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Posted: 2/6/2006 8:14:05 PM EDT
My wife asked who "Lootie" was, so I googled him.  This is the first hit i clicked on.  OMFG....  Just READ the captions to the pictures!


And this tripe was put out by a UNIVERSITY STUDENT!!!

Wodners never cease :P
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:15:01 PM EDT


Wodners never cease :P

No, they never do.

Damn wodners.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:19:36 PM EDT
Wodners waddle but they don't fall down!

Thanks for pointing that out.  Here I thought, all this time, that I was perfect.  I appreciate your well thought our, finely crafted reply!

Damn grammar Nazis....
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:21:09 PM EDT
That was posted a while back.

It's amazing the amount of thought that has gone into that research and commentary.

When in fact the whole thing can be summed up easily..

Lootie was thirsty.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:21:16 PM EDT
It made me laugh.

I forgot how funny some of those were.

But it was REALLY funny reading the bullshit she came up with to EXPLAIN the racism, that didn't exist.

Some of those pics are comic genius.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:22:16 PM EDT
"If you can’t see how a Black man being driven down the street so that he can escape and return to his own planet has racist connotations, I’m concerned about your knowledge of history and the current plight of the KKK. There are plenty White Supremists who just want the Black man to “go back where you came from.”

Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:22:32 PM EDT
I think the report was satire.. no way someone could be dumb enough to read that far into it.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:22:49 PM EDT
There's a little Lootie in all of us, I think.  It's not a racist thing.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:25:06 PM EDT

that's funny, i don't care who you are.

i don't think the author of that drivel even realized who the "white woman" is.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:25:45 PM EDT
Hey, I found Lootie's cat.

And the libtards heads explode.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:27:53 PM EDT
I am pretty sure this is a DUPE
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:41:47 PM EDT
ROFL , (wiping eyes).....she presented those pictures to her class....

Imagine trying to remain calm while this brownnosin' skank tries to impress her Prof by analyzing Lootie pics.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:46:29 PM EDT

I am pretty sure this is a DUPE


Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:53:53 PM EDT

Haha - i get to say that.

Here is my email to that lady and her reply:
Prof. Randall,

I happened by your student's "analysis" of various "lootie" images she found on the Internet. Since her contact information was not available, perhaps you could forward this note on to her.
While I can see that the class you are taking is entitled "Race, Racism, and the Law", I think one is looking a bit too hard for something that isn't there.  This particular looter image has captured the imagination of the internet and has spawned dozens if not hundreds of Photoshopped images involving him in various situations. I don't think this was spawned out of hatred or racism, and at worst was making a bad joke out of a bad situation. One must look at WHY these images were created. One must also look at why THIS image was manipulated and not the dozens of other photos of looters.

Answering the second question first, it is pretty obvious why this looter was chosen. He is easily the most photogenic and has features that are the most comical. In short, he is funny looking. The situation he is in is also comical. Not having enough beer in the tub, he must add one more to the back pocket. He is also filling up Heineken, a beer that conjures images of Germans in turtle-necks, not citizens of Jackson Square. The juxtaposition of these elements leads to where the humor comes from.

She also worried about the assumption that the man was actually looting, versus just saving his own beer. Well, according to the AP tagline that came with the photo, "A looter carries a bucket of beer out of a grocery store in New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug 30, 2005...", he was looting. This is the source of the image and of course what everyone went by.

As to the answer of the first question, people have too much time on their hands. Indeed, what I believe is the first spoof of the images is a well done Heineken spoof, as seen on snopes.com - http://www.snopes.com/katrina/humor/heineken.asp  . I personally find it exceptional satire. On the Internet, one good idea deserves several copy cats. As this image spread via email and forums, multiple sites had contest and groups of people make new and additional spoofs. As you may well know, there is no quality control on the Internet, leading to a mixed results for the rest of the altered images. Some of them were stupid and unfunny. I could concede a couple of them perhaps crossed the line, but boredom, beer, weed, and 2 friends looking over your should telling you to draw boobs on him were the main forces in the creation of these images, not racism.

Furthermore, I find the analysis of most of the individual pictures to be far reaching at best. In fact, if I didn't know better, I would have assumed that her analysis was a parody. It is so over the top with far reaching exaggerations that it has become a satire.

Perhaps I am being too hard on your student, for she is in school to study law, not the subtleties of humor. Lawyers are rarely known for their humor, though they are often the victims of it. She should at least be familiar with the English language and the definitions of its words.

  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

  1.   a. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
        b. The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at caricature.
  2. Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.

It is pretty clear to me that they are not mocking this man's race, but using sarcasm to attack his folly and vice. I also advise her to spend more time on her studies, not arguing on Internet forums, as doing so is often a wasted exercise.


- Steve Novak

Her reply was:
It is clear to you because you don't want to see the prejudice and stereotypes that the images promote (the second definition of racism). Something can be both satire and racist. Her analysis is not strained or over the top. The situtation may be comical to some, that doesn't change how the images promoted stereotypes. even if there was no intent to promote stereotypes, in fact the pictures do promote stereotypes.  And because they were distributed they promote prejudices and of course, according to your own definition that is racism. That is all her analysis says.


She was also the one who put out a paper on how too many Law Schools in the US are "white". Uses the word "whiteness" actually. Its clear to me the lady is stick in 1960 and ignores the fact that MOST people are no longer racist and that all races are afforded the same opportunities.

Link Posted: 2/6/2006 8:59:31 PM EDT


that's funny, i don't care who you are.

i don't think the author of that drivel even realized who the "white woman" is.

I had a hard time breathing when I saw that pic.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 9:05:01 PM EDT
promoted stereotypes or reinforced stereotypes?
(that was NOT food for his children he was STEALING)
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 9:05:21 PM EDT
Oh man, I wonder if she realizes that she compiled a great lootie site that people will go to for a laugh.  I've gotta show this one to the wife.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 9:05:57 PM EDT
Not only is the girl who wrote that garbage clueless, but she lacks anything even resembling of a sense of humor.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 9:14:09 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/6/2006 9:22:56 PM EDT
From the musical "Avenue Q"

Everyone's a little bit racist
It's true.
But everyone is just about
As racist as you!
If we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit,
And everyone stopped being
Maybe we could live in -

Link Posted: 2/6/2006 9:28:28 PM EDT

Not only is the girl who wrote that garbage clueless, but she lacks anything even resembling of a sense of humor.


Her theory is further exposed for the trash it is when you take into account that various people created those images without coordination; it wasn't some organized effort by the internet KKK to keep the black man down.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 9:35:01 PM EDT

I wonder how she would (mis)interpret the writings of Mark Twain.
Never let truth or reality stand in the way of a cause.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 9:38:35 PM EDT

It made me think about the past views that we have had, that the world was flat, that Earth was the center of the universe, that the Sun revolved around us, and some of the current stereotypes that are perpetuated today...

I though this might be a good time to help the future lawmakers see the racism that exists even in comedically based pictures.

I am saddened by how many of you don't realize that those pictures are racist.  

I hope you'll do some self reflecting...

In fact, the man you call “Lootie” was essentially fighting for his freedom against the waters that were holding him captive.

You are saying that all Black men are the same, criminals and superstars alike.

While I was glad to see there was one family of color being represented in the picture...

The pictures created quite a conversation piece in my Race & Racism in American Law class today.

I am an Ultra-Conservative Republican.

There ain't NO frickin' way that bitch is an "Ultra-Conservative Republican".

I mean, just LOOK at all the touchy-feely irrational PC-bullshit she packs in there.

This ignorant slut is as much an "Ultra-Conservative" as *I* am a member of "La Voz de Aztlan".

Link Posted: 2/6/2006 9:41:32 PM EDT


Not only is the girl who wrote that garbage clueless, but she lacks anything even resembling of a sense of humor.


Her theory is further exposed for the trash it is when you take into account that various people created those images without coordination; it wasn't some organized effort by the internet KKK to keep the black man down.

And here is another problem with her little theory... given the vast number of Lootie pics on the Internet, isn't it possible (and even likely) that some of the people who Photoshopped Lootie were themselves BLACK!?!?!
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 9:43:01 PM EDT
The lootie threaeds were the greatest threads ever on AR15.com.

It should be permenantly tacked at the top of General Discussion. I laughed so hard I was crying reading that link.

Link Posted: 2/7/2006 12:18:38 AM EDT

I think the report was satire.. no way someone could be dumb enough to read that far into it.


I have to agree with leelaw on this one. That 'report' was just waaay to over the top to be serious. Scary thing is, the Prof probably swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 12:25:23 AM EDT
Am I still racist if I think the Lootie pictures are hilarious but would personally rather hang out with Lootie than the dumbass bitch who wrote that?
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 12:30:55 AM EDT

Wodners waddle but they don't fall down!

Thanks for pointing that out.  Here I thought, all this time, that I was perfect.  I appreciate your well thought our, finely crafted reply!

Damn grammar Nazis....

Get use to it. That is what passes for wit around here.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 1:12:15 AM EDT

Am I still racist if I think the Lootie pictures are hilarious but would personally rather hang out with Lootie than the dumbass bitch who wrote that?

At least you know what Lootie's priorities are, and they include a cold one.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 2:40:09 AM EDT

Quoted: When in fact the whole thing can be summed up easily.. Lootie was thirsty.
There's also another facet that the libtards miss in their quest for an "everyone is equal" utopia. A lot of people are just ugly. Ever notice that those who whine about racism and sexual harassment are FUGLY? Look at "Da Reverends" Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Both of them are really ugly.

You only feel sexually harassed if a chick is ugly. You won't get mad when you didn't get hired if the job is full of ugly chicks.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 5:10:05 AM EDT
One of my Looterchops made it on her website...

"Picture 14, Lazy Lootie getting a beer handed to him while he lies about. Though this picture at least shows a White man on high keeping a Black man down by giving him an addictive substance, it once again shows the Black man relaxing and taking handouts. Notice, too, that the children (or cherubs/angels) are with the White man, who is clearly being shown as a God. Hmm, a White God, I think you might be using that good ole White supremist theory that “God created (White people) in his image.”

Yep... that's exactly what I was thinking when I made that.  
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 5:32:47 AM EDT
I still can;t believe that Lootie hasn't come forward to claim his new found celebrity..lol

Here is a young white child boping the looter on the head trying to keep him down.

Link Posted: 2/7/2006 5:39:16 AM EDT
I cannot believe that I considered applying to the Univeristy of Dayton's Law School....
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:05:11 AM EDT

And this tripe was put out by a UNIVERSITY STUDENT!!!
Wodners never cease :P

This is the part that shocks you? I pretty much figure at least 80% of University students are brainwashed by their liberal professors or liberal peers.

I'm more shocked that Lootie hasn't come out to start claiming his fame and banking on his popularity.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:13:59 AM EDT
IIRC (from the earlier threads), there was speculation that the "student" who wrote that essay did it as a hoax and the professor bought it hook, line and sinker.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:17:25 AM EDT
Has he been found yet?
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:33:38 AM EDT

One of my Looterchops made it on her website...


"Picture 14, Lazy Lootie getting a beer handed to him while he lies about. Though this picture at least shows a White man on high keeping a Black man down by giving him an addictive substance, it once again shows the Black man relaxing and taking handouts. Notice, too, that the children (or cherubs/angels) are with the White man, who is clearly being shown as a God. Hmm, a White God, I think you might be using that good ole White supremist theory that “God created (White people) in his image.”

Yep... that's exactly what I was thinking when I made that.  

You should write that chick and tell her that...  hysterical!
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 6:44:05 AM EDT
I bet she got an A on her paper.

Lootie Rules!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:20:41 AM EDT

Wodners waddle but they don't fall down!

Thanks for pointing that out.  Here I thought, all this time, that I was perfect.  I appreciate your well thought our, finely crafted reply!

Damn grammar Nazis....

Unintentional humor is the best kind.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:22:36 AM EDT
This person is a perpetuator of 'victim' philosophy. She needs racism to perpetuate her own feelings. If there were any white looters in New Orleans, WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:27:21 AM EDT

"If you can’t see how a Black man being driven down the street so that he can escape and return to his own planet has racist connotations, I’m concerned about your knowledge of history and the current plight of the KKK. There are plenty White Supremists who just want the Black man to “go back where you came from.”


I thought that pic was cause both ET and that guy were freaky lookin'.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 7:29:31 AM EDT

Quoted: Am I still racist if I think the Lootie pictures are hilarious but would personally rather hang out with Lootie than the dumbass bitch who wrote that?

Lootie would probably be a lot of fun. She, on the other hand, would probably be one of, if not thee worst possible date any man could ever suffer through.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 8:00:39 AM EDT

Am I still racist if I think the Lootie pictures are hilarious but would personally rather hang out with Lootie than the dumbass bitch who wrote that?

I think I'm going to email her and ask that very question...oughta be good for a chuckle or two.

Link Posted: 2/7/2006 8:10:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 8:30:23 AM EDT

And this tripe was put out by a UNIVERSITY STUDENT!!!

That should not be surprising.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 8:32:41 AM EDT
2 of mine made the top racists lists, braveheart and gladiator.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 9:14:01 AM EDT
I don't care what the libs say on the website. Libs are Libs,  but I'm at some Lootie pics I have not seen yet.
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 9:26:05 AM EDT

....Lawyers are rarely known for their humor, though they are often the victims of it......

Link Posted: 2/7/2006 9:33:35 AM EDT
The proper title of the class was " Race, Racism,  and how lawyers can profit from it"  In that vein the author has written an excellent paper explaining how ANYTHING can be made to contain racist overtones -- and therefore a potential settlement.  I fucking hate lawyers they are
Link Posted: 2/7/2006 9:41:27 AM EDT


Picture 12, Darth Vader Looter. I’m sure it was by accident that the Black man is being associated with a monsterous evil villain who wasn’t there for his son. Just another perpetuation of Black men not being strong father figures.

Link Posted: 2/7/2006 9:43:32 AM EDT

I still can;t believe that Lootie hasn't come forward to claim his new found celebrity..lol

Here is a young white child boping the looter on the head trying to keep him down.


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