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Posted: 2/14/2006 7:30:16 AM EDT

Students reject honor to 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' hero
Member of Marines not 'sort of person UW wanted to produce'

Posted: February 14, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

Lt. Col. Gregory "Pappy" Boyington during World War II (Photo: National Archives)

The University of Washington's student senate rejected a memorial for alumnus Gregory "Pappy" Boyington of "Black Sheep Squadron" fame amid concerns a military hero who shot down enemy planes was not the right kind of person to represent the school.

Student senator Jill Edwards, according to minutes of the student government's meeting last week, said she "didn't believe a member of the Marine Corps was an example of the sort of person UW wanted to produce."

Ashley Miller, another senator, argued "many monuments at UW already commemorate rich white men."

Senate member Karl Smith amended the resolution to eliminate a clause that said Boyington "was credited with destroying 26 enemy aircraft, tying the record for most aircraft destroyed by a pilot in American Uniform," for which he was awarded the Navy Cross.

Smith, according to the minutes, said "the resolution should commend Colonel Boyington's service, not his killing of others."

The senate's decision was reported first by Seattle radio talk-host Kirby Wilbur of KVI, whose listeners were "absolutely incensed," according to producer Matt Haver.

Brent Ludeman, president of the university's College Republicans, told WND in an e-mail the decision "reflects poorly on the university."

"Pappy Boyington went beyond the call of duty to serve and protect this country – he simply deserves better," Ludeman said. "Just last year, the university erected a memorial to diversity. Why can't we do the same for Pappy Boyington and others who have defended our country? "

The resolution points out Boyington, a student at the UW from 1930-34, served as a combat pilot in the 1st Squadron, American Volunteer Group – the "Flying Tigers of China" – and later as a Marine Corps combat pilot in charge of Marine Fighting Squadron 214, "The Black Sheep Squadron."

Along with the Navy Cross, Boyington was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Franklin D. Roosevelt for his heroism. He was shot down and spent 20 months in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp.

The resolution says, "Be it resolved ? [t]hat we consider Col. Gregory Boyington, United States Marine Corps, to be a prime example of the excellence that this university represents and strives to impart upon its students, and, That we desire for a memorial for Col. Boyington be commenced by the University of Washington by 11 January 2008, the twentieth anniversary of his death, which will be publicly displayed, so that all who come here in future years will know that the University of Washington produced one of this country's bravest men, and that we as a community hold this fact in the highest esteem."

Commenting on the decision, a blogger who says he met Boyington on numerous occasions at a museum and air show over the years noted the famous flyer "was no rich boy," having grown up in a struggling family in which he was forced to work hard to make it through school. The blogger, who hosts the website Paradosis, also pointed out Boyington was part Sioux.

Boyington was open about his marital problems and alcohol abuse, saying notably, "Just name a hero and I'll prove he's a bum."

The blogger wondered, "have our Washington youth revised history so much as this? To compare Boyington – or for that matter any of our WW2 vets – to murderers? What are these kids being taught today? They don't deserve those 20 months Pappy spent being tortured and beaten in a Japanese prison camp ... they don't deserve any of what our grandfathers and grandmothers sacrificed to free Europe and the Pacific."

Boyington wrote a book in 1958 that reached the best-seller list, "Baa Baa, Black Sheep." In 1976, he sold rights to Universal, which aired a TV series for two seasons of the same name.

Boyington, who died Jan. 11, 1988, is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Find A Grave Article on Pappy Boyington

Pappy Boyington's Final Interview

Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:32:44 AM EDT
May those students burn in hell.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:33:01 AM EDT
And people wonder if there is REALLY PC bias in universities.


There is.

LOTS of it.

Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:34:10 AM EDT
Call this "We missed history class."
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:34:13 AM EDT
Fuckin' scum....CoC prevents me from discussing fate I hope befalls these liberal douchebags...

ETA We need to get some e-mail addresses for a fire mission to let these freaks know what WE think....
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:35:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:35:09 AM EDT
Just............. wow.

If one of my daughters were to utter something like that, they'd find their assess paying for their own school before they left the room.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:35:46 AM EDT
Pappy wouldn't give a fuck.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:35:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:36:12 AM EDT
As it's WND I'll take it with a grain of salt.

That said.   University of Washington student senate:

Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:38:06 AM EDT

There are no words.

Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:38:50 AM EDT
God help our country, we're gonna need it with kids like that
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:39:58 AM EDT
Some of yall that live in that area should look into arranging a memorial for Pappy...shove those assholes' noses in it.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:41:52 AM EDT
What really gets me is that they think they are CORRECT.  There is not an ounce of doubt that they know and understand all.  Arrogance.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:41:57 AM EDT

As it's WND I'll take it with a grain of salt.

That said.   University of Washington student senate:


Check out the link to the Academic Minutes at: senate.asuw.org/secretary/minutes/senate/12/02-07-2006.pdf

It's True.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:43:25 AM EDT

Pappy wouldn't give a fuck.

He'd just laugh at 'em.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:45:08 AM EDT

What really gets me is that they think they are CORRECT.  There is not an ounce of doubt that they know and understand all.  Arrogance.

That's exactly what is so scary about this.  These students are whole-heartedly against the men and women who put their lives on the line to defend our country.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:45:12 AM EDT

Pappy wouldn't give a fuck.

You're probably right...but WE give a fuck....I'd like to spend 10 minutes behind closed doors with that Jill Edwards bitch...just me, her, and a baseball bat.....
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:46:01 AM EDT

Call this "We missed history class."

No.  Call this "We took Alternative History Class"
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:46:06 AM EDT
More proof that leftists suffer from severe metal disorder.

Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:48:00 AM EDT
Well thats one more school I dont have to worry about sending my kids to.

What a joke!
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:49:36 AM EDT
Ashley Miller, another senator, argued "many monuments at UW already commemorate rich white men."

Talk about a racist comment.  
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:50:11 AM EDT

Fuckin' scum....CoC prevents me from discussing fate I hope befalls these liberal douchebags...

i fully agree.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:52:23 AM EDT
Isa 3:12 [As for] my people, children [are] their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause [thee] to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:54:31 AM EDT
UW = Granola Shitbag State University.

Meanwhile my University (Texas A&M) has 7 CMOH winners all enshrined in what many would call the student union building, we call it the Memorial Student Center in memorial to the A&M students who gave their lives in service to the country.

TAMU CMOH receipients are:

Maj. Horace S. Carswell, Jr. '38
Lt. Thomas W. Fowler '43
Sgt. William G. Harrell '43
Lt. Lloyd Hughes '43
Sgt. George D. Keathley '37
Lt. Turney W. Leonard '42
Lt. Eli L. Whiteley '41
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:54:37 AM EDT

Ashley Miller, another senator, argued "many monuments at UW already commemorate rich white men."

Talk about a racist comment.  

Not racist because she is white...

Did a seach on the name and she is very liberal....
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 7:57:41 AM EDT
Pinko Commie Libral Fuktards!!

Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:00:15 AM EDT

UW = Granola Shitbag State University.

Meanwhile my University (Texas A&M) has 7 CMOH winners all enshrined in what many would call the student union building, we call it the Memorial Student Center in memorial to the A&M students who gave their lives in service to the country.

TAMU CMOH receipients are:

Maj. Horace S. Carswell, Jr. '38
Lt. Thomas W. Fowler '43
Sgt. William G. Harrell '43
Lt. Lloyd Hughes '43
Sgt. George D. Keathley '37
Lt. Turney W. Leonard '42
Lt. Eli L. Whiteley '41

There have always been those who railed against the MSC plaques.  So far they've been a minority and they've had little effect.  I have no doubt it is only a matter of time, though.  Slowly but surely these same kinds of people are eroding our cherished traditions.  

Get involved and fight it.  The new generation I've seen at A&M is more worried about their parties and their game consoles than the traditions.  I can't remember the last time I walked across campus and got anything other than a strange look when I said, "Howdy."
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:04:54 AM EDT
Pappy would've said something,"Hahahahaaaaa, those fucking bitches.".

With that said I hope they burn in hell.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:09:55 AM EDT
Friend of mine is a Marine Reservist who spent a few years going to school there. I am sure he would have something to say to them on the matter, but he is in Fallujah right now
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:14:44 AM EDT
Looks like they have a forum that discusses this topic.

http://senate.asuw.org/forum/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=36&sid=bbde4986641de10a32c839687dc126ba (link left cold)

Looks like anyone can register too. Hmmmm.

Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:19:44 AM EDT
and yet I'm not the least bit surprised that a bunch of spoon-fed colege students have no idea what the tru meaning of "hero" is or he awards that are given to one.

I'm sure there was a proposal to erect a statue of Bill Clinton sitting behind a desk with Monica Lewinski underneath it with his mule in her mouth they wouldn't give it a second thought. Now there's a man who puts UW in a positive light... even if he didn't actually go to that university.

Yet another reason why kids should have a mandatory service obligation or at least 2-4 years when they turn 18.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:34:47 AM EDT
This kind of shit makes me disgusted to say that I'm an alumni from UW.  What a bunch of liberal fucktards.  They just pissed all over "The Greatest Generation."

For Pappy....
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:44:23 AM EDT

I....I...I dont even know what to say.

Words cannot even begin to describe what I think at that.  I would probably be banned in violation of CoC policy if I stated what I thought.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:44:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:44:43 AM EDT


Ashley Miller, another senator, argued "many monuments at UW already commemorate rich white men."

Talk about a racist comment.  

Not racist because she is white...

Did a seach on the name and she is very liberal....

She's right.  We need more monuments to destitute minorities.

(Name not added for CoC compliance) was a starting wide reciever for the UW football team for three years.  Just prior to the draft his senior year (inserted name) fractured his femur, ending his hopes for a pro career.  (Inserted name) nearly graduated with a major in art appreciation with a GPA of 1.8.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:45:55 AM EDT

and yet I'm not the least bit surprised that a bunch of spoon-fed colege students have no idea what the tru meaning of "hero" is or he awards that are given to one.

I'm sure there was a proposal to erect a statue of Bill Clinton sitting behind a desk with Monica Lewinski underneath it with his mule in her mouth they wouldn't give it a second thought. Now there's a man who puts UW in a positive light... even if he didn't actually go to that university.

Yet another reason why kids should have a mandatory service obligation or at least 2-4 years when they turn 18.

Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:49:53 AM EDT
The Fifth Column is alive, well, and recruiting on our college campuses...
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:53:24 AM EDT

The Fifth Column is alive, well, and recruiting on our college campuses...

Surprisingly they don't seem to be that forward at University of Maryland... which surprises me to no end.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:56:05 AM EDT
Sorry disrespectful punks.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 8:56:45 AM EDT
[email protected]    For Jill Edwards

Link Posted: 2/14/2006 9:07:55 AM EDT
brokeback seattle
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 9:09:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 9:11:16 AM EDT
Those pieces of excrement wouldn't know sacrifice or duty if it hit them in the ASS.  If they are getting ANY government money for school, (scholarships etc.) take it away and make them pay their own way.  

If I said what I really wanted to, I would be banned so fast.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 9:11:25 AM EDT
All my Husky gear is going into storage. I'll never attend another Husky game, unless the school relents. Any purple or gold clothing is going into the trash, not to the Goodwill.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 9:21:35 AM EDT
I have always heard that Washington state was full of idiot liberals and it appears they have finally proved it. And I thought Kalifornia was the Granola state. Humph!
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 9:22:47 AM EDT
There is a big differance  between Eastern Washington and Western Washington.  In Eastern Washington you are on the right side of the state.  Western Washington you are on the left side of the state and have your head up your ass.  

The Seattle area is the new Bay area of Cal.  Again they all have their heads up their asses.  

I moved from Washington up to Alaska to get a way from the blite of Western Washinging and hope that the cold keeps out all but the best.

They soo deny their own history and what made UW a great school.  All the great people that came before them and their hard work is flushed down the shitter becouse of the actions of of a few rich white dudes?! I do not think so it is from the few that have their heads firmly up their asses.  
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 9:29:19 AM EDT
Phew, I am totally blown away by this. Other than the forum that was posted on the other page is there an one specific we should Target our sincere disgust to?
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 9:29:49 AM EDT
Lots of college kids are stupid, with dumb political illusions.  Then they grow up and enter the real world - and a lot of them learn common sense.

Plus, a lot of college kids don't give a shit about "Student Senate" and stuff like that, so the vast majority of the student population there may not be in favor of these douchebags.

Fortunately, a lot of these idiots will look back and regret their stupidity.  
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 9:32:15 AM EDT

Pappy wouldn't give a fuck.

Every now and then a post cuts through all the bullshit with its simplicity.

This is one of them.
Link Posted: 2/14/2006 9:35:39 AM EDT

Yet another reason why kids should have a mandatory service obligation or at least 2-4 years when they turn 18.

So they can lower the quality of our military? No thanks.
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