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Posted: 8/19/2005 8:32:40 AM EDT
Mrs. and I will be having a baby in December… our first.
We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl (Dr. knows but we don’t want to know) but if it is a boy…

Should we or should we not circumcise the baby?

Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:35:00 AM EDT
Let the poor boy keep his turtleneck!
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:35:50 AM EDT
Yes, many studies indicate it's much healthier to circumcise.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:36:10 AM EDT
What do you know about it up to this point. Pro's and Con's?
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:38:37 AM EDT
Circuncise - Yes
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:39:33 AM EDT
Cut em' girls like em more because they are "prettier"
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:40:07 AM EDT
get the popcorn
I've seen a few of these threads on a few forums
they always turn out worse than if you combined hitler, abortion, evolution vs creation, and the USS Liberty into one huge thread
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:40:54 AM EDT
This is an easy one to answer. Forget health, forget religious undertones, foret studies, forget everything. I have the answer to end all answers:

Your son's chances of getting a BJ someday are slim to none unless he's cut. That is all.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:42:35 AM EDT
Penile Cancer is virtually nonexistent in the circumcised population… good enough reason for me.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:43:01 AM EDT
Cut it.  Do the kid a favor
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:44:28 AM EDT

get the popcorn
I've seen a few of these threads on a few forums
they always turn out worse than if you combined hitler, abortion, evolution vs creation, and the USS Liberty into one huge thread

Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:48:28 AM EDT

get the popcorn
I've seen a few of these threads on a few forums
they always turn out worse than if you combined hitler, abortion, evolution vs creation, and the USS Liberty into one huge thread

Why do you say that?
Can't people here have a civilized conversation/discussion on this subject?
I guess maybe those with small penis disease may have problem with this subject..
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:49:49 AM EDT
Cut!  It's like puting a flash hider on an AR!  It's just don't look right without it!
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 8:54:06 AM EDT

Cut em' girls like em more because they are "prettier"

When its hard it retracts.  Hopefully she is seeing it hard.  Then its dissapears.  Then reappears...then dissapears..then.....ect ect
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:01:27 AM EDT
Just had my first, did not have him cut.

Nowadays there is not any benefit to having him cut, so long as he is taught proper hygiene all will be good, hell I hve managed the better part of 3 Decades without any problems whatsoever

In th ened though it is up to the parents, and whatever religious or societal doctrines they subscribe to
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:02:25 AM EDT
Here we go again.

Cut. Girls like it better.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:02:56 AM EDT

This is an easy one to answer. Forget health, forget religious undertones, foret studies, forget everything. I have the answer to end all answers:

Your son's chances of getting a BJ someday are slim to none unless he's cut. That is all.

What he said.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:03:47 AM EDT
I had it done because of a medical emergency when I was about 7.

I think it's just generally a good thing to do, mainly because it's healthier.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:03:55 AM EDT
Definitely cut.  

Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:05:00 AM EDT
Like father like son.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:08:53 AM EDT


Why do you say that?
Can't people here have a civilized conversation/discussion on this subject?
I guess maybe those with small penis disease may have problem with this subject..

Because there is a fanatical fringe group that  are rabid anti-circ.  All it takes is one posting and the thread goes to heck in a hand basket real fast.

IMO, circ.

I knew this old dude that  was diagnosed with penile cancer.  They whacked it off at the base.

So, cut now or later.

Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:12:51 AM EDT
cut that bad boy off!

If for some reason he needs it cut off later, it will be much more painful and longer recovery.  I remember a guy in my platoon who had his cut off.   It sucked just watching him recover from that.

Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:17:23 AM EDT

Mrs. and I will be having a baby in December… our first.
We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl (Dr. knows but we don’t want to know) but if it is a boy…

Should we or should we not circumcise the baby?

The reason circumcision became popular in the late 1800s is because Doctors thought that masturbation was very unhealthy, caused insanity, disease, etc.

There is no good reason to circumcise.  It's just a form of genital multilation and all this talk about it being cleaner is pure BS.

Interesting how people are outraged that girls are circumcised in africa but they take their own infant boy and get him chopped.

I was amazed when I found out about it.

Look it up if you don't believe me.

Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:18:45 AM EDT

cut that bad boy off!

If for some reason he needs it cut off later, it will be much more painful and longer recovery.  I remember a guy in my platoon who had his cut off.   It sucked just watching him recover from that.

The whole thing!!  Make him a girl and give him hormone shots for life!!  Why should I suffer alone!!


Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:20:13 AM EDT

This is an easy one to answer. Forget health, forget religious undertones, foret studies, forget everything. I have the answer to end all answers:

Your son's chances of getting a BJ someday are slim to none unless he's cut. That is all.

Yep.  The cosmetic reason is the only legitimate one, IMO.  There is no clear study that demonstrates health benefits.  And I'm sure God couldn't care less, regardless of which God you worship.

But then again, it's not like European guys get any less action compared to American guys.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:21:42 AM EDT
Circumcise. Poll added

Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:22:40 AM EDT
My kid might be a porn star some day, so he's cut!
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:25:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:29:28 AM EDT
First off, you and your wife need to make up your mind for yourselves. Just make sure you are the deciding factor here, not a bunch of people on an internet message board.

Read as much as you can about the subject and then make an informed decision. There are pros and cons to each solution.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:32:42 AM EDT


Here we go again.

Cut. Girls like it better.

Not again...for your reading pleasure

Cut. Girls like it better.  

It seems like just yesterday.

I just can't get my ,,,,,, um....(head) around it if it's got a hood.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:36:19 AM EDT


This is an easy one to answer. Forget health, forget religious undertones, foret studies, forget everything. I have the answer to end all answers:

Your son's chances of getting a BJ someday are slim to none unless he's cut. That is all.

Yep.  The cosmetic reason is the only legitimate one, IMO.  There is no clear study that demonstrates health benefits.  And I'm sure God couldn't care less, regardless of which God you worship.

But then again, it's not like European guys get any less action compared to American guys.

Ya, but have you seen those hairy French chicks? And those goofy looking French dudes? The pickins are slim. A tall brawny cirumsized American would see alot more action overseas.

Genital mutilation? Who cares?
Health benefits? Sure, whatever.
Link to 19th century fear of masturbation? Can of give a shit, meet empty.
Religious overtones? Merry Christmahannukawanza, my brothers. Don't care.

Wang dang sweet poontang? I'm listening.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:36:55 AM EDT



Here we go again.

Cut. Girls like it better.

Not again...for your reading pleasure

Cut. Girls like it better.  

It seems like just yesterday.

I just can't get my ,,,,,, um....(head) around it if it's got a hood.

Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:40:32 AM EDT


The reason circumcision became popular in the late 1800s is because Doctors thought that masturbation was very unhealthy, caused insanity, disease, etc.

There is no good reason to circumcise.  It's just a form of genital multilation and all this talk about it being cleaner is pure BS.

I was amazed when I found out about it.

Look it up if you don't believe me.


I see your one website and raise you an article from the New England Journal of Medicine using over 300+ medical studies references...

Medical Problems

Make sure and check out the PENIS CANCER pics, and here's something interesting...

In a recent large study published in the New England Journal of Medicine HPV was detected in 19.6% of 847 uncircumcised men, but only 5.5% of 292 circumcised men (overall odds ratio after adjusting for potential confounding factors = 0.37) [48].

Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:44:10 AM EDT


This is an easy one to answer. Forget health, forget religious undertones, foret studies, forget everything. I have the answer to end all answers:

Your son's chances of getting a BJ someday are slim to none unless he's cut. That is all.

What he said.

As a female...I'm gonna agree on this...hopefully with no repercussions...I have 2 sons, and when the doc asked me if I wanted them cut or not I did not hesitate to say "do it."

I did not want their first experience with a woman to be one where they were made to feel ashamed (not that there is ANYTHING wrong with an uncut penis)...it's just that if the girl has never seen one before, she may get weirded out and make him feel badly. And we all know how important those things are to you men and how sensitive you are about them!
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:46:47 AM EDT
Just remember, if he gets it done it will all be over shortly
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:57:10 AM EDT


Here we go again.

Cut. Girls like it better.

Not again...for your reading pleasure

Cut. Girls like it better.  

Once again...  
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:57:28 AM EDT
Right so god intended us to have wisdom teeth and tonsils but how many people keep those? That argument is BUNK and a load of crap. I had to have my tonsils removed at the age of 22 because of complications and it sucked. I can only imagine what getting a circumcision would be like at that age if something happened. I like to think there is a comparison to be made here. I'd say go with circumcision better to have it gone now than have to go through with it later in life. Not to mention many women will not go down on or even sometimes sleep with a guy that is uncircumcized. Women have posted on this board about their sons having trouble with "retraction." Sorry, I just think you're a lot better off in the longrun having it cut.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 9:59:07 AM EDT

Cut!  It's like puting a flash hider on an AR!  It's just don't look right without it!

Stop looking at so many cocks and you wouldn't have to worry about it not looking right
By the way cut for health.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:02:59 AM EDT

Yep.  The cosmetic reason is the only legitimate one, IMO.  There is no clear study that demonstrates health benefits.

Perhaps there has been no study, but I know from personal experience that there ARE health benifits.  Of course not everyone is going to have problems, but circimcized people will NEVER have problems.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:07:28 AM EDT
Ugh, here we go...
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:10:30 AM EDT
Studies have shown that women prefer circumcized units.

It's actually painful to the baby (but, I don't remember it...), but think how painful it will be if he waits until he's 24... OUCH!!!

Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:20:51 AM EDT

Ugh, here we go...

You didn't weigh in with your opinion!
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:32:07 AM EDT


Yep.  The cosmetic reason is the only legitimate one, IMO.  There is no clear study that demonstrates health benefits.

Perhaps there has been no study, but I know from personal experience that there ARE health benifits.  Of course not everyone is going to have problems, but circimcized people will NEVER have problems.

Unless Dr. Cutapecker slips. Or cuts it too tight.

"Where are the proud parents of this adorable baby boy....errr... oops....  girl?"
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:34:11 AM EDT


get the popcorn
I've seen a few of these threads on a few forums
they always turn out worse than if you combined hitler, abortion, evolution vs creation, and the USS Liberty into one huge thread

Why do you say that?
Can't people here have a civilized conversation/discussion on this subject?
I guess maybe those with small penis disease may have problem with this subject..

maybe it'll be different this time, but I've seen at least 5 circumcision threads in the last couple years, and every single one turned into some sort of flame fest
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:34:20 AM EDT



Yep.  The cosmetic reason is the only legitimate one, IMO.  There is no clear study that demonstrates health benefits.

Perhaps there has been no study, but I know from personal experience that there ARE health benifits.  Of course not everyone is going to have problems, but circimcized people will NEVER have problems.

Unless Dr. Cutapecker slips. Or cuts it too tight.

"Where are the proud parents of this adorable baby boy....errr... oops....  girl?"

I mean problems with infections, etc.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:34:54 AM EDT
Cut! Girls don't want the dick cheese
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:36:08 AM EDT

Because there is a fanatical fringe group that  are rabid anti-circ.  All it takes is one posting and the thread goes to heck in a hand basket real fast.

to be fair, I've seen fanatics on both sides of the issue
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:37:14 AM EDT
FYI they don't cut anymore. They use this plastic ring. It's placed around, and after 2 weeks the foreskin has dried up and fallen off. If you keep it clean, there is considerably less pain then the old cut method..

I voted circumcised
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:43:36 AM EDT


Ugh, here we go...

You didn't weigh in with your opinion!

Well, not that it matters, but I've never encountered any man's.....rabbi.  Yes, I know you don't ahve to be Jewish, but I'm fumbling for a better term.

And no, I do not need pictures.
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:45:27 AM EDT

Cut! Girls don't want the dick cheese

oh god don't bring that up
I first heard the technical term a short time ago (like maybe a year). thing is I heard the term without any context as to what it was. So I googled it
and found pics

some gay guy on another forum says he likes that
Link Posted: 8/19/2005 10:52:25 AM EDT


Cut! Girls don't want the dick cheese

oh god don't bring that up
I first heard the technical term a short time ago (like maybe a year). thing is I heard the term without any context as to what it was. So I googled it
and found pics

some gay guy on another forum says he likes that

I saw a prank in the army that was one of the funniest things ever.

One of the other sergeants did this (I forget the reason why - probably just to gross out some other guy - it was the army after all ).  

Being uncircumcised (as most Danes are) - he put a bunch of cream cheese under his foreskin - after a through cleaning, of course - before we sat down to lunch.  At the lunch, at some point (perhaps in response to some question, or prepared punch line - I was sitting to far away and couldn't hear) he jumped up, whipped it out, rolled back the foreskin, spread the "cheese" on a cracker and ate it!

I laughed so hard I thought I was going to barf.  Others just barfed.  
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