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Posted: 2/4/2006 11:28:15 PM EDT
I guess i am looking for advice here,my job is to take orders on the phone and pull the parts from the shelves and ship the parts UPS. There are 4 people withe the same job,my problem is that 1 person is lazy and will not do anything that means she has to leave the desk,the other person claims to have been sexually harrased by the boss and will not do anything he tells her to do,the other guy i work with does what he is told. I pull parts and ship them,when i wear my headset to take the calls,the lazy one will not answer the phone which means i sit at my desk all day,which in turn means orders dont get shipped which means pissed off customers. On Thursday my boss told me and the harassed one to put on our headsets or leave,we both walked out the door. I called one of my coworkers on Friday and he said the boss said i can come back if i call him, i just dont know what to do,should i kiss ass and go back? The boss was the roommate of the VP in collage and sits in his office all day and really has no idea of what happens in the warehouse,so as you can see it is a very fucked up situation. I just cant decide if i should eat crow and go back.

ETA, somebody give me the kick in the ass i need to go back.
Link Posted: 2/4/2006 11:32:33 PM EDT
At the very least, go in and talk.  Perhaps he is not aware of the 2 fuckups?  There's no need to kiss ass if you are financially able to walk off.
Link Posted: 2/4/2006 11:32:48 PM EDT
Is your pay a replaceable wage at another place os business?
If you were making 8 an hour I'd tell them to pound sand. 28 an hour is a whole different ballgame.

Bottom line though, theres just no reason to work a job you dont like.
Link Posted: 2/4/2006 11:38:54 PM EDT
I could make the same pay but not as easy as it is at this job,and yes he is aware but does not care as much about  it as the people he talks to on yahoo messenger,alot of the problem is with him,not doing his jiob as a manager,but i like this job i just hate to kiss ass.
Link Posted: 2/4/2006 11:45:43 PM EDT
This is ARFCOM, draw down on him! LOL

Needs may outweigh pride here.  If you go back you do at least ned to talk to him about the situation with other workers.  Thsi will also keep you from grovelling and just begging to go back.  As for the boss himself being worthless, big surprise, often the case and not much you can do about him...other than drawing down....nah, forget that :)
Link Posted: 2/4/2006 11:49:34 PM EDT

This is ARFCOM, draw down on him! LOL

Needs may outweigh pride here.  If you go back you do at least ned to talk to him about the situation with other workers.  Thsi will also keep you from grovelling and just begging to go back.  As for the boss himself being worthless, big surprise, often the case and not much you can do about him...other than drawing down....nah, forget that :)

My guess here is taht every boss is useless and i should just suck it up?
Link Posted: 2/4/2006 11:51:51 PM EDT
In my 'travelled' experience, you never go to a new job that was worse than the one you had. That said, it's always better to have a job and want one than not have a job and need one,....

Probably felt good at the time to walk off the job, but your rent is what's going to suffer, not your pride.
Link Posted: 2/4/2006 11:51:57 PM EDT
You might tell him the company needs to get rid of the two slackers and let you hire one more person
then you could actually have three people that work instead of half of a four person team
(I've done some negotiating while walking off work, they have to want to keep you though)

Don't give him ultimatums, just explain the need for a team effort, and the obstacles you are having

And, go ahead and apply for a better job............
Link Posted: 2/4/2006 11:52:30 PM EDT
My suggestion would be, once you're out of your whiny teenage years that is, to work your butt off wherever you are.

If you don't like it, shut up and leave.  Untill such time, you owe it to your boss and company to work, boy.

Link Posted: 2/4/2006 11:56:25 PM EDT

My suggestion would be, once you're out of your whiny teenage years that is, to work your butt off wherever you are.

If you don't like it, shut up and leave.  Untill such time, you owe it to your boss and company to work, boy.


I do WORK,but iam tired of working all by myself while everybody else sits at their desk checking their email,inculding my boss.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:00:32 AM EDT
go over your bosses head, if you can at least to get rid of the slackers.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:03:44 AM EDT

go over your bosses head, if you can at least to get rid of the slackers.

My boss is the collage roommate of the VP,which means i really have no one to go to.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:11:29 AM EDT
i quit my job of 8 years back in august and went back to school. Best thing i ever did.

I say go with you Gut instincts on this.  if you FEEL like walking walk. If you Feel there is somthing to be gained by talking to the boss pick up the phone.
Just remember you owe you supervisior and company nothing. Save you loyality for your family.

But IMO when the boss starts pulling the (insert task here) or leave BS. It is prob time to walk ( or get your self fired ).  

Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:13:09 AM EDT
The answer to this is simple.
Go directly to the VP. This looks bad for the VP if word gets around, too. If he's a competent person, he'll hear your story - just don't sound like a bitch when you tell it. Say, "Hey, I enjoy working here, and I enjoy working hard, but I'm having a hard time working around some of these problems and I thought you might want to be aware of them." Don't let on thta you know that he's buddy is your boss - just play dumb even if everyone knows. It'll allow him to save face.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:14:00 AM EDT


go over your bosses head, if you can at least to get rid of the slackers.

My boss is the collage roommate of the VP,which means i really have no one to go to.

might not work to get rid of your boss, but to get rid of the slackers. There is always the P to goto
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:16:00 AM EDT

I do WORK,but iam tired of working all by myself while everybody else sits at their desk checking their email,inculding my boss.

It is of absolutely ZERO concern of your's what your boss does or does not do.

He is "the boss".

He has either:

#1.  Worked his ass of to attain his current position, or

#2.  Is related to/friends with/ gives BJ's  / whatever to the right people.

Either way, YOU are not the boss.  HE is.

Until such time as YOU are the boss, work your ass off FOR the boss.  This is how YOU will BECOME the boss.

Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:17:49 AM EDT



go over your bosses head, if you can at least to get rid of the slackers.

My boss is the collage roommate of the VP,which means i really have no one to go to.

might not work to get rid of your boss, but to get rid of the slackers. There is always the P to goto

The P Is a fag. And he could care less by the fact he never even shows his face.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:18:40 AM EDT


I do WORK,but iam tired of working all by myself while everybody else sits at their desk checking their email,inculding my boss.

It is of absolutely ZERO concern of your's what your boss does or does not do.

He is "the boss".

He has either:

#1.  Worked his ass of to attain his current position, or

#2.  Is related to/friends with/ gives BJ's  / whatever to the right people.

Either way, YOU are not the boss.  HE is.

Until such time as YOU are the boss, work your ass off FOR the boss.  This is how YOU will BECOME the boss.

#2 is the more common way.

IME Hard work only applies to labor not management.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:21:21 AM EDT
Talk to him: ask for a promotion. Explain the problems your co-workers have and how you will fix them.

Expain that you have had enough, and you are tired of working 3x as hard as they are to cover for them. Tell him you are sorry for walking out, but if you had'nt then you might have yelled at the others(or whatever) and it would have created a hostile working environment, and you know that for productivities sake you dont want that.

You will get promoted. Maybe not a paid promotion, but you need explain that you need to be one rank above the others in order to exercise any authority.

Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:21:40 AM EDT
I misread the title. I thought it said that you had whacked off on the job.

Carry on.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:23:13 AM EDT

I misread the title. I thought it said that you had whacked off on the job.

Carry on.

Well i am not willing to talk about that
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:24:46 AM EDT


I misread the title. I thought it said that you had whacked off on the job.

Carry on.

Well i am not willing to talk about that

save that story for the wemenz fourm
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:40:04 AM EDT
Find something you LOVE to do and become self employed,,, but that is a talk for another day.

As far as this one... this ONLY applies if you want your job back. As an employer, I would not mind hearing this.

"Boss, look, I love my job and I want you to realize that when you came down on me it was just the straw that broke the camels back. If you want me back, great. If not, I understand. But, If you want me back, you give me full reign over the shipping department and I will guarantee you that the customer complaints will drop considerably in not, vanish from your plate. Me and #2 guy work great and get things done, get rid of those two slackers and hire me a hard worker and I will get this done"

THAT kind of dedication perks my ears up.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:56:05 AM EDT
Just walk away.  Why do you need the approval of some retard that has rank over you just because he has sucked dicks longer than you?  Walk away.  Just walk away.

Link Posted: 2/5/2006 1:04:30 AM EDT

Just walk away.  Why do you need the approval of some retard that has rank over you just because he has sucked dicks longer than you?  Walk away.  Just walk away.



IMO the place sounds like a typical good ol boy country club.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 1:27:38 AM EDT
For a second, I thought you meant you whacked off on the job.

I was like WTF?

Link Posted: 2/5/2006 1:36:02 AM EDT

For a second, I thought you meant you whacked off on the job.

I was like WTF?

How does everyone know about that?
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 1:39:37 AM EDT
Go get any job but that one.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 2:32:08 AM EDT

IME Hard work only applies to labor not management.

I always crack up when I read this type of opinion.

This is the epitome of the current US pro Union mentality.  The "management" that is so frequently blasted represents the mental "engine" of business in this country.

"Labor" is, obviously, an integral part of what this country is capable of.  However to dismiss "management" as dick sucking lazy rejects only goes to prove that you are stuck on an endless treadmill of envy, self pity, and guilt at your own inadequacies.

I, personally, work with my hands.  I haven't had a suit and tie on in countless months.  I do, however, admire and respect those who regard hard work, whether while wearing a jacket and tie, or jeans and flannel.

I am not built in such a way as to be happy in a typical corporate structure.  I make my own decisions and reap my own rewards.  If you are not happy with "management" in your current structure, set out on your own and become self employed.

The risks are greater, but the rewards in all aspects far surpass those of corporate life.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 5:28:20 AM EDT
If you just gotta have the job to pay the rent, go back. But start looking immediately for another one and hit the trail the moment you get it. If you've got a little leeway, give the boss a call and tell him exactly what's going on and why you hit the door.

Point out that he's clearly got a couple of people that aren't doing ANYTHING to help the company/department bottom line and that you and this other guy could handle ALL the work with not the slightest loss of department productivity, the other 2 are THAT useless.  

Next point, ask him if he doesn't realize that these 2 aren't pulling their weight. If he says no, then give him the whole story (no whining, be careful there). If he says yes, ask him WHY he's letting it go on. It's possible that HE's being pressured by HR to keep these slackers to satisfy some racial/gender quota and is stuck. In other words, beyond his control. Try to get him in a dialog involving solutions and reasons. Don't just dump YOUR gripes on him and expect him to solve them to get you to come back, let him vent HIS gripes and ask him what HE sees wrong in the department and what he want's YOU to do to help out. If it involves you working your ass off while these others do nothing, and nothing happens to them, at best you've got a temporary job while you find one that respects YOUR contribution.

You'll have to make the call but I'd say call him and try the above. At worst, when you go to your next job, you'll know that you gave it your best shot.

The important thing if you DO call him is to start a dialog, not a bitch session.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 5:29:37 AM EDT
If your boss tells you to do something, as long as it isn't illegal, do it. It's not your problem if customers are unhappy, it's his. There is nothing wrong with talking to him and explainig why you want to do things differently, but, he is still the one who is responsible for how the shop runs, not you.
Do your job, get your hours, don't worry about your idiot co-workers, keep a smile on your face and stop trying to run the place.
Your boss may be incompetent, but he's not blind.
Start looking for the next job, you can't even get unemployment if you just walk off.

Link Posted: 2/5/2006 5:41:44 AM EDT
You should at least go back and explain why you walked off. offer to work out a 2 week notice. You should always give a 2 week notice. Mabye he will give you a good reference.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 5:56:30 AM EDT
I just left my job with 3 days notice.  When I was asked to give more and couldn't, the owner showed me the door.  I left because the entire operation knows that my new manager was a complete fraud, fuck-up and general waste of oxygen.

Do you think that you can make your feelings clear to management enough to get the other two losers out of there?  If so, then stay.  If not, then let them know exactly and frankly why you left, and enjoy all the opportunities that you'll find.  Don't stay unless your concerns can be remedied.  I've tried that before, nothing ever changes, and you'll only get more stressed about it as time goes on.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 6:04:25 AM EDT
Make an appointment to talk to the boss.  Unlikely that anything is going to change, but at least give it your best shot.  Explain to him how he could run operate the warehouse more efficiently with 1 less person and give you a raise.  He could be a hero to the owner for streamlining ops. and maybe you'd have it better there.  If that doesn't work; go back but start looking hard for something else.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 7:26:37 AM EDT


Just walk away.  Why do you need the approval of some retard that has rank over you just because he has sucked dicks longer than you?  Walk away.  Just walk away.



IMO the place sounds like a typical good ol boy country club.

Unfortunately, most businesses in corporate america are good 'ol boy networks.

If you need the money, stay at the job.

If you stay there and don't/can't communicate your concerns effectively, look for another job while you are supporting yourself with this one.  It always looks better to a prospective employer if you have a job while you are looking.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 7:34:07 AM EDT
walk away

going back would mean you want drama in your work life, not just a paycheck.

find another job without the drama.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 7:42:40 AM EDT
I would go back and start looking for a job.  Once you find a new job, give your notice.  When you interview people the general impression is that those who have a job when they apply for the new job are trying to improve themselves and make plans, those who don't have a job, the question in the back of the mind is "what did they do to get fired!  It is always better to have a job when you apply for the next job.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 7:54:38 AM EDT
If you need the job that bad you should have used better judgment and not walked out. If you go back you are not a man.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 8:05:07 AM EDT
Don't listen to these people.

Its a BS job and you know that, its why you left.

Talking to the boss will not work.  The bos has shown that:

- He doesn't really care about productivity or keep and stats on which workers are productive
- He is either apathetic or ignorant of the working environment (lazy people)
- He doesn't even do his own job well, or set an example (he slacks off)
- He doesn't care about the customers like you do

He may talk and listen but will still not keep an eye on things.  He will not give you rank or more money because we have established that through incompetence or apathy he doesn't really care about pleasing customers and productivity.  Idiots like that don't give good recomendations anyway.  Most places now will not even give you one, other than the obligatory "would you hire them again line? (Yes, no is all they can legally answer)"

The company VP is obviously either incompetant or doesn't care otherwise he would be monitoring his various shops/depts.  While your productivity with the two good workers might keep them afloat, they KNOW they have FOUR people working there so why isn't productivity in line with FOUR workers?

Find another job.  You can live off a credit card for a month if need be.  I find a lot of good people to work for are those that run their own businesses.  They know and appreciate hard workers and might sympathize with someone getting pissed at others not pulling their weight.  Another great place is to get hired at place that is under construction or nearly finished.  It gets you in on the ground floor so to speak.  Even if you are a grunt, if you are there from the beginning and help a company set up shop, you will know exactly where everything is, know the bugs of any systems they install etc.  You will become a defacto sergeant so to speak.  This will push you up the chain faster.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 8:26:01 AM EDT
I know nothing about where this guy works but I was in a similar situation as the boss after 30 years as the slave.  Some one does eventually recognize your accomplishments if you do your job, and do it well.  Sure, I had my heart to hearts with my immediate supervisor and even went pretty far up the chain but it was a total waste of time.
I worked for the Feds and even though the union is weak it still manages to keep those FU's employed that should have been shot years ago.  Some bosses refused to give poor ratings to those employees and so they were like ticks, burrowed in the ass of the Govt. and next to impossible to remove.  It takes 3 years of your life documenting all of the screwups, foulups, poor attitudes and so on to get to the point that you can remove a man in addition to having to counsel him along the way on how he can improve and you also have to do your job.  In short most bosses say to hell with it and try to shove them off in a corner and forget about them.  I know of what I speak.  And by the way this also applies to mid level bosses that get shuttled around.  After a while everone is just covering their butt.
If you don't have a union and you walked off without giving anyone notice you may be able to recover your job.  They may try to get you to say you abandoned your position which is a fancy way to save them from writing you letters and giving you 30 days notice before you are terminated.
The choice is yours, if you need the job, go back and take another bite off the SH*T sandwich.  
If you are still young and don't have crumb crunchers crawling on the carpets take some time and go looking for a job.  I can guarante you that when you go to the next interview and you start bad mouthing your former employer, it will not look good for you.  Just say we had a difference of opinions on the work environment.  I was doing all of the work for 4 while 3 sat on their ass and let it stop there.  Don't go into details as they will want more.  They will contact your former employer and if he is smart he will not bad mouth you.  (his bad mouthing can result in legal action if it keeps you from getting a job.)  Yep, them lawyer snakes work both sides of the street.  The strike against you is walking off the job without notice.  That is hard to erase and will follow you a long time.

GOOD LUCK - no matter what, you deserved better.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 12:50:06 PM EDT


IME Hard work only applies to labor not management.

I always crack up when I read this type of opinion.

This is the epitome of the current US pro Union mentality.  The "management" that is so frequently blasted represents the mental "engine" of business in this country.

"Labor" is, obviously, an integral part of what this country is capable of.  However to dismiss "management" as dick sucking lazy rejects only goes to prove that you are stuck on an endless treadmill of envy, self pity, and guilt at your own inadequacies.

I, personally, work with my hands.  I haven't had a suit and tie on in countless months.  I do, however, admire and respect those who regard hard work, whether while wearing a jacket and tie, or jeans and flannel.

I am not built in such a way as to be happy in a typical corporate structure.  I make my own decisions and reap my own rewards.  If you are not happy with "management" in your current structure, set out on your own and become self employed.

The risks are greater, but the rewards in all aspects far surpass those of corporate life.

I always enjoy it when people try to psychoanalyze me.  Ill not return the favor and insult you in turn.

Instead ill complement you by stating. Perhapse if my last job experience had peope like you running the helm instead of the brainless arsfaces it was infested with.

id still be hapily working there.

Link Posted: 2/5/2006 1:06:41 PM EDT
In my opinion, the best way to gain rank in this world is through a series of upwardly slanted lateral transfers.  If you work hard for your boss, he will always keep you working for him.  He will take credit for your work and keep your skills and abilities a secret.  They will jerk you around and promise you the world just to keep you hanging around... just like a dead end relationship.

Get another job, get one or two promotions, work hard for your future and your own ethic.  Then start looking around.  The best way to get a real promotion is a combination of another job offer in hand and the awareness in your bosses' mind of what they're losing.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 1:25:06 PM EDT

In my opinion, the best way to gain rank in this world is through a series of upwardly slanted lateral transfers.  If you work hard for your boss, he will always keep you working for him.  He will take credit for your work and keep your skills and abilities a secret.  They will jerk you around and promise you the world just to keep you hanging around... just like a dead end relationship.

Get another job, get one or two promotions, work hard for your future and your own ethic.  Then start looking around.  The best way to get a real promotion is a combination of another job offer in hand and the awareness in your bosses' mind of what they're losing.

Link Posted: 2/5/2006 1:39:15 PM EDT
Life is too short to do somthing you hate for a living.  Go and, find another job.  You'll probably wind up quitting again anyway.  I would write a letter of explanation why you did what you did, though.  
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 10:40:24 PM EDT
Well i have decided that i am not going back,i would not last long anyway. I want to find a job to get me through until i can start my own buisness,as soon as i figure out what i want to do.
Link Posted: 2/5/2006 11:30:01 PM EDT

My morale is always higher when I know that i don't need the job tat i am working.
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 12:56:07 AM EDT

Well i have decided that i am not going back,i would not last long anyway. I want to find a job to get me through until i can start my own buisness,as soon as i figure out what i want to do.

Sounds like a plan.  Good Luck
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 1:06:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 5:29:24 AM EDT

Well i have decided that i am not going back <small snip>

Can I call your former employer and place a very large order?  If the order is substantial & I ask for you to help me personally, do you suppose someone would get the message if I then decided since you aren't there to help me I'll cancel the order?
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 3:19:48 PM EDT
It really doesn't really matter if you go back or stay. You're done there. You'll be at the top of the list to replace at the earliest opportunity. You may as well stick to your decision, and make this permanent, to go back now would only delay the inevitable. You didn't play the game right, find a new job, THEN quit. Move on now...
Link Posted: 2/6/2006 3:28:00 PM EDT


Well i have decided that i am not going back <small snip>

Can I call your former employer and place a very large order?  If the order is substantial & I ask for you to help me personally, do you suppose someone would get the message if I then decided since you aren't there to help me I'll cancel the order?

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