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Posted: 6/20/2001 10:08:18 PM EDT
Ok boys and girls,

On the thread "what to do to save the second amendment", there was a comment about when do THEY cross the line in the sand when it come to gun control.

Here is the deal,

Congress passes a bill banning ALL AR-15, AK-47, and M-14 style rifles, any other modern semiautomatic rifle used by any military, and any derivative models of these guns.

You have 1 month to turn these weapons in to the authorities.  The government has made arrangements to compensate you for each weapon you turn in (only $100). For SOME reason (a whacky use of immenant domian, etc.), the $100 reimbursement has been determined to be legal.

Now, the big question:

Link Posted: 6/20/2001 10:20:06 PM EDT
     In Kalifornia: a bill is pending in our state legislature to fund a "buy back" and will pay $100 (WOW!!!) for each Assault Weapon sold..
(no questions asked).

Gee! Does this mean I can sell my 2,000 M1A Super Match for a whopping $100 ?

Answer: I will be more than happy to hand over my weaponry (after I run out of bullets..)
Link Posted: 6/20/2001 11:17:57 PM EDT
Hand them my single shot break-action shotgun and say "that's all I got Ocifer!"  I's done sold the rest a while back I reckon."
Link Posted: 6/20/2001 11:39:18 PM EDT
Since this is a public forum, can't and won't say what I'll do. Suffice to say, look at the icons.    

      [-!-!-]  [frag]      

Link Posted: 6/21/2001 4:30:36 AM EDT
Dig a big hole!
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 4:35:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 4:37:50 AM EDT
If the government decides to make me a criminal because of the weapons I have, then I will be a criminal I guess. I would probably be inclined to convert my AR's to selective fire as they would be illegal anyway, and stash them away for when and if SHTF.
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 5:07:27 AM EDT

 In Kalifornia: a bill is pending in our state legislature to fund a "buy back" and will pay $100 (WOW!!!) for each Assault Weapon sold..
(no questions asked).

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i think i will start putting flash hiders on lorcins and makeing a profit selling them to the antis.

seriously, i would give them every round i had
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 5:48:49 AM EDT
A .22 will give you all the m16's you will ever want one day.
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 6:16:51 AM EDT
AR-15,AK-47?Oh those Assault Weapons ,I sold them to my neighbor, officer and he moved away a long time ago.He said something about moving to Guam.
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 8:59:07 AM EDT
There is no need to worry if such a ban becomes reality. All that would be needed is a petition to the UN to restore 2nd amdendment rights.
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 11:43:21 AM EDT
"Good afternoon, Deputy Fife. Allow me to introduce you to my small acquaintance."
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 1:15:56 PM EDT
what guns i dont own any of those evil guns why would i want one of those
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 1:35:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 2:24:27 PM EDT
Turn them in of course. you dont need an AR-15 or an AK-74 anyway when the government can protect you from foreign enemies. Assault weapons are just used in mass shootings anyhow and its dangerous to cops. if you own such weapons you must be one of those neo-nazi white supremist chritian identity militants.

Link Posted: 6/21/2001 2:29:48 PM EDT
Maybe I will set up a summer trip to the Nevada border with bundles of $120 and just rake in the rifles.
Joking aside, look what it did to Britain with the same penalties for single shots and fully auto, the bad guys all have Kalishnikovs and sawed off shotguns.
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 2:37:57 PM EDT
Hey when that happens give me a call I will join you. Aint that much of a drive.  

And my responce to the officer when he asks if he may enter to search my residents.

"Yes you may enter...but you may never leave."  I think I need a celler.  A and a crazy brother that thinks he is Teddy Rosovelt.  He can go down there and dig a 6 foot by 4 foot water lock in my celler.  Then we just have the officer who is a Yellow Fever victim and he needs to be burried.
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 7:16:35 PM EDT
Well that will mean that there will be one month left until I go proactive. That would not only be crossing over my line in the sand but that would be an act of war against the Constitution and the People. It has been said that the best defense is a good offense, and I can and will be very offensive. If I am going to be considered a criminal then I will become a criminal a very dangerous and skillful criminal with a purpose. I will wage war against the enemies of freedom, all of them, the ones who give the orders and the ones who follow the orders, I will consider my enemy and the enemy of our Constitution. And I will accept as a fact that I will die for what I believe but I will die as a man, a free man and not as a slave.

The police are very lucky that the criminals they normally have to deal with are only concerned with escaping, but when they have to go after people like me who are fighting for a cause, the cause of freedom, and who have a higher skill level with both rifles and sidearms then they have. The police officers who will fight us and all other enemies of freedom will pay a very high price for their attempt to take our freedom from us.  

Sniper for Justice          

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 7:29:58 PM EDT
We did it before and we can do it again.

Where have all the husbands gone, long time passing?
Where have all the husbands gone, long time ago?
Where have all the husbands gone?
Gone for soldiers everyone
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn? Pete Seeger
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Eric The(YeahWhenWillTheyEverLearn?)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 7:34:34 PM EDT
In this situation I would reject taking a large chance of being thrown in jail for practicing with an illegal firearm in favor of taking a lesser chance of being thrown in jail for practicing with an illegal firearm with an illegal silencer.
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 8:46:27 PM EDT
One month?  Let's see... I cache the banned ones well away from my residence, "find" the bills of sale to people who can't be found, and throw as much money as I can afford at the organization whose lawyers have filed suit in Federal court challenging the law's constitutionality, probably the NRA, SAF or GOA.

I also begin overstocking on 12-ga., 9mm, .45 and .22 ammo for the guns that are still legal.

When they come to the house, I ask to see the warrant (if they're being polite).  In any case, I grab my family and leave the house while I still can, go to my neighbor's and call my lawyer.  If I am prevented from leaving... well, it's all going to come out in court, anyway.

I am definitely not going to get into a shootout... there's a lot more of "them" than there is of "me".  My area is way too suburban.
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 8:54:08 PM EDT
Hey when that happens give me a call I will join you. Aint that much of a drive.  

And my responce to the officer when he asks if he may enter to search my residents.

"Yes you may enter...but you may never leave."  I think I need a celler.  A and a crazy brother that thinks he is Teddy Rosovelt.  He can go down there and dig a 6 foot by 4 foot water lock in my celler.  Then we just have the officer who is a Yellow Fever victim and he needs to be burried.
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I like the phrase "I promise you that they will never find your remains..."

Link Posted: 6/21/2001 8:57:08 PM EDT
1. Max out my credit cards on ammo and mre's.  
2. Cache the ammo and mre's in the hills.
3. The rest should be easy to figure out.  This will likely end with me getting killed.  So be it.  Freedom will live as long as one of us is still fighting for it...........
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 9:10:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 9:14:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 9:38:49 PM EDT
I got ten bucks that those were the same idle threats heard by machine gun owners in 1932. "They'll never take my machine guns" or "I'll cache 'em in the woods" or "I'll die shootin"  Any takers?
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 10:05:47 PM EDT
Please send them evil weapons my way for the $100 each. Ok I'll go $110. [:D]

I will need to arm the the modern day patriots that would consider such a bill an act of war on the American people and The Constitution.


Sniper out!
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 10:40:45 PM EDT
thebeekeeper1 - I already do... NRA, and I contribute what extra I can.  I guess "what I can afford" increases, the closer it gets to home.  Meanwhile, letters / e-mails to my "elected representatives" is a less costly contribution.  As an aside, isn't it wierd how I get to vote for which politician is going to ignore me as soon as he/she/it is in office ?
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 10:59:08 PM EDT
F@#K THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 11:11:14 PM EDT
HATEBREED, I think most people were concerned about just staying fed and having a job, only the Govt. and Gangster Thugs that had the cash could afford them back then (Great Depression era). I doubt most people knew they could even buy a Tommy Gun back then, much less afford them. Besides I doubt any law abiding citizen lost thier machine gun, they just had to register them. Yep, people actually trusted thier govt. back then and probably readily complied.
Link Posted: 6/21/2001 11:20:01 PM EDT
All weapons of mass destruction will be confiscated and disposed of in an appropriate manner.

Thank you.
Link Posted: 6/22/2001 3:20:03 PM EDT
I already turned mine in for $50 each.

What would I do?

Be realy pissed.

I could have doubled my money.
Link Posted: 6/22/2001 3:24:16 PM EDT
They can TRY to take my guns...  We will see what they will do.
Link Posted: 6/22/2001 3:35:31 PM EDT
since all of my AK's,AR15's,ect.were bought from other than upstanding citizens,no paper work,what weapons officer?
Link Posted: 6/22/2001 3:37:33 PM EDT
since all of my AK's,AR15's,ect.were bought from other than upstanding citizens,no paper work,what weapons officer?
Link Posted: 6/22/2001 7:51:32 PM EDT
the national outcry might not be much if that law even passed.  Probably not much if the POTUS signed it and it went into law.

But when ATF agents and Cops and Feds start getting killed in a big way the collecting would stop.  There would be more mined, booby trapped doorways and homes than you can imagine.  Even if just 5 of the members of this board shot back it would come to a halt.

A war would follow.  I really believe that.  When they start coming to doors all that legal paper work law stuff means nothing.  Cops will die.  So will citizens.  It will get ugly.  from there...hope we don't have to find out.

No quotes.  None need.

Link Posted: 6/22/2001 9:19:09 PM EDT
the national outcry might not be much if that law even passed.  Probably not much if the POTUS signed it and it went into law.

But when ATF agents and Cops and Feds start getting killed in a big way the collecting would stop.  There would be more mined, booby trapped doorways and homes than you can imagine.  Even if just 5 of the members of this board shot back it would come to a halt.

A war would follow.  I really believe that.  When they start coming to doors all that legal paper work law stuff means nothing.  Cops will die.  So will citizens.  It will get ugly.  from there...hope we don't have to find out.

No quotes.  None need.

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Exactly dead bodies by the hundreds would be to hard to justify.

When Mr Jones who has never even had a speeding ticket takes out half a dozen oficers before being shot and good old Rev. Smith down the road took out 10 and is still hold up in his house. It would stop before it even got started.

No such bill will happen. They are having to much progress taking our rights one inch at a time.
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