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Posted: 5/23/2005 10:16:15 PM EDT


The things that wipe the smile off young boy's faces

By Tosin Sulaiman

TEENAGE boys are now so obsessed with their appearance that a quarter of them would consider plastic surgery to try to achieve the looks and physiques of their celebrity heroes.

A study of 2,000 boys with an average age of 15 indicates that they agonise about their bodies as much as teenage girls do and envy David Beckham’s six-pack or Brad Pitt’s smile.

Just 13 per cent are happy with their bodies, while 26 per cent say that they would consider cosmetic surgery. The most sought-after procedures were liposuction, penis enlargement and a nose job.

Pat Spungin, the founder of raisingkids.co.uk, a parenting website, said that she was not surprised by the findings because society was becoming more preoccupied with looks.

“It’s a change because usually in the past this has not been an issue for young boys,” she said. “They’re more concentrated on what they can do than how they look. The main reason is we live in an image-obsessed society.

“Traditionally girls have always been concerned about their appearance. Young boys have not been evaluated on the way they look in the same way. We appraise men now as we do women.”

The survey, commissioned by sneak, a teenagers’ magazine, reveals the extent to which young boys’ self-confidence is tied to their body image and how concerned they are about impressing girls.

Around 84 per cent of the teenagers believed that a better body would improve their life. They said that pressure from girls (42 per cent), celebrity pictures (28 per cent) and comments from other boys (24 per cent) had fuelled their loss of self-esteem.

The findings also suggest that the growing market for male beauty products may be due in part to young boys taking more interest in their appearance. Nearly three quarters of those surveyed said that they would use moisturiser, fake tan and hair dye.

Dr Spungin said that the influence of football stars such as Beckham could explain the changing attitudes.

“In a previous generation he would have been lauded for his talent on the field. Now what he is doing is extending his brand to encompass his appearance,” she said. “I think young boys pick up on that. It’s not enough to be an ace footballer. You have to be a good-looking ace footballer.”

Michelle Garnett, the editor of sneak, said: “The boom in cosmetic surgery and the blanket coverage it receives has made it seem acceptable and desirable — despite the fact that the role models of teenage boys haven’t had procedures themselves, as far as we know.”
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:33:18 PM EDT
Sad little bitches. 400 quatloos says they all consider themselves "Progressives" / Democrats.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:38:58 PM EDT
Wasnt this study in the UK? It's sad, but not surprising. Those poor kids are going to have a hard time growing up right.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:39:11 PM EDT
faggot boys
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:39:28 PM EDT
26% are gay
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:42:20 PM EDT
I insisted on correcting my crooked ass teeth in high school.  I guess I'm homo.  
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:46:04 PM EDT
We used to just run, workout, go out for sports and lift a lot of weights when we felt insecure in ourselves in my youth.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 10:56:02 PM EDT

What the hell kind of boy cares more about his teeth and his legs than his penis???

WTF, over?

Link Posted: 5/23/2005 11:02:38 PM EDT
Nothing wrong with trying to look good. It's part of the breeding game. But cosmetic surgery might be pushing it unless your born with some thing horrible.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 11:03:19 PM EDT

We used to just run, workout, go out for sports and lift a lot of weights when we felt insecure in ourselves in my youth.

+1 and you will get actual feel good results unlike having plastic put inside of you. Really who wants plastic pecks?
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 11:13:06 PM EDT

I insisted on correcting my crooked ass teeth in high school.  I guess I'm homo.  

Well, that, and your metrosexual-like standing up for these little pussbags.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 11:20:52 PM EDT
I was at the mall and saw a dude ask another dude how jeans he was trying on made his ass look.

I blame it on sitcoms and MTV.
Link Posted: 5/23/2005 11:31:15 PM EDT


We used to just run, workout, go out for sports and lift a lot of weights when we felt insecure in ourselves in my youth.

+1 and you will get actual feel good results unlike having plastic put inside of you. Really who wants plastic pecks?

Do it the old fashopned way, steroids.

Just kidding, on the 'roids comment.  But I do agree that lifting weights, running, biking, even diet (as in what one eats, not just how much) all play a part. So does genetics.  Plastic/cosmetic surgery can fix some of that side, if you are really that self conscious. But putting plastic peck or calf enhancements in is the lazy way out. I could see the wanting to have teeth fixed; nothing like working out hard, getting cut up and having a smile that looks like you have a rake in your mouth.  
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 2:29:45 AM EDT


I insisted on correcting my crooked ass teeth in high school.  I guess I'm homo.  

Well, that, and your metrosexual-like standing up for these little pussbags.

Having nice teeth gets you laid and a bigger paycheck -- it's statistically proven.  It's just common decency as well, like rinsing with mouthwash so you don't cause others to puke when you're talking.  

Can't stand up for the other things though.  Nothing wrong with muscles and washboard abs, as long as they're obtained through old fashioned hard work.    
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 3:26:52 AM EDT
Looks are kind of important in our culture if you hadn't yet noticed. It is inevitable that men would fall victim to the same pressures. I wonder if the men in hollywood will soon look as malnourished as many of the women do.

Link Posted: 5/24/2005 6:41:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 6:45:23 AM EDT

Sad little bitches. 400 quatloos says they all consider themselves "Progressives" / Democrats.

(Trek flashback)

Provider 1 bids 300 quatloos for the new comers.
Provider 2, 350 quatloos.
Provider 3, 400.
1,000 quatloos.
1,050 quatloos.
2,000 quatloos are bid.
Is there a challenge?
The newcomers have been vended to Provider 1.
We're free people.
We belong to no one.
Such spirit.
I wager 15 quatloos that he is untrainable.
20 quatloos that all three are untrainable.
5,000 quatloos that the newcomers
will have to be destroyed.
Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
You now bear the mark of a fine herd.
But I must warn you -- any further disobedience
now that you are full-fledged thralls
will be punishable by death.

back on topic: Someone tell me that purely cosmetic plastic surgery isn't covered 100% in the UK...

Link Posted: 5/24/2005 6:53:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 6:56:56 AM EDT
Britain is turning into a land of gay labyboy closet queers…

Jus another reason I thank God for being Irish…

Link Posted: 5/24/2005 6:59:08 AM EDT
The feminization of the Western male continues unabated.
Link Posted: 5/24/2005 6:59:15 AM EDT

What the hell kind of boy cares more about his teeth and his legs than his penis???

WTF, over?

Yeah really.  I know some ugly m'fers that get all the ass they want because they're hung like a whale.
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