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Posted: 12/20/2005 12:54:48 PM EDT
I was shooting my semi-auto Vector RPD at the range today. I fired the first 100 round drum pretty slow to get it sighted in. Then I slapped the 2nd 100 round drum in and dumped it pretty fast firing 10 round bursts as fast as I could pull the trigger. The cyclic rate sounded about 450 RPM. It was fooking cool!!! There was 2 sheriff deputies way down on the pistol range and they came running up to me when they heard the burst fire. They stood about 50 feet from me and I could tell they were very curious about what I was shooting. I could tell they weren't talking about how cool my gun was. They appeared very serious. I was starting to get freaked out. I thought they were going to arrest me. They never approached me but stood there and watched me shoot for a few minutes. I guess they decided I wasn't a terrorist with a belt-fed, and they walked back to the pistol range and forgot about me.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 12:56:22 PM EDT
you should have offered to have them practice 'cowboy-action' shooting with it.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 12:56:48 PM EDT
Keep an eye on your dog. Your "illegal machine gun" is gonna get seized later tonight ... terrorist.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 12:56:56 PM EDT
My range doesn't even allow rapid fire so consider yourself blessed.....
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 12:58:51 PM EDT
An Semi-Auto RPD? I gott get one of those!
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:00:37 PM EDT
Attica!!!!!!!!  Attica!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:01:09 PM EDT
um, maybe they were just curious as to what you were shooting.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:03:35 PM EDT

An Semi-Auto RPD? I gott get one of those!

Last I remember, they are about $2k

Centerfire has kits for $500 and Vector sells the receiver. Maybe you could get into one a bit cheaper.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:07:49 PM EDT

um, maybe they were just curious as to what you were shooting.

Do you normally see cops running towards a shooter at a range when they are simply curious? From the looks on their faces and their body language, they appeared to be discussing the best way to take me down.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:09:32 PM EDT

An Semi-Auto RPD? I gott get one of those!

Here's a couple of pics of mine. They have them for sale on Vector's webpage.

I fired 400 rounds of Wolfe FMJ and Hollow-Point through mine today and it ran flawlessly. Today was the first time I fired it. It's a really fun gun to shoot. I dumped a 100 round drum into a 100 yard target...shooting pretty fast, and all the holes were in about a 10 inch circle. With careful aimed fired, I was getting about 5-6 inch groups.

Vector RPD

Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:09:46 PM EDT
Buddy pulled out a hk51B at the range a couple weeks ago. It was pretty entertaining to see the look of some faces.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:10:20 PM EDT


um, maybe they were just curious as to what you were shooting.

Do you normally see cops running towards a shooter at a range when they are simply curious? From the looks on their faces and their body language, they appeared to be discussing the best way to take me down.

Ever ride the lightning?  They could've tasered you and took your toy, you terrorist scumbag!
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:13:38 PM EDT
Two cops heard what sounded like automatic fire, observed and did not approach? That's as good of a story as the guy who got pulled over, was asked a few questions, had his license run and was let go. I don't know if I can stand any more excitement today.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:15:34 PM EDT
Is the RPD pretty accurate? How far have you shot out to with it? Sweet looking machine gun.

- rem
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:16:10 PM EDT

Two cops heard what sounded like automatic fire, observed and did not approach? That's as good of a story as the guy who got pulled over, was asked a few questions, had his license run and was let go. I don't know if I can stand any more excitement today.

and since when is automatic fire illegal?
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:17:50 PM EDT

Is the RPD pretty accurate? How far have you shot out to with it? Sweet looking machine gun.

- rem

From the post above:

I fired 400 rounds of Wolfe FMJ and Hollow-Point through mine today and it ran flawlessly. Today was the first time I fired it. It's a really fun gun to shoot. I dumped a 100 round drum into a 100 yard target...shooting pretty fast, and all the holes were in about a 10 inch circle. With careful aimed fired, I was getting about 5-6 inch groups.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:18:46 PM EDT
Oh man, the HK51B is one sweet weapon. I love the HK51, but in belt-fed it is simply awesome. My girlfriend's stepfather was a Class III dealer for 15 years, and has a few safes full of F/A weapons.


- rem

Buddy pulled out a hk51B at the range a couple weeks ago. It was pretty entertainingto see the look of some faces.

Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:19:29 PM EDT

I'm Shooting My RPD At The Range & 2 Sheriff Deputies

Why ya gotta shoot at 2 deptuties?

But seriously,...err uhhm  ...NO RANGE REPORT!??!?

Get us a range report,...Bitch

hehe, seriously, your new toy sounds sweet!
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:20:10 PM EDT


Two cops heard what sounded like automatic fire, observed and did not approach? That's as good of a story as the guy who got pulled over, was asked a few questions, had his license run and was let go. I don't know if I can stand any more excitement today.

and since when is automatic fire illegal?

Nobody ever said it was illegal. You cannot honestly believe it's not attention-getting. Especially by people whose job it is to respond to gunfire. We with badges all work for the Bureau of Curiosity.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:20:33 PM EDT
Very nice toy Tactical.
I wish my range would allow rapid fire
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:21:26 PM EDT
Part of the red dawn collection i see
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:22:55 PM EDT

Oh man, the HK51B is one sweet weapon. I love the HK51, but in belt-fed it is simply awesome. My girlfriend's stepfather was a Class III dealer for 15 years, and has a few safes full of F/A weapons.



- rem

Buddy pulled out a hk51B at the range a couple weeks ago. It was pretty entertainingto see the look of some faces.

"Happiness is a warm BELT-FED gun"
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:24:42 PM EDT
Next time you bump fire it start yelling ALLAH AKBAR!
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:29:07 PM EDT

Next time you bump fire it start yelling ALLAH AKBAR!

Seeing the look on peoples faces would be worth it.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:29:22 PM EDT

Next time you bump fire it start yelling ALLAH AKBAR!

Last time you will probably fire it too.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:30:12 PM EDT
The proper etiquette in this situation is to rip off a long burst, then turn around grinning and say "hey! y'all wanna give it a try???"
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:33:32 PM EDT


Next time you bump fire it start yelling ALLAH AKBAR!

Seeing the look on peoples faces would be worth it.

Oh, I heard it was "Allah's at the snack bar!"


Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:36:48 PM EDT


Next time you bump fire it start yelling ALLAH AKBAR!

Last time you will probably fire it too.

Last time you will probably fire anything
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:41:22 PM EDT



Two cops heard what sounded like automatic fire, observed and did not approach? That's as good of a story as the guy who got pulled over, was asked a few questions, had his license run and was let go. I don't know if I can stand any more excitement today.

and since when is automatic fire illegal?

Nobody ever said it was illegal. You cannot honestly believe it's not attention-getting. Especially by people whose job it is to respond to gunfire. We with badges all work for the Bureau of Curiosity.

Gunfire at a gun range is attention getting? Interesting...
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:47:18 PM EDT


Nobody ever said it was illegal. You cannot honestly believe it's not attention-getting. Especially by people whose job it is to respond to gunfire. We with badges all work for the Bureau of Curiosity Snooping / Meddling.


Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:49:21 PM EDT



Nobody ever said it was illegal. You cannot honestly believe it's not attention-getting. Especially by people whose job it is to respond to gunfire. We with badges all work for the Bureau of Curiosity Snooping / Meddling.


po-tay-toes, po-tah-toes...
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 1:55:40 PM EDT




Two cops heard what sounded like automatic fire, observed and did not approach? That's as good of a story as the guy who got pulled over, was asked a few questions, had his license run and was let go. I don't know if I can stand any more excitement today.

and since when is automatic fire illegal?

Nobody ever said it was illegal. You cannot honestly believe it's not attention-getting. Especially by people whose job it is to respond to gunfire. We with badges all work for the Bureau of Curiosity.

Gunfire at a gun range is attention getting? Interesting...

You dont have the retired old farts that sit an talk for 1/2 hour shoot once talk another 1/2 hour then act like your inconveniencing them to actually shoot on the range they are at?  At my range god forbid you fire more than 3 times a minute they will report you for rapid fire and horseplay.  One preceeded to lecture me about my no good commie guns (AKs) but loved my 1911 then saw it was a Norinco and walked off.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 2:00:03 PM EDT

Oh man, the HK51B is one sweet weapon. I love the HK51, but in belt-fed it is simply awesome. My girlfriend's stepfather was a Class III dealer for 15 years, and has a few safes full of F/A weapons.



- rem

Buddy pulled out a hk51B at the range a couple weeks ago. It was pretty entertainingto see the look of some faces.

Ive found my new wallpaper on my work comp...
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 4:14:43 PM EDT
F*%$ the cops!

When it comes to guns, they don't have ANY jurisdiction. Just because they can't read, doesn't mean they have the right to place tranny over us.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now if you were shooting at others, then there's a different story.

But you were at a RIFLE RANGE, so automatic fire or rapid fire shouldn't get their necks up in a sweat. Curious my ass, all they love to do is bust people. And they were looking to see if they could do it.

*By the way, nice RPD in the picture. Too bad it's not full auto. Thanks to the cops and the politicians.
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 4:34:53 PM EDT

The proper etiquette in this situation is to rip off a long burst, then turn around grinning and say "hey! y'all wanna give it a try hold my beer and watch this!!!"

Link Posted: 12/20/2005 4:37:23 PM EDT
in related news,

I took a crap today.

but I didn't make a thread about it.

"oooh, I shot my gun, and people watched"

Link Posted: 12/20/2005 4:49:58 PM EDT

Next time you bump fire it start yelling ALLAH AKBAR!

ahahaahahahha i just busted out laughing here at work!! that was good. that would be funnier than shit to see, good way to clear out the range, (or get shot by some hillbilly thinking your osamas number 3 man here in the USA and saving the day)
Link Posted: 12/20/2005 4:51:19 PM EDT

in related news,

I took a crap today.

but I didn't make a thread about it.

"oooh, I shot my gun, and people watched"

come on guys, you know you would be wondering too what the dep's were going to do next.
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