too much to do the right thing

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:28:13 PM EDT
Somebody does not know the legislative process...

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:38:13 PM EDT

Somebody does not know the legislative process...


This ought to be good.

Tell us oh wise and mighty, how it is.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:42:58 PM EDT

Somebody does not know the legislative process...


You say that like it matters who's in office.  There once was a time when the legislative process mattered, long ago when it wasn't owned by special interests.  Not like today.

We lost this war long ago.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:44:11 PM EDT
The game IS over.

Turn out the lights, it's all done.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:48:07 PM EDT


Somebody does not know the legislative process...


This ought to be good.

Tell us oh wise and mighty, how it is.

The game is not over because.... (not complete but meh)

A. the Senate must pass it.
B. the House must also approve of it and can do various revisions.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:49:50 PM EDT


Somebody does not know the legislative process...


You say that like it matters who's in office.  There once was a time when the legislative process mattered, long ago when it wasn't owned by special interests.  Not like today.

We lost this war long ago.

All we offer the REPUB Party is a Single Vote

Some rich corporate Scumbag is greasing them with Millions of Dollars
They don't give a shit about their base
As long as the Dems keep running losers like Gore and Kerry they know we're gonna vote Repub

I'll repeat Rush Limbaugh's Statement as to why he never wanted to run for office:
"Someone contributes a Million Dollars to your campaign and then you win, guess what now that your in office he doesn't want his Million Dollars back, He wants a favor "
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:50:10 PM EDT
Surrendering only allows the politicians to think they can do whatever they want to you. And me.

So knock it off guys.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:50:36 PM EDT
One question fellas, Where do we go from here ?
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:51:34 PM EDT

Surrendering only allows the politicians to think they can do whatever they want to you. And me.

So knock it off guys.

Keep your logical statements to yourself! This thread is for Chicken Little-esque doomsaying only!
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:52:29 PM EDT
Americans have been sold out by their "elected representatives" again.  Sold out to special interest groups and "globalization" and the New World Order.  It no longer makes any difference who you vote for, or against.  They are all in the pockets of the above groups.  

What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty
must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and
tyrants. It is its natural manure.--Thomas Jefferson

Maybe its time to start up a new batch of manure?
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:57:02 PM EDT

Letter sent to senators Mel Martinez (R-FL) and Bill Nelson (D-FL):
Dear Senator,

    I am writing to most strongly urge you to oppose any bill granting amnesty to illegal immigrants and not holding those who help illegal immigrants accountable for their crimes.  My wife and I see illegal immigration as the single greatest threat to America today, and the current legislation being proposed is a step in the wrong direction.  Politicians seem to be forgetting that illegal immigration is a crime, and those who commit it are criminals.  Illegal immigrants are not "guests", "migrants", or any other politically correct term.  They are criminals who have invaded our country illegally and who cause great harm to our security and economy.
    Any legislation that does not hold these criminals and those who help them 100% accountable is a slap in the face of every immigrant who came to this country legally and worked long and hard to earn the right to call themselves American.
   Senator, I once again urge you to accept nothing but a tough stance on illegal immigrants.

Very Respectfully,
Mr. and Mrs. Tanerite

YOUR role in our gov't doesnt only come around every other november.  You still have a voice with your elected official.  Comming to ARFCOM and bitching doesnt do anythng!  Get involved and voice your opinion to someone who matters, not just a bunch of couch commandos on the internet!
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:57:12 PM EDT

Americans have been sold out by their "elected representatives" again.  Sold out to special interest groups and "globalization" and the New World Order.  It no longer makes any difference who you vote for, or against.  They are all in the pockets of the above groups.  

What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty
must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and
tyrants. It is its natural manure.--Thomas Jefferson

Maybe its time to start up a new batch of manure?

Hell, I've been saying that since the 70's.
Where in the Hell are our Jeffersons, Henrys, Franklins, Adams, and Crocketts?

Link Posted: 3/27/2006 7:58:43 PM EDT


Surrendering only allows the politicians to think they can do whatever they want to you. And me.

So knock it off guys.

Keep your logical statements to yourself! This thread is for Chicken Little-esque doomsaying only!

Not sure if its doom saying....
I just watched a segment on local news
Where two illegal aliens just got a full-ride scholarships to UT
I dare imagine that there are 2 legal residents (or citizens for that matter) that the scholarships could have gone to...
I wonder why they even bother to classify them as illegal anymore...
I mean they can get a DL, open bank accounts, get health care, and now scholarships.
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 8:04:52 PM EDT

Surrendering only allows the politicians to think they can do whatever they want to you. And me.

So knock it off guys.

[Aragorn]There is still hope[/Aragorn]
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 8:06:07 PM EDT
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!  Ohh nooo!!!!!
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 8:08:49 PM EDT
Is it time to vote from the rooftops yet?
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 8:36:13 PM EDT
It's times like this when I realize I don't have enough ammo.  Too many raucous criminals and not enough bullets.  This "war" is only lost if you give up.  

4000 students walked out of their schools today waving Mexacan flags and chanting Me hi co!! Me hi co!! (This is in Dallas, TX)  You know what I say?  Keep it up.  Keep it up you F**kers!!!  I hope they GROW in numbers.  I hope they do it everyday and that there are more and more of them each time.  I hope we have tens of thousands of mexicans packing the streets waving mexican flags and chanting mehico mehico!  WHY?!  Because THAT is what it's gonna take to FINALLY get us all to stand up and say enough is enough.  Even the Democrat bleeding hearts would have to draw the line.  All I need is a good enough (Legal) excuse and I'll do my part to make America for Americans again.  

Let them march and protest.  Maybe they'll start rioting.  The more outrageous and asinine they are, the better.  In America, it's our nature to tolerate anything and everything UNTIL our back is to the wall.  America has a history of doing NOTHING . . . .UNLESS we are FORCED to.  Our backs aren't up against the wall yet.  
Link Posted: 3/27/2006 8:46:34 PM EDT

Is it time to vote from the rooftops yet?

Sometimes I F*cking feel like it.  Too bad we're not in the 1800's.  Then we'd get away with it.  Criminals breaking the law, causing trouble .. . . hmmmm?? solution???  get rid of 'em!!!!!  

About the senate panel's proposed legislation.....that did NOT go the way I thought it would.  I was expecting the amnesty that BUSH wants to get shot down and the bill to make illegals Felons to get through the panel.  I thought we had the momentum on our side with this one.  I don't know how this happend.    
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