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Posted: 2/24/2006 3:50:39 PM EDT
I just realized I have had an internet acct/s for the past 11 years!

11 years? Much of it spent farking around...

What could I have of have done with all them wasted hours?

It has been fun and sometimes sad...How mnay hrs have I spent online surfing? Could I of have finally gotten my degree had I not spent so much time screwing around?

Met some great folks here and at other sites.

How long have you been on the intardnet?
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:51:23 PM EDT
Almost 9 years- march 1997.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:51:46 PM EDT
Late 1994
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:51:51 PM EDT
About 10.5 years.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:52:19 PM EDT
all day and most of yesterday
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:52:31 PM EDT
'94 with a 1200 baud modem

(That's a 1.2k modem for all you kids)

I bought a Mac and was using eworld. I remember when I bought it I was thinking "I better buy a computer and learn this internet stuff before I get left behind."
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:52:54 PM EDT
10 or 11 years
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:52:57 PM EDT
Ever since Me and Al gore invented the internet lol lol
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:53:14 PM EDT

Late 1994

Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:53:43 PM EDT
since Al Gore invented it.

probably about 8 years, I got an AOL free trial card and filled it out with made up info when I was a kid and it never got cancelled. That went on until we got the high-speed

ETA: Damn I type slow
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:54:00 PM EDT

How long you been on the internet?

Who are you now......my wife!

Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:54:35 PM EDT
Seriously, before it was "the world wide web" "information superhiway"

When it was just newsgroups. Not a whole lot, until PRON came in .

Then my web browsing became an eye-crossing... I mean opening , experience :)

Win 3.1.1 Bay bay!!
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:55:10 PM EDT
Since about 1985 - when it was all modem based (usenet).
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:56:22 PM EDT


Late 1994


Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:56:47 PM EDT
A long time, back when it was just text.  Not to mention FidoNet and many local, and some not so local, private and company run BBS's.  I used to run a kitchen table BBS in the Seattle area myself.  
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:57:38 PM EDT
Since about 1998 when I could afford and ISP
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:57:52 PM EDT

Since about 1985 - when it was all modem based (usenet).

Damn, I thought I was going to be the winner.

I was on the internet in 1989, before the World Wide Web existed.

I had the newer, faster 2400 baud modem.

Whatever happened to Telnet, Gopher, Finger, nTalk, etc.

I was at Western Illinois, they were running a Sun Unix system.

There was no Microsoft Windows.

My wife and I met when nTalk was still the way to chat.

Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:58:11 PM EDT

10 or 11 years

Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:59:06 PM EDT

Mosaic on Windows 3.11.

28.8 dial-up.

Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:59:15 PM EDT

A long time, back when it was just text.  Not to mention FidoNet and many local, and some not so local, private and company run BBS's.  I used to run a kitchen table BBS in the Seattle area myself.  

when i first started out i had a dial account to delphi into a unix box and had a shell account. the www did not exist. did lots of gopher stuff and text email.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 3:59:26 PM EDT
Does FidoNet count?  If not, since before the WWW; registered my first domain in 1990.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:01:30 PM EDT
1990.  I used to be a Usenet junkie.  Alt.tasteless when Geoff Miller made us all retch with his stories of pus blister popping.

Just googled my old email address (Usenet was propagated through SMTP)  Would you believe thousands of hits?  Wow.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:02:32 PM EDT

General history:

My brother had a Delphi account and let me use it back in about 1992.  I used some internet scientific databases at my high school in 1993.  I had my own account at the university in 1994.  So, 12-14 years, depending on what you count.

Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:03:02 PM EDT
93 - 94 sometime...Even then the browser had tabbed viewing, what took it so long to come back? I cannot remember which ISP it was, but I was just talking about this yesterday...ARFcom is psychic.

ByteTheBullet  (-:
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:06:33 PM EDT
about 12 years
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:06:34 PM EDT
Around 1990 with USENET (us Army at V Corps headquarters).
Then again in '92 while getting my MBA at Michigan State University.
Used dial up internet with the old Compu-something from 1994 to 1996.
Dial-up until I got Cable Internet in 1999.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:13:58 PM EDT

Around 1990 with USENET (us Army at V Corps headquarters).
Then again in '92 while getting my MBA at Michigan State University.
Used dial up internet with the old Compu-something from 1994 to 1996.
Dial-up until I got Cable Internet in 1999.

compuserve. one of the best providers ever. had great forums and news groups. competed with aol but aol couldna hold a candle. a deal gave the network to uunet (i think) and the accounts to aol. a sad day.

shows you what can happen to a great company if they dont watch their topknot...
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:15:44 PM EDT
Late '95.  I was part of the beta test group when the telco I work for lit up our ISP.  14.4 dial up was the hot ticket for about 6 months.  We skipped 28.8 and jumped to smokin' fast 56k by Septmeber '96.

Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:16:07 PM EDT

since Al Gore invented it.

probably about 8 years, I got an AOL free trial card and filled it out with made up info when I was a kid and it never got cancelled. That went on until we got the high-speed

ETA: Damn I type slow

Darn you beat me to it.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:24:28 PM EDT
I know 1994 or before because of work, remember downloading the Comet Shoemaker-Levey as a screen saver way back then.    I want to claim 1993  or earlier but can prove it one way or another
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:29:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:30:00 PM EDT
Since 1994 or so.
Cerfnet was a part of one of my old employers.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:33:58 PM EDT
11 years
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:37:33 PM EDT
since mac 7.5 and 25 mhz and 14.4
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:39:32 PM EDT
Dec. 1996
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:46:10 PM EDT
I dunno.....What year were the earliest BBS setups running?
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:48:18 PM EDT
About 1991 or 92.  I actually had a Bitnet address at Drexel.

In '94 I got into Fidonet and putzed around on that for a few years.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:50:43 PM EDT


Damn, I thought I was going to be the winner.

I was on the internet in 1989, before the World Wide Web existed.

Me too, I started at working CompuServe in 1989.  

I used Mosaic too!  Man that was crap.  

Link Posted: 2/24/2006 4:58:52 PM EDT
First BITNET account (which also got me onto internet machines) was in 1988.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:12:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:14:56 PM EDT
I got it at work for the first time in probably 1995 or so. So 11 years now.

It's a great reference tool and time waster.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:16:01 PM EDT
Around 99 or so.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:21:11 PM EDT
I started with an AIM account around 2000 or so.   Then around 2003 I got a Yahoo messenger account.  
<------------- when I joined here.  
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:22:54 PM EDT
Oh, about 4 1/2 hours now.  
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:23:39 PM EDT
1990-1991 time frame.  I bought my first home computer and I bought this thing called the "Internet" via a program I bought called "Compuserve".  I had to send email to myself since nobody I knew had this "internet" thing.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:25:41 PM EDT
1993.  Mosaic off a 9600 baud modem in a computer lab at George Mason University.

I used to complete my AutoCAD assignments between pages downloading.

Oh the pain.....
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:29:35 PM EDT
Since 1995 at home.....first just email and my favorite longbow/selfbow hunting site.  That is how they hook you...then like crack you cant stop...LOL
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:30:23 PM EDT


Since about 1985 - when it was all modem based (usenet).

Damn, I thought I was going to be the winner.

I was on the internet in 1989, before the World Wide Web existed.

I had the newer, faster 2400 baud modem.

Whatever happened to Telnet, Gopher, Finger, nTalk, etc.

I was at Western Illinois, they were running a Sun Unix system.

There was no Microsoft Windows.

My wife and I met when nTalk was still the way to chat.

Finger and telnet are still around. Just finger is kind of useless and telnet is VERY insecure so everyone uses ssh now.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:33:26 PM EDT
Since before it had a name.
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 5:57:37 PM EDT
I was on the "Internet" before there were Browsers...back in the day of ArpaNet and BitNet.
Took a long Hiatus, came back and wham there were "Browsers"! That was a shock!

Everything was Graphical.

Oh yeah...it was 1984-1988 then 1994-Present
Link Posted: 2/24/2006 6:00:17 PM EDT

Late 1994

+1, 2nd year in college
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